Chuan Wang abc, Hao Yu b, Yang Yang b, Zhenjun Gao c, Bin Xi b, Hui Wang b, Yulong Yao b
aInternational Shipping Research Institute, GongQing Institute of Science and Technology, Jiujiang, 332020, ChinabCollege of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225009, ChinacCollege of Mechanical and Power Engineering, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, 443002, China
Numerical simulations and experiments were combined to investigate pulsed jet scour.
The effect mechanism of pulse amplitude on the variation of scour hole depth was analyzed.
Models for the prediction of relative low pulse width with the inlet pulse amplitude have been developed.
This paper investigates the effects of the pulse width and amplitude on the scouring of sand beds by vertical submerged pulsed jets using a combination of experimental and numerical calculations. The reliability of the numerical calculations is verified through a comparison between the numerical simulations with the sedimentation scour model and the experimental data at a low pulse width T2 of 0, with the result that the various errors are within 5%. The results show that the scour hole depth |hmin| grows with the relative low pulse width T3 throughout three intervals: a slowly increasing zone I, a rapidly increasing zone II, and a decreasing zone III, producing a unique extreme value of |hmin|. The optimal scouring effect equation was obtained by analytically fitting the relationship curve between the pulse amplitude V and the relatively low pulse width T3. Including the optimal T3 and optimal duty cycle ƞ. The difference in the scour hole depth |hmin| under different pulse amplitudes is reflected in the initial period F of the jet. With an increasing pulse amplitude, |hmin| goes through three intervals: an increasing zone M, decreasing zone N, and rebound zone R. It is found that the scouring effect in the pulse jet is not necessarily always stronger with a larger amplitude. The results of the research in this paper can provide guidance for optimizing low-frequency pulsed jets for related engineering practices, such as dredging and rock-breaking projects.
Submerged jet scouring technology is widely used in marine engineering and dredging projects due to its high efficiency and low cost, and a wide range of research exists on the topic (Zhang et al., 2017; Thaha et al., 2018; Lourenço et al., 2020). Numerous scholars studied the scouring caused by different forms of jets, such as propeller jets (Curulli et al., 2023; Wei et al., 2020), plane jets (Sharafati et al., 2020; Mostaani and Azimi, 2022), free-fall jets (Salmasi and Abraham, 2022; Salmasi et al., 2023), and moving jets (Wang et al., 2021). Among them, vertical jets were more popular than inclined jets due to theirs simple equipment and good silt-scouring performance (Chen et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2017). So, a large number of scholars have proposed relevant static and dynamic empirical equations for the scour depth of submerged jets. Among them, Chen et al. (2022) and Mao et al. (2023) investigated the influence of jet diameters, jet angles, exit velocities, and impinging distances on scouring effects. Finally, based on a large amount of experimental data and theoretical analysis, a semi-empirical equation for the dynamic scour depth in equilibrium was established. Amin et al. (2021) developed semi-empirical prediction equations for asymptotic lengths and empirical equations for the temporal development of lengths. Shakya et al. (2021, 2022) found that the ANN model in dimensionless form performs better than the ANN model in dimensioned form and proposed an equation for predicting the depth of static scour under submerged vertical jets using MNLR. Kartal and Emiroglu (2021) proposed an empirical equation for predicting the maximum dynamic scour depth for a submerged vertical jet with a plate at the nozzle. The effect of soil properties on jet scour has also been studied by numerous scholars. Among them, Nguyen et al. (2017) investigated the effects of compaction dry density and water content on the scour volume, critical shear stress, linear scour coefficient, and volumetric scour coefficient using a new jet-scour test device. Dong et al. (2020) investigated the effect of water content on scour hole size through experiments with a vertical submerged jet scouring a cohesive sediment bed. It was found that the depth and width of the scour holes increased with the increasing water content of the cohesive sediments, and equations for the scour depth and width in the initial stage of scouring and the calculation of the scouring rate were proposed. Kartal and Emiroglu (2023) studied the scouring characteristics of different nozzle types produced in non-cohesive sands. The results of the study found that the air entrainment rate of venturi nozzles was 2–6.5 times higher than that of circular nozzles. Cihan et al. (2022) investigated the effect of different proportions of clay and sand on propeller water jet scouring. And finally, he proposed an estimation equation for the maximum depth and length of the scour hole under equilibrium conditions. From the above summary, it is clear that a great deal of research has been carried out on submerged jet scouring under continuous jet flows.
Pulsed jets have advantages such as higher erosion rates and entrainment rates compared to continuous jets and have therefore received more attention in the development of engineering fields such as cleaning and rock breaking (Raj et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2019; Kang et al., 2022; Y. Zhang et al., 2023). In the study of jet structure, Li et al. (2018, 2019a, 2019b, 2023) investigated the effects of the jet hole diameter, the number of jet holes, the jet distance, and the tank pressure on pulse jet cleaning. It was found that the transient pressure below the injection hole gradually increased along the airflow direction of the injection pipe, and the peak positive pressure at the inner surface of the injection pipe also increased. Liu and Shen (2019) investigated the effect of a new venturi structure on the performance of pulse jet dust removal. It was found that the longer the length of the venturi or the shorter the throat diameter of the venturi, the greater the energy loss. Zhang et al. (2023b) studied jet scouring at different angles based on FLOW-3D. It was found that counter flow scouring is better than down flow scouring. In the study of pulsed structure, Li et al. (2020) investigated the effects of different pulse amplitudes, pulse frequencies, and circumferential pressures on the rock-breaking performance. It was found that the rock-breaking performance of the jet increased with increasing pulse amplitude. However, due to the variation in pulse frequency, the rock-breaking performance does not show a clear pattern. The effect of Reynolds number on pulsating jets impinging on a plane was systematically investigated by H. H Medina et al. (2013) It was found that pulsation leads to a shorter core region of the jet, a faster decrease in the centerline axial velocity component, and a wider axial velocity distribution. Bi and Zhu (2021) investigated the effect of nozzle geometry on jet performance at low Reynolds numbers, while Luo et al. (2020) studied pulse jet propulsion at high Reynolds numbers and finally found that higher Reynolds numbers accelerate the formation of irregular vortices and symmetry-breaking instabilities. Cao et al. (2019) investigated the effect of four different pulse flushing methods on diamond core drilling efficiency. It was found that the use of intermittent rinsing methods not only increases penetration rates but also reduces rinse fluid flow and saves power.
Previous research on vertical submerged jet scouring has primarily focused on the effect of jet structure on scouring under continuous jet conditions. However, there have been fewer studies conducted on scouring under pulsed jet conditions. We found that the pulsed jet has a high erosion rate and entrainment rate, which can significantly enhance the scouring effect of the jet. Therefore, to address the research gap, this paper utilizes a combination of numerical calculations and experiments to investigate the effects of high pulse width, low pulse width, and amplitude on the scouring of vertically submerged jets. The study includes analyzing the structure of the pulsed jet flow field, studying the evolution of the scouring effect over time, and examining the relationship between the optimal pulse width, duty cycle, and amplitude. The study’s conclusions of the study can provide a reference for optimizing the performance of pulse jets in the fields of jet scouring applications, such as dredger dredging and pulse rock breaking, as well as a theoretical basis for the development of submerged pulse jets.
Section snippets
Model and calculation settings
Fig. 1 shows the geometric model of the submerged vertical jet impinging on the sand bed, which was built in Flow-3D on a 1:1 dimensional scale corresponding to the experiment. The jet scour simulation was set up between four baffles, where the top baffle was used to ensure that the jet entered only from the brass tube, and the remaining three tank baffles were used to fix the sediment and water body. The computational domain consisted of only solid and liquid components, with the specific
The effects of the pulse width on submerged jet scouring
The blocking pulsed jet, indicated as A and C in Fig. 8(a)–is discontinuous and divided into a water section and a pulse interval section. The water section in region A is not a regular shape, due to part of the water section near the side wall being affected by the wall friction and the falling speed being lower, but this also shows that the wall plays a certain buffer role. Region B of Fig. 8(a) shows the symmetrical vortex generation that occurs below the nozzle as the water section is
In this paper, the effects of the pulse width and pulse amplitude on jet scour under submerged low-frequency pulse conditions are discussed and investigated, and the following conclusions have been reached.
(1)The errors of between the Flow-3D simulation and the experimental measurements were within 5%, which proves that the sedimentation scouring model of Flow-3D can reliably perform numerical calculation of the type considered in this paper.
(2)The change in the high pulse width T1 in the pulse cycle
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Chuan Wang: Data curation, Conceptualization. Hao Yu: Writing – original draft. Yang Yang: Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Zhenjun Gao: Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Bin Xi: Resources, Project administration. Hui Wang: Software, Data curation. Yulong Yao: Validation, Software.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
•Landslide travel distance is considered for the first time in a predictive equation.
•Predictive equation derived from databases using 3D physical and numerical modeling.
•The equation was successfully tested on the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami event.
•The developed equation using three-dimensional data exhibits a 91 % fitting quality.
Landslide tsunamis, responsible for thousands of deaths and significant damage in recent years, necessitate the allocation of sufficient time and resources for studying these extreme natural hazards. This study offers a step change in the field by conducting a large number of three-dimensional numerical experiments, validated by physical tests, to develop a predictive equation for the maximum initial amplitude of tsunamis generated by subaerial landslides. We first conducted a few 3D physical experiments in a wave basin which were then applied for the validation of a 3D numerical model based on the Flow3D-HYDRO package. Consequently, we delivered 100 simulations using the validated model by varying parameters such as landslide volume, water depth, slope angle and travel distance. This large database was subsequently employed to develop a predictive equation for the maximum initial tsunami amplitude. For the first time, we considered travel distance as an independent parameter for developing the predictive equation, which can significantly improve the predication accuracy. The predictive equation was tested for the case of the 2018 Anak Krakatau subaerial landslide tsunami and produced satisfactory results.
The Anak Krakatau landslide tsunami on 22nd December 2018 was a stark reminder of the dangers posed by subaerial landslide tsunamis (Ren et al., 2020; Mulia et al. 2020a; Borrero et al., 2020; Heidarzadeh et al., 2020; Grilli et al., 2021). The collapse of the volcano’s southwest side into the ocean triggered a tsunami that struck the Sunda Strait, leading to approximately 450 fatalities (Syamsidik et al., 2020; Mulia et al., 2020b) (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 1, landslide tsunamis (both submarine and subaerial) have been responsible for thousands of deaths and significant damage to coastal communities worldwide. These incidents underscored the critical need for advanced research into landslide-generated waves to aid in hazard prediction and mitigation. This is further emphasized by recent events such as the 28th of November 2020 landslide tsunami in the southern coast mountains of British Columbia (Canada), where an 18 million m3 rockslide generated a massive tsunami, with over 100 m wave run-up, causing significant environmental and infrastructural damage (Geertsema et al., 2022).
Physical modelling and numerical simulation are crucial tools in the study of landslide-induced waves due to their ability to replicate and analyse the complex dynamics of landslide events (Kim et al., 2020). In two-dimensional (2D) modelling, the discrepancy between dimensions can lead to an artificial overestimation of wave amplification (e.g., Heller and Spinneken, 2015). This limitation is overcome with 3D modelling, which enables the scaled-down representation of landslide-generated waves while avoiding the simplifications inherent in 2D approaches (Erosi et al., 2019). Another advantage of 3D modelling in studying landslide-generated waves is its ability to accurately depict the complex dynamics of wave propagation, including lateral and radial spreading from the slide impact zone, a feature unattainable with 2D models (Heller and Spinneken, 2015).
Physical experiments in tsunami research, as presented by authors such as Romano et al. (2020), McFall and Fritz (2016), and Heller and Spinneken (2015), have supported 3D modelling works through validation and calibration of the numerical models to capture the complexities of wave generation and propagation. Numerical modelling has increasingly complemented experimental approach in tsunami research due to the latter’s time and resource-intensive nature, particularly for 3D models (Li et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2021). Various numerical approaches have been employed, from Eulerian and Lagrangian frameworks to depth-averaged and Navier–Stokes models, enhancing our understanding of tsunami dynamics (Si et al., 2018; Grilli et al., 2019; Heidarzadeh et al., 2017, 2020; Iorio et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021; Kirby et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2021, 2022; Hu et al., 2022). The sophisticated numerical techniques, including the Particle Finite Element Method and the Immersed Boundary Method, have also shown promising results in modelling highly dynamic landslide scenarios (Mulligan et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020). Among these methods and techniques, FLOW-3D HYDRO stands out in simulating landslide-generated tsunami waves due to its sophisticated technical features such as offering Tru Volume of Fluid (VOF) method for precise free surface tracking (e.g., Sabeti and Heidarzadeh 2022a). TruVOF distinguishes itself through a split Lagrangian approach, adeptly reducing cumulative volume errors in wave simulations by dynamically updating cell volume fractions and areas with each time step. Its intelligent adaptation of time step size ensures precise capture of evolving free surfaces, offering unparalleled accuracy in modelling complex fluid interfaces and behaviour (Flow Science, 2023).
Predictive equations play a crucial role in assessing the potential hazards associated with landslide-generated tsunami waves due to their ability to provide risk assessment and warnings. These equations can offer swift and reasonable evaluations of potential tsunami impacts in the absence of detailed numerical simulations, which can be time-consuming and expensive to produce. Among multiple factors and parameters within a landslide tsunami generation, the initial maximum wave amplitude (Fig. 1) stands out due to its critical role. While it is most likely that the initial wave generated by a landslide will have the highest amplitude, it is crucial to clarify that the term “initial maximum wave amplitude” refers to the highest amplitude within the first set of impulse waves. This parameter is essential in determining the tsunami’s impact severity, with higher amplitudes signalling a greater destructive potential (Sabeti and Heidarzadeh 2022a). Additionally, it plays a significant role in tsunami modelling, aiding in the prediction of wave propagation and the assessment of potential impacts.
In this study, we initially validate the FLOW-3D HYDRO model through a series of physical experiments conducted in a 3D wave tank at University of Bath (UK). Upon confirmation of the model’s accuracy, we use it to systematically vary parameters namely landslide volume, water depth, slope angle, and travel distance, creating an extensive database. Alongside this, we perform a sensitivity analysis on these variables to discern their impacts on the initial maximum wave amplitude. The generated database was consequently applied to derive a non-dimensional predictive equation aimed at estimating the initial maximum wave amplitude in real-world landslide tsunami events.
Two innovations of this study are: (i) The predictive equation of this study is based on a large number of 3D experiments whereas most of the previous equations were based on 2D results, and (ii) For the first time, the travel distance is included in the predictive equation as an independent parameter. To evaluate the performance of our predictive equation, we applied it to a previous real-world subaerial landslide tsunami, i.e., the Anak Krakatau 2018 event. Furthermore, we compare the performance of our predictive equation with other existing equations.
2. Data and methods
The methodology applied in this research is a combination of physical and numerical modelling. Limited physical modelling was performed in a 3D wave basin at the University of Bath (UK) to provide data for calibration and validation of the numerical model. After calibration and validation, the numerical model was employed to model a large number of landslide tsunami scenarios which allowed us to develop a database for deriving a predictive equation.
2.1. Physical experiments
To validate our numerical model, we conducted a series of physical experiments including two sets in a 3D wave basin at University of Bath, measuring 2.50 m in length (WL), 2.60 m in width (WW), and 0.60 m in height (WH) (Fig. 2a). Conducting two distinct sets of experiments (Table 1), each with different setups (travel distance, location, and water depth), provided a robust framework for validation of the numerical model. For wave measurement, we employed a twin wire wave gauge from HR Wallingford ( In these experiments, we used a concrete prism solid block, the dimensions of which are outlined in Table 2. In our experiments, we employed a concrete prism solid block with a density of 2600 kg/m3, chosen for its similarity to the natural density of landslides, akin to those observed with the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami, where the landslide composition is predominantly solid rather than granular. The block’s form has also been endorsed in prior studies (Watts, 1998; Najafi-Jilani and Ataie-Ashtiani, 2008) as a suitable surrogate for modelling landslide-induced waves. A key aspect of our methodology was addressing scale effects, following the guidelines proposed by Heller et al. (2008) as it is described in Table 1. To enhance the reliability and accuracy of our experimental data, we conducted each physical experiment three times which revealed all three experimental waveforms were identical. This repetition was aimed at minimizing potential errors and inconsistencies in laboratory measurements.
Table 1. The locations and other information of the laboratory setups for making landslide-generated waves in the physical wave basin. This table details the specific parameters for each setup, including slope range (α), slide volume (V), kinematic viscosity (ν), water depth (h), travel distance (D), surface tension coefficient of water (σ), Reynolds number (R), Weber number (W), and the precise coordinates of the wave gauges (WG).
The acceptable ranges for avoiding scale effects are based on the study by Heller et al. (2008).⁎⁎
The Reynolds number (R) is given by g0.5h1.5/ν, with ν denoting the kinematic viscosity. The Weber number (W) is W = ρgh2/σ, where σ represents surface tension coefficient and ρ = 1000kg/m3 is the density of water. In our experiments, conducted at a water temperature of approximately 20 °C, the kinematic viscosity (ν) and the surface tension coefficient of water (σ) are 1.01 × 10−6 m²/s and 0.073 N/m, respectively (Kestin et al., 1978).
Table 2. Specifications of the solid block used in physical experiments for generating subaerial landslides in the laboratory.
Solid-block attributes
Property metrics
Geometric shape
Slide width (bs)
0.26 m
Slide length (ls)
0.20 m
Slide thickness (s)
0.10 m
Slide volume (V)
2.60 × 10−3 m3
Specific gravity, (γs)
Slide weight (ms)
6.86 kg
2.2. Numerical simulations applying FLOW-3D hydro
The detailed theoretical framework encompassing the governing equations, the computational methodologies employed, and the specific techniques used for tracking the water surface in these simulations are thoroughly detailed in the study by Sabeti et al. (2024). Here, we briefly explain some of the numerical details. We defined a uniform mesh for our flow domain, carefully crafted with a fine spatial resolution of 0.005 m (i.e., grid size). The dimensions of the numerical model directly matched those of our wave basin used in the physical experiment, being 2.60 m wide, 0.60 m deep, and 2.50 m long (Fig. 2). This design ensures comprehensive coverage of the study area. The output intervals of the numerical model are set at 0.02 s. This timing is consistent with the sampling rates of wave gauges used in laboratory settings. The friction coefficient in the FLOW-3D HYDRO is designated as 0.45. This value corresponds to the Coulombic friction measurements obtained in the laboratory, ensuring that the simulation accurately reflects real-world physical interactions.
In order to simulate the landslide motion, we applied coupled motion objects in FLOW-3D-HYDRO where the dynamics are predominantly driven by gravity and surface friction. This methodology stands in contrast to other models that necessitate explicit inputs of force and torque. This approach ensures that the simulation more accurately reflects the natural movement of landslides, which is heavily reliant on gravitational force and the interaction between sliding surfaces. The stability of the numerical simulations is governed by the Courant Number criterion (Courant et al., 1928), which dictates the maximum time step (Δt) for a given mesh size (Δx) and flow speed (U). According to Courant et al. (1928), this number is required to stay below one to ensure stability of numerical simulations. In our simulations, the Courant number is always maintained below one.
In alignment with the parameters of physical experiments, we set the fluid within the mesh to water, characterized by a density of 1000 kg/m³ at a temperature of 20 °C. Furthermore, we defined the top, front, and back surfaces of the mesh as symmetry planes. The remaining surfaces are designated as wall types, incorporating no-slip conditions to accurately simulate the interaction between the fluid and the boundaries. In terms of selection of an appropriate turbulence model, we selected the k–ω model that showed a better performance than other turbulence methods (e.g., Renormalization-Group) in a previous study (Sabeti et al., 2024). The simulations are conducted using a PC Intel® Core™ i7-10510U CPU with a frequency of 1.80 GHz, and a 16 GB RAM. On this PC, completion of a 3-s simulation required approximately 12.5 h.
2.3. Validation
The FLOW-3D HYDRO numerical model was validated using the two physical experiments (Fig. 3) outlined in Table 1. The level of agreement between observations (Oi) and simulations (Si) is examined using the following equation:(1)�=|��−����|×100where ε represents the mismatch error, Oi denotes the observed laboratory values, and Si represents the simulated values from the FLOW-3D HYDRO model. The results of this validation process revealed that our model could replicate the waves generated in the physical experiments with a reasonable degree of mismatch (ε): 14 % for Lab 1 and 8 % for Lab 2 experiments, respectively (Fig. 3). These values indicate that while the model is not perfect, it provides a sufficiently close approximation of the real-world phenomena.
In terms of mesh efficiency, we varied the mesh size to study sensitivity of the numerical results to mesh size. First, by halving the mesh size and then by doubling it, we repeated the modelling by keeping other parameters unchanged. This analysis guided that a mesh size of ∆x = 0.005 m is the most effective for the setup of this study. The total number of computational cells applying mesh size of 0.005 m is 9.269 × 106.
2.4. The dataset
The validated numerical model was employed to conduct 100 simulations, incorporating variations in four key landslide parameters namely water depth, slope angle, slide volume, and travel distance. This methodical approach was essential for a thorough sensitivity analysis of these variables, and for the creation of a detailed database to develop a predictive equation for maximum initial tsunami amplitude. Within the model, 15 distinct slide volumes were established, ranging from 0.10 × 10−3 m3 to 6.25 × 10−3 m3 (Table 3). The slope angle varied between 35° and 55°, and water depth ranged from 0.24 m to 0.27 m. The travel distance of the landslides was varied, spanning from 0.04 m to 0.07 m. Detailed configurations of each simulation, along with the maximum initial wave amplitudes and dominant wave periods are provided in Table 4.
Table 3. Geometrical information of the 15 solid blocks used in numerical modelling for generating landslide tsunamis. Parameters are: ls, slide length; bs, slide width; s, slide thickness; γs, specific gravity; and V, slide volume.
Solid block
ls (m)
bs (m)
s (m)
V (m3)
6.25 × 10−3
5.85 × 10−3
5.10 × 10−3
4.39 × 10−3
3.74 × 10−3
3.15 × 10−3
2.60 × 10−3
2.11 × 10−3
1.66 × 10−3
1.27 × 10−3
0.93 × 10−3
0.65 × 10−3
0.41 × 10−3
0.23 × 10−3
0.10 × 10−3
Table 4. The numerical simulation for the 100 tests performed in this study for subaerial solid-block landslide-generated waves. Parameters are aM, maximum wave amplitude; α, slope angle; h, water depth; D, travel distance; and T, dominant wave period. The location of the wave gauge is X=1.030 m, Y=1.210 m, and Z=0.050 m. The properties of various solid blocks are presented in Table 3.
Block No
α (°)
h (m)
D (m)
aM (m)
In all these 100 simulations, the wave gauge was consistently positioned at coordinates X=1.09 m, Y=1.21 m, and Z=0.05 m. The dominant wave period for each simulation was determined using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function in MATLAB (MathWorks, 2023). Furthermore, the classification of wave types was carried out using a wave categorization graph according to Sorensen (2010), as shown in Fig. 4a. The results indicate that the majority of the simulated waves are on the border between intermediate and deep-water waves, and they are categorized as Stokes waves (Fig. 4a). Four sample waveforms from our 100 numerical experiments are provided in Fig. 4b.
The dataset in Table 4 was used to derive a new predictive equation that incorporates travel distance for the first time to estimate the initial maximum tsunami amplitude. In developing this equation, a genetic algorithm optimization technique was implemented using MATLAB (MathWorks 2023). This advanced approach entailed the use of genetic algorithms (GAs), an evolutionary algorithm type inspired by natural selection processes (MathWorks, 2023). This technique is iterative, involving selection, crossover, and mutation processes to evolve solutions over several generations. The goal was to identify the optimal coefficients and powers for each landslide parameter in the predictive equation, ensuring a robust and reliable model for estimating maximum wave amplitudes. Genetic Algorithms excel at optimizing complex models by navigating through extensive combinations of coefficients and exponents. GAs effectively identify highly suitable solutions for the non-linear and complex relationships between inputs (e.g., slide volume, slope angle, travel distance, water depth) and the output (i.e., maximum initial wave amplitude, aM). MATLAB’s computational environment enhances this process, providing robust tools for GA to adapt and evolve solutions iteratively, ensuring the precision of the predictive model (Onnen et al., 1997). This approach leverages MATLAB’s capabilities to fine-tune parameters dynamically, achieving an optimal equation that accurately estimates aM. It is important to highlight that the nondimensionalized version of this dataset is employed to develop a predictive equation which enables the equation to reproduce the maximum initial wave amplitude (aM) for various subaerial landslide cases, independent of their dimensional differences (e.g., Heler and Hager 2014; Heller and Spinneken 2015; Sabeti and Heidarzadeh 2022b). For this nondimensionalization, we employed the water depth (h) to nondimensionalize the slide volume (V/h3) and travel distance (D/h). The slide thickness (s) was applied to nondimensionalize the water depth (h/s).
2.5. Landslide velocity
In discussing the critical role of landslide velocity for simulating landslide-generated waves, we focus on the mechanisms of landslide motion and the techniques used to record landslide velocity in our simulations (Fig. 5). Also, we examine how these methods were applied in two distinct scenarios: Lab 1 and Lab 2 (see Table 1 for their details). Regarding the process of landslide movement, a slide starts from a stationary state, gaining momentum under the influence of gravity and this acceleration continues until the landslide collides with water, leading to a significant reduction in its speed before eventually coming to a stop (Fig. 5) (e.g., Panizzo et al. 2005).
To measure the landslide’s velocity in our simulations, we attached a probe at the centre of the slide, which supplied a time series of the velocity data. The slide’s velocity (vs) peaks at the moment it enters the water (Fig. 5), a point referred to as the impact time (tImp). Following this initial impact, the slides continue their underwater movement, eventually coming to a complete halt (tStop). Given the results in Fig. 5, it can be seen that Lab 1, with its longer travel distance (0.070 m), exhibits a higher peak velocity of 1.89 m/s. This increase in velocity is attributed to the extended travel distance allowing more time for the slide to accelerate under gravity. Whereas Lab 2, featuring a shorter travel distance (0.045 m), records a lower peak velocity of 1.78 m/s. This difference underscores how travel distance significantly influences the dynamics of landslide motion. After reaching the peak, both profiles show a sharp decrease in velocity, marking the transition to submarine motion until the slides come to a complete stop (tStop). There are noticeable differences observable in Fig. 5 between the Lab-1 and Lab-2 simulations, including the peaks at 0.3 s . These variations might stem from the placement of the wave gauge, which differs slightly in each scenario, as well as the water depth’s minor discrepancies and, the travel distance.
2.6. Effect of air entrainment
In this section we examine whether it is required to consider air entrainment for our modelling or not as the FLOW-3D HYDRO package is capable of modelling air entrainment. The process of air entrainment in water during a landslide tsunami and its subsequent transport involve two key components: the quantification of air entrainment at the water surface, and the simulation of the air’s transport within the fluid (Hirt, 2003). FLOW-3D HYDRO employs the air entrainment model to compute the volume of air entrained at the water’s surface utilizing three approaches: a constant density model, a variable density model accounting for bulking, and a buoyancy model that adds the Drift-FLUX mechanism to variable density conditions (Flow Science, 2023). The calculation of the entrainment rate is based on the following equation:(2)�������=������[2(��−�����−2�/���)]1/2where parameters are: Vair, volume of air; Cair, entrainment rate coefficient; As, surface area of fluid; ρ, fluid density; k, turbulent kinetic energy; gn, gravity normal to surface; Lt, turbulent length scale; and σ, surface tension coefficient. The value of k is directly computed from the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) (k–w) calculations in our model.
In this study, we selected the variable density + Drift-FLUX model, which effectively captures the dynamics of phase separation and automatically activates the constant density and variable density models. This method simplifies the air-water mixture, treating it as a single, homogeneous fluid within each computational cell. For the phase volume fractions f1and f2, the velocities are expressed in terms of the mixture and relative velocities, denoted as u and ur, respectively, as follows:(3)��1��+�.(�1�)=��1��+�.(�1�)−�.(�1�2��)=0(4)��2��+�.(�2�)=��2��+�.(�2�)−�.(�1�2��)=0
The outcomes from this simulation are displayed in Fig. 6, which indicates that the influence of air entrainment on the generated wave amplitude is approximately 2 %. A value of 0.02 for the entrained air volume fraction means that, in the simulated fluid, approximately 2 % of the volume is composed of entrained air. In other words, for every unit volume of the fluid-air mixture at that location, 2 % is air and the remaining 98 % is water. The configuration of Test-17 (Table 4) was employed for this simulation. While the effect of air entrainment is anticipated to be more significant in models of granular landslide-generated waves (Fritz, 2002), in our simulations we opted not to incorporate this module due to its negligible impact on the results.
3. Results
In this section, we begin by presenting a sequence of our 3D simulations capturing different time steps to illustrate the generation process of landslide-generated waves. Subsequently, we derive a new predictive equation to estimate the maximum initial wave amplitude of landslide-generated waves and assess its performance.
3.1. Wave generation and propagation
To demonstrate the wave generation process in our simulation, we reference Test-17 from Table 4, where we employed Block-7 (Tables 3, 4). In this configuration, the slope angle was set to 45°, with a water depth of 0.246 m and a travel distance at 0.045 m (Fig. 7). At 0.220 s, the initial impact of the moving slide on the water is depicted, marking the onset of the wave generation process (Fig. 7a). Disturbances are localized to the immediate area of impact, with the rest of the water surface remaining undisturbed. At this time, a maximum water particle velocity of 1.0 m/s – 1.2 m/s is seen around the impact zone (Fig. 7d). Moving to 0.320 s, the development of the wave becomes apparent as energy transfer from the landslide to the water creates outwardly radiating waves with maximum water particle velocity of up to around 1.6 m/s – 1.8 m/s (Fig. 7b, e). By the time 0.670 s, the wave has fully developed and is propagating away from the impact point exhibiting maximum water particle velocity of up to 2.0 m/s – 2.1 m/s. Concentric wave fronts are visible, moving outwards in all directions, with a colour gradient signifying the highest wave amplitude near the point of landslide entry, diminishing with distance (Fig. 7c, f).
3.2. Influence of landslide parameters on tsunami amplitude
In this section, we investigate the effects of various landslide parameters namely slide volume (V), water depth (h), slipe angle (α) and travel distance (D) on the maximum initial wave amplitude (aM). Fig. 8 presents the outcome of these analyses. According to Fig. 8, the slide volume, slope angle, and travel distance exhibit a direct relationship with the wave amplitude, meaning that as these parameters increase, so does the amplitude. Conversely, water depth is inversely related to the maximum initial wave amplitude, suggesting that the deeper the water depth, the smaller the maximum wave amplitude will be (Fig. 8b).
Fig. 8a highlights the pronounced impact of slide volume on the aM, demonstrating a direct correlation between the two variables. For instance, in the range of slide volumes we modelled (Fig. 8a), The smallest slide volume tested, measuring 0.10 × 10−3 m3, generated a low initial wave amplitude (aM= 0.0066 m) (Table 4). In contrast, the largest volume tested, 6.25 × 10−3 m3, resulted in a significantly higher initial wave amplitude (aM= 0.0319 m) (Table 4). The extremities of these results emphasize the slide volume’s paramount impact on wave amplitude, further elucidated by their positions as the smallest and largest aM values across all conducted tests (Table 4). This is corroborated by findings from the literature (e.g., Murty, 2003), which align with the observed trend in our simulations.
The slope angle’s influence on aM was smooth. A steady increase of wave amplitude was observed as the slope angle increased (Fig. 8c). In examining travel distance, an anomaly was identified. At a travel distance of 0.047 m, there was an unexpected dip in aM, which deviates from the general increasing trend associated with longer travel distances. This singular instance could potentially be attributed to a numerical error. Beyond this point, the expected pattern of increasing aM with longer travel distances resumes, suggesting that the anomaly at 0.047 m is an outlier in an otherwise consistent trend, and thus this single data point was overlooked while deriving the predictive equation. Regarding the inverse relationship between water depth and wave amplitude, our result (Fig. 8b) is consistent with previous reports by Fritz et al. (2003), (2004), and Watts et al. (2005).
The insights from Fig. 8 informed the architecture of the predictive equation in the next Section, with slide volume, travel distance, and slope angle being multiplicatively linked to wave amplitude underscoring their direct correlations with wave amplitude. Conversely, water depth is incorporated as a divisor, representing its inverse relationship with wave amplitude. This structure encapsulates the dynamics between the landslide parameters and their influence on the maximum initial wave amplitude as discussed in more detail in the next Section.
3.3. Predictive equation
Building on our sensitivity analysis of landslide parameters, as detailed in Section 3.2, and utilizing our nondimensional dataset, we have derived a new predictive equation as follows:(5)��/ℎ=0.015(tan�)0.10(�ℎ3)0.90(�ℎ)0.10(ℎ�)−0.11where, V is sliding volume, h is water depth, α is slope angle, and s is landslide thickness. It is important to note that this equation is valid only for subaerial solid-block landslide tsunamis as all our experiments were for this type of waves. The performance of this equation in predicting simulation data is demonstrated by the satisfactory alignment of data points around a 45° line, indicating its accuracy and reliability with regard to the experimental dataset (Fig. 9). The quality of fit between the dataset and Eq. (5) is 91 % indicating that Eq. (5) represents the dataset very well. Table 5 presents Eq. (5) alongside four other similar equations previously published. Two significant distinctions between our Eq. (5) and these others are: (i) Eq. (5) is derived from 3D experiments, whereas the other four equations are based on 2D experiments. (ii) Unlike the other equations, our Eq. (5) incorporates travel distance as an independent parameter.
Table 5. Performance comparison among our newly-developed equation and existing equations for estimating the maximum initial amplitude (aM) of the 2018 Anak Krakatau subaerial landslide tsunami. Parameters: aM, initial maximum wave amplitude; h, water depth; vs, landslide velocity; V, slide volume; bs, slide width; ls, slide length; s, slide thickness; α, slope angle; and ����, volume of the final immersed landslide. We considered ����= V as the slide volume.
Geometrical and kinematic parameters of the 2018 Anak Krakatau subaerial landslide based on Heidarzadeh et al. (2020), Grilli et al. (2019) and Grilli et al. (2021): V=2.11 × 107 m3, h= 50 m; s= 114 m; α= 45°; ls=1250 m; bs= 2700 m; vs=44.9 m/s; D= 2500 m; aM= 100 m −150 m.⁎⁎
aM= An average value of aM = 134 m is considered in this study.⁎⁎⁎
The equation of Bolin et al. (2014) is based on the reformatted one reported by Lindstrøm (2016).⁎⁎⁎⁎
Error is calculated using Eq. (1), where the calculated aM is assumed as the simulated value.
Additionally, we evaluated the performance of this equation using the real-world data from the 2018 Anak Krakatau subaerial landslide tsunami. Based on previous studies (Heidarzadeh et al., 2020; Grilli et al., 2019, 2021), we were able to provide a list of parameters for the subaerial landslide and associated tsunami for the 2018 Anak Krakatau event (see footnote of Table 5). We note that the data of the 2018 Anak Krakatau event was not used while deriving Eq. (5). The results indicate that Eq. (5) predicts the initial amplitude of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami as being 130 m indicating an error of 2.9 % compared to the reported average amplitude of 134 m for this event. This performance indicates an improvement compared to the previous equation reported by Sabeti and Heidarzadeh (2022a) (Table 5). In contrast, the equations from Robbe-Saule et al. (2021) and Bolin et al. (2014) demonstrate higher discrepancies of 4200 % and 77 %, respectively (Table 5). Although Noda’s (1970) equation reproduces the tsunami amplitude of 134 m accurately (Table 5), it is crucial to consider its limitations, notably not accounting for parameters such as slope angle and travel distance.
It is essential to recognize that both travel distance and slope angle significantly affect wave amplitude. In our model, captured in Eq. (5), we integrate the slope angle (α) through the tangent function, i.e., tan α. This choice diverges from traditional physical interpretations that often employ the cosine or sine function (e.g., Heller and Hager, 2014; Watts et al., 2003). We opted for the tangent function because it more effectively reflects the direct impact of slope steepness on wave generation, yielding superior estimations compared to conventional methods.
The significance of this study lies in its application of both physical and numerical 3D experiments and the derivation of a predictive equation based on 3D results. Prior research, e.g. Heller et al. (2016), has reported notable discrepancies between 2D and 3D wave amplitudes, highlighting the important role of 3D experiments. It is worth noting that the suitability of applying an equation derived from either 2D or 3D data depends on the specific geometry and characteristics inherent in the problem being addressed. For instance, in the case of a long, narrow dam reservoir, an equation derived from 2D data would likely be more suitable. In such contexts, the primary dynamics of interest such as flow patterns and potential wave propagation are predominantly two-dimensional, occurring along the length and depth of the reservoir. This simplification to 2D for narrow dam reservoirs allows for more accurate modelling of these dynamics.
This study specifically investigates waves initiated by landslides, focusing on those characterized as solid blocks instead of granular flows, with slope angles confined to a range of 25° to 60°. We acknowledge the additional complexities encountered in real-world scenarios, such as dynamic density and velocity of landslides, which could affect the estimations. The developed equation in this study is specifically designed to predict the maximum initial amplitude of tsunamis for the aforementioned specified ranges and types of landslides.
4. Conclusions
Both physical and numerical experiments were undertaken in a 3D wave basin to study solid-block landslide-generated waves and to formulate a predictive equation for their maximum initial wave amplitude. At the beginning, two physical experiments were performed to validate and calibrate a 3D numerical model, which was subsequently utilized to generate 100 experiments by varying different landslide parameters. The generated database was then used to derive a predictive equation for the maximum initial wave amplitude of landslide tsunamis. The main features and outcomes are:
•The predictive equation of this study is exclusively derived from 3D data and exhibits a fitting quality of 91 % when applied to the database.
•For the first time, landslide travel distance was considered in the predictive equation. This inclusion provides more accuracy and flexibility for applying the equation.
•To further evaluate the performance of the predictive equation, it was applied to a real-world subaerial landslide tsunami (i.e., the 2018 Anak Krakatau event) and delivered satisfactory performance.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
RS is supported by the Leverhulme Trust Grant No. RPG-2022-306. MH is funded by open funding of State Key Lab of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, grant number SKHL2101. We acknowledge University of Bath Institutional Open Access Fund. MH is also funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation grant no. 6217 (awarded in 2023).
Authors are sincerely grateful to the laboratory technician team, particularly Mr William Bazeley, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bath for their support during the laboratory physical modelling of this research. We appreciate the valuable insights provided by Mr. Brian Fox (Senior CFD Engineer at Flow Science, Inc.) regarding air entrainment modelling in FLOW-3D HYDRO. We acknowledge University of Bath Institutional Open Access Fund.
Data availability
All data used in this study are given in the body of the article.
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Alireza Khoshkonesh1, Blaise Nsom2, Saeid Okhravi3*, Fariba Ahmadi Dehrashid4, Payam Heidarian5, Silvia DiFrancesco6 1 Department of Geography, School of Social Sciences, History, and Philosophy, Birkbeck University of London, London, UK. 2 Université de Bretagne Occidentale. IRDL/UBO UMR CNRS 6027. Rue de Kergoat, 29285 Brest, France. 3 Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 84104, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 4Department of Water Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, 65178-38695, Hamedan, Iran. 5 Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy. 6Niccol`o Cusano University, via Don C. Gnocchi 3, 00166 Rome, Italy. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +421-944624921. E-mail:
This study aimed to comprehensively investigate the influence of substrate level difference and material composition on dam break wave evolution over two different erodible beds. Utilizing the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method, we tracked free surface advection and reproduced wave evolution using experimental data from the literature. For model validation, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis encompassed mesh resolution, turbulence simulation methods, and bed load transport equations. The implementation of Large Eddy Simulation (LES), non-equilibrium sediment flux, and van Rijn’s (1984) bed load formula yielded higher accuracy compared to alternative approaches. The findings emphasize the significant effect of substrate level difference and material composition on dam break morphodynamic characteristics. Decreasing substrate level disparity led to reduced flow velocity, wavefront progression, free surface height, substrate erosion, and other pertinent parameters. Initial air entrapment proved substantial at the wavefront, illustrating pronounced air-water interaction along the bottom interface. The Shields parameter experienced a one-third reduction as substrate level difference quadrupled, with the highest near-bed concentration observed at the wavefront. This research provides fresh insights into the complex interplay of factors governing dam break wave propagation and morphological changes, advancing our comprehension of this intricate phenomenon.
이 연구는 두 개의 서로 다른 침식층에 대한 댐 파괴파 진화에 대한 기질 수준 차이와 재료 구성의 영향을 종합적으로 조사하는 것을 목표로 했습니다. VOF(유체량) 방법을 활용하여 자유 표면 이류를 추적하고 문헌의 실험 데이터를 사용하여 파동 진화를 재현했습니다.
모델 검증을 위해 메쉬 해상도, 난류 시뮬레이션 방법 및 침대 하중 전달 방정식을 포함하는 포괄적인 민감도 분석을 수행했습니다. LES(Large Eddy Simulation), 비평형 퇴적물 플럭스 및 van Rijn(1984)의 하상 부하 공식의 구현은 대체 접근 방식에 비해 더 높은 정확도를 산출했습니다.
연구 결과는 댐 붕괴 형태역학적 특성에 대한 기질 수준 차이와 재료 구성의 중요한 영향을 강조합니다. 기판 수준 차이가 감소하면 유속, 파면 진행, 자유 표면 높이, 기판 침식 및 기타 관련 매개변수가 감소했습니다.
초기 공기 포집은 파면에서 상당한 것으로 입증되었으며, 이는 바닥 경계면을 따라 뚜렷한 공기-물 상호 작용을 보여줍니다. 기판 레벨 차이가 4배로 증가함에 따라 Shields 매개변수는 1/3로 감소했으며, 파면에서 가장 높은 베드 근처 농도가 관찰되었습니다.
이 연구는 댐 파괴파 전파와 형태학적 변화를 지배하는 요인들의 복잡한 상호 작용에 대한 새로운 통찰력을 제공하여 이 복잡한 현상에 대한 이해를 향상시킵니다.
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correspond to the horizontal component of the flow velocity (u), expressed in m/s).
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FLOW-3D 소프트웨어 제품군의 모든 제품은 2023R1에서 IT 관련 개선 사항을 받았습니다. FLOW-3D 2023R1은 이제 Windows 11 및 RHEL 8을 지원합니다. 누락된 종속성을 보고하도록 Linux 설치 프로그램이 개선되었으며 더 이상 루트 수준 권한이 필요하지 않으므로 설치가 더 쉽고 안전해집니다. 또한 워크플로를 자동화한 사용자를 위해 입력 파일 변환기에 명령줄 인터페이스를 추가하여 스크립트 환경에서도 워크플로가 업데이트된 입력 파일로 작동하는지 확인할 수 있습니다.
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FLOW-3D 2022R2 제품군 의 출시와 함께 Flow Science는 워크스테이션과 FLOW-3D 의 HPC 버전 을 통합하여 단일 노드 CPU 구성에서 다중 구성에 이르기까지 모든 유형의 하드웨어 아키텍처를 활용할 수 있는 단일 솔버 엔진을 제공합니다. 노드 병렬 고성능 컴퓨팅 실행. 추가 개발에는 점탄성 흐름을 위한 새로운 로그 구조 텐서 방법, 지속적인 솔버 속도 성능 개선, 고급 냉각 채널 및 팬텀 구성 요소 제어, 향상된 연행 공기 기능이 포함됩니다.
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낮은 수준의 루틴으로 벡터화 및 메모리 액세스 개선
대부분의 테스트 사례에서 10%에서 20% 정도의 성능 향상이 관찰되었으며 일부 사례에서는 20%를 초과하는 런타임 이점이 있었습니다.
정제된 체적 대류 안정성 한계
시간 단계 안정성 한계는 모델 런타임의 주요 동인입니다. 2022R2에서는 새로운 시간 단계 안정성 한계인 3D 대류 안정성 한계를 숫자 위젯에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 실행 중이고 대류가 제한된(cx, cy 또는 cz 제한) 모델의 경우 새 옵션은 30% 정도의 일반적인 속도 향상을 보여주었습니다.
압력 솔버 프리 컨디셔너
경우에 따라 까다로운 흐름 구성의 경우 과도한 압력 솔버 반복으로 인해 실행 시간이 길어질 수 있습니다. 어려운 경우 2022R2에서는 모델이 너무 많이 반복될 때 FLOW-3D가 자동으로 새로운 프리 컨디셔너를 활성화하여 압력 수렴을 돕습니다. 테스트의 런타임이 1.9배에서 335배까지 빨라졌습니다!
점탄성 유체에 대한 로그 형태 텐서 방법
점탄성 유체에 대한 새로운 솔버 옵션을 사용자가 사용할 수 있으며 특히 높은 Weissenberg 수치에 효과적입니다.
로그 구조 텐서 솔루션을 사용하여 점탄성 흐름에 대한 높은 Weissenberg 수에서 개선된 솔루션의 예. Courtesy MF Tome, et al., J. Non-Newton. 체액. 기계 175-176 (2012) 44–54
활성 시뮬레이션 제어 확장
능동 시뮬레이션 제어 기능은 연속 주조 및 적층 제조 응용 프로그램과 주조 및 기타 여러 열 관리 응용 프로그램에 사용되는 냉각 채널에 일반적으로 사용되는 팬텀 개체를 포함하도록 확장되었습니다.
융합 증착 모델링 애플리케이션을 위한 동적 열 제어의 예산업용 탱크 적용을 위한 동적 냉각 채널 제어의 예연속 주조 애플리케이션을 위한 팬텀 물체 속도 제어의 예
연행 공기 기능 개선
디퓨저 및 유사한 산업용 기포 흐름 응용 분야의 경우 이제 대량 공급원을 사용하여 물 기둥에 공기를 도입할 수 있습니다. 또한 혼입 공기 및 용존 산소의 난류 확산에 대한 기본값이 업데이트되었으며 매우 낮은 공기 농도에 대한 모델 정확도가 향상되었습니다.
Paula Beceiro (corresponding author) Maria do Céu Almeida Hydraulic and Environment Department (DHA), National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Avenida do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal E-mail: Jorge Matos Department of Civil Engineering, Arquitecture and Geosources, Technical University of Lisbon (IST), Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
물 흐름에 용존 산소(DO)의 존재는 해로운 영향의 발생을 방지하는 데 유익한 것으로 인식되는 호기성 조건을 보장하는 중요한 요소입니다.
하수도 시스템에서 흐르는 폐수에 DO를 통합하는 것은 공기-액체 경계면 또는 방울이나 접합부와 같은 특이점의 존재로 인해 혼입된 공기를 통한 연속 재방출의 영향을 정량화하기 위해 광범위하게 조사된 프로세스입니다. 공기 혼입 및 후속 환기를 향상시키기 위한 하수구 드롭의 위치는 하수구의 호기성 조건을 촉진하는 효과적인 방법입니다.
본 논문에서는 수직 낙하, 배경 및 계단식 낙하를 CFD(전산유체역학) 코드 FLOW-3D®를 사용하여 모델링하여 이러한 유형의 구조물의 존재로 인해 발생하는 난류로 인한 공기-물 흐름을 평가했습니다. 이용 가능한 실험적 연구에 기초한 수력학적 변수의 평가와 공기 혼입의 분석이 수행되었습니다.
이러한 구조물에 대한 CFD 모델의 결과는 Soares(2003), Afonso(2004) 및 Azevedo(2006)가 개발한 해당 물리적 모델에서 얻은 방류, 압력 헤드 및 수심의 측정을 사용하여 검증되었습니다.
유압 거동에 대해 매우 잘 맞았습니다. 수치 모델을 검증한 후 공기 연행 분석을 수행했습니다.
The presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water flows is an important factor to ensure the aerobic conditions recognised as beneficial to prevent the occurrence of detrimental effects. The incorporation of DO in wastewater flowing in sewer systems is a process widely investigated in order to quantify the effect of continuous reaeration through the air-liquid interface or air entrained due the presence of singularities such as drops or junctions. The location of sewer drops to enhance air entrainment and subsequently reaeration is an effective practice to promote aerobic conditions in sewers. In the present paper, vertical drops, backdrops and stepped drop was modelled using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLOW-3D® to evaluate the air-water flows due to the turbulence induced by the presence of this type of structures. The assessment of the hydraulic variables and an analysis of the air entrainment based in the available experimental studies were carried out. The results of the CFD models for these structures were validated using measurements of discharge, pressure head and water depth obtained in the corresponding physical models developed by Soares (2003), Afonso (2004) and Azevedo (2006). A very good fit was obtained for the hydraulic behaviour. After validation of numerical models, analysis of the air entrainment was carried out.
Key words | air entrainment, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), sewer drops
Figure 1.| Physical models of the vertical drop, backdrop and stepped drop developed in the Technical University of Lisbon.Figure 3. Comparison between the experimental and numerical pressure head along of the invert of the outlet pipe.Figure 4. Average void fraction along the longitudinal axis of the outlet pipe for the lower discharges in the vertical drop and backdrop.
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이 프로젝트의 주요 목표는 FLOW-3D를 사용하여 계단식 여수로에서 스키밍 흐름의 수치 모델링을 개발하는 것입니다. 이러한 구조의 설계는 물리적 모델링에서 얻은 경험적 표현과 CFD 코드를 지원하는 계단식 여수로를 통한 흐름의 수치 모델링에서 보완 연구를 기반으로 합니다. 수치 모델은 균일한 영역의 유속과 계단 여수로의 마찰 계수를 추정하는 데 사용됩니다(ϴ = 45º, Hd=4.61m). 흐름에 대한 자동 통기의 표현은 복잡하므로 프로그램은 공기 연행 모델을 사용하여 특정 제한이 있는 솔루션에 근접합니다.
The main objective of this project is to develop the numerical modeling of the skimming flow in a stepped spillway using FLOW-3D. The design of these structures is based on the use of empirical expressions obtained from physical modeling and complementary studies in the numerical modeling of flow over the stepped spillway with support of CFD code. The numerical model is used to estimate the flow velocity in the uniform region and the friction coefficient of the stepped spillway (ϴ = 45º, Hd=4.61m). The representation of auto aeration a flow is complex, so the program approximates the solution with certain limitations, using an air entrainment model; drift flux model and turbulence model k-ԑ RNG. The results obtained with numerical modeling and physical modeling at the beginning of natural auto aeration of flow and depth of the biphasic flow in the uniform region presents deviations above to 10% perhaps the flow is highly turbulent.
Figure 1. Grazing flow over a rapid step.Figura 2. Principales regiones existentes en un flujo rasante.Figure 3. Dimensions of the El Batán stepped rapid.Figure 4. 3D physical model of the El Batán stepped rapidFigura 7. Influencia del modelo de turbulencia. Qmodelo=27.95l/s.
ARAGUA. (2013). “Modelación numérica y experimental de flujos aire-agua en caídas en colectores.”, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, I. P. Av do Brasil 101 • 1700-066 Lisboa. Bombardelli, F.A., Meireles, I. and Matos, J., (2010), “Laboratory measurement and multi-block numerical simulations of the mean flow and turbulence in the non-aerated skimming flow region of steep stepped spillways”, Environ Fluid Mechanics. Castro M. (2015) “Análisis Dimensional y Modelación física en Hidráulica”. Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Quito Ecuador. 50 p. Chanson H., D. B. Bung., J. Matos (2015). “Stepped spillways and cascades”. IAHR Monograph. School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Chanson H. (1993). “Stepped Spillway Flows and Air Entrainment.” Can. Jl of Civil Eng., Vol. 20, No. 3, June, pp. 422-435 (ISSN 0315-1468). CIERHI, EPN TECH, (2016). “Estudio experimental en modelo físico de las rápidas con perfil escalonado y liso de la quebrada el Batán Fase I y Fase II”, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito Ecuador. Fernández Oro J. M. (2012)., “Técnicas Numéricas en Ingeniería de Fluidos: Introducción a la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) por el Método de Volúmenes Finitos”. Barcelona: Reverté. Flow Science, Inc. (2012). “FLOW 3D 10.1.0 Documentation Release. Manual de Usuario”, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Santa Fe, New México Khatsuria, R.M., (2005)., “Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators”. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta. Lucio I., Matos J., Meireles I. (2015). “Stepped spillway flow over small embankment dams: some computational experiments”. 15th FLOW-3D European users conference. Mohammad S., Jalal A. and Michael P., (2012). “Numerical Computation of Inception Point Location for Steeply Sloping Stepped Spillways” 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering. Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran Pfister M., Chanson H., (2013), “Scale Effects in Modelling Two-phase Airwater Flows”, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress. Sarfaraz, M. and Attari, J. (2011), “Numerical Simulation of Uniform Flow Region over a Steeply Sloping Stepped Spillway”, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran. Valero, D., Bung, D., (2015), “Hybrid investigation of air transport processes in moderately sloped stepped spillway flows”, E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands.
Beom-Jin Kim 1, Jae-Hong Hwang 2 and Byunghyun Kim 3,* 1 Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon 34057, Korea 2 Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water), Daejeon 34350, Korea 3 Department of Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
Hydraulic structures installed in rivers inevitably create a water level difference between upstream and downstream regions. The potential energy due to this difference in water level is converted into kinetic energy, causing high-velocity flow and hydraulic jumps in the river. As a result, problems such as scouring and sloping downstream may occur around the hydraulic structures. In this study, a FLOW-3D model was constructed to perform a numerical analysis of the ChangnyeongHaman weir in the Republic of Korea. The constructed model was verified based on surface velocity measurements from a field gate operation experiment. In the simulation results, the flow discharge differed from the measured value by 9–15 m3/s, from which the accuracy was evaluated to be 82–87%. The flow velocity was evaluated with an accuracy of 92% from a difference of 0.01 to 0.16 m/s. Following this verification, a flow analysis of the hydraulic structures was performed according to boundary conditions and operation conditions for numerous scenarios. Since 2018, the ChangnyeongHaman weir gate has been fully opened due to the implementation of Korea’s eco-environmental policy; therefore, in this study, the actual gate operation history data prior to 2018 was applied and evaluated. The evaluation conditions were a 50% open gate condition and the flow discharge of two cases with a large difference in water level. As a result of the analysis, the actual operating conditions showed that the velocity and the Froude number were lower than the optimal conditions, confirming that the selected design was appropriate. It was also found that in the bed protection section, the average flow velocity was high when the water level difference was large, whereas the bottom velocity was high when the gate opening was large. Ultimately, through the reviewed status survey data in this study, the downstream flow characteristics of hydraulic structures along with adequacy verification techniques, optimal design techniques such as procedures for design, and important considerations were derived. Based on the current results, the constructed FLOW-3D-based model can be applied to creating or updating flow analysis guidelines for future repair and reinforcement measures as well as hydraulic structure design.
하천에 설치되는 수력구조물은 필연적으로 상류와 하류의 수위차를 발생시킨다. 이러한 수위차로 인한 위치에너지는 운동에너지로 변환되어 하천의 고속유동과 수압점프를 일으킨다. 그 결과 수력구조물 주변에서 하류의 세굴, 경사 등의 문제가 발생할 수 있다.
본 연구에서는 대한민국 창녕함안보의 수치해석을 위해 FLOW-3D 모델을 구축하였다. 구축된 모델은 현장 게이트 작동 실험에서 표면 속도 측정을 기반으로 검증되었습니다.
시뮬레이션 결과에서 유량은 측정값과 9~15 m3/s 차이가 나고 정확도는 82~87%로 평가되었다. 유속은 0.01~0.16m/s의 차이에서 92%의 정확도로 평가되었습니다.
검증 후 다양한 시나리오에 대한 경계조건 및 운전조건에 따른 수리구조물의 유동해석을 수행하였다. 2018년부터 창녕함안보 문은 한국의 친환경 정책 시행으로 전면 개방되었습니다.
따라서 본 연구에서는 2018년 이전의 실제 게이트 운영 이력 데이터를 적용하여 평가하였다. 평가조건은 50% open gate 조건과 수위차가 큰 2가지 경우의 유수방류로 하였다. 해석 결과 실제 운전조건은 속도와 Froude수가 최적조건보다 낮아 선정된 설계가 적합함을 확인하였다.
또한 베드보호구간에서는 수위차가 크면 평균유속이 높고, 수문개구가 크면 저저유속이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 최종적으로 본 연구에서 검토한 실태조사 자료를 통해 적정성 검증기법과 함께 수력구조물의 하류 유동특성, 설계절차 등 최적 설계기법 및 중요 고려사항을 도출하였다.
현재의 결과를 바탕으로 구축된 FLOW-3D 기반 모델은 수력구조 설계뿐만 아니라 향후 보수 및 보강 조치를 위한 유동해석 가이드라인 생성 또는 업데이트에 적용할 수 있습니다.
Figure 1. Effect of downstream riverbed erosion according to the type of weir foundation.Figure 2. Changnyeong-Haman weir depth survey results (June 2015)Figure 4. Field gate discharge experiment.Figure 16. Analysis results for Case 7 and Case 8
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이 연구에서 FLOW 3D 전산 유체 역학(CFD) 소프트웨어를 사용하여 파키스탄 Mirani 댐 방수로에 대한 에너지 소산 옵션으로 미국 매립지(USBR) 유형 II 및 USBR 유형 III 유역의 성능을 추정했습니다. 3D Reynolds 평균 Navier-Stokes 방정식이 해결되었으며, 여기에는 여수로 위의 자유 표면 흐름을 캡처하기 위해 공기 유입, 밀도 평가 및 드리프트-플럭스에 대한 하위 그리드 모델이 포함되었습니다. 본 연구에서는 5가지 모델을 고려하였다. 첫 번째 모델에는 길이가 39.5m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 두 번째 모델에는 길이가 44.2m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 3번째와 4 번째모델에는 길이가 각각 48.8m인 USBR 유형 II 정수조와 39.5m의 USBR 유형 III 정수조가 있습니다. 다섯 번째 모델은 네 번째 모델과 동일하지만 마찰 및 슈트 블록 높이가 0.3m 증가했습니다. 최상의 FLOW 3D 모델 조건을 설정하기 위해 메쉬 민감도 분석을 수행했으며 메쉬 크기 0.9m에서 최소 오차를 산출했습니다. 세 가지 경계 조건 세트가 테스트되었으며 최소 오류를 제공하는 세트가 사용되었습니다. 수치적 검증은 USBR 유형 II( L = 48.8m), USBR 유형 III( L = 35.5m) 및 USBR 유형 III 의 물리적 모델 에너지 소산을 0.3m 블록 단위로 비교하여 수행되었습니다( L= 35.5m). 통계 분석 결과 평균 오차는 2.5%, RMSE(제곱 평균 제곱근 오차) 지수는 3% 미만이었습니다. 수리학적 및 경제성 분석을 바탕으로 4 번째 모델이 최적화된 에너지 소산기로 밝혀졌습니다. 흡수된 에너지 백분율 측면에서 물리적 모델과 수치적 모델 간의 최대 차이는 5% 미만인 것으로 나타났습니다.
In this study, the FLOW 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was used to estimate the performance of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) type II and USBR type III stilling basins as energy dissipation options for the Mirani Dam spillway, Pakistan. The 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations were solved, which included sub-grid models for air entrainment, density evaluation, and drift–flux, to capture free-surface flow over the spillway. Five models were considered in this research. The first model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 39.5 m. The second model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 44.2 m. The 3rd and 4th models have a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 48.8 m and a 39.5 m USBR type III stilling basin, respectively. The fifth model is identical to the fourth, but the friction and chute block heights have been increased by 0.3 m. To set up the best FLOW 3D model conditions, mesh sensitivity analysis was performed, which yielded a minimum error at a mesh size of 0.9 m. Three sets of boundary conditions were tested and the set that gave the minimum error was employed. Numerical validation was done by comparing the physical model energy dissipation of USBR type II (L = 48.8 m), USBR type III (L =35.5 m), and USBR type III with 0.3-m increments in blocks (L = 35.5 m). The statistical analysis gave an average error of 2.5% and a RMSE (root mean square error) index of less than 3%. Based on hydraulics and economic analysis, the 4th model was found to be an optimized energy dissipator. The maximum difference between the physical and numerical models in terms of percentage energy absorbed was found to be less than 5%.
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Flow aeration in chute spillway is one of the most effective and economic ways to prevent cavitation damage. Surface damage is significantly reduced when very small values of air are scattered in a water prism. A structure known as an aerator may be used for this purpose. Besides, ramp angle is one of the factors influencing aerator efficiency. In this research, the value of air entraining the flow through the Jarreh Dam’s spillway at the ramp angles of 6, 8 and 10 degrees, as three different scenarios, was simulated using the Flow-3D software. In order to validate the results of the inlet air into the flowing fluid at a ramp angle of 6 degrees, the observational results of the dam spillway physical model from the laboratory of TAMAB Company in Iran were used. According to the results, raising the ramp angle increases the inlet air to the water jet nappe, and a ten-degree ramp angle provides the best aeration efficiency. The Flow-3D model can also simulate the two-phase water-air flow on spillways, according to the results.
슈트 여수로의 흐름 폭기는 캐비테이션 손상을 방지하는 가장 효과적이고 경제적인 방법 중 하나입니다. 수중 프리즘에 아주 작은 양의 공기가 흩어지면 표면 손상이 크게 줄어듭니다. 이를 위해 폭기 장치로 알려진 구조를 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한, 램프 각도는 폭기 효율에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 하나입니다. 이 연구에서는 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 3가지 다른 시나리오인 6, 8 및 10도의 램프 각도에서 Jarreh 댐의 방수로를 통해 흐름을 동반하는 공기의 값을 시뮬레이션했습니다. 6도의 경사각에서 유동 유체로 유입되는 공기의 결과를 검증하기 위해이란 TAMAB Company의 실험실에서 댐 방수로 물리적 모델의 관찰 결과를 사용했습니다. 결과에 따르면 램프 각도를 높이면 워터제트 기저귀로 유입되는 공기가 증가하고 10도 램프 각도는 최고의 폭기 효율을 제공합니다. Flow-3D 모델은 결과에 따라 여수로의 2단계 물-공기 흐름을 시뮬레이션할 수도 있습니다.
Fig. 1- Schematic of the general pattern of flow and aeration process in the aerators(a) The full-scale map of the Jarreh spillway’s plan and profile.Fig. 2- Experimental setup (Shamloo et al., 2012)
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The effect of triangular prismatic elements on the hydraulic performance of stepped spillways in the skimming flow regime: an experimental study and numerical modeling
계단식 여수로는 댐의 여수로 위로 흐르는 큰 물의 에너지를 분산시키는 비용 효율적인 유압 구조입니다. 이 연구에서는 삼각주형 요소(TPE)가 계단식 배수로의 수력 성능에 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 9개의 계단식 배수로 모델이 TPE의 다양한 모양과 레이아웃으로 실험 및 수치적으로 조사되었습니다. 적절한 난류 모델을 채택하려면 RNG k – ε 및 표준 k – ε모델을 활용했습니다. 계산 모델 결과는 계단 표면의 속도 분포 및 압력 프로파일을 포함하여 실험 사례의 계단 여수로에 대한 복잡한 흐름을 만족스럽게 시뮬레이션했습니다. 결과는 계단식 여수로에 TPE를 설치하는 것이 캐비테이션 효과를 줄이는 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있음을 나타냅니다. 계단식 여수로에 TPE를 설치하면 에너지 소실률이 최대 54% 증가했습니다. 계단식 배수로의 성능은 TPE가 더 가깝게 배치되었을 때 개선되었습니다. 또한, 실험 데이터를 이용하여 거칠기 계수( f )와 임계 깊이 대 단차 거칠기( yc / k )의 비율 사이의 관계를 높은 정확도로 얻었다.
Figure 1 | General schematics of laboratory flume facilities.Figure 2 | Different layouts of the selected TPE in the experimental study (y1 and y2 are initial, and sequent depths of hydraulic jump).Figure 3 | Geometry and alignment of TPE in the numerical study.Figure 5 | Comparison of turbulence models in Flow-3D.Figure 6 | Sequent water depths versus unit flow rate in standard stepped spillways and stepped spillways with triangular TPEs of types A
and B.Figure 7 | Energy dissipation for the standard stepped spillway and the stepped spillway with TPEs.Figure 8 | Positions of measurement points to investigate the pressure and velocity distributions on the stepped spillwayFigure 9 | Velocity distributions on the vertical surface of step number 4.Figure 10 | Contour lines of the static pressure (Pa) for the standard form of the stepped spillway with discharge of 60 liters/second.Figure 11 | Pressure distribution on the vertical surface of the fourth step.Figure 12 | Horizontal profile of the pressure distribution on the floor of step 4.Figure 13 | Roughness coefficient changes with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.Figure 14 | Variations of sequent depth of downstream with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.Figure 15 | Energy dissipation rate changes with various unit discharges for different stepped spillways.Figure 16 | Roughness coefficients (f ) versus the critical depth to the step roughness ratio (yc/K).
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대용량 배출구가 있는 수중 여수로는 일반적으로 홍수 처리 및 침전물 세척의 이중 기능을 수행하기 위해 댐 정상 아래에 제공됩니다. 이 방수로를 통과하는 홍수 물은 난류 거동을 나타냅니다.
게다가 이러한 난류의 수력학적 분석은 어려운 작업입니다.
따라서 본 연구는 파키스탄 Mangla Dam에 건설된 수중 여수로의 수리학적 거동을 수치해석을 통해 조사하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 다양한 작동 조건에서 화기의 유압 성능을 평가했습니다.
Mangla Spillway의 흐름을 수치적으로 모델링하는 데 전산 유체 역학 코드 FLOW 3D가 사용되었습니다. 레이놀즈 평균 Navier-Stokes 방정식은 난류 흐름을 수치적으로 모델링하기 위해 FLOW 3D에서 사용됩니다.
연구 결과에 따르면 개발된 모델은 최대 6%의 허용 오차로 흐름 매개변수를 계산하므로 수중 여수로 흐름을 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다.
또한, 여수로 슈트 베드 주변 모델에 의해 계산된 공기 농도는 폭기 장치에 램프를 설치한 후 6% 이상으로 상승한 3%로 개발된 모델도 침수형 폭기 장치의 성능을 평가할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다.
Submerged spillways with large capacity outlets are generally provided below the dam crest to perform the dual functions of flood disposal and sediment flushing. Flood water passing through these spillways exhibits turbulent behavior. Moreover; hydraulic analysis of such turbulent flows is a challenging task. Therefore, the present study aims to use numerical simulations to examine the hydraulic behavior of submerged spillways constructed at Mangla Dam, Pakistan. Besides, the hydraulic performance of aerator was also evaluated at different operating conditions. Computational fluid dynamics code FLOW 3D was used to numerically model the flows of Mangla Spillway. Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations are used in FLOW 3D to numerically model the turbulent flows. The study results indicated that the developed model can simulate the submerged spillway flows as it computed the flow parameters with an acceptable error of up to 6%. Moreover, air concentration computed by model near spillway chute bed was 3% which raised to more than 6% after the installation of ramp on aerator which showed that developed model is also capable of evaluating the performance of submerged spillway aerator.
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많은 계단식 배수로 지오메트리 설계 지침이 평평한 단계를 위해 개발되었지만 통합 단계를 설계하는 것이 더 효율적으로 작동하는 배수로에 대한 적절한 대안이 될 수 있습니다.
이 논문은 POOL의 다른 높이에서 공기 연행과 보이드 비율의 시작점을 다루는 것을 목표로 합니다. 그 후, FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 POOL과 경사면의 높이를 다르게 하여 폭기된 지역과 폭기되지 않은 지역에서 압력 분포를 평가했습니다.
얻어진 수치 결과와 실험 결과의 비교는 본 연구에 사용된 모든 방류에 대해 잘 일치했습니다. POOL 높이는 시작 지점 위치에 미미한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 공극률의 값은 높은 방류에 비해 낮은 방전에서 더 많은 영향을 받았습니다.
여수로의 마루(통기되지 않은 지역)에서는 음압이 나타나지 않았으며 각 방류에서 마루를 따라 높이가 15cm인 수영장에서 최대 압력 값이 얻어졌습니다.
모든 사면에서 웅덩이 및 평평한 계단형 여수로의 계단층 부근에서는 음압이 형성되지 않았습니다. 그러나 평단식 여수로에 비해 평단식 여수로의 수직면 부근에서 음압이 더 많이 형성되어 평단식 슈트에서 캐비테이션 현상이 발생할 확률이 증가하였습니다.
Study of inception point, void fraction and pressure over pooled stWhile many stepped spillways geometry design guidelines were developed for flat steps, designing pooled steps might be an appropriate alternative to spillways working more efficiency. This paper aims to deal with the inception point of air-entrainment and void fraction in the different height of the pools. Following that, pressure distribution was evaluated in aerated and non-aerated regions under the effect of different heights of the pools and slopes through the use of the FLOW-3D software. Comparison of obtained numerical results with experimental ones was in good agreement for all discharges used in this study. Pools height had the insignificant effect on the inception point location. The value of void fraction was more affected in lower discharges in comparison with higher ones. Negative pressure was not seen over the crest of spillway (non-aerated region), and the maximum pressure values were obtained for pools with 15 cm height along the crest in each discharge. In all slopes, negative pressure was not formed near the step bed in the pooled and flat stepped spillways. However, negative pressure was formed in more area near the vertical face in the flat stepped spillway compared with the pooled stepped spillway which increases the probability of cavitation phenomenon in the flat stepped chute.
압력, 공극률 및 시작점을 평가하기 위해 POOL된 계단식 여수로가 사용되었습니다. 또한 POOL의 다른 높이가 사용되었습니다. 이 연구의 수치 시뮬레이션은 Flow-3D 소프트웨어를 통해 수행되었습니다. 얻어진 결과는 풀이 압력, 공극률 및 시작점을 포함한 2상 유동 특성에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 나타냅니다.
마루 위에는 음압이 보이지 않았습니다. 압력 값은 사용된 모든 높이와 15cm 높이에서 얻은 최대 값에 대해 다릅니다. 또한, 풀링 스텝은 플랫 케이스에 비해 음압점 감소에 더 효과적인 역할을 하였습니다. 시작 지점 위치는 특히 9 및 15cm 높이에 대해 스키밍 흐름 영역과 비교하여 낮잠 및 전환 흐름 영역에서 더 많은 영향을 받았습니다.
Figure 1- Schematic diagram of pooled stepped spillway conducted by Felder et al. (2012A): Notes: h
step height (10 cm): w pool height (3.1 cm): l horizontal step length (20 cm): lw pool weir length (1.5 cm):
d’ is the water depth above the crest; y’ is the distance normal to the crest invertFigure 2- meshing domain and distribution of blocksFigure 3- Comparison of numerical simulation with experimental data by Felder et al. (2012A);
mesh convergence analysis; pooled stepped spillway (slope: 26.6 0
)Figure 4- Comparison of numerical simulation with experimental data by Felder et al. (2012A);
Flat stepped spillway (slope: 0
26 6. )Figure 5-Comparison of numerical simulation with experimental data by Felder et al. (2012B); pooled
and flat stepped spillways (slope: 0
9.8 )Figure 6- TKE distribution on steps 8, 9 and 10 for four different mesh numbers: 261252 (model 1),
288941 (model 2), 323578 (model 3) and 343154 (model 4)Figure 7- Comparison of obtained Void fraction distribution on step 10 in numerical simulation with
experimental work conducted by Felder et al. (2012A); (slope 26.60
)Figure 8- Results of inception point of air entrainment in different height of the pools: comparison with
empirical correlations (Eqs 8-9), experimental (Felder et al. (2012A)) and numerical dataFigure 9- Void fraction distribution for different pool heights on steps 10; slope 26.6 0Figure 10- Comparison of pressure distribution between numerical simulation and experimental work
conducted by Zhang and Chanson (2016); flat stepped spillway (slope: 0
45 )Figure 11- A comparison of the pressure distribution above the crest of the spillway; B comparison of the
free surface profile along the crest of the spillway.
Note: x’ indicates the longitudinal distance from the starting point of the crest.Figure 12- pressure distribution along crest of spillway in different discharges; slope 26.6Figure 13- Pressure distribution near the last step bed for different slopes and discharges: x” indicatesthe
longitudinal distance from the intersection of the horizontal and vertical faces of step 10; y” is the
distance from the intersection of the horizontal and vertical faces in the vertical directionFigure 14- Pressure distribution adjacent the vertical face of step 9 for different discharges and slopesTable1- Used discharges for assessments of mesh convergence analysis and hydraulic
본 연구에서는 자유표면을 모사하기 위해 VOF 방법과 k -ε (RNG) 난류 모델을 활용하여 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하였고, 계단식 배수로의 유동을 모사하기 위한 목적으로 난류 특성을 모사하였다. 얻은 결과는 수치 모델이 시작점 위치, 보이드 비율 및 압력을 적절하게 시뮬레이션했음을 나타냅니다. 풀의 높이는 공기 유입 위치에 미미한 영향을 미치므로 얻은 결과는 이 문서에서 제시된 상관 관계와 잘 일치했습니다. 즉, 사용 가능한 상관 관계를 서로 다른 풀 높이에 사용할 수 있습니다. 공극률의 결과는 스텝 풀 근처의 나프 유동 영역에서 공극율 값이 다른 배출보다 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 더욱이 고방출량 .0 113m3/s에서 수영장 높이를 변경해도 수영장 표면 근처의 공극률 값에는 영향을 미치지 않았습니다.
낮잠 및 전환 체제의 압력 분포에 대한 0 및 3cm 높이의 수영장 효과는 많은 지점에서 대부분 유사했습니다. 더욱이 조사된 모든 높이에서 여수로의 마루를 따라 부압이 없었습니다. 여수로 끝단의 바닥 부근의 압력 결과는 평평하고 고인 경우 부압이 발생하지 않았음을 나타냅니다. 수직면 부근의 음압은 웅덩이에 비해 평평한 계단형 여수로의 깊이(w=0 cm)의 대부분에서 발생하였다. 또한 더 큰 사면에 대한 풀링 케이스에서 음압이 제거되었습니다. 평단식 여수로에서는 계단의 수직면에 인접한 더 넓은 지역에서 음압이 발생하였기 때문에 이 여수로에서는 고형단식여수로보다 캐비테이션 현상이 발생할 가능성이 더 큽니다.
In this study, the FLOW-3D software was used through utilizing the VOF method and k −ε (RNG) turbulence model in order to simulate free surface, and turbulence characteristics for the purpose of simulating flow over pooled stepped spillway. The results obtained indicated that the numerical model properly simulated the inception point location, void fraction, and pressure. The height of the pools has the insignificant effect on the location of air entrainment, so that obtained results were in good agreement with the correlations presented in this paper. In other words, available correlations can be used for different pool heights. The results of void fraction showed that the void fraction values in nappe flow regime near the step pool were more than the other discharges. Furthermore in high discharge, 0.113m3/s, altering pool height had no effect on the value of void fraction near the pool surface.
The effect of the pools with 0 and 3 cm heights over the pressure distribution in nappe and transition regimes was mostly similar in many points. Furthermore, in all examined heights there was no negative pressure along the crest of the spillway. The pressure results near the bed of the step at the end of the spillway indicated that negative pressure did not occur in the flat and pooled cases. Negative pressure near the vertical face occurred in the most part of the depth in the flat stepped spillway (w=0 cm) in comparison with the pooled case. Also, the negative pressure was eliminated in the pooled case for the larger slopes. Since negative pressure occurred in a larger area adjacent the vertical face of the steps in the flat stepped spillways, it is more likely that cavitation phenomenon occurs in this spillway rather than the pooled stepped spillways.
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A comparative performance analysis of the CFD platforms OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D is presented, focusing on a 3D swirling turbulent flow: a steady hydraulic jump at low Reynolds number. Turbulence is treated using RANS approach RNG k-ε. A Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method is used to track the air–water interface, consequently aeration is modeled using an Eulerian–Eulerian approach. Structured meshes of cubic elements are used to discretize the channel geometry. The numerical model accuracy is assessed comparing representative hydraulic jump variables (sequent depth ratio, roller length, mean velocity profiles, velocity decay or free surface profile) to experimental data. The model results are also compared to previous studies to broaden the result validation. Both codes reproduced the phenomenon under study concurring with experimental data, although special care must be taken when swirling flows occur. Both models can be used to reproduce the hydraulic performance of energy dissipation structures at low Reynolds numbers.
CFD 플랫폼 OpenFOAM 및 FLOW-3D의 비교 성능 분석이 3D 소용돌이치는 난류인 낮은 레이놀즈 수에서 안정적인 유압 점프에 초점을 맞춰 제시됩니다. 난류는 RANS 접근법 RNG k-ε을 사용하여 처리됩니다.
VOF(Volume Of Fluid) 방법은 공기-물 계면을 추적하는 데 사용되며 결과적으로 Eulerian-Eulerian 접근 방식을 사용하여 폭기가 모델링됩니다. 입방체 요소의 구조화된 메쉬는 채널 형상을 이산화하는 데 사용됩니다. 수치 모델 정확도는 대표적인 유압 점프 변수(연속 깊이 비율, 롤러 길이, 평균 속도 프로파일, 속도 감쇠 또는 자유 표면 프로파일)를 실험 데이터와 비교하여 평가됩니다.
모델 결과는 또한 결과 검증을 확장하기 위해 이전 연구와 비교됩니다. 소용돌이 흐름이 발생할 때 특별한 주의가 필요하지만 두 코드 모두 실험 데이터와 일치하는 연구 중인 현상을 재현했습니다. 두 모델 모두 낮은 레이놀즈 수에서 에너지 소산 구조의 수리 성능을 재현하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
CFDRANS, OpenFOAM, FLOW-3D ,Hydraulic jump, Air–water flow, Low Reynolds number
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Triangular Macroroughnesses 대한 잠긴 수압 점프의 유동장 수치 시뮬레이션
by Amir Ghaderi 1,2,Mehdi Dasineh 3,Francesco Aristodemo 2 andCostanza Aricò 4,*1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan 537138791, Iran2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036 Rende, Italy3Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Maragheh 8311155181, Iran4Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, Italy*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.Academic Editor: Anis YounesWater2021, 13(5), 674;
The submerged hydraulic jump is a sudden change from the supercritical to subcritical flow, specified by strong turbulence, air entrainment and energy loss. Despite recent studies, hydraulic jump characteristics in smooth and rough beds, the turbulence, the mean velocity and the flow patterns in the cavity region of a submerged hydraulic jump in the rough beds, especially in the case of triangular macroroughnesses, are not completely understood. The objective of this paper was to numerically investigate via the FLOW-3D model the effects of triangular macroroughnesses on the characteristics of submerged jump, including the longitudinal profile of streamlines, flow patterns in the cavity region, horizontal velocity profiles, streamwise velocity distribution, thickness of the inner layer, bed shear stress coefficient, Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) and energy loss, in different macroroughness arrangements and various inlet Froude numbers (1.7 < Fr1 < 9.3). To verify the accuracy and reliability of the present numerical simulations, literature experimental data were considered.
수중 유압 점프는 강한 난류, 공기 동반 및 에너지 손실로 지정된 초임계에서 아임계 흐름으로의 급격한 변화입니다. 최근 연구에도 불구하고, 특히 삼각형 거시적 거칠기의 경우, 평활 및 거친 베드에서의 수압 점프 특성, 거친 베드에서 잠긴 수압 점프의 공동 영역에서 난류, 평균 속도 및 유동 패턴이 완전히 이해되지 않았습니다.
이 논문의 목적은 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 스트림 방향 속도 분포, 두께를 포함하여 서브머지드 점프의 특성에 대한 삼각형 거시 거칠기의 영향을 FLOW-3D 모델을 통해 수치적으로 조사하는 것이었습니다.
내부 층의 층 전단 응력 계수, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 에너지 손실, 다양한 거시 거칠기 배열 및 다양한 입구 Froude 수(1.7 < Fr1 < 9.3). 현재 수치 시뮬레이션의 정확성과 신뢰성을 검증하기 위해 문헌 실험 데이터를 고려했습니다.
격렬한 난류 혼합과 기포 동반이 있는 수압 점프는 초임계에서 아임계 흐름으로의 변화 과정으로 간주됩니다[1]. 자유 및 수중 유압 점프는 일반적으로 게이트, 배수로 및 둑과 같은 수력 구조 아래의 에너지 손실에 적합합니다. 매끄러운 베드에서 유압 점프의 특성은 널리 연구되었습니다[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].
베드의 거칠기 요소가 매끄러운 베드와 비교하여 수압 점프의 특성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 예측하기 위해 거시적 거칠기에 대한 자유 및 수중 수력 점프에 대해 여러 실험 및 수치 연구가 수행되었습니다. Ead와 Rajaratnam[10]은 사인파 거대 거칠기에 대한 수리학적 점프의 특성을 조사하고 무차원 분석을 통해 수면 프로파일과 배출을 정규화했습니다.
Tokyayet al. [11]은 두 사인 곡선 거대 거칠기에 대한 점프 길이 비율과 에너지 손실이 매끄러운 베드보다 각각 35% 더 작고 6% 더 높다는 것을 관찰했습니다. Abbaspur et al. [12]는 6개의 사인파형 거대 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 연구했습니다. 그 결과, 꼬리수심과 점프길이는 평상보다 낮았고 Froude 수는 점프길이에 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.
Shafai-Bejestan과 Neisi[13]는 수압 점프에 대한 마름모꼴 거대 거칠기의 영향을 조사했습니다. 결과는 마름모꼴 거시 거칠기를 사용하면 매끄러운 침대와 비교하여 꼬리 수심과 점프 길이를 감소시키는 것으로 나타났습니다. Izadjoo와 Shafai-Bejestan[14]은 다양한 사다리꼴 거시 거칠기에 대한 수압 점프를 연구했습니다.
그들은 전단응력계수가 평활층보다 10배 이상 크고 점프길이가 50% 감소하는 것을 관찰하였습니다. Nikmehr과 Aminpour[15]는 Flow-3D 모델 버전 11.2[16]를 사용하여 사다리꼴 블록이 있는 거시적 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 조사했습니다. 결과는 거시 거칠기의 높이와 거리가 증가할수록 전단 응력 계수뿐만 아니라 베드 근처에서 속도가 감소하는 것으로 나타났습니다.
Ghaderi et al. [17]은 다양한 형태의 거시 거칠기(삼각형, 정사각형 및 반 타원형)에 대한 자유 및 수중 수력 점프 특성을 연구했습니다. 결과는 Froude 수의 증가에 따라 자유 및 수중 점프에서 전단 응력 계수, 에너지 손실, 수중 깊이, 미수 깊이 및 상대 점프 길이가 증가함을 나타냅니다.
자유 및 수중 점프에서 가장 높은 전단 응력과 에너지 손실은 삼각형의 거시 거칠기가 존재할 때 발생했습니다. Elsebaie와 Shabayek[18]은 5가지 형태의 거시적 거칠기(삼각형, 사다리꼴, 2개의 측면 경사 및 직사각형이 있는 정현파)에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 연구했습니다. 결과는 모든 거시적 거칠기에 대한 에너지 손실이 매끄러운 베드에서보다 15배 이상이라는 것을 보여주었습니다.
Samadi-Boroujeni et al. [19]는 다양한 각도의 6개의 삼각형 거시 거칠기에 대한 수력 점프를 조사한 결과 삼각형 거시 거칠기가 평활 베드에 비해 점프 길이를 줄이고 에너지 손실과 베드 전단 응력 계수를 증가시키는 것으로 나타났습니다.
Ahmed et al. [20]은 매끄러운 베드와 삼각형 거시 거칠기에서 수중 수력 점프 특성을 조사했습니다. 결과는 부드러운 침대와 비교할 때 잠긴 깊이와 점프 길이가 감소했다고 밝혔습니다. 표 1은 다른 연구자들이 제시한 과거의 유압 점프에 대한 실험 및 수치 연구의 세부 사항을 나열합니다.
Table 1. Main characteristics of some past experimental and numerical studies on hydraulic jumps.
-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-With side slopes of 45 degrees for two trapezoidal and triangular macroroughnesses and of 60 degrees for other trapezoidal macroroughnesses-Free jump
CL = 9 CW = 0.295 CH = 0.32
-Sinusoidal-Triangular-Trapezoidal with two side-Rectangular-(RH = 18 and corrugation wavelength = 65)
-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Free and submerged jump
CL = 4.50 CW = 0.75 CH = 0.70
-Triangular, square and semi-oval macroroughnesses (RH = 40 and distance of roughness of I = 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200)
-Horizontal velocity distributions-Bed shear stress coefficient-Sequent depth ratio and submerged depth ratio-Jump length-Energy loss
Present study
Rectangular channel Smooth and rough beds Submerged jump
CL = 4.50 CW = 0.75 CH = 0.70
-Triangular macroroughnesses (RH = 40 and distance of roughness of I = 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200)
-Longitudinal profile of streamlines-Flow patterns in the cavity region-Horizontal velocity profiles-Streamwise velocity distribution-Bed shear stress coefficient-TKE-Thickness of the inner layer-Energy loss
이전에 논의된 조사의 주요 부분은 실험실 접근 방식을 기반으로 하며 사인파, 마름모꼴, 사다리꼴, 정사각형, 직사각형 및 삼각형 매크로 거칠기가 공액 깊이, 잠긴 깊이, 점프 길이, 에너지 손실과 같은 일부 자유 및 수중 유압 점프 특성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 조사합니다.
베드 및 전단 응력 계수. 더욱이, 저자[17]에 의해 다양한 형태의 거시적 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프에 대한 이전 발표된 논문을 참조하면, 삼각형의 거대조도는 가장 높은 층 전단 응력 계수 및 에너지 손실을 가지며 또한 가장 낮은 잠긴 깊이, tailwater를 갖는 것으로 관찰되었습니다.
다른 거친 모양, 즉 정사각형 및 반 타원형과 부드러운 침대에 비해 깊이와 점프 길이. 따라서 본 논문에서는 삼각형 매크로 거칠기를 사용하여(일정한 거칠기 높이가 T = 4cm이고 삼각형 거칠기의 거리가 I = 4, 8, 12, 16 및 20cm인 다른 T/I 비율에 대해), 특정 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 흐름 방향 속도 분포와 같은 연구가 필요합니다.
CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 방법은 자유 및 수중 유압 점프[21]와 같은 복잡한 흐름의 모델링 프로세스를 수행하는 중요한 도구로 등장하며 수중 유압 점프의 특성은 CFD 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 정확하게 예측할 수 있습니다 [22,23 ].
본 논문은 초기에 수중 유압 점프의 주요 특성, 수치 모델에 대한 입력 매개변수 및 Ahmed et al.의 참조 실험 조사를 제시합니다. [20], 검증 목적으로 보고되었습니다. 또한, 본 연구에서는 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 내부 층의 두께, 베드 전단 응력 계수, TKE 및 에너지 손실과 같은 특성을 조사할 것입니다.
Figure 1. Definition sketch of a submerged hydraulic jump at triangular macroroughnesses.
Table 2. Effective parameters in the numerical model.
Bed Type
Q (l/s)
I (cm)
T (cm)
d (cm)
y1 (cm)
y4 (cm)
Fr1= u1/(gy1)0.5
Re1= (u1y1)/υ
30, 45
Triangular macroroughnesses
30, 45
4, 8, 12, 16, 20
Figure 2. Longitudinal profile of the experimental flume (Ahmed et al. [20]).
Table 3. Main flow variables for the numerical and physical models (Ahmed et al. [20]).
Bed Type
Q (l/s)
d (cm)
y1 (cm)
u1 (m/s)
Numerical and Physical
T/I = 0.5
T/I = 0.25
Figure 3. The boundary conditions governing the simulations.Figure 4. Sketch of mesh setup.
Table 4. Characteristics of the computational grids.
Nested Block Cell Size (cm)
Containing Block Cell Size (cm)
Table 5. The numerical results of mesh convergence analysis.
fs1 (-)
fs2 (-)
fs3 (-)
K (-)
E32 (%)
E21 (%)
GCI21 (%)
GCI32 (%)
GCI32/rp GCI21
Figure 5. Time changes of the flow discharge in the inlet and outlet boundaries conditions (A): Q = 0.03 m3/s (B): Q = 0.045 m3/s.Figure 6. The evolutionary process of a submerged hydraulic jump on the smooth bed—Q = 0.03 m3/s.Figure 7. Numerical versus experimental basic parameters of the submerged hydraulic jump. (A): y3/y1; and (B): y4/y1.Figure 8. Velocity vector field and flow pattern through the gate in a submerged hydraulic jump condition: (A) smooth bed; (B) triangular macroroughnesses.Figure 9. Velocity vector distributions in the x–z plane (y = 0) within the cavity region.Figure 10. Typical vertical distribution of the mean horizontal velocity in a submerged hydraulic jump [46].Figure 11. Typical horizontal velocity profiles in a submerged hydraulic jump on smooth bed and triangular macroroughnesses.Figure 12. Horizontal velocity distribution at different distances from the sluice gate for the different T/I for Fr1 = 6.1Figure 13. Stream-wise velocity distribution for the triangular macroroughnesses with T/I = 0.5 and 0.25.Figure 14. Dimensionless horizontal velocity distribution in the submerged hydraulic jump for different Froude numbers in triangular macroroughnesses.Figure 15. Spatial variations of (umax/u1) and (δ⁄y1).Figure 16. The shear stress coefficient (ε) versus the inlet Froude number (Fr1).Figure 17. Longitudinal turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the smooth and triangular macroroughnesses: (A) Y/2; (B) Y/6.Figure 18. The energy loss (EL/E3) of the submerged jump versus inlet Froude number (Fr1).
본 논문에서는 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 공동 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 스트림 방향 속도 분포, 내부 층의 두께, 베드 전단 응력 계수, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE)를 포함하는 수중 유압 점프의 특성을 제시하고 논의했습니다. ) 및 삼각형 거시적 거칠기에 대한 에너지 손실. 이러한 특성은 FLOW-3D® 모델을 사용하여 수치적으로 조사되었습니다. 자유 표면을 시뮬레이션하기 위한 VOF(Volume of Fluid) 방법과 난류 RNG k-ε 모델이 구현됩니다. 본 모델을 검증하기 위해 평활층과 삼각형 거시 거칠기에 대해 수치 시뮬레이션과 실험 결과를 비교했습니다. 본 연구의 다음과 같은 결과를 도출할 수 있다.
개발 및 개발 지역의 삼각형 거시 거칠기의 흐름 패턴은 수중 유압 점프 조건의 매끄러운 바닥과 비교하여 더 작은 영역에서 동일합니다. 삼각형의 거대 거칠기는 거대 거칠기 사이의 공동 영역에서 또 다른 시계 방향 와류의 형성으로 이어집니다.
T/I = 1, 0.5 및 0.33과 같은 거리에 대해 속도 벡터 분포는 캐비티 영역에서 시계 방향 소용돌이를 표시하며, 여기서 속도의 크기는 평균 유속보다 훨씬 작습니다. 삼각형 거대 거칠기(T/I = 0.25 및 0.2) 사이의 거리를 늘리면 캐비티 영역에 크기가 다른 두 개의 소용돌이가 형성됩니다.
삼각형 거시조도 사이의 거리가 충분히 길면 흐름이 다음 조도에 도달할 때까지 속도 분포가 회복됩니다. 그러나 짧은 거리에서 흐름은 속도 분포의 적절한 회복 없이 다음 거칠기에 도달합니다. 따라서 거시 거칠기 사이의 거리가 감소함에 따라 마찰 계수의 증가율이 감소합니다.
삼각형의 거시적 거칠기에서, 잠수 점프의 지정된 섹션에서 최대 속도는 자유 점프보다 높은 값으로 이어집니다. 또한, 수중 점프에서 두 가지 유형의 베드(부드러움 및 거친 베드)에 대해 깊이 및 와류 증가로 인해 베드로부터의 최대 속도 거리는 감소합니다. 잠수 점프에서 경계층 두께는 자유 점프보다 얇습니다.
매끄러운 베드의 난류 영역은 게이트로부터의 거리에 따라 생성되고 자유 표면 롤러 영역 근처에서 발생하는 반면, 거시적 거칠기에서는 난류가 게이트 근처에서 시작되어 더 큰 강도와 제한된 스위프 영역으로 시작됩니다. 이는 반시계 방향 순환의 결과입니다. 거시 거칠기 사이의 공간에서 자유 표면 롤러 및 시계 방향 와류.
삼각 거시 거칠기에서 침지 점프의 베드 전단 응력 계수와 에너지 손실은 유입구 Froude 수의 증가에 따라 증가하는 매끄러운 베드에서 발견된 것보다 더 큽니다. T/I = 0.50 및 0.20에서 최고 및 최저 베드 전단 응력 계수 및 에너지 손실이 평활 베드에 비해 거칠기 요소의 거리가 증가함에 따라 발생합니다.
거의 거칠기 요소가 있는 삼각형 매크로 거칠기의 존재에 의해 주어지는 점프 길이와 잠긴 수심 및 꼬리 수심의 감소는 결과적으로 크기, 즉 길이 및 높이가 감소하는 정수조 설계에 사용될 수 있습니다.
일반적으로 CFD 모델은 다양한 수력 조건 및 기하학적 배열을 고려하여 잠수 점프의 특성 예측을 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 캐비티 영역의 흐름 패턴, 흐름 방향 및 수평 속도 분포, 베드 전단 응력 계수, TKE 및 유압 점프의 에너지 손실은 수치적 방법으로 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 그러나 거시적 차원과 유동장 및 공동 유동의 변화에 대한 다양한 배열에 대한 연구는 향후 과제로 남아 있다.
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Spillways are constructed to evacuate flood discharge safely so that a flood wave does not overtop the dam body. There are different types of spillways, with the ogee type being the conventional one. A stepped spillway is an example of a nonconventional spillway. The turbulent flow over a stepped spillway was studied numerically by using the Flow-3D package. Different fluid flow characteristics such as longitudinal flow velocity, temperature distribution, density and chemical concentration can be well simulated by Flow-3D. In this study, the influence of slope changes on flow characteristics such as air entrainment, velocity distribution and dynamic pressures distribution over a stepped spillway was modelled by Flow-3D. The results from the numerical model were compared with an experimental study done by others in the literature. Two models of a stepped spillway with different discharge for each model were simulated. The turbulent flow in the experimental model was simulated by the Renormalized Group (RNG) turbulence scheme in the numerical model. A good agreement was achieved between the numerical results and the observed ones, which are exhibited in terms of graphics and statistical tables.
배수로는 홍수가 댐 몸체 위로 넘치지 않도록 안전하게 홍수를 피할 수 있도록 건설되었습니다. 다른 유형의 배수로가 있으며, ogee 유형이 기존 유형입니다. 계단식 배수로는 비 전통적인 배수로의 예입니다. 계단식 배수로 위의 난류는 Flow-3D 패키지를 사용하여 수치적으로 연구되었습니다.
세로 유속, 온도 분포, 밀도 및 화학 농도와 같은 다양한 유체 흐름 특성은 Flow-3D로 잘 시뮬레이션 할 수 있습니다. 이 연구에서는 계단식 배수로에 대한 공기 혼입, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력 분포와 같은 유동 특성에 대한 경사 변화의 영향을 Flow-3D로 모델링 했습니다.
수치 모델의 결과는 문헌에서 다른 사람들이 수행한 실험 연구와 비교되었습니다. 각 모델에 대해 서로 다른 배출이 있는 계단식 배수로의 두 모델이 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 실험 모델의 난류 흐름은 수치 모델의 Renormalized Group (RNG) 난류 계획에 의해 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 수치 결과와 관찰 된 결과 사이에 좋은 일치가 이루어졌으며, 이는 그래픽 및 통계 테이블로 표시됩니다.
댐 구조는 물 보호가 생활의 핵심이기 때문에 물을 저장하거나 물을 운반하는 전 세계에서 가장 중요한 프로젝트입니다. 그리고 여수로는 댐의 가장 중요한 부분 중 하나로 분류됩니다. 홍수로 인한 파괴 나 피해로부터 댐을 보호하기 위해 여수로가 건설됩니다.
수력 발전, 항해, 레크리에이션 및 어업의 중요성을 감안할 때 댐 건설 및 홍수 통제는 전 세계적으로 매우 중요한 문제로 간주 될 수 있습니다. 많은 유형의 배수로가 있지만 가장 일반적인 유형은 다음과 같습니다 : ogee 배수로, 자유 낙하 배수로, 사이펀 배수로, 슈트 배수로, 측면 채널 배수로, 터널 배수로, 샤프트 배수로 및 계단식 배수로.
그리고 모든 여수로는 입구 채널, 제어 구조, 배출 캐리어 및 출구 채널의 네 가지 필수 구성 요소로 구성됩니다. 특히 롤러 압축 콘크리트 (RCC) 댐 건설 기술과 더 쉽고 빠르며 저렴한 건설 기술로 분류 된 계단식 배수로 건설과 관련하여 최근 수십 년 동안 많은 계단식 배수로가 건설되었습니다 (Chanson 2002; Felder & Chanson 2011).
계단식 배수로 구조는 캐비테이션 위험을 감소시키는 에너지 소산 속도를 증가시킵니다 (Boes & Hager 2003b). 계단식 배수로는 다양한 조건에서 더 매력적으로 만드는 장점이 있습니다.
계단식 배수로의 흐름 거동은 일반적으로 낮잠, 천이 및 스키밍 흐름 체제의 세 가지 다른 영역으로 분류됩니다 (Chanson 2002). 유속이 낮을 때 nappe 흐름 체제가 발생하고 자유 낙하하는 낮잠의 시퀀스로 특징 지워지는 반면, 스키밍 흐름 체제에서는 물이 외부 계단 가장자리 위의 유사 바닥에서 일관된 흐름으로 계단 위로 흐릅니다.
또한 주요 흐름에서 3 차원 재순환 소용돌이가 발생한다는 것도 분명합니다 (예 : Chanson 2002; Gonzalez & Chanson 2008). 계단 가장자리 근처의 의사 바닥에서 흐름의 방향은 가상 바닥과 가상으로 정렬됩니다. Takahashi & Ohtsu (2012)에 따르면, 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 주어진 유속에 대해 흐름은 계단 가장자리 근처의 수평 계단면에 영향을 미치고 슈트 경사가 감소하면 충돌 영역의 면적이 증가합니다. 전이 흐름 체제는 나페 흐름과 스키밍 흐름 체제 사이에서 발생합니다. 계단식 배수로를 설계 할 때 스키밍 흐름 체계를 고려해야합니다 (예 : Chanson 1994, Matos 2000, Chanson 2002, Boes & Hager 2003a).
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), 즉 수력 공학의 수치 모델은 일반적으로 물리적 모델에 소요되는 총 비용과 시간을 줄여줍니다. 따라서 수치 모델은 실험 모델보다 빠르고 저렴한 것으로 분류되며 동시에 하나 이상의 목적으로 사용될 수도 있습니다. 사용 가능한 많은 CFD 소프트웨어 패키지가 있지만 가장 널리 사용되는 것은 FLOW-3D입니다. 이 연구에서는 Flow 3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 유량이 서로 다른 두 모델에 대해 계단식 배수로에서 공기 농도, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력 분포를 시뮬레이션합니다.
Roshan et al. (2010)은 서로 다른 수의 계단 및 배출을 가진 계단식 배수로의 두 가지 물리적 모델에 대한 흐름 체제 및 에너지 소산 조사를 연구했습니다. 실험 모델의 기울기는 각각 19.2 %, 12 단계와 23 단계의 수입니다. 결과는 23 단계 물리적 모델에서 관찰 된 흐름 영역이 12 단계 모델보다 더 수용 가능한 것으로 간주되었음을 보여줍니다. 그러나 12 단계 모델의 에너지 손실은 23 단계 모델보다 더 많았습니다. 그리고 실험은 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 23 단계 모델의 에너지 소산이 12 단계 모델보다 약 12 % 더 적다는 것을 관찰했습니다.
Ghaderi et al. (2020a)는 계단 크기와 유속이 다른 정련 매개 변수의 영향을 조사하기 위해 계단식 배수로에 대한 실험 연구를 수행했습니다. 그 결과, 흐름 체계가 냅페 흐름 체계에서 발생하는 최소 scouring 깊이와 같은 scouring 구멍 치수에 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여주었습니다. 또한 테일 워터 깊이와 계단 크기는 최대 scouring깊이에 대한 실제 매개 변수입니다. 테일 워터의 깊이를 6.31cm에서 8.54 및 11.82cm로 늘림으로써 수세 깊이가 각각 18.56 % 및 11.42 % 증가했습니다. 또한 이 증가하는 테일 워터 깊이는 scouring 길이를 각각 31.43 % 및 16.55 % 감소 시킵니다. 또한 유속을 높이면 Froude 수가 증가하고 흐름의 운동량이 증가하면 scouring이 촉진됩니다. 또한 결과는 중간의 scouring이 횡단면의 측벽보다 적다는 것을 나타냅니다. 계단식 배수로 하류의 최대 scouring 깊이를 예측 한 후 실험 결과와 비교하기 위한 실험식이 제안 되었습니다. 그리고 비교 결과 제안 된 공식은 각각 3.86 %와 9.31 %의 상대 오차와 최대 오차 내에서 scouring 깊이를 예측할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다.
Ghaderi et al. (2020b)는 사다리꼴 미로 모양 (TLS) 단계의 수치 조사를 했습니다. 결과는 이러한 유형의 배수로가 확대 비율 LT / Wt (LT는 총 가장자리 길이, Wt는 배수로의 폭)를 증가시키기 때문에 더 나은 성능을 갖는 것으로 관찰되었습니다. 또한 사다리꼴 미로 모양의 계단식 배수로는 더 큰 마찰 계수와 더 낮은 잔류 수두를 가지고 있습니다. 마찰 계수는 다양한 배율에 대해 0.79에서 1.33까지 다르며 평평한 계단식 배수로의 경우 대략 0.66과 같습니다. 또한 TLS 계단식 배수로에서 잔류 수두의 비율 (Hres / dc)은 약 2.89이고 평평한 계단식 배수로의 경우 약 4.32와 같습니다.
Shahheydari et al. (2015)는 Flow-3D 소프트웨어, RNG k-ε 모델 및 VOF (Volume of Fluid) 방법을 사용하여 배출 계수 및 에너지 소산과 같은 자유 표면 흐름의 프로파일을 연구하여 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 계단식 배수로에 대한 흐름을 조사했습니다. 실험 결과와 비교했습니다. 결과는 에너지 소산 율과 방전 계수율의 관계가 역으로 실험 모델의 결과와 잘 일치 함을 보여 주었다.
Mohammad Rezapour Tabari & Tavakoli (2016)는 계단 높이 (h), 계단 길이 (L), 계단 수 (Ns) 및 단위 폭의 방전 (q)과 같은 다양한 매개 변수가 계단식 에너지 소산에 미치는 영향을 조사했습니다. 방수로. 그들은 해석에 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 계단식 배수로에서 에너지 손실과 임계 흐름 깊이 사이의 관계를 평가했습니다. 또한 유동 난류에 사용되는 방정식과 표준 k-ɛ 모델을 풀기 위해 유한 체적 방법을 적용했습니다. 결과에 따르면 스텝 수가 증가하고 유량 배출량이 증가하면 에너지 손실이 감소합니다. 얻은 결과를 다른 연구와 비교하고 경험적, 수학적 조사를 수행하여 결국 합격 가능한 결과를 얻었습니다.
ListenReadSpeaker webReader: ListenFor all numerical models the basic principle is very similar: a set of partial differential equations (PDE) present the physical problems. The flow of fluids (gas and liquid) are governed by the conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy. For Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the PDE system is substituted by a set of algebraic equations which can be worked out by using numerical methods (Versteeg & Malalasekera 2007). Flow-3D uses the finite volume approach to solve the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation, by applying the technique of Fractional Area/Volume Obstacle Representation (FAVOR) to define an obstacle (Flow Science Inc. 2012). Equations (1) and (2) are RANS and continuity equations with FAVOR variables that are applied for incompressible flows.
(2)where is the velocity in xi direction, t is the time, is the fractional area open to flow in the subscript directions, is the volume fraction of fluid in each cell, p is the hydrostatic pressure, is the density, is the gravitational force in subscript directions and is the Reynolds stresses.
Turbulence modelling is one of three key elements in CFD (Gunal 1996). There are many types of turbulence models, but the most common are Zero-equation models, One-equation models, Two-equation models, Reynolds Stress/Flux models and Algebraic Stress/Flux models. In FLOW-3D software, five turbulence models are available. The formulation used in the FLOW-3D software differs slightly from other formulations that includes the influence of the fractional areas/volumes of the FAVORTM method and generalizes the turbulence production (or decay) associated with buoyancy forces. The latter generalization, for example, includes buoyancy effects associated with non-inertial accelerations.
The available turbulence models in Flow-3D software are the Prandtl Mixing Length Model, the One-Equation Turbulent Energy Model, the Two-Equation Standard Model, the Two-Equation Renormalization-Group (RNG) Model and large Eddy Simulation Model (Flow Science Inc. 2012).In this research the RNG model was selected because this model is more commonly used than other models in dealing with particles; moreover, it is more accurate to work with air entrainment and other particles. In general, the RNG model is classified as a more widely-used application than the standard k-ɛ model. And in particular, the RNG model is more accurate in flows that have strong shear regions than the standard k-ɛ model and it is defined to describe low intensity turbulent flows. For the turbulent dissipation it solves an additional transport equation:
(3)where CDIS1, CDIS2, and CDIS3 are dimensionless parameters and the user can modify them. The diffusion of dissipation, Diff ɛ, is
(4)where u, v and w are the x, y and z coordinates of the fluid velocity; , , and , are FLOW-3D’s FAVORTM defined terms; and are turbulence due to shearing and buoyancy effects, respectively. R and are related to the cylindrical coordinate system. The default values of RMTKE, CDIS1 and CNU differ, being 1.39, 1.42 and 0.085 respectively. And CDIS2 is calculated from turbulent production () and turbulent kinetic energy ().The kinematic turbulent viscosity is the same in all turbulence transport models and is calculated from
(5)where : is the turbulent kinematic viscosity. is defined as the numerical challenge between the RNG and the two-equation k-ɛ models, found in the equation below. To avoid an unphysically large result for in Equation (3), since this equation could produce a value for very close to zero and also because the physical value of may approach to zero in such cases, the value of is calculated from the following equation:
(6)where : the turbulent length scale.
VOF and FAVOR are classifications of volume-fraction methods. In these two methods, firstly the area should be subdivided into a control volume grid or a small element. Each flow parameter like velocity, temperature and pressure values within the element are computed for each element containing liquids. Generally, these values represent the volumetric average of values in the elements.Numerous methods have been used recently to solve free infinite boundaries in the various numerical simulations. VOF is an easy and powerful method created based on the concept of a fractional intensity of fluid. A significant number of studies have confirmed that this method is more flexible and efficient than others dealing with the configurations of a complex free boundary. By using VOF technology the Flow-3D free surface was modelled and first declared in Hirt & Nichols (1981). In the VOF method there are three ingredients: a planner to define the surface, an algorithm for tracking the surface as a net mediator moving over a computational grid, and application of the boundary conditions to the surface. Configurations of the fluids are defined in terms of VOF function, F (x, y, z, t) (Hirt & Nichols 1981). And this VOF function shows the volume of flow per unit volume
(9)where is the density of the fluid, is a turbulent diffusion term, is a mass source, is the fractional volume open to flow. The components of velocity (u, v, w) are in the direction of coordinates (x, y, z) or (r, ). in the x-direction is the fractional area open to flow, and are identical area fractions for flow in the y and z directions. The R coefficient is based on the selection of the coordinate system.
The FAVOR method is a different method and uses another volume fraction technique, which is only used to define the geometry, such as the volume of liquid in each cell used to determine the position of fluid surfaces. Another fractional volume can be used to define the solid surface. Then, this information is used to determine the boundary conditions of the wall that the flow should be adapted for.
In this study, the experimental results of Ostad Mirza (2016) was simulated. In a channel composed of two 4 m long modules, with a transparent sidewall of height 0.6 m and 0.5 m width. The upstream chute slope (i.e. pseudo-bottom angle) Ɵ1 = 50°, the downstream chute slope Ɵ2 = 30° or 18.6°, the step heights h = 0.06 m, the total number of steps along the 50° chute 41 steps, the total number of steps along the 30° chute 34 steps and the total number of steps along the 18.6° chute 20 steps.
The flume inflow tool contained a jetbox with a maximum opening set to 0.12 meters, designed for passing the maximum unit discharge of 0.48 m2/s. The measurements of the flow properties (i.e. air concentration and velocity) were computed perpendicular to the pseudo-bottom as shown in Figure 1 at the centre of twenty stream-wise cross-sections, along the stepped chute, (i.e. in five steps up on the slope change and fifteen steps down on the slope change, namely from step number −09 to +23 on 50°–30° slope change, or from −09 to +15 on 50°–18.6° slope change, respectively).
Sketch of the air concentration C and velocity V measured perpendicular to the pseudo-bottom used by Mirza (Ostad Mirza 2016).
Sketch of the air concentration C and velocity V measured perpendicular to the pseudo-bottom used by Mirza (Ostad Mirza 2016).
Pressure sensors were arranged with the x/l values for different slope change as shown in Table 1, where x is the distance from the step edge, along the horizontal step face, and l is the length of the horizontal step face. The location of pressure sensors is shown in Table 1.Table 1
Location of pressure sensors on horizontal step faces
x/l (–)
Location of pressure sensors on horizontal step faces
Inlet boundary condition for Q = 0.235 m3/s and fluid elevation 4.21834 m.
Inlet boundary condition for Q = 0.235 m3/s and fluid elevation 4.21834 m.
A 3D numerical model of hydraulic phenomena was simulated based on an experimental study by Ostad Mirza (2016). The water surcharge and flow pressure over the stepped spillway was computed for two models of a stepped spillway with different discharge for each model. In this study, the package was used to simulate the flow parameters such as air entrainment, velocity distribution and dynamic pressures. The solver uses the finite volume technique to discretize the computational domain. In every test run, one incompressible fluid flow with a free surface flow selected at 20̊ was used for this simulation model. Table 2 shows the variables used in test runs.Table 2
Variables used in test runs
Test no.
Θ1 (°)
Θ2 (°)
q (m3s−1)
dc/h (–)
Table 2 Variables used in test runs
For stepped spillway simulation, several parameters should be specified to get accurate simulations, which is the scope of this research. Viscosity and turbulent, gravity and non-inertial reference frame, air entrainment, density evaluation and drift-flux should be activated for these simulations. There are five different choices in the ‘viscosity and turbulent’ option, in the viscosity flow and Renormalized Group (RNG) model. Then a dynamical model is selected as the second option, the ‘gravity and non-inertial reference frame’. Only the z-component was inputted as a negative 9.81 m/s2 and this value represents gravitational acceleration but in the same option the x and y components will be zero. Air entrainment is selected. Finally, in the drift-flux model, the density of phase one is input as (water) 1,000 kg/m3 and the density of phase two (air) as 1.225 kg/m3. Minimum volume fraction of phase one is input equal to 0.1 and maximum volume fraction of phase two to 1 to allow air concentration to reach 90%, then the option allowing gas to escape at free surface is selected, to obtain closer simulation.
The flow domain is divided into small regions relatively by the mesh in Flow-3D numerical model. Cells are the smallest part of the mesh, in which flow characteristics such as air concentration, velocity and dynamic pressure are calculated. The accuracy of the results and simulation time depends directly on the mesh block size so the cell size is very important. Orthogonal mesh was used in cartesian coordinate systems. A smaller cell size provides more accuracy for results, so we reduced the number of cells whilst including enough accuracy. In this study, the size of cells in x, y and z directions was selected as 0.015 m after several trials.
Figure 3 shows the 3D computational domain model 50–18.6 slope change, that is 6.0 m length, 0.50 m width and 4.23 m height. The 3D model of the computational domain model 50–30 slope changes this to 6.0 m length, 0.50 m width and 5.068 m height and the size of meshes in x, y, and z directions are 0.015 m. For the 50–18.6 slope change model: both total number of active and passive cells = 4,009,952, total number of active cells = 3,352,307, include real cells (used for solving the flow equations) = 3,316,269, open real cells = 3,316,269, fully blocked real cells equal to zero, external boundary cells were 36,038, inter-block boundary cells = 0 (Flow-3D report). For 50–30 slope change model: both total number of active and passive cells = 4,760,002, total number of active cells equal to 4,272,109, including real cells (used for solving the flow equations) were 3,990,878, open real cells = 3,990,878 fully blocked real cells = zero, external boundary cells were 281,231, inter-block boundary cells = 0 (Flow-3D report).
Figure3 The 3D computational domain model (50–18.6) slope change, and boundary condition for (50–30 slope change) model.
The 3D computational domain model (50–18.6) slope change, and boundary condition for (50–30 slope change) model.
When solving the Navier-Stokes equation and continuous equations, boundary conditions should be applied. The most important work of boundary conditions is to create flow conditions similar to physical status. The Flow-3D software has many types of boundary condition; each type can be used for the specific condition of the models. The boundary conditions in Flow-3D are symmetry, continuative, specific pressure, grid overlay, wave, wall, periodic, specific velocity, outflow, and volume flow rate.
There are two options to input finite flow rate in the Flow-3D software either for inlet discharge of the system or for the outlet discharge of the domain: specified velocity and volume flow rate. In this research, the X-minimum boundary condition, volume flow rate, has been chosen. For X-maximum boundary condition, outflow was selected because there is nothing to be calculated at the end of the flume. The volume flow rate and the elevation of surface water was set for Q = 0.1 and 0.235 m3/s respectively (Figure 2).
The bottom (Z-min) is prepared as a wall boundary condition and the top (Z-max) is computed as a pressure boundary condition, and for both (Y-min) and (Y-max) as symmetry.
The air concentration distribution profiles in two models of stepped spillway were obtained at an acquisition time equal to 25 seconds in skimming flow for both upstream and downstream of a slope change 50°–18.6° and 50°–30° for different discharge as in Table 2, and as shown in Figure 4 for 50°–18.6° slope change and Figure 5 for 50°–30° slope change configuration for dc/h = 4.6. The simulation results of the air concentration are very close to the experimental results in all curves and fairly close to that predicted by the advection-diffusion model for the air bubbles suggested by Chanson (1997) on a constant sloping chute.
Figure 4
Experimental and simulated air concentration distribution for steps number −5, +1, +5, +8, +11 and +15 along the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 4.6.
Experimental and simulated air concentration distribution for steps number −5, +1, +5, +8, +11 and +15 along the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 4.6.
Experimental and simulated air concentration distribution for steps number −5, +1, +5, +8, +11 and +15 along the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 4.6.
Figure5 Experimental and simulated air concentration distribution for steps number −5, +1, +5, +11, +19 and +22 along the 50°–30° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6.
Experimental and simulated air concentration distribution for steps number −5, +1, +5, +11, +19 and +22 along the 50°–30° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6.
Figure 6 Experimental and simulated dimensionless velocity distribution for steps number −5, −1, +1, +5, +8, +11 and +15 along the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 2.6.
Experimental and simulated dimensionless velocity distribution for steps number −5, −1, +1, +5, +8, +11 and +15 along the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 2.6.
Figure 7 Experimental and simulated dimensionless velocity distribution for steps number −5, −1, +1, +5. +11, +15 and +22 along the 50°–30° slope change for dc/h = 2.6.
Experimental and simulated dimensionless velocity distribution for steps number −5, −1, +1, +5. +11, +15 and +22 along the 50°–30° slope change for dc/h = 2.6.
But as is shown in all above mentioned figures it is clear that at the pseudo-bottom the CFD results of air concentration are less than experimental ones until the depth of water reaches a quarter of the total depth of water. Also the direction of the curves are parallel to each other when going up towards the surface water and are incorporated approximately near the surface water. For all curves, the cross-section is separate between upstream and downstream steps. Therefore the (-) sign for steps represents a step upstream of the slope change cross-section and the (+) sign represents a step downstream of the slope change cross-section.
The dimensionless velocity distribution (V/V90) profile was acquired at an acquisition time equal to 25 seconds in skimming flow of the upstream and downstream slope change for both 50°–18.6° and 50°–30° slope change. The simulation results are compared with the experimental ones showing that for all curves there is close similarity for each point between the observed and experimental results. The curves increase parallel to each other and they merge near at the surface water as shown in Figure 6 for slope change 50°–18.6° configuration and Figure 7 for slope change 50°–30° configuration. However, at step numbers +1 and +5 in Figure 7 there are few differences between the simulated and observed results, namely the simulation curves ascend regularly meaning the velocity increases regularly from the pseudo-bottom up to the surface water.
Figure 8 (50°–18.6° slope change) and Figure 9 (50°–30° slope change) compare the simulation results and the experimental results for the presented dimensionless dynamic pressure distribution for different points on the stepped spillway. The results show a good agreement with the experimental and numerical simulations in all curves. For some points, few discrepancies can be noted in pressure magnitudes between the simulated and the observed ones, but they are in the acceptable range. Although the experimental data do not completely agree with the simulated results, there is an overall agreement.
Figure 8 Comparison between simulated and experimental results for the dimensionless pressure for steps number −1, −2, −3 and +1, +2 +3 and +20 on the horizontal step faces of 50°–18.6° slope change configuration, for dc/h = 4.6, x is the distance from the step edge.
Comparison between simulated and experimental results for the dimensionless pressure for steps number −1, −2, −3 and +1, +2 +3 and +20 on the horizontal step faces of 50°–18.6° slope change configuration, for dc/h = 4.6, x is the distance from the step edge.
Figure 9 Comparison between simulated and experimental results for the dimensionless pressure for steps number −1, −2, −3 and +1, +2 and +30, +31 on the horizontal step face of 50°–30° slope change configuration, for dc/h = 4.6, x is the distance from the step edge.
Comparison between simulated and experimental results for the dimensionless pressure for steps number −1, −2, −3 and +1, +2 and +30, +31 on the horizontal step face of 50°–30° slope change configuration, for dc/h = 4.6, x is the distance from the step edge.
The pressure profiles were acquired at an acquisition time equal to 70 seconds in skimming flow on 50°–18.6°, where p is the measured dynamic pressure, h is step height and ϒ is water specific weight. A negative sign for steps represents a step upstream of the slope change cross-section and a positive sign represents a step downstream of the slope change cross-section.
Figure 10 shows the experimental streamwise development of dimensionless pressure on the 50°–18.6° slope change for dc/h = 4.6, x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.3 on 18.6° sloping chute compared with the numerical simulation. It is obvious from Figure 10 that the streamwise development of dimensionless pressure before slope change (steps number −1, −2 and −3) both of the experimental and simulated results are close to each other. However, it is clear that there is a little difference between the results of the streamwise development of dimensionless pressure at step numbers +1, +2 and +3. Moreover, from step number +3 to the end, the curves get close to each other.
Figure 10 Comparison between experimental and simulated results for the streamwise development of the dimensionless pressure on the 50°–18.6° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6, and x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.3 on 18.6° sloping chute.
Comparison between experimental and simulated results for the streamwise development of the dimensionless pressure on the 50°–18.6° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6, and x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.3 on 18.6° sloping chute.
Figure 11 compares the experimental and the numerical results for the streamwise development of the dimensionless pressure on the 50°–30° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6, and x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.17 on 30° sloping chute. It is apparent that the outcomes of the experimental work are close to the numerical results, however, the results of the simulation are above the experimental ones before the slope change, but the results of the simulation descend below the experimental ones after the slope change till the end.
Figure 11 Comparison between experimental and simulated results for the streamwise development of the dimensionless pressure on the 50°–30° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6, and x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.17 on 30° sloping chute.
Comparison between experimental and simulated results for the streamwise development of the dimensionless pressure on the 50°–30° slope change, for dc/h = 4.6, and x/l = 0.35 on 50° sloping chute and x/l = 0.17 on 30° sloping chute.
In this research, numerical modelling was attempted to investigate the effect of abrupt slope change on the flow properties (air entrainment, velocity distribution and dynamic pressure) over a stepped spillway with two different models and various flow rates in a skimming flow regime by using the CFD technique. The numerical model was verified and compared with the experimental results of Ostad Mirza (2016). The same domain of the numerical model was inputted as in experimental models to reduce errors as much as possible.
Flow-3D is a well modelled tool that deals with particles. In this research, the model deals well with air entrainment particles by observing their results with experimental results. And the reason for the small difference between the numerical and the experimental results is that the program deals with particles more accurately than the laboratory. In general, both numerical and experimental results showed that near to the slope change the flow bulking, air entrainment, velocity distribution and dynamic pressure are greatly affected by abrupt slope change on the steps. Although the extent of the slope change was relatively small, the influence of the slope change was major on flow characteristics.
The Renormalized Group (RNG) model was selected as a turbulence solver. For 3D modelling, orthogonal mesh was used as a computational domain and the mesh grid size used for X, Y, and Z direction was equal to 0.015 m. In CFD modelling, air concentration and velocity distribution were recorded for a period of 25 seconds, but dynamic pressure was recorded for a period of 70 seconds. The results showed that there is a good agreement between the numerical and the physical models. So, it can be concluded that the proposed CFD model is very suitable for use in simulating and analysing the design of hydraulic structures.
이 연구에서 수치 모델링은 두 가지 다른 모델과 다양한 유속을 사용하여 스키밍 흐름 영역에서 계단식 배수로에 대한 유동 특성 (공기 혼입, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력)에 대한 급격한 경사 변화의 영향을 조사하기 위해 시도되었습니다. CFD 기술. 수치 모델을 검증하여 Ostad Mirza (2016)의 실험 결과와 비교 하였다. 오차를 최대한 줄이기 위해 실험 모형과 동일한 수치 모형을 입력 하였다.
Flow-3D는 파티클을 다루는 잘 모델링 된 도구입니다. 이 연구에서 모델은 실험 결과를 통해 결과를 관찰하여 공기 혼입 입자를 잘 처리합니다. 그리고 수치와 실험 결과의 차이가 작은 이유는 프로그램이 실험실보다 입자를 더 정확하게 다루기 때문입니다. 일반적으로 수치 및 실험 결과는 경사에 가까워지면 유동 벌킹, 공기 혼입, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력이 계단의 급격한 경사 변화에 크게 영향을받는 것으로 나타났습니다. 사면 변화의 정도는 상대적으로 작았지만 사면 변화의 영향은 유동 특성에 큰 영향을 미쳤다.
Renormalized Group (RNG) 모델이 난류 솔버로 선택되었습니다. 3D 모델링의 경우 계산 영역으로 직교 메쉬가 사용되었으며 X, Y, Z 방향에 사용 된 메쉬 그리드 크기는 0.015m입니다. CFD 모델링에서 공기 농도와 속도 분포는 25 초 동안 기록되었지만 동적 압력은 70 초 동안 기록되었습니다. 결과는 수치 모델과 물리적 모델간에 좋은 일치가 있음을 보여줍니다. 따라서 제안 된 CFD 모델은 수력 구조물의 설계 시뮬레이션 및 해석에 매우 적합하다는 결론을 내릴 수 있습니다.
터널 배수로는 높은 자유 표면 유속이 설정되는 배수로 유형 중 하나입니다. 회전 가속과 난류 흐름의 불규칙성으로 인해 오목한 수직 굽힘에서 압력이 증가합니다. 물리적 모델은 이 현상을 분석하는 가장 좋은 도구입니다.
모든 실제 프로토 타입 상태 분석을 포괄하는 데 필요한 물리적 모델의 수가 너무 많아 배치 및 비용 측면에서 비실용적입니다. 따라서 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어는 가능한 모든 실제 대안을 포괄하는 오목한 굴곡 터널의 난류 흐름 데이터베이스를 분석하고 생성하기 위해 선택되었습니다.
이 소프트웨어는 방전과 형상이 다른 다양한 터널을 시뮬레이션했습니다. 수치 결과는 Alborz Dam 터널 배수로의 건설 된 물리적 모델의 실험 결과로 검증되었으며 만족스러운 동의를 얻었습니다. 차원 분석은 문제의 관련 변수를 차원 없는 매개 변수로 그룹화하는 데 사용됩니다.
이러한 매개 변수는 인공 신경망 시뮬레이션에 사용됩니다. 결과는 Flow-3D 소프트웨어로 얻은 무 차원 매개 변수와 신경망에 의해 예측된 변수 사이의 상관 계수 R2 = 0.95를 보여 주었으며, 이와 관련하여 난류 모델링을 통해 얻은 데이터베이스를 기반으로 한 인공 신경망이 결론을 내릴 수있었습니다. 압력 예측을 위한 강력한 도구입니다.
Figure 1. Flow in a concave curvatureFigure 2. Flow in the curvature of the flip bucketFigure 3. The location of piezometers on the bed of the concave curvature of tunnel spillway in
Alborz DamFigure 4. Structure of artificial neural network [37]Figure 6. Correlation coefficient of the Neural Network simulation and Flow-3D in the
validation stageFigure 7. Comparison 0f the Simulated Neural Network and Flow-3D Results of the validation
stageFigure 8. Correlation coefficient of the Flow-3D numerical results and Equation (1)Figure 9. Correlation coefficient of the Flow-3D numerical results and Equation (2)Figure 10. Correlation coefficient of the Flow-3D numerical results and Equation (3)
현재 연구에서 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어는 처음에 다양한 크기와 배출의 터널 배수로에서 난류 흐름을 시뮬레이션하는데 사용되었습니다. 결과는 이란 에너지부 물 연구소에서 제공한 Alborz 저장 댐에서 얻은 실제 데이터와 비교하여 검증되었습니다.
시뮬레이션에는 다양한 난류 모델이 사용되었으며 RNG 방법이 관찰된 실제 결과와 가장 잘 일치하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 직경이 3 ~ 15m 인 다양한 터널 배수로, 곡률 반경 3 개, 거의 모든 실제 사례를 포괄하는 3개의 배출이 시뮬레이션에 사용되었습니다.
차원 분석을 사용하여 무 차원 매개 변수를 생성하고 문제의 변수 수를 줄였으며 마지막으로 두 개의 주요 무 차원 그룹이 결정되었습니다. 이러한 무 차원 변수 간의 관계를 얻기 위해 신경망을 사용하고 터널 배수로의 오목한 굴곡에서 압력 예측 단계에서 0.95의 상관 계수를 얻었습니다.
압력 계산 결과는 다른 일반적인 방법으로 얻은 결과와 비교되었습니다. 비교는 신경망 결과가 훨씬 더 정확하고 배수로 터널의 오목한 곡률에서 압력을 예측하는 강력한 도구로 간주 될 수 있음을 나타냅니다.
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급격한 측면 확대 및 바닥 낙하에 따른 정류지(stilling basin) 슬래브의 변동 압력에 대한 수치 연구
by Yangliang Lu,Jinbu Yin *OrcID,Zhou Yang,Kebang Wei andZhiming Liu College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Weihui Road, Yangling 712100, China* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Water 2021, 13(2), 238; Received: 6 November 2020 / Revised: 7 January 2021 / Accepted: 11 January 2021 / Published: 19 January 2021 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Physical Modelling in Hydraulics Engineering)
갑작스런 확장 및 바닥 낙하가 있는 고요한 정류지(stilling basin) 유역은 복잡한 수력 특성, 특히 3D 공간 수력 점프 아래에서 변동하는 압력 분포로 이어집니다.
이 논문은 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 기반으로 한 LES (Large Eddy Simulation) 모델과 TruVOF 방법을 사용하여 시간 평균 압력, 변동 압력의 RMS (Root Mean Square), 정물(stilling basin) 조 슬래브의 최대 및 최소 압력을 시뮬레이션했습니다.
실제 모델 결과와 비교하여 시뮬레이션 결과는 LES 모델이 정물 유역의 변동하는 수류 압력을 안정적으로 시뮬레이션 할 수 있음을 보여줍니다. 변동 압력의 RMS의 최대 값은 정수조 전면과 측벽의 연장선 부근에 나타납니다.
이 논문은 변동 압력의 생성 메커니즘과 Navier-Stokes 방정식에서 파생된 Poisson 방정식을 기반으로 영향 요인 (변동 속도, 속도 구배, 변동 와도)의 정량 분석과 특성의 정성 분석을 결합하는 연구 방법을 제공합니다.
변동하는 압력의. 정류 지의 소용돌이 영역과 벽에 부착 된 제트 영역의 변동 압력 분포는 주로 각각 와류 및 변동 유속의 영향을 받으며 충돌 영역의 분포는 변동 속도, 속도 구배 및 변동에 의해 발생합니다.
A stilling basin with sudden enlargement and bottom drop leads to complicated hydraulic characteristics, especially a fluctuating pressure distribution beneath 3D spatial hydraulic jumps. This paper used the large eddy simulation (LES) model and the TruVOF method based on FLOW-3D software to simulate the time-average pressure, root mean square (RMS) of fluctuating pressure, maximum and minimum pressure of a stilling basin slab. Compared with physical model results, the simulation results show that the LES model can simulate the fluctuating water flow pressure in a stilling basin reliably. The maximum value of RMS of fluctuating pressure appears in the vicinity of the front of the stilling basin and the extension line of the side wall. Based on the generating mechanism of fluctuating pressure and the Poisson Equation derived from the Navier–Stokes Equation, this paper provides a research method of combining quantitative analysis of influencing factors (fluctuating velocity, velocity gradient, and fluctuating vorticity) and qualitative analysis of the characteristics of fluctuating pressure. The distribution of fluctuating pressure in the swirling zone of the stilling basin and the wall-attached jet zone is mainly affected by the vortex and fluctuating flow velocity, respectively, and the distribution in the impinging zone is caused by fluctuating velocity, velocity gradient and fluctuating vorticity.
Figure 1. Schematic design of model test: (a) Sectional view; (b) Plan view.Figure 2. Model layout in laboratory: (a) Discharge chute; (b) The stilling basin.
Table 1. Operating conditions.
Flow Discharge (m3/s)
Inflow Froude Number
Inflow Velocity (m/s)
Inflow Water Depth (m)
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of fluctuating pressure data-processing process.Figure 4. 3D simulation model: (a) Boundary conditions; (b) Grid mesh.
Table 2. Grid independence test.
Containing Block Cell Size (m)
Nested Block Cell Size (m)
Discharge (m3/s)
Relative Error (%)
Figure 5. Flow pattern of operating condition 1: (a) Physical model flow diagram; (b) Simulation model flow.Figure 6. Numerical simulation of water surface profile and x-z plane flow rate vector.Figure 7. Comparison of bottom velocity.Figure 8. Comparison of pressure at 10 pressure measurement points: (a) Comparison of root mean square (RMS) of fluctuating and time-average pressure; (b) Comparison of maximum and minimum pressure.Figure 9. The distribution diagram of time-average pressure and RMS of fluctuating pressure of bottom of stilling basin under three cases.Figure 10. Speed vector in stilling basin at z = 40 cm horizontal plane and bottom plate plane in three cases.Figure 11. Distribution of fluctuating velocity and vorticity in the horizontal section of the stilling basin slab: (a) Distribution of fluctuating velocity; (b) Distribution of fluctuating vorticity.Figure 12. Distribution of root time-average square fluctuating pressure of x = 50 cm cross-section of bottom plate: (a) Distributions of fluctuating velocity and fluctuating pressure; (b) Distributions of fluctuating vorticity and fluctuating pressure.Figure 13. Variance of fluctuating pressure coefficient (Cp′).
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FLOW-3D는 작은 하수 처리 시스템부터 대형 수력 발전 프로젝트까지 수처리 및 환경 산업에 직면한 광범위한 문제를 해결할 수 있는 뛰어난 CFD 소프트웨어 입니다. FLOW-3D는 시뮬레이션의 복잡성을 감소시키고 최적의 솔루션에 대해 노력을 집중할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 이를 통해 통해 파악된 가치 있는 통찰력은 귀하의 상당한 시간과 비용을 절약 할 수 있습니다.
실제 지형을 적용하여 3차원 shallow water hybrid model을 이용한 댐 붕괴 시뮬레이션
FLOW-3D는 자유표면 흐름이 있는 수치해석 알고리듬에 의해 유동의 표면이 시공간적으로 변하는 모사를 위한 이상적인 도구라고 할 수 있습니다. 자유 표면은 물과 공기 같은 높은 비율의 밀도 변화를 가지는 유체들 사이의 특정한 경계를 일컫습니다. 자유 표면 흐름을 모델링하는 것은 일반적인 유동방정식과 난류 모델이 결합된 고급 알고리즘을 필요로 합니다. 이 기능은 FLOW-3D로 하여금 침수 구조에 의해 형성된 방수, 수력 점프 및 수면 변화의 흐름의 궤적을 포착 할 수 있습니다.
때로는 유체 입자가 이동한 거리가 중요한 경우도 있습니다. FLOW-3D에서 사용자는 모델 설정 ‣ 출력 위젯에서 유체가 이동한 거리에 대한 출력을 요청할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 유체가 흐름 영역(경계 또는 질량 소스를 통해)에 들어간 시간 또는 유체가 도메인을 통해 이동한 거리를 계산합니다. 이 기능은 모든 시뮬레이션에도 사용할 수 있으며, 특별한 모델을 사용할 필요가 없으며, 흐름에도 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 이 모델을 사용하려면 출력 위젯으로 이동하고 추가 출력 섹션에서 “Distance traveled by fluid” 옆의 체크상자를 선택하십시오.
유체 도착 시간을 아는 것은 종종 유용합니다. 예를 들어 주조 시뮬레이션에서 주입 시간을 결정하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 제어 볼륨은 충전 프로세스 동안 여러 번 채워지고 비워지기 때문에 계산 셀이 채워지는 처음과 마지막 시간 모두 기록되고, 후 처리를 위해 저장될 수 있습니다. 이 작업은 출력 위젯과 추가 출력 섹션 내에서 유체 도착 시간 확인란을 선택하여 수행됩니다.
때로는 유체가 계산 영역 내에서 보내는 시간인 체류시간을 아는 것이 유용합니다. 이는 출력 ‣ Output ‣ Additional Output ‣ Fluid residence time 확인란을 선택하여 수행합니다. 여기서 S로 지정된 이 변수에 대한 전송 방정식은 단위 소스 항과 함께 Solve됩니다.
유체 체류 시간(Fluid residence time)
여기에서 t는 시간이며 u는 유체 속도입니다.
S의 단위는 시간이다. 계산 도메인에 들어가는 모든 유체에 대한 S의 초기값은 0입니다.
의 값은 항상 second order체계를 가진 데이터로부터 근사치를 구합니다.
이 출력 옵션은 1 유체 및 2 유체 유량 모두에 사용할 수 있습니다.
경계 조건 또는 소스에서 도메인으로 유입되는 유체가 이미 도메인에 있는 유체와 혼합될 때 체류가 감소하는 것처럼 보일 수 있습니다.
벽면 접촉 시간 출력은 (1)개별 유체 요소가 특정 구성 요소와 접촉하는 시간 및 (2)특정 구성 요소가 유체와 접촉하는 시간을 추적합니다. 이 모델은 액체 금속이 모래 오염물과 접촉했을 때 오염과 상관 관계가 있는 proxy 변수를 제공하기 위한 것입니다. 이 출력은 최종 주조물에서 오염된 유체가 어디에 있는지 확인하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 접촉 시간 모델의 또 다른 해석은, 예를 들어, 용해를 통해 다소 일정한 비율로 화학물질을 방출하는 물에 잠긴 물체에 의한 강의 물의 오염입니다.
모델은 Model Setup ‣ Output ‣ Wall contact time 박스를 확인하여 활성화됩니다. 또한 Model Setup ‣ Output ‣ Geometry Data section의 각 구성요소에 대해 해당 구성요소를 계산에 포함하기 위해 반드시 설정해야 하는 Contact time flag가 있습니다.
추가 정보
Wall Contact Time with Fluid and Component Properties: Contact Time with Fluid for more information on the input variables를 참조하십시오.
이 모델은 실제 구성 요소, 즉 고체, 다공성 매체, 코어 가스 및 충전 퇴적물 구성 요소로 제한됩니다. 접촉 시간은 유체 # 1과 관련해서만 계산됩니다.
Model Setup ‣ Output ‣ Geometry Data ‣ Forces 옵션을 활성화하면 부품에 대한 압력, 전단력, 탄성 및 벽 접착력을 History Data에 출력할 수 있습니다.
압력을 가지지 않은 셀(즉, 도메인 외부에 있거나 다른 구성 요소 안에 있는 셀)이 구성 요소 주변의 각 셀에 대한 압력 영역 제품을 합산하는 동안 어떻게 처리되는지를 제어하는 압력 계산에 대한 몇 가지 추가 옵션이 있습니다. 기본 동작은 이러한 셀에서 사용자 정의 기준 압력을 사용하는 것입니다. 지정되지 않은 경우 기준 압력은 초기 무효 압력인 PVOID로 기본 설정됩니다. 또는, 코드는 Reference pressure is code calculated 옵션을 선택하여 구성요소의 노출된 표면에 대한 평균 압력을 사용할 수 있습니다.
마지막으로, 일반 이동 물체의 경우, 규정된/제약을 받는 대로 물체를 이동시키는 힘을 나타내는 잔류 힘의 추가 출력이 있습니다.
Model Setup ‣ Output ‣ Force 옵션이 활성화되면 구성 요소의 토크가 계산되고 History Data에 출력됩니다. 토크는 힘-모멘트에 대한 기준점 X, 힘-모멘트에 대한 기준점 Y, 정지 구성 요소에 대한 힘-모멘트 입력에 대한 기준점 Z에 의해 지정된 지점에 대해 보고됩니다. 참조점의 기본 위치는 원점입니다.
General Moving Objects에는 몇 가지 추가 참고 사항이 있습니다. 첫째, 토크는 (1) 6-DOF 동작의 질량 위치 중심 또는 (2)고정축 및 고정점 회전의 회전 축/점에 대해 보고됩니다. 힘에서 행해지는 것과 마찬가지로, 규정된/제한된 바와 같이 물체를 이동시키는 토크를 나타내는 잔류 토크의 출력도 있습니다.
힘 및 토크 출력은 각 지오메트리 구성 요소의 일반 히스토리 데이터에 기록됩니다. 출력은 개별 힘/토크 기여 (예: 압력, 전단, 탄성, 벽 접착) 및 개별 기여도의 합으로 계산된 총 결합력/토크로 제공됩니다.
일반 이동 객체의 부력과 안정성에 대한 정보는 각 구성 요소에 대해 모델 설정 Setup 출력 ‣ 기하학적 데이터 ‣ 부력 중심 및 도량형 높이 옵션을 활성화하여 History Data에서 출력할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 구성 요소의 중심 위치와 중심 높이가 출력됩니다.
깊이 기준 유압 데이터를 요청하려면 출력 ‣ 고급으로 이동한 후 유압 데이터 옆의 확인란을 선택하십시오(심층 평균 값과 중력을 -Z 방향으로 가정).
이 옵션은 FLOW-3D가 유압 시뮬레이션에 유용할 수 있는 추가 깊이 평균 데이터를 출력하도록 합니다.
Flow depth
Maximum flow depth
Free surface elevation
Offset velocity
Froude number
Specific hydraulic head
Total hydraulic head
이 수량 각각에 대해 하나의 값 이 메쉬의 모든 (x, y) 위치에서 계산되고 수직 열의 모든 셀에 저장됩니다 (이 수량이 깊이 평균이기 때문에 z 방향으로 데이터의 변화가 없습니다). 변수는 정확도를 보장하기 위해주기마다 계산됩니다. 모든 경우에, 깊이 평균 속도, z- 방향 의 중력 가속도, 유체 깊이, 및 컬럼 내 유체의 최소 z- 좌표입니다.
자유 표면 고도는 수직 기둥의 맨 위 유체 요소에 있는 자유 표면의 z-좌표로 계산됩니다.
The Froude number 은
식으로 계산됩니다.
유체 깊이는 깊이 평균 메쉬 열의 모든 유체의 합으로 계산됩니다.
특정 유압 헤드
및 총 유압 헤드
변수는 다음에서 계산됩니다.
깊이 기준 유압 출력 옵션은 예리한 인터페이스가 있고 중력이 음의 z 방향으로 향할 때에만 유체 1에 유효합니다.
유압 헤드 계산은 스트림 라인이 평행하다고 가정한다는 점을 유념해야 합니다. 예를 들어 플럭스 표면이 재순환 흐름 영역에 배치되는 경우 이 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 경우, 유량 표면에서 보고된 유량 평균 유압 헤드는 헤드의 계산에서 흐름 방향이 무시되기 때문에 예상보다 클 수 있습니다.
Total Hydraulic Head 3D(총 유압 헤드 3D)
또한 총 유압 헤드 3D 옵션을 확인하여 국부적(3D) 속도 필드, 플럭스 표면에서의 유압 에너지(배플 참조) 및 플럭스 기반 유압 헤드를 사용하여 유체 1의 총 헤드를 계산할 수 있다. 3D 계산은 국부 압력을 사용하여 수행되며(즉, 압력이 유체 깊이와 관련이 있다고 가정하지 않음) 원통 좌표와 호환됩니다.
유압 헤드 계산은 스트림 라인이 평행하다고 가정한다는 점을 유념해야 한다. 예를 들어 플럭스 표면이 재순환 흐름 영역에 배치되는 경우 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 경우, 플럭스 표면에서 보고된 유량 평균 유압 헤드는 헤드의 계산 시 흐름 방향이 무시되기 때문에 예상보다 클 수 있습니다.
3D 유압 헤드 계산은 입력 파일에 중력이 정의되지 않은 경우 중력 벡터의 크기를 1로 가정합니다.
Flux-averaged hydraulic head
특정 위치 (즉, 배플)의 플럭스 평균 유압 헤드는 다음과 같이 계산됩니다.
Flux-averaged hydraulic head
유압 헤드 계산에서는 유선이 평행하다고 가정합니다. 예를 들어 플럭스 표면이 재순환 흐름 영역에 배치된 경우 (예: 아래에 표시된 것과 같이) 문제가 될 수 있습니다.
유압 헤드 계산에서는 유선이 평행하다고 가정
이 경우 플럭스 표면에 보고된 플럭스 평균 유압 헤드는 헤드 계산 시 흐름 방향이 무시되므로 예상보다 클 수 있습니다.
FLOW-3D에는 History Probes, Flux surface, Sampling Volumes의 세 가지 주요 측정 장치가 있습니다. 이러한 장치를 시뮬레이션에 추가하는 방법은 모델 설정 섹션에 설명되어 있습니다(측정 장치 참조). 이들의 출력은 기록 데이터 편집 시간 간격으로 flsgrf 파일의 일반 기록 데이터 카탈로그에 저장됩니다. 이러한 결과는 Analyze ‣ Probe 탭에서 Probe Plots을 생성하여 액세스할 수 있습니다.
히스토리 프로브를 생성하는 단계는 모델 설정 섹션에 설명되어 있습니다(기록 프로브 참조). 시뮬레이션에 사용된 물리 모델에 따라 각각의 History Probe에서 서로 다른 출력을 사용할 수 있습니다. 프로브를 FSI/TSE로 지정하면 유한 요소 메시 안에 들어가야 하는 위치에서 응력/스트레인 데이터만 제공한다. 유체 프로브가 솔리드 형상 구성 요소에 의해 차단된 영역 내에 위치하는 경우, 기하학적 구조와 관련된 수량(예: 벽 온도)만 계산된다. 일반적으로 프로브 좌표에 의해 정의된 위치에서 이러한 양을 계산하려면 보간이 필요하다.
Flux-averaged hydraulic head when 3D Hydraulic Head is requested from additional output options
Hydraulic energy flow when hydraulic data output is requested
Total number of particles of each defined species in each particle class crossing flux surface when the particle model is active
Flow rate for all active and passive scalars this includes scalar quantities associated with active physical models (eg. suspended sediment, air entrainment, ect.)
유속과 입자수의 기호는 유동 표면을 설명하는 함수의 기호에 의해 정의된 대로 흐름이나 입자가 플럭스 표면의 음에서 양으로 교차할 때 양의 부호가 됩니다.
플럭스 표면은 각 표면의 유량과 입자 수가 정확하도록 그들 사이에 적어도 두 개의 메쉬 셀이 있어야 합니다.
유압 데이터 및 총 유압 헤드 3D 옵션을 사용할 때는 유압 헤드 계산이 스트림 라인이 평행하다고 가정한다는 점을 유념해야 한다. 예를 들어 플럭스 표면이 재순환 흐름 영역에 배치되는 경우 이 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 경우, 유량 표면에서 보고된 유량 평균 유압 헤드는 헤드의 계산에서 흐름 방향이 무시되기 때문에 예상보다 클 수 있습니다.
샘플링 볼륨은 해당 범위 내에서 볼륨을 측정하는 3 차원 데이터 수집 영역입니다. 샘플링 볼륨을 만드는 단계는 모델 설정 섹션에 설명되어 있습니다(샘플링 볼륨 참조). 각 샘플링 볼륨의 계산 수량은 다음과 같습니다.
시료채취량 내에서 #1 유체 총량
시료채취량 내 #1 유체질량 중심
샘플링 용적 가장자리에 위치한 솔리드 표면을 포함하여 샘플링 용적 내의 모든 벽 경계에 작용하는 좌표계의 원점에 상대적인 유압력 및 모멘트.
샘플링 용적 내 총 스칼라 종량: 이것은 부피 적분으로 계산되므로 스칼라 양이 질량 농도를 나타내면 샘플링 용적 내의 총 질량이 계산된다. 거주 시간과 같은 일부 종의 경우, 평균 값이 대신 계산됩니다.
샘플링 볼륨 내의 입자 수: 각 샘플링 볼륨 내에 있는 각 입자 등급의 정의된 각 종별 입자 수(입자 모델이 활성화된 경우)
운동 에너지, 난류 에너지, 난류 소실율 및 와류에 대한 질량 평균
표본 체적의 6개 경계 각각에서 열 유속: 유체 대류, 유체 및 고체 성분의 전도 및 유체/구성 요소 열 전달이 포함됩니다. 각 플럭스의 기호는 좌표 방향에 의해 결정되는데, 예를 들어, 양방향의 열 플럭스도 양수입니다. 출력에서 확장 또는 최대 디버그 수준을 선택하지 않는 한 이러한 디버그 수준은 fsplt에 자동으로 표시되지 않습니다.
This article was contributed by Daniel Valero, Rafael García-Bartual, Ignacio Andrés and Francisco Valles of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
2010 년 12 월, 새로운 고속 열차 MADRID-VALENCIA (스페인)가 개통되었습니다. 건설 전에 극복해야 할 많은 기술적 문제 중 하나는 터널로 구성된 도심의 철도 입구로 발렌시아의 주요 남쪽 하수도를 벗어나게 했습니다. 이탈 도달 범위는 길이가 143 미터이며 아래에 자세히 설명된 복잡한 유압 설계를 포함하여 기존 경사와 관련하여 경사 및 단면의 중요한 변경을 포함합니다. 유압 성능은 FLOW-3D를 사용한 수치 시뮬레이션과 발렌시아 폴리 테크닉 대학교의 유압 실험실에서 물리적 모델을 통해 확인되었습니다. 최대 용량 100 m 3 / s에 대한 테스트가 수행되었습니다 .
The Sewer
그림 1은 하수도 기하학 설계의 주요 특징을 보여줍니다. 여기에는 철도 터널을 건넌 직후에 위치한 표준 WES 프로파일이 포함됩니다. 이 위어는 높은 유속으로 초 임계 흐름을 강제합니다. 하류에서 바람직하지 않은 흐름 조건이 설정되는 것을 방지하기 위해 둑 바로 하류에 정류 조를 설계했습니다. 이러한 장치는 연결 하류 하수도에서 높은 에너지 손실 및 임계 이하의 흐름 조건을 수반하는 유압 점프를 강제합니다. 서로 다른 배출 조건에서 흐름의 거동을 보장하기 위해 채널에 두 개의 세로 줄의 삼각형 블록이 포함되었으며, 이는 정수 조 길이에서 유압 점프를 국지화하기 위해 에너지 소산 기 역할을했습니다.그 계단의 길이에서 수압 점프. 새로운 변형 채널과 기존 도달 지점(upstream and downstream)사이는 기하학적 요소로 부드럽게 연결합니다.(그림 2).
Figure 1. Geometry of the sewer
Figure 2. Reach 2 of the sewer
FLOW-3D Simulations
문제의 정확한 해결을 위해 계산 리소스를 최적화하기 위해 하수도를 여러 개의 중첩 된 범위로 분할하여 수력 솔루션의 연속성을 보장하고 고려 된 각 도달 범위에서 더 미세한 메시를 사용할 수 있습니다. 가장 복잡한 흐름이 정수 조에서 발생하기 때문에 이러한 도달 범위는 윤곽선과 바닥 블록에서 중앙 흐름 영역까지 점진적으로 다양한 셀 크기로 가장 높은 해상도 (6.000.000 셀)로 해결되었습니다. 유압 점프 시뮬레이션에 대한 비디오는 이 기사의 끝에 있습니다.
Figure 3. Velocity magnitude distribution
Figure 4. Turbulent kinetic energy distribution.
Figure 5. Air entrained prediction with turbulent air entrainment model
ke RNG 난류 모델이 선택되었으며, 이류에 대한 명시적인 2 차 단 조성 보존 체계가 있습니다. 자유 표면 표현에는 Split Lagrangian 방법이 사용되었습니다. 정상 상태 솔루션 이전의 과도 흐름은 더 거친 메쉬로 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 그림 3과 4는 수치 시뮬레이션의 관련 결과를 보여줍니다. 또한 수력 점프의 수치 시뮬레이션을 보여주는 비디오 가이드 기술 노트에 첨부되어 있습니다.
유압 점프에서 발생하는 공기 혼입, 특히 난류와 자유 표면 간의 상호 작용을 설명하기 위해 추가 시뮬레이션이 수행되었습니다. 그림 5는 가변 밀도 옵션을 선택하고 기본 계수 C air = 0.5를 사용하는 FLOW-3D 의 공기 혼입 모델을 사용한 결과를 보여줍니다.
Comparison with the Physical Model
발렌시아 Polytechnic University의 수압 실험실에 실물 모형을 구축하였습니다. 모형에 사용된 척도는 1/20이었습니다. 그림 6은 weir 상단 바로 위에 있는 임계 단면의 프로파일을 보여 줍니다. 발견된 평균 깊이의 오차는 1.3% 였습니다. 유동의 다른 구조적 특성은 FLOW-3D에 의해 적절하게 재현되었다. 예를 들어, 예를 들어, 하수도가 만곡된 범위에 따른 자유 표면의 형상과 Weir의 상류로의 흐르는 자유 표면의 현상입니다.
Figure 6. Relative error at the critical section. Comparison between FLOW-3D, physical model, and HEC-RAS (US Army Corps of Engineers).
실험실 결과와 FLOW-3D시뮬레이션 간의 약간의 차이가 확인되지만 연구 결과는 매우 만족스럽습니다. 아래 동영상을 통해 실험 및 수치해석 결과를 비교해 보시길 바랍니다.
FLOW-3D는 가능한 많은 형상 또는 유압 설계를 테스트할 때 실험실의 실험 횟수를 줄일 수 있습니다. 또한 FLOW-3D의 파일이 속도, 와도, 난류 등과 같은 관련 분야의 상세한 시공간 분포를 제공하므로 최종 설계와 관련하여 실험실에서 수행 된 결과와 측정을 확장하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 결합된 기술은 연구에서 언급한 것과 같은 유압 기반시설의 설계, 검증 및 최적화를 위한 강력한 도구입니다.
재료 비용을 줄이고 사이클 시간을 개선하기 위해 소비재 회사는 슬로 싱, 튀기 및 공기 혼입을 포함한 많은 자유 표면 유체 문제를 처리해야합니다.
Predicting Entrained Air in a Bottle Filling Example
혼입된 공기는 생산 라인에서 컨테이너가 채워질 때 액체의 부피를 증가시킬 수 있습니다. 아래 왼쪽 이미지는 높이가 약 20cm인 병에 1.2 초 동안 채우는 것을 보여줍니다. 색상 음영은 액체에서 공기의 부피 비율을 나타냅니다. 병에서 짧은 시간과 높은 수준의 혼합으로 인해 공기가 표면으로 올라와 빠져 나갈 시간이 없었습니다. 그러나 오른쪽 이미지에서 볼 수 있듯이 약 1.7 초의 추가 시간이 지나면 표면으로 상승하는 공기로 인한 액체 부피 감소가 명확하게 보입니다. FLOW-3D의 드리프트 플럭스 모델을 사용하면 액체의 기포와 같은 성분을 분리하여 분리 할 수 있습니다.
Air entrainment (left) and separation of air and liquid (right)
In by 9, out by 5 – Rapid evaluation of Tide® bottle filling
FLOW-3D를 사용하여 새로운 Tide 병 디자인의 채우기를 모델링하는 방법을 설명하는이 기사는 The Procter and Gamble Company의 기술 부문 책임자 인 John McKibben이 기고했습니다.
오전 9시에 긴급한 이메일을 받았다고 상상해보십시오.
새로운 Tide® 병 디자인 중 하나가 핸들을 채우고 충전 장비에 문제가있을 수 있음을 방금 깨달았습니다. 프로토 타입 병도없고 몇 주 동안도 없을 것입니다. 디자이너와 소비자는 디자인의 모양을 좋아하지만 그것이 채우는 방식은 우리 생산 시설의 쇼 스토퍼가 될 수 있습니다. 이 상황을 접했을 때 저는 3D 지오메트리 (그림 1)의 스테레오 리소그래피 (.stl) 파일을 요청하여 응답을 시작했고 제가 할 수있는 일을 확인했습니다. FLOW-3D는 .stl 파일을 사용하여 지오메트리를 입력 할 수 있으며 채우기에 대한 자유 표면 문제를 해결할 수 있어야한다는 것을 알고있었습니다. 나는 이것이 잠재적 인 문제에 대한 좋은 질적 이해를 제공 할 것으로 기대했지만,이 응용 프로그램에 대해 얼마나 정확한지에 대해서는 약간 불확실했습니다.
Setting up and Running the Simulation
오후 1 시경에 지오메트리 파일, 유량 및 유체 속성을 받았습니다. 몇 시간 내에 시뮬레이션이 실행되어 예비 결과를 제공했습니다. 저는 제 고객을 초대하여 결과를 간단히 살펴 보았고 그는 “보스의 상사”도 함께 살펴 보았습니다. 그래서 저녁 5 시까 지 예비 결과를보고 원래 우려 사항이 문제가 아니라고 판단했습니다.
그러나 결과는 몇 가지 다른 질문을 제기했습니다. 핸들을 채우면 유입되는 유체 분사가 많이 분리되었습니다. 나는 이것이 동반 된 공기와 거품의 양을 증가시킬 것이라는 것을 알고 있었다 (우리는 결국 세탁 세제를 채우고있다). FLOW-3D 공기 혼입 모델을 테스트하기로 결정했습니다. 이 모델은 원래 난류 제트 용으로 개발되었으며,이 층류 문제를 볼 때 얼마나 잘 수행 될지 확신 할 수 없었습니다.
Figure 2: Filled resultsExperimental comparison of bottle filling model with and without the air entrainment model, courtesy of The Procter & Gamble Company.
그림 2는 공기 유입 모델이 있거나없는 병 충전 모델의 결과를 보여줍니다. 혼입 된 공기가 포함되면 충전 레벨이 크게 증가합니다. 혼입 된 공기가 병 상단에서 액체를 밀어 내지는 않지만 공기 혼입 정확도를 확인해야 할만큼 충분히 가깝습니다.
그림 3은 몇 주 후에 실행 된 실험의 이미지와 공기 혼입 수준을 비교합니다 (시제품 병이 제공되었을 때). 제트 분리 및 충진 수준의 정 성적 일치는 우수하며 시뮬레이션이 병 설계를 선별하기에 충분히 정확하다는 것을 확인했습니다.
아래는 FSI의 금속 주조 참고 문헌에 수록된 기술 논문 모음입니다. 이 모든 논문에는 FLOW-3D CAST 해석 결과가 수록되어 있습니다. FLOW-3D CAST를 사용하여 금속 주조 산업의 응용 프로그램을 성공적으로 시뮬레이션하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.
Below is a collection of technical papers in our Metal Casting Bibliography. All of these papers feature FLOW-3D CAST results. Learn more about how FLOW-3D CAST can be used to successfully simulate applications for the Metal Casting Industry.
20-20 Wu Yue, Li Zhuo and Lu Rong, Simulation and visual tester verification of solid propellant slurry vacuum plate casting, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020.
17-20 C.A. Jones, M.R. Jolly, A.E.W. Jarfors and M. Irwin, An experimental characterization of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic shell used in the investment casting process, Supplimental Proceedings, pp. 1095-1105, TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, February 23-27, 2020.
12-20 Franz Josef Feikus, Paul Bernsteiner, Ricardo Fernández Gutiérrez and Michal Luszczak , Further development of electric motor housings, MTZ Worldwide, 81, pp. 38-43, 2020.
09-20 Mingfan Qi, Yonglin Kang, Yuzhao Xu, Zhumabieke Wulabieke and Jingyuan Li, A novel rheological high pressure die-casting process for preparing large thin-walled Al–Si–Fe–Mg–Sr alloy with high heat conductivity, high plasticity and medium strength, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 776, art. no. 139040, 2020.
07-20 Stefan Heugenhauser, Erhard Kaschnitz and Peter Schumacher, Development of an aluminum compound casting process – Experiments and numerical simulations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 279, art. no. 116578, 2020.
05-20 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Mark Jolly and Konstantinos Salonitis, Numerical simulation and evaluation of Campbell running and gating systems, Metals, 10.1, art. no. 68, 2020.
102-19 Ferencz Peti and Gabriela Strnad, The effect of squeeze pin dimension and operational parameters on material homogeneity of aluminium high pressure die cast parts, Acta Marisiensis. Seria Technologica, 16.2, 2019.
94-19 E. Riedel, I. Horn, N. Stein, H. Stein, R. Bahr, and S. Scharf, Ultrasonic treatment: a clean technology that supports sustainability incasting processes, Procedia, 26th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, May 7-9, 2019.
93-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, Charles A. Monroe, Robin D. Foley, and John A. Griffin, Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi- and AlCu-based Alloys, Transactions, 123rd Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 27-30, 2019.
84-19 Arun Prabhakar, Michail Papanikolaou, Konstantinos Salonitis, and Mark Jolly, Sand casting of sheet lead: numerical simulation of metal flow and solidification, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-13, 2019.
71-19 Sebastian Findeisen, Robin Van Der Auwera, Michael Heuser, and Franz-Josef Wöstmann, Gießtechnische Fertigung von E-Motorengehäusen mit interner Kühling (Casting production of electric motor housings with internal cooling), Geisserei, 106, pp. 72-78, 2019 (in German).
58-19 Von Malte Leonhard, Matthias Todte, and Jörg Schäffer, Realistic simulation of the combustion of exothermic feeders, Casting, No. 2, pp. 28-32, 2019. In English and German.
47-19 Bing Zhou, Shuai Lu, Kaile Xu, Chun Xu, and Zhanyong Wang, Microstructure and simulation of semisolid aluminum alloy castings in the process of stirring integrated transfer-heat (SIT) with water cooling, International Journal of Metalcasting, Online edition, pp. 1-13, 2019.
31-19 Zihao Yuan, Zhipeng Guo, and S.M. Xiong, Skin layer of A380 aluminium alloy die castings and its blistering during solution treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1906-1916, 2019.
25-19 Stefano Mascetti, Raul Pirovano, and Giulio Timelli, Interazione metallo liquido/stampo: Il fenomeno della metallizzazione, La Metallurgia Italiana, No. 4, pp. 44-50, 2019. In Italian.
20-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Campbellology for runner system design, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 187-199, 2019.
19-19 Chengcheng Lyu, Michail Papanikolaou, and Mark Jolly, Numerical process modelling and simulation of Campbell running systems designs, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 53-64, 2019.
18-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, and Charles Monroe, A solidification model with application to AlSi-based alloys, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 201-213, 2019.
17-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yu-Hung Chen, The validation of feeder modeling for ductile iron castings, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 227-238, 2019.
02-19 Jingying Sun, Qichi Le, Li Fu, Jing Bai, Johannes Tretter, Klaus Herbold and Hongwei Huo, Gas entrainment behavior of aluminum alloy engine crankcases during the low-pressure-die-casting-process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 266, pp. 274-282, 2019.
92-18Fast, Flexible… More Versatile, Foundry Management Technology, March, 2018.
82-18 Xu Zhao, Ping Wang, Tao Li, Bo-yu Zhang, Peng Wang, Guan-zhou Wang and Shi-qi Lu, Gating system optimization of high pressure die casting thin-wall AlSi10MnMg longitudinal loadbearing beam based on numerical simulation, China Foundry, Vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 436-442, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s41230-018-8052-z
80-18 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Konstantinos Salonitis, Mark Jolly and Charalampos Makatsoris, A computational framework towards energy efficient casting processes, Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2018: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM-18), Gold Coast, Australia, June 24-26 2018, SIST 130, pp. 263-276, 2019.
51-18 Xue-feng Zhu, Bao-yi Yu, Li Zheng, Bo-ning Yu, Qiang Li, Shu-ning Lü and Hao Zhang, Influence of pouring methods on filling process, microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 Mg alloy pipe by horizontal centrifugal casting, China Foundry, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.196-202, 2018.
47-18 Santosh Reddy Sama, Jiayi Wang and Guha Manogharan, Non-conventional mold design for metal casting using 3D sand-printing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 34-B, pp. 765-775, 2018.
42-18 M. Koru and O. Serçe, The Effects of Thermal and Dynamical Parameters and Vacuum Application on Porosity in High-Pressure Die Casting of A383 Al-Alloy, International Journal of Metalcasting, pp. 1-17, 2018.
41-18 Abhilash Viswanath, S. Savithri, U.T.S. Pillai, Similitude analysis on flow characteristics of water, A356 and AM50 alloys during LPC process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 257, pp. 270-277, 2018.
29-18 Seyboldt, Christoph and Liewald, Mathias, Investigation on thixojoining to produce hybrid components with intermetallic phase, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018.
28-18 Laura Schomer, Mathias Liewald and Kim Rouven Riedmüller, Simulation of the infiltration process of a ceramic open-pore body with a metal alloy in semi-solid state to design the manufacturing of interpenetrating phase composites, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018.
88-16 M.C. Carter, T. Kauffung, L. Weyenberg and C. Peters, Low Pressure Die Casting Simulation Discovery through Short Shot, Cast Expo & Metal Casting Congress, April 16-19, 2016, Minneapolis, MN, Copyright 2016 American Foundry Society.
20-16 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Bifilm Defect Formation in Hydraulic Jump of Liquid Aluminum, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, Band: 47, Heft 3, 1634-1648.
15-16 Mingfan Qia, Yonglin Kanga, Bing Zhoua, Wanneng Liaoa, Guoming Zhua, Yangde Lib,and Weirong Li, A forced convection stirring process for Rheo-HPDC aluminum and magnesium alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 234 (2016) 353–367
112-15 José Miguel Gonçalves Ledo Belo da Costa, Optimization of filling systems for low pressure by FLOW-3D, Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
88-15 Peng Zhang, Zhenming Li, Baoliang Liu, Wenjiang Ding and Liming Peng, Improved tensile properties of a new aluminum alloy for high pressure die casting, Materials Science & Engineering A651(2016)376–390, Available online, November 2015.
82-15 J. Müller, L. Xue, M.C. Carter, C. Thoma, M. Fehlbier and M. Todte, A Die Spray Cooling Model for Thermal Die Cycling Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
81-15 M. T. Murray, L.F. Hansen, L. Chilcott, E. Li and A.M. Murray, Case Studies in the Use of Simulation- Improved Yield and Reduced Time to Market, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
80-15 R. Bhola, S. Chandra and D. Souders, Predicting Castability of Thin-Walled Parts for the HPDC Process Using Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
76-15 Prosenjit Das, Sudip K. Samanta, Shashank Tiwari and Pradip Dutta, Die Filling Behaviour of Semi Solid A356 Al Alloy Slurry During Rheo Pressure Die Casting, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, pp 1-6, October 2015
74-15 Murat KORU and Orhan SERÇE, Yüksek Basınçlı Döküm Prosesinde Enjeksiyon Parametrelerine Bağlı Olarak Döküm Simülasyon, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Science, Science Journal (CSJ), Vol. 36, No: 5 (2015) ISSN: 1300-1949, May 2015
69-15 A. Viswanath, S. Sivaraman, U. T. S. Pillai, Computer Simulation of Low Pressure Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 45-48, September 2015
68-15 J. Aneesh Kumar, K. Krishnakumar and S. Savithri, Computer Simulation of Centrifugal Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 53-56, September 2015
59-15 F. Hosseini Yekta and S. A. Sadough Vanini, Simulation of the flow of semi-solid steel alloy using an enhanced model, Metals and Materials International, August 2015.
138-14 Christopher Thoma, Wolfram Volk, Ruben Heid, Klaus Dilger, Gregor Banner and Harald Eibisch, Simulation-based prediction of the fracture elongation as a failure criterion for thin-walled high-pressure die casting components, International Journal of Metalcasting, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 47-54, 2014.
107-14 Mehran Seyed Ahmadi, Dissolution of Si in Molten Al with Gas Injection, ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Toronto (Canada), 2014; Publication Number: AAT 3637106; ISBN: 9781321195231; Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 76-02(E), Section: B.; 191 p.
92-14 Warren Bishenden and Changhua Huang, Venting design and process optimization of die casting process for structural components; Part II: Venting design and process optimization, Die Casting Engineer, November 2014
90-14 Ken’ichi Kanazawa, Ken’ichi Yano, Jun’ichi Ogura, and Yasunori Nemoto, Optimum Runner Design for Die-Casting using CFD Simulations and Verification with Water-Model Experiments, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, IMECE2014-37419
89-14 P. Kapranos, C. Carney, A. Pola, and M. Jolly, Advanced Casting Methodologies: Investment Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Squeeze Casting, Metal Spinning, and Batch Casting, In Comprehensive Materials Processing; McGeough, J., Ed.; 2014, Elsevier Ltd., 2014; Vol. 5, pp 39–67.
69-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Predicting, Preventing Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Modern Casting, September 2014
68-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Numerical Simulation of Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Copyright 2014 American Foundry Society, 118th Metalcasting Congress, April 8 – 11, 2014, Schaumburg, IL
51-14 Jesus M. Blanco, Primitivo Carranza, Rafael Pintos, Pedro Arriaga, and Lakhdar Remaki, Identification of Defects Originated during the Filling of Cast Pieces through Particles Modelling, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta (Eds)
47-14 B. Vijaya Ramnatha, C.Elanchezhiana, Vishal Chandrasekhar, A. Arun Kumarb, S. Mohamed Asif, G. Riyaz Mohamed, D. Vinodh Raj , C .Suresh Kumar, Analysis and Optimization of Gating System for Commutator End Bracket, Procedia Materials Science 6 ( 2014 ) 1312 – 1328, 3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)
20-14 Johannes Hartmann, Tobias Fiegl, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foams with tailored density profile by adapted blowing agents, Applied Physics A,, March 2014.
08-14 FY Hsu, SW Wang, and HJ Lin, The External and Internal Shrinkages in Aluminum Gravity Castings, Shape Casting: 5th International Symposium 2014. Available online at Google Books
103-13 B. Fuchs, H. Eibisch and C. Körner, Core Viability Simulation for Salt Core Technology in High-Pressure Die Casting, International Journal of Metalcasting, July 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 39–45
84-13 Körner, C., Schwankl, M., Himmler, D., Aluminum-Aluminum compound castings by electroless deposited zinc layers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2014),
77-13 Antonio Armillotta & Raffaello Baraggi & Simone Fasoli, SLM tooling for die casting with conformal cooling channels, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,, December 2013.
64-13 Johannes Hartmann, Christina Blümel, Stefan Ernst, Tobias Fiegl, Karl-Ernst Wirth, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foam castings with microcellular cores by nano-functionalization, J Mater Sci,, September 2013.
42-13 Yang Yue, William D. Griffiths, and Nick R. Green, Modelling of the Effects of Entrainment Defects on Mechanical Properties in a Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Materials Science Forum, 765, 225, 2013.
39-13 J. Crapps, D.S. DeCroix, J.D Galloway, D.A. Korzekwa, R. Aikin, R. Fielding, R. Kennedy, C. Unal, Separate effects identification via casting process modeling for experimental measurement of U-Pu-Zr alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 15 July 2013.
09-13 M.C. Carter and L. Xue, Simulating the Parameters that Affect Core Gas Defects in Metal Castings, Copyright 2012 American Foundry Society, Presented at the 2013 CastExpo, St. Louis, Missouri, April 2013
08-13 C. Reilly, N.R. Green, M.R. Jolly, J.-C. Gebelin, The Modelling Of Oxide Film Entrainment In Casting Systems Using Computational Modelling, Applied Mathematical Modelling,, April 2013.
03-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part II. Model validation and parametric study, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
02-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part I: Model development using lubrication approximation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
116-12 Jufu Jianga, Ying Wang, Gang Chena, Jun Liua, Yuanfa Li and Shoujing Luo, “Comparison of mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ91D alloy motorcycle wheels formed by die casting and double control forming, Materials & Design, Volume 40, September 2012, Pages 541-549.
103-12 WU Shu-sen, ZHONG Gu, AN Ping, WAN Li, H. NAKAE, Microstructural characteristics of Al−20Si−2Cu−0.4Mg−1Ni alloy formed by rheo-squeeze casting after ultrasonic vibration treatment, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22 (2012) 2863-2870, November 2012. Full paper available online.
97-12 Hong Zhou and Li Heng Luo, Filling Pattern of Step Gating System in Lost Foam Casting Process and its Application, Advanced Materials Research, Volumes 602-604, Progress in Materials and Processes, 1916-1921, December 2012.
93-12 Liangchi Zhang, Chunliang Zhang, Jeng-Haur Horng and Zichen Chen, Functions of Step Gating System in the Lost Foam Casting Process, Advanced Materials Research, 591-593, 940, DOI: 10.4028/, November 2012.
91-12 Hong Yan, Jian Bin Zhu, Ping Shan, Numerical Simulation on Rheo-Diecasting of Magnesium Matrix Composites, 10.4028/, Solid State Phenomena, 192-193, 287.
89-12 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A Fast Numerical Simulation for Modeling Simultaneous Metal Flow and Solidification in Thin Cavities Using the Lubrication Approximation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology, 63:2, 75-100, November 2012.
82-12 Jufu Jiang, Gang Chen, Ying Wang, Zhiming Du, Weiwei Shan, and Yuanfa Li, Microstructure and mechanical properties of thin-wall and high-rib parts of AM60B Mg alloy formed by double control forming and die casting under the optimal conditions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, October 2012.
65-12 X.H. Yang, T.J. Lu, T. Kim, Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Available online 10 October 2012. Available online at SciVerse.
55-12 Hejun Li, Pengyun Wang, Lehua Qi, Hansong Zuo, Songyi Zhong, Xianghui Hou, 3D numerical simulation of successive deposition of uniform molten Al droplets on a moving substrate and experimental validation, Computational Materials Science, Volume 65, December 2012, Pages 291–301.
52-12 Hongbing Ji, Yixin Chen and Shengzhou Chen, Numerical Simulation of Inner-Outer Couple Cooling Slab Continuous Casting in the Filling Process, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 557-559), Advanced Materials and Processes II, pp. 2257-2260, July 2012.
47-12 Petri Väyrynen, Lauri Holappa, and Seppo Louhenkilpi, Simulation of Melting of Alloying Materials in Steel Ladle, SCANMET IV – 4th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, Lulea, Sweden, June 10-13, 2012.
45-12 D.R. Gunasegaram, M. Givord, R.G. O’Donnell and B.R. Finnin, Improvements engineered in UTS and elongation of aluminum alloy high pressure die castings through the alteration of runner geometry and plunger velocity, Materials Science & Engineering.
41-12 Deniece R. Korzekwa, Cameron M. Knapp, David A. Korzekwa, and John W. Gibbs, Co-Design – Fabrication of Unalloyed Plutonium, LA-UR-12-23441, MDI Summer Research Group Workshop Advanced Manufacturing, 2012-07-25/2012-07-26 (Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States)
29-12 Dario Tiberto and Ulrich E. Klotz, Computer simulation applied to jewellery casting: challenges, results and future possibilities, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.33 012008. Full paper available at IOP.
28-12 Y Yue and N R Green, Modelling of different entrainment mechanisms and their influences on the mechanical reliability of Al-Si castings, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33,012072.Full paper available at IOP.
27-12 E Kaschnitz, Numerical simulation of centrifugal casting of pipes, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 012031, Issue 1. Full paper available at IOP.
15-12 C. Reilly, N.R Green, M.R. Jolly, The Present State Of Modeling Entrainment Defects In The Shape Casting Process, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Available online 27 April 2012, ISSN 0307-904X, 10.1016/j.apm.2012.04.032.
12-12 Andrei Starobin, Tony Hirt, Hubert Lang, and Matthias Todte, Core drying simulation and validation, International Foundry Research, GIESSEREIFORSCHUNG 64 (2012) No. 1, ISSN 0046-5933, pp 2-5
04-12 J. Spangenberg, N. Roussel, J.H. Hattel, H. Stang, J. Skocek, M.R. Geiker, Flow induced particle migration in fresh concrete: Theoretical frame, numerical simulations and experimental results on model fluids, Cement and Concrete Research,, February 2012.
01-12 Lee, B., Baek, U., and Han, J., Optimization of Gating System Design for Die Casting of Thin Magnesium Alloy-Based Multi-Cavity LCD Housings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer New York, Issn: 1059-9495, 10.1007/s11665-011-0111-1, Volume 1 / 1992 – Volume 21 / 2012. Available online at Springer Link.
104-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Huey Jiuan Lin, Foam Filters Used in Gravity Casting, Metall and Materi Trans B (2011) 42: 1110. doi:10.1007/s11663-011-9548-8.
99-11 Eduardo Trejo, Centrifugal Casting of an Aluminium Alloy, thesis: Doctor of Philosophy, Metallurgy and Materials School of Engineering University of Birmingham, October 2011. Full paper available upon request.
71-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yao-Ming Yang Confluence Weld in an Aluminum Gravity Casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Available online 23 November 2011, ISSN 0924-0136, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2011.11.006.
46-11 Daniel Einsiedler, Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethodik zur Simulation von Strömungs- und Trocknungsvorgängen bei Kernfertigungsprozessen mittels CFD (Development of a simulation methodology for simulating flow and drying operations in core production processes using CFD), MSc thesis at Technical University of Aalen in Germany (Hochschule Aalen), 2011.
31-11 Johannes Hartmann, André Trepper, Carolin Körner, Aluminum Integral Foams with Near-Microcellular Structure, Advanced Engineering Materials, 13: n/a. doi: 10.1002/adem.201100035, June 2011.
21-11 Thang Nguyen, Vu Nguyen, Morris Murray, Gary Savage, John Carrig, Modelling Die Filling in Ultra-Thin Aluminium Castings, Materials Science Forum (Volume 690), Light Metals Technology V, pp 107-111, 10.4028/, June 2011.
15-11 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. López, and F. Faura, Numerical Analysis of Air Pressure Effects on the Flow Pattern during the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1353, pp. 1238-1243, The 14th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming: Esaform 2011; doi:10.1063/1.3589686, May 2011. Available online.
08-11 Hai Peng Li, Chun Yong Liang, Li Hui Wang, Hong Shui Wang, Numerical Simulation of Casting Process for Gray Iron Butterfly Valve, Advanced Materials Research, 189-193, 260, February 2011.
04-11 C.W. Hirt, Predicting Core Shooting, Drying and Defect Development, Foundry Management & Technology, January 2011.
76-10 Zhizhong Sun, Henry Hu, Alfred Yu, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Squeeze Casting Magnesium Alloy AM50, Magnesium Technology 2010, 2010 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 14-18, 2010, Seattle, WA.
48-10 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. Palacios, J. López and F. Faura, An Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow Patterns and Air Entrapment Phenomena During the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., October 2010, Volume 132, Issue 5, 05101, doi:10.1115/1.4002535.
42-10 H. Lakshmi, M.C. Vinay Kumar, Raghunath, P. Kumar, V. Ramanarayanan, K.S.S. Murthy, P. Dutta, Induction reheating of A356.2 aluminum alloy and thixocasting as automobile component, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20(20101) s961-s967.
41-10 Pamela J. Waterman, Understanding Core-Gas Defects, Desktop Engineering, October 2010. Available online at Desktop Engineering. Also published in the Foundry Trade Journal, November 2010.
32-10 Guan Hai Yan, Sheng Dun Zhao, Zheng Hui Sha, Parameters Optimization of Semisolid Diecasting Process for Air-Conditioner’s Triple Valve in HPb59-1 Alloy, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 129 – 131), Vol. Material and Manufacturing Technology, pp. 936-941, DOI: 10.4028/, August 2010.
29-10 Zheng Peng, Xu Jun, Zhang Zhifeng, Bai Yuelong, and Shi Likai, Numerical Simulation of Filling of Rheo-diecasting A357 Aluminum Alloy, Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, DOI: CNKI:SUN:TZZZ.0.2010-01-024, 2010.
15-10 David H. Kirkwood, Michel Suery, Plato Kapranos, Helen V. Atkinson, and Kenneth P. Young, Semi-solid Processing of Alloys, 2010, XII, 172 p. 103 illus., 19 in color., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642-00705-7.
09-10 Shannon Wetzel, Fullfilling Da Vinci’s Dream, Modern Casting, April 2010.
08-10 B.I. Semenov, K.M. Kushtarov, Semi-solid Manufacturing of Castings, New Industrial Technologies, Publication of Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman, 2009 (in Russian)
07-10 Carl Reilly, Development Of Quantitative Casting Quality Assessment Criteria Using Process Modelling, thesis: The University of Birmingham, March 2010 (Available upon request)
60-09 Somlak Wannarumon, and Marco Actis Grande, Comparisons of Computer Fluid Dynamic Software Programs applied to Jewelry Investment Casting Process, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 55 2009.
59-09 Marco Actis Grande and Somlak Wannarumon, Numerical Simulation of Investment Casting of Gold Jewelry: Experiments and Validations, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol:3 2009-07-24
51-09 In-Ting Hong, Huan-Chien Tung, Chun-Hao Chiu and Hung-Shang Huang, Effect of Casting Parameters on Microstructure and Casting Quality of Si-Al Alloy for Vacuum Sputtering, China Steel Technical Report, No. 22, pp. 33-40, 2009.
42-09 P. Väyrynen, S. Wang, S. Louhenkilpi and L. Holappa, Modeling and Removal of Inclusions in Continuous Casting, Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 25-29, 2009
7-09 Andrei Starobin, Simulation of Core Gas Evolution and Flow, presented at the North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
6-09 A.Pari, Optimization of HPDC PROCESS: Case Studies, North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
09-07 Alexandre Reikher and Michael Barkhudarov, Casting: An Analytical Approach, Springer, 1st edition, August 2007, Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-84628-849-4. U.S. Order Form; Europe Order Form.
02-07 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Mark R. Jolly and John Campbell, The Design of L-Shaped Runners for Gravity Casting, Shape Casting: 2nd International Symposium, Edited by Paul N. Crepeau, Murat Tiryakioðlu and John Campbell, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Orlando, FL, Feb 2007
6-06 M. Barkhudarov, and G. Wei, Modeling of the Coupled Motion of Rigid Bodies in Liquid Metal, Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes – XI, May 28 – June 2, 2006, Opio, France, eds. Ch.-A. Gandin and M. Bellet, pp 71-78, 2006.
2-06 J.-C. Gebelin, M.R. Jolly and F.-Y. Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, Int. J. Cast Met. Res., 2006, Vol.19 No.1
30-05 H. Xue, K. Kabiri-Bamoradian, R.A. Miller, Modeling Dynamic Cavity Pressure and Impact Spike in Die Casting, Cast Expo ’05, April 16-19, 2005
22-05 Blas Melissari & Stavros A. Argyropoulous, Measurement of Magnitude and Direction of Velocity in High-Temperature Liquid Metals; Part I, Mathematical Modeling, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Volume 36B, October 2005, pp. 691-700
21-05 M.R. Jolly, State of the Art Review of Use of Modeling Software for Casting, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 337-346
20-05 J-C Gebelin, M.R. Jolly & F-Y Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 355-364
19-05 F-Y Hsu, M.R. Jolly & J Campbell, Vortex Gate Design for Gravity Castings, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 73-82
18-05 M.R. Jolly, Modelling the Investment Casting Process: Problems and Successes, Japanese Foundry Society, JFS, Tokyo, Sept. 2005
6-05 Birgit Hummler-Schaufler, Fritz Hirning, Jurgen Schaufler, A World First for Hatz Diesel and Schaufler Tooling, Die Casting Engineer, May 2005, pp. 18-21
4-05 Rolf Krack, The W35 Topic—A World First, Die Casting World, March 2005, pp. 16-17
36-04 Ik Min Park, Il Dong Choi, Yong Ho Park, Development of Light-Weight Al Scroll Compressor for Car Air Conditioner, Materials Science Forum, Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, 449-452, 149, March 2004.
30-04 Haijing Mao, A Numerical Study of Externally Solidified Products in the Cold Chamber Die Casting Process, thesis: The Ohio State University, 2004 (Available upon request)
23-04State of the Art Use of Computational Modelling in the Foundry Industry, 3rd International Conference Computational Modelling of Materials III, Sicily, Italy, June 2004, Advances in Science and Technology, Eds P. Vincenzini & A Lami, Techna Group Srl, Italy, ISBN: 88-86538-46-4, Part B, pp 479-490
22-04 Jerry Fireman, Computer Simulation Helps Reduce Scrap, Die Casting Engineer, May 2004, pp. 46-49
21-04 Joerg Frei, Simulation—A Safe and Quick Way to Good Components, Aluminium World, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 42-43
14-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov, Charles H. Sherwin, and Ruel A. Overfelt, Hot Distortion Studies In Phenolic Urethane Cold Box System, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
13-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov and Ruel A. Overfelt, First V-Process Casting of Magnesium, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
5-04 C. Schlumpberger & B. Hummler-Schaufler, Produktentwicklung auf hohem Niveau (Product Development on a High Level), Druckguss Praxis, January 2004, pp 39-42 (in German).
3-04 Charles Bates, Dealing with Defects, Foundry Management and Technology, February 2004, pp 23-25
1-04 Laihua Wang, Thang Nguyen, Gary Savage and Cameron Davidson, Thermal and Flow Modeling of Ladling and Injection in High Pressure Die Casting Process, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, vol. 16 No 4 2003, pp 409-417
21-03 E F Brush Jr, S P Midson, W G Walkington, D T Peters, J G Cowie, Porosity Control in Copper Rotor Die Castings, NADCA Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN September 15-18, 2003, T03-046
10-03 Gebelin., J-C and Jolly, M.R., Modeling of the Investment Casting Process, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., Vol. 135/2-3, pp. 291 – 300
9-03 Cox, M, Harding, R.A. and Campbell, J., Optimised Running System Design for Bottom Filled Aluminium Alloy 2L99 Investment Castings, J. Mat. Sci. Tech., May 2003, Vol. 19, pp. 613-625
8-03 Von Alexander Schrey and Regina Reek, Numerische Simulation der Kernherstellung, (Numerical Simulation of Core Blowing), Giesserei, June 2003, pp. 64-68 (in German)
7-03 J. Zuidema Jr., L Katgerman, Cyclone separation of particles in aluminum DC Casting, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 607-614
6-03 Jean-Christophe Gebelin and Mark Jolly, Numerical Modeling of Metal Flow Through Filters, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 431-438
5-03 N.W. Lai, W.D. Griffiths and J. Campbell, Modelling of the Potential for Oxide Film Entrainment in Light Metal Alloy Castings, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 415-422
21-02 Boris Lukezic, Case History: Process Modeling Solves Die Design Problems, Modern Casting, February 2003, P 59
16-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Computer Simulation of Lost Foam Process, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 319-324
15-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Computer Simulation of Inclusion Tracking, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 341-346
14-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Advanced Simulation of the Flow and Heat Transfer of an Alternator Housing, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 219-228
7-02 A Habibollah Zadeh, and J Campbell, Metal Flow Through a Filter System, University of Birmingham, 2002 American Foundry Society, AFS Transactions 02-020, Kansas City, MO
6-02 Phil Ward, and Helen Atkinson, Final Report for EPSRC Project: Modeling of Thixotropic Flow of Metal Alloys into a Die, GR/M17334/01, March 2002, University of Sheffield
5-02 S. I. Bakhtiyarov and R. A. Overfelt, Numerical and Experimental Study of Aluminum Casting in Vacuum-sealed Step Molding, Auburn University, 2002 American Foundry Society, AFS Transactions 02-050, Kansas City, MO
4-02 J. C. Gebelin and M. R. Jolly, Modelling Filters in Light Alloy Casting Processes, University of Birmingham, 2002 American Foundry Society AFS Transactions 02-079, Kansas City, MO
3-02 Mark Jolly, Mike Cox, Jean-Christophe Gebelin, Sam Jones, and Alex Cendrowicz, Fundamentals of Investment Casting (FOCAST), Modelling the Investment Casting Process, Some preliminary results from the UK Research Programme, IRC in Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, AFS2001
49-01 Hua Bai and Brian G. Thomas, Bubble formation during horizontal gas injection into downward-flowing liquid, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1143-1159, 2001.
45-01 Jan Zuidema; Laurens Katgerman; Ivo J. Opstelten;Jan M. Rabenberg, Secondary Cooling in DC Casting: Modelling and Experimental Results, TMS 2001, New Orleans, Louisianna, February 11-15, 2001
43-01 James Andrew Yurko, Fluid Flow Behavior of Semi-Solid Aluminum at High Shear Rates,Ph.D. thesis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2001. Abstract only; full thesis available at (for a fee).
33-01 Juang, S.H., CAE Application on Design of Die Casting Dies, 2001 Conference on CAE Technology and Application, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, November 2001, (article in Chinese with English-language abstract)
32-01 Juang, S.H. and C. M. Wang, Effect of Feeding Geometry on Flow Characteristics of Magnesium Die Casting by Numerical Analysis, The Preceedings of 6th FADMA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2001, Chinese language with English abstract
21-01 P. Scarber Jr., Using Liquid Free Surface Areas as a Predictor of Reoxidation Tendency in Metal Alloy Castings, presented at the Steel Founders’ Society of American, Technical and Operating Conference, October 2001
20-01 P. Scarber Jr., J. Griffin, and C. E. Bates, The Effect of Gating and Pouring Practice on Reoxidation of Steel Castings, presented at the Steel Founders’ Society of American, Technical and Operating Conference, October 2001
18-01 Rajiv Shivpuri, Venkatesh Sankararaman, Kaustubh Kulkarni, An Approach at Optimizing the Ingate Design for Reducing Filling and Shrinkage Defects, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Presented by North American Die Casting Association, Oct 29-Nov 1, 2001, Cincinnati, TO1-052
2-01 J. Grindling, Customized CFD Codes to Simulate Casting of Thermosets in Full 3D, Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding 2000 Conference, October 31-November 2, 20
20-00 Richard Schuhmann, John Carrig, Thang Nguyen, Arne Dahle, Comparison of Water Analogue Modelling and Numerical Simulation Using Real-Time X-Ray Flow Data in Gravity Die Casting, Australian Die Casting Association Die Casting 2000 Conference, September 3-6, 2000, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
15-00 M. Sirvio, Vainola, J. Vartianinen, M. Vuorinen, J. Orkas, and S. Devenyi, Fluid Flow Analysis for Designing Gating of Aluminum Castings, Proc. NADCA Conf., Rosemont, IL, Nov 6-8, 1999
14-00 X. Yang, M. Jolly, and J. Campbell, Reduction of Surface Turbulence during Filling of Sand Castings Using a Vortex-flow Runner, Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August 2000
13-00 H. S. H. Lo and J. Campbell, The Modeling of Ceramic Foam Filters, Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August 2000
12-00 M. R. Jolly, H. S. H. Lo, M. Turan and J. Campbell, Use of Simulation Tools in the Practical Development of a Method for Manufacture of Cast Iron Camshafts,” Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August, 2000
14-99 J Koke, and M Modigell, Time-Dependent Rheological Properties of Semi-solid Metal Alloys, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Aachen University of Technology, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 3: 15-30, 1999
12-99 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, Schneider, Wolfgang, Ray, Steven, Marthinusen, Jan-Olaf, Recent Improvements in Ceramic Foam Filter Design by Coupled Heat and Fluid Flow Modeling, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1999, pp. 1041-1047
10-99 Bongcheol Park and Jerald R. Brevick, Computer Flow Modeling of Cavity Pre-fill Effects in High Pressure Die Casting, NADCA Proceedings, Cleveland T99-011, November, 1999
8-99 Brad Guthrie, Simulation Reduces Aluminum Die Casting Cost by Reducing Volume, Die Casting Engineer Magazine, September/October 1999, pp. 78-81
19-98 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, & Schneider, Wolfgang, Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow Phenomena in the Launder-integrated Tool Within Casting Unit Development, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1998, pp. 1175-1182
18-98 X. Yang & J. Campbell, Liquid Metal Flow in a Pouring Basin, Int. J. Cast Metals Res, 1998, 10, pp. 239-253
15-98 R. Van Tol, Mould Filling of Horizontal Thin-Wall Castings, Delft University Press, The Netherlands, 1998
14-98 J. Daughtery and K. A. Williams, Thermal Modeling of Mold Material Candidates for Copper Pressure Die Casting of the Induction Motor Rotor Structure, Proc. Int’l Workshop on Permanent Mold Casting of Copper-Based Alloys, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 15-16, 1998
10-98 C. W. Hirt, and M.R. Barkhudarov, Lost Foam Casting Simulation with Defect Prediction, Flow Science Inc, presented at Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VIII Conference, June 7-12, 1998, Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, California
9-98 M. R. Barkhudarov and C. W. Hirt, Tracking Defects, Flow Science Inc, presented at the 1st International Aluminum Casting Technology Symposium, 12-14 October 1998, Rosemont, IL
3-98 P. Kapranos, M. R. Barkhudarov, D. H. Kirkwood, Modeling of Structural Breakdown during Rapid Compression of Semi-Solid Alloy Slugs, Dept. Engineering Materials, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. and Flow Science Inc, USA, Presented at the 5th International Conference Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 23-25 June 1998
1-98 U. Jerichow, T. Altan, and P. R. Sahm, Semi Solid Metal Forming of Aluminum Alloys-The Effect of Process Variables Upon Material Flow, Cavity Fill and Mechanical Properties, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, published in Die Casting Engineer, p. 26, Jan/Feb 1998
8-97 Michael Barkhudarov, High Pressure Die Casting Simulation Using FLOW-3D, Die Casting Engineer, 1997
14-97 M. Ranganathan and R. Shivpuri, Reducing Scrap and Increasing Die Life in Low Pressure Die Casting through Flow Simulation and Accelerated Testing, Dept. Welding and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, presented at 19th International Die Casting Congress & Exposition, November 3-6, 1997
13-97 J. Koke, Modellierung und Simulation der Fließeigenschaften teilerstarrter Metallegierungen, Livt Information, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, RWTH Aachen, October 1997
8-97 H. Grazzini and D. Nesa, Thermophysical Properties, Casting Simulation and Experiments for a Stainless Steel, AT Systemes (Renault) report, presented at the Solidification Processing ’97 Conference, July 7-10, 1997, Sheffield, U.K.
7-97 R. Van Tol, L. Katgerman and H. E. A. Van den Akker, Horizontal Mould Filling of a Thin Wall Aluminum Casting, Laboratory of Materials report, Delft University, presented at the Solidification Processing ’97 Conference, July 7-10, 1997, Sheffield, U.K.
22-96 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich & Schneider, Wolfgang, 3-D Modeling of the Start-up Phase of DC Casting of Sheet Ingots, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1996, pp. 971-981
4-96 C. W. Hirt, A Computational Model for the Lost Foam Process, Flow Science final report, February 1996 (FSI-96-57-R2)
3-96 M. R. Barkhudarov, C. L. Bronisz, C. W. Hirt, Three-Dimensional Thixotropic Flow Model, Flow Science report, FSI-96-00-1, published in the proceedings of (pp. 110- 114) and presented at the 4th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, The University of Sheffield, 19-21 June 1996
1-96 M. R. Barkhudarov, J. Beech, K. Chang, and S. B. Chin, Numerical Simulation of Metal/Mould Interfacial Heat Transfer in Casting, Dept. Mech. & Process Engineering, Dept. Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield and Flow Science Inc, 9th Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluid Engineering, June 25-28, 1996, Singapore
11-95 Barkhudarov, M. R., Hirt, C.W., Casting Simulation Mold Filling and Solidification-Benchmark Calculations Using FLOW-3D, Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, pp 935-946
10-95 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, & Schneider, Wolfgang, Optimal Design of a Distribution Pan for Level Pour Casting, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1995, pp. 1061-1070
9-95 E. Masuda, I. Itoh, K. Haraguchi, Application of Mold Filling Simulation to Die Casting Processes, Honda Engineering Co., Ltd., Tochigi, Japan, presented at the Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1995
6-95 K. Venkatesan, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Process Parameters on the Erosive Wear of Die Casting Dies, presented for Ph.D. degree at Ohio State University, 1995
5-95 J. Righi, A. F. LaCamera, S. A. Jones, W. G. Truckner, T. N. Rouns, Integration of Experience and Simulation Based Understanding in the Die Design Process, Alcoa Technical Center, Alcoa Center, PA 15069, presented by the North American Die Casting Association, 1995
2-95 K. Venkatesan and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Simulation and Comparison with Water Modeling Studies of the Inertia Dominated Cavity Filling in Die Casting, NUMIFORM, 1995
13-94 Deniece Korzekwa and Paul Dunn, A Combined Experimental and Modeling Approach to Uranium Casting, Materials Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, presented at the Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, El Dorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1994
12-94 R. van Tol, H. E. A. van den Akker and L. Katgerman, CFD Study of the Mould Filling of a Horizontal Thin Wall Aluminum Casting, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, HTD-Vol. 284/AMD-Vol. 182, Transport Phenomena in Solidification, ASME 1994
11-94 M. R. Barkhudarov and K. A. Williams, Simulation of ‘Surface Turbulence’ Fluid Phenomena During the Mold Filling Phase of Gravity Castings, Flow Science Technical Note #41, November 1994 (FSI-94-TN41)
16-93 K. Venkatesan and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Simulation of Die Cavity Filling in Die Castings and an Evaluation of Process Parameters on Die Wear, Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering, Presented by: N.A. Die Casting Association, Cleveland, Ohio, October 18-21, 1993
15-93 K. Venkatesen and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Modeling of Filling and Solidification for Improved Quality of Die Casting: A Literature Survey (Chapters II and III), Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing, Report C-93-07, August 1993, Ohio State University
1-93 P-E Persson, Computer Simulation of the Solidification of a Hub Carrier for the Volvo 800 Series, AB Volvo Technological Development, Metals Laboratory, Technical Report No. LM 500014E, Jan. 1993
13-92 D. R. Korzekwa, M. A. K. Lewis, Experimentation and Simulation of Gravity Fed Lead Castings, in proceedings of a TMS Symposium on Concurrent Engineering Approach to Materials Processing, S. N. Dwivedi, A. J. Paul and F. R. Dax, eds., TMS-AIME Warrendale, p. 155 (1992)
12-92 M. A. K. Lewis, Near-Net-Shaiconpe Casting Simulation and Experimentation, MST 1992 Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2-92 M. R. Barkhudarov, H. You, J. Beech, S. B. Chin, D. H. Kirkwood, Validation and Development of FLOW-3D for Casting, School of Materials, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, presented at the TMS/AIME Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 3, 1992
1-92 D. R. Korzekwa and L. A. Jacobson, Los Alamos National Laboratory and C.W. Hirt, Flow Science Inc, Modeling Planar Flow Casting with FLOW-3D, presented at the TMS/AIME Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 3, 1992
12-91 R. Shivpuri, M. Kuthirakulathu, and M. Mittal, Nonisothermal 3-D Finite Difference Simulation of Cavity Filling during the Die Casting Process, Dept. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University, presented at the 1991 Winter Annual ASME Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1-6, 1991
3-91 C. W. Hirt, A FLOW-3D Study of the Importance of Fluid Momentum in Mold Filling, presented at the 18th Annual Automotive Materials Symposium, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, May 1-2, 1991 (FSI-91-00-2)
11-90 N. Saluja, O.J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, On the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Force Field in the Circular Stirring of Metallic Melts, accepted in J. Appl. Physics, 1990
10-90 N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, On the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Force Field in the Circular Stirring of Metallic Molds in Continuous Castings, presented at the 6th Iron and Steel Congress of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Nagoya, Japan, October 1990
9-90 N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, Fluid Flow in Phenomena in the Electromagnetic Stirring of Continuous Casting Systems, Part I. The Behavior of a Cylindrically Shaped, Laboratory Scale Installation, accepted for publication in Steel Research, 1990
8-89 C. W. Hirt, Gravity-Fed Casting, Flow Science Technical Note #20, July 1989 (FSI-89-TN20)
6-89 E. W. M. Hansen and F. Syvertsen, Numerical Simulation of Flow Behaviour in Moldfilling for Casting Analysis, SINTEF-Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Report No. STS20 A89001, June 1989
1-88 C. W. Hirt and R. P. Harper, Modeling Tests for Casting Processes, Flow Science report, Jan. 1988 (FSI-88-38-01)
2-87 C. W. Hirt, Addition of a Solidification/Melting Model to FLOW-3D, Flow Science report, April 1987 (FSI-87-33-1)
FLOW-3D 의 공기 혼입 모델(air entrainment model)은 자유 표면에서 용해되지 않은 공기 혼입을 시뮬레이션하는 강력한 도구입니다. 제트 및 방수로 충돌시 관찰되는 국부적이고 난류가없는 자유 표면 혼입 기능이 있습니다. 이러한 기능은 엔지니어가 설계시 공기 유입을 예측하고, 공기유입이 안전하게 작동하도록 적절한 수정을 할 수 있게 합니다.
Spillway hydraulics / 여수로 수리장치
여수로 구조는 다양한 작동 조건을 처리 할 수 있도록 설계되어야 합니다. 유동 조건이 설계 범위의 상단에 도달하면 여수로 표면의 불규칙성으로 인해 유동이 분리 될 수 있습니다. 이는 여수로 표면의 압력이 캐비테이션을 일으킬 정도로 낮아지게 합니다. 캐비테이션은 구조물의 강도에 매우 해로우며 치명적인 손상을 초래할 수 있습니다.
공기 유입은 캐비테이션의 가능성을 줄이는 수단입니다. 물이 공기에 존재하면 캐비테이션 영역의 붕괴하는 기포에 감쇠 효과를 추가하여 캐비테이션 손상을 줄입니다. 여수로의 속도가 충분히 높으면 공기를 동반시키고 캐비테이션을 줄이기 위해 폭기 장치를 추가해야합니다.
폭기 흐름의 시뮬레이션과 폭기 장치에서 포획된 공기의 예측.
왼쪽 이미지는 거시적 인 밀도에 의해 착색됩니다. 오른쪽 그래프는 폭기 장치에 유입 된 수분의 일정한 부피와 폭기 장치 이후의 수분 및 공기의 양을 비교 한 것입니다.
아래 동영상은 FLOW-3D에서 공기 유입 과정을 시뮬레이션하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 여기에는 공기혼입 및 드리프트 플럭스 모델의 이론에 대한 세부 정보와 FLOW-3D에서 기본 공기혼입 시뮬레이션을 설정하는 방법에 대한 데모가 포함되어 있습니다.
Fish passage design / 물고기 개체수 유지를 위한 어도 설계
공기가 물로 혼입되면 미생물의 성장을 유지하고 건강한 어류 개체군의 생존을 보장 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 과포화 상태의 용존 기체는 수생 생물에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 수질 문제가 됩니다. 공기 동반 모델의 또 다른 용도는 강의 하류로 방출되는 배수로에서 동반되는 공기의 농도를 결정하기 위해 해양 생물학에서 사용됩니다. 이 모델에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 Air Entrainment 의 Flow Science Report를 다운로드하십시오.
실행중인 해석의 제어 파라미터는 History probes에서 사용자가 정의한 조건에 따라, 런타임 동안에 자동으로 변경 될 수 있습니다. History probes에 의해 기록된 시뮬레이션 변수는 경계 조건, mass source 및 General Moving Object 기능을 이용하여, 시간에 따른 개체의 동작을 제어하기 위해 사용될 수있습니다. 예를 들어, 고압다이캐스팅 해석에서 게이트에 설정한 History probes에 유체가 도달하면, 그 정보를 캡처하는 데이터 출력 주파수를 증가시켜 플런저의 속도를 고속으로 자동 전환 될 수있습니다. 고압다이캐스팅 해석은 유체가 게이트에 도달 할 때 자동으로 고속 전환됩니다. 이 프로세스는 새로운 실행 시뮬레이션 제어 기능을 통해 자동으로 진행됩니다. 저속 구간에서 플런저의 움직임은 trigger 슬리브의 용융물에 혼입되는 공기의 양을 최소화하기 위해 Barkhudarov 방법 1을 사용하여 계산됩니다. 이 결과는 훨씬 더 높은 품질의 주조품이 나올수 있도록 설계하는데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >Read the blog post >
Batch Postprocessing & Report Generation
Batch 후처리 및 보고서 생성은 해석 결과 분석시 사용자의 해석 처리 시간을 절약하기 위해 개발되었습니다. Batch 후처리는, 해석이 완료된 후, 사용자가 애니메이션, 시나리오, 그래프, 텍스트 데이터 시리즈를 정의하여 자동으로 생성되도록 할 수 있습니다. 그래픽 요청은 백그라운드에서 FlowSight를 실행하여 처리되도록 FLOW-3D Cast에 정의되어 있습니다. 원하는 해석 결과를 생성할 수 있는 컨텍스트 파일을 사용하면 Batch 후처리 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. Batch 후처리가 완료되면, 사용자는 쉽게 자신의 관리자, 동료, 또는 클라이언트에 보낼 수있는 HTML5 형식의 완벽한 기능을 갖춘 보고서를 만들 수 있습니다. 이미지 및 동영상도 보고서에 포함 할 수 있고, 사용자는 텍스트, 캡션, 참고 문헌의 형식을 완벽하게 제어 하고 유지할 수 있습니다. Read the blog post >
Batch Postprocessing
Automatic Report Generation
Embed Videos in Your Reports
Metal Casting Models
Squeeze Pin Model
스퀴즈 핀은 주조시 주입 공급이 어려운 영역에서, 응고하는 동안 금속 수축을 보상하기 위해 사용되는 실제의 다이 캐스팅 머신의 동작을 모델링하는 해석을 할 수 있습니다. 스퀴즈 핀은 선택된 표면에 cylinderical squeeze pin을 추가하여, STL 파일 또는 대화식으로 생성 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Intensification Pressure Model
새로운 플런저 타입 형상이 추가 되었습니다. 강화된 압력 조건으로 macro-shrinkage 와 micro-porosity 제거를 지정할 수 있습니다.
Thermal Die Cycling model
다이싸이클링 (Thermal die cycling, TDC) 모델에 새로운 두 가지의 단계가 추가되었습니다. 금형이 열린 상태에서 제품이 여전히 금형 내부에 있는 ejection 단계와, 금형이 닫혔지만 사출 바로전의 preparation 단계가 추가되었습니다. 또한, 마지막 싸이클만이 아닌 모든 금형 싸이클 모두 수렴된 결과를 전달하기 위해 TDC 솔버가 성능 손실 없이 최적화 되었습니다. Read the blog post >
Valves and Vents
밸브와 밴트의 외부 압력과 온도는 이제 사용자가 다이 캐스팅 공정에서 충진중에 보다 실제적인 동작을 정의 할 수 있도록, 시간의 표 함수로서 정의 할 수있습니다. 밸브 및 벤트의 압력 및 온도는 프로세스 설계 단계에서 유용한 제품 내부에 설정된 프로브에 의해 제어 될 수 있습니다.
PQ2 Diagram
PQ2다이어그램의 사용은 사용자가 더 나은 슬리브의 플런저 실제 움직임과 유사하게 적용 할 수 있습니다. 새로운 기능은 실제 공정 변수가 아직 알려져 있지 않았을 때 다이캐스팅 설계 단계 중에 특히 유용합니다. Read the blog post >
Cooling Channels
냉각 채널은 금형 각각의 냉각 유로에 의해 제거되거나 추가된 열의 총량에 의해 제어 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Air Entrainment Model
Air entrainment 모델에 compressibility를 입력하는 새로운 옵션이 추가되었습니다. 고압 다이캐스팅의 충진 공정과 같은 경우, 공기 압축성은 유체 압력의 변화로 인한 유체의 흐름에 중요한 인자가 됩니다.
Cavitation Model
캐비테이션 모델은 유동 조건의 더 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 유체의 캐비테이션 거동을 나타내도록 개선되었습니다. 캐비테이션 생성에 대한 새로운 옵션은 경험적 관계를 기반으로, 기존의 일정한 속도로 생성되는 방식에서 보완되었습니다. 새로운 passive gas model 옵션은 open bubbles이 아닌 유체내에 cavitationg gas를 추적하여, 계산에 필요한 격자와 계산시간을 줄일 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Two-fluid Phase Change Model
Two-fluid phase change model 은 과냉각을 포함하도록 확장되었습니다. 일정한 과냉각 온도를 정의하고 가스 온도가 응축이 일어나기 전에 포화점 이하로 내려갈 수 있게 함으로써 구현됩니다.
Simulation Results and Analysis
Simulation Results File Editor
사용자가 FLOW-3DCast v4.1 결과 파일들을 병합 및 제거 할 수 있는 편집 유틸리티
Linking flsgrf.* files
Restart 해석 결과 파일들(flsgrf.*)은 FlowSight 에서 하나의 연속적인 애니메이션 결과를 표시하기 위해 restart source 결과로 링크될 수 있습니다.
Fluid/wall Contact Time
A new spatial quantity has been added to the solution output that stores the time that metal spent in contact with each geometric component, as well as the time spent by each component with metal.
용탕이 각 geometry 컴포넌트를 접촉한 시간과 각 컴포넌트가 용탕과의 접촉 시간을 나타내는 새로운 공간적 양이 해석 아웃풋에 추가 되었습니다.
Performance and Usability
열전달 계수, 열 침투 깊이, 밸브 손실 계수, 슬리브에 용탕량(깊이), 플런저의 속도를 계산할 수 있는 Calculators 기능이 Model Setup 창에서 바로 가능해졌습니다. 또한 유틸리티 메뉴에서도 가능합니다.
HTC Calculator for Cooling Channels
Thermal Penetration Depth Calculator
Fluid Height Calculator
Slow Shot Plunger Speed Calculator
Valve Loss Coefficient Calculator
Thermal Die Cycling
열전달 계수 데이터베이스와 각 싸이클 단계들이 입력되어있어 간편하게 다이싸이클링 해석을 하실 수 있습니다.
GMRES Pressure Solver
GMRES pressure solver의 속도가 솔버 데이터 구조의 최적화로 인해 2배까지 향상되었습니다. 이로 인해 메모리 사용량이 20% 미만으로 증가할 수 있습니다. Read the blog post >
Sampling Volumes
Sampling volume 기능은 STL로 정의할 수 있습니다. 각 sampling volume에 의해 계산된 양들의 목록은 유체의 부피, 최대/최소 온도, 파티클의 갯수와 같은 전체 해석 영역에 대해 모두 같은 양이 되도록 확장되었습니다.
구조분석 모델의 성능이 부분적인 coupling으로 해석 솔버의 병렬화와 최적화를 통해 향상되었습니다.
Workspaces 를 이전에 설치된 FLOW-3D에서 가져올 수 있습니다. Workspaces 와 사용자가 선택한 시뮬레이션들을 복사할 수 있습니다.
Expanded Simulation Pre-check
Simulation pre-check 기능은 preprocessor checks를 포함하고, 문제가 발생하는 경우 링크됩니다.
Improved Transparency
Depth-peeling 옵션은 transparent geometries 를 좀 더 잘 표현하고, v4.0보다 10배 빨라졌습니다.
Interactive Tools
Baffles, history probes, void/fluid pointers, valves, mass-momentum sources, squeeze pins에 대한 새로운 대화형 생성 기능이 추가되었습니다. 또한 probing과 clipping 도구들이 대화형으로 개선되었습니다.
General Enable/Disable
모든 objects (e.g., mesh blocks)은 활성화/비활성화 할 수 있습니다.
Estimated Remaining Simulation Time
솔버 메세지 파일에 short-print로 추정된 잔여 해석 시간이 추가 되었습니다.
Tabular Data
테이블 형식의 데이터에서 선택된 데이터를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하여 csv파일 또는 외부 파일에 복사, 저장할 수 있습니다.
FLOW-3D의 공기 혼입 모델은 중력 주조 공정과 같은 금속 주조 시스템에서 발생하는 갇힌 공기의 양을 추정하는데 사용됩니다. 이는 단순한 물리적 메커니즘을 기반으로하므로 고압 다이 캐스팅 공정과 같은 다른 금속 주조 시스템에서 발생하는 혼입 공기의 양을 추정하는 데에도 사용할 수 있습니다. 최근 모델에 더 많은 물리적 세부 사항이 추가되어 기포 형태로 가정되는 동반 공기가 부력으로 인해 주변 액체 금속에서 상승하고 심지어 자유 표면에 도달하면 액체를 떠나는 것으로 모델링 할 수 있습니다.
고객 사례
Littler Diecast Co.
A380에 캐스팅 된 지지대. 공기 흡입에 의해 착색됩니다. Littler Diecast Co.의 예
Deco Products
Caster Wheel Leg part의 4 가지 시뮬레이션 사례. 이 부품들은 아연 합금 # 5로 만들어져 있습니다. 데코 제품의 예.
Shiloh Industries
동반 된 공기의 비율로 착색 된 전면 기어 하우징, 380 다이캐스팅 합금. Shiloh Industries의 예. 이 모델에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 Air Entrainment 의 Flow Science Report를 다운로드하십시오.
Overview In free-surface flows the turbulence in the liquid may be sufficient to disturb the surface to the point of entraining air into the flow. This process is important, for example, in water treatment where air is needed to sustain microorganisms for water purification and in rivers and streams for sustaining a healthy fish population. Air entrainment is typically engineered into spillways downstream of hydropower plants to reduce the possibility of cavitation damage at the base of the spillway. Situations where air entrainment is undesirable are in the sprue and runner systems used by metal casters, and in the filling of liquid containers used for consumer products. The importance of being able to predict the amount and distribution of entrained air at a free liquid surface has led to the development of a unique model in FLOW-3D®. The model has two options. One option, to be used when the volume fraction of entrained air is relatively low, uses a passive scalar variable to record and transport the air volume fraction. This model is passive in that it does not alter the dynamics of the flow. The second air-entrainment model option is based on a variable density formulation. This model includes the “bulking” of fluid volume by the addition of air and the buoyancy effects associated with entrained air. This dynamically coupled model cannot, however, be used in conjunction with heat transport and natural (thermal) convection. In addition, when using the variable density formulation, the model can include a relative drifting of air in water, the possible escape of air if it rises to the surface of the water and the removal or addition of air to trapped bubble regions represented as adiabatic bubbles. The same basic entrainment process is used in both options. It is based on a competition between the stabilizing forces of gravity and surface tension and the destabilizing effects of surface turbulence. Because turbulence is the main cause of entrainment, a turbulence-transport model must be used in connection with the air-entrainment model. It is recommended that the RNG version of the more traditional k-epsilon turbulence model be employed. All the validation tests reported in this Technical Note were performed using the RNG model.
Overview In free-surface flows the turbulence in the liquid may be sufficient to disturb the surface to the point of entraining air into the flow. This process is important, for example, in water treatment where air is needed to sustain microorganisms for water purification and in rivers and streams for sustaining a healthy fish population. Air entrainment is typically engineered into spillways downstream of hydropower plants to reduce the possibility of cavitation damage at the base of the spillway. Other situations where air entrainment is undesirable are in the sprue and runner systems used by metal casters, and in the filling of liquid containers used for consumer products. The importance of being able to predict the amount and distribution of entrained air at a free liquid surface has led to the development of a unique model that can be easily inserted into FLOW-3D® as a user customization. The model has two options. One option, to be used when the volume fraction of entrained air is relatively low, uses a scalar variable to record the air volume fraction. This model is passive in that it does not alter the dynamics of the flow. A second air-entrainment model, option two, is based on a variable density formulation. This model includes the “bulking” of fluid volume by the addition of air and the buoyancy effects associated with entrained air. However, this dynamically coupled model cannot be used in connection with heat transport and natural (thermal) convection. In both model options the same basic entrainment process is used that is based on a competition between the stabilizing forces of gravity and surface tension and the destabilizing effects of surface turbulence. The model is described in the next section. Because turbulence is the main cause of entrainment, a turbulence-transport model must be used in connection with the air-entrainment model (i.e., ifvis=3 or 4). It is recommended that the RNG version of the more traditional k-epsilon turbulence model be employed. All the validation tests reported in this Technical Note were performed using the RNG turbulence model.
FLOW-3D 는 고도의 정확성이 필요한 항공, 자동차, 수자원 및 환경, 금속 산업분야의 세계적인 선진 기업에서 사용됩니다.
FLOW-3D의 광범위한 다중 물리 기능(multiphysics )은 자유 표면 흐름, 표면 장력, 열전달, 난류, 움직이는 물체, 단순 변형 고체, 전기 기계, 캐비테이션, 탄/소성, 점성, 가소성, 입자, 고체 연료, 연소 및 위상 변화를 포함합니다. 이러한 모델은 FLOW-3D를 사용하는 사용자들이 기술 및 과학의 광범위한 문제를 해결하도록 설계를 최적화하고 복잡한 프로세스 흐름에 대한 통찰력을 얻을 수 있도록 합니다.
아래는 코팅 참고 문헌의 기술 문서 모음입니다. 이 모든 논문은 FLOW-3D 결과를 포함하고 있습니다. FLOW-3D를 사용하여 코팅 공정을 성공적으로 시뮬레이션 하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.
Coating Bibliography
2024년 11월 20일 Update
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87-24 Rahul Jayakumar, T.P.D. Rajan, Sivaraman Savithri, A GPU based accelerated solver for simulation of heat transfer during metal casting process, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32.5; 055013, 2024.
46-24 Masyrukan, Irwan Mawarda, Sunardi Wiyono, Bibit Sugito, Ummi Kultsum, Dessy Ade Pratiwi, Desi Gustiani, Nur Annisa Istiqamah, The effect of differences in in-gate diameter size on the structure and mechanical properties of aluminum (Al) castings in pipe products with a red sand mold, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2838.1; 2024.
43-24 German Alberto Barragán De Los Rios, Silvio Andrés Salazar Martínez, Emigdio Mendoza Fandiño, Patricia Fernández-Morales, Numerical simulation of aluminum foams by space holder infiltration, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2024.
40-24 Bin Zhang, Gary P. Grealy, Thermomechanical modeling on AirSlip® billet DC casting of high-strength crack-prone aluminum alloys, Light Metals 2024, Eds. S. Wagstaff, pp. 1015-1025, 2024.
35-24 Balaji Chandrakanth, Ved Prakash, Adwaita Maiti, Diya Mukherjee, Development of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) inspired structured cast iron foams through casting route, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2024.
19-24 Diya Mukherjee, Himadri Roy, Balaji Chandrakanth, Nilrudra Mandal, Sudip Kumar Samanta, Manidipto Mukherjee, Enhancing properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy through microalloying and heat treatment, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 314; 128881, 2024.
46-24 Masyrukan, Irwan Mawarda, Sunardi Wiyono, Bibit Sugito, Ummi Kultsum, Dessy Ade Pratiwi, Desi Gustiani, Nur Annisa Istiqamah, The effect of differences in in-gate diameter size on the structure and mechanical properties of aluminum (Al) castings in pipe products with a red sand mold, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2838.1; 2024.
43-24 German Alberto Barragán De Los Rios, Silvio Andrés Salazar Martínez, Emigdio Mendoza Fandiño, Patricia Fernández-Morales, Numerical simulation of aluminum foams by space holder infiltration, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2024.
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35-24 Balaji Chandrakanth, Ved Prakash, Adwaita Maiti, Diya Mukherjee, Development of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) inspired structured cast iron foams through casting route, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2024.
19-24 Diya Mukherjee, Himadri Roy, Balaji Chandrakanth, Nilrudra Mandal, Sudip Kumar Samanta, Manidipto Mukherjee, Enhancing properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy through microalloying and heat treatment, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 314; 128881, 2024.
181-23 Daichi Minamide, Ken’ichi Yano, Masahiro Sano, Takahiro Aoki, Overflow design system to decrease gas defects considering the direction of molten metal flow, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), pp. 1-6, 2023.
102-23 Daichi Minamide, Ken’ichi Yano, Masahiro Sano, Takahiro Aoki, Automatic design of overflow system for preventing gas defects by considering the direction of molten metal flow, Computer-Aided Design, 163; 103586, 2023.
87-23 Prosenjit Das, Optimisation of melt pouring temperature and low superheat casting of Al-15Mg2Si-4.5Si composite, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 36.1-3; 2023.
60-23 Yuanhao Gu, Feng Wang, Jian Jiao, Zhi Wang, Le Zhou, Pingli Mao, Zheng Liu, Study on semisolid rheo-diecasting process, microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Al-1Ca-0.5Sb alloy with high solid fraction, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023.
45-23 Daniel Martinez, Philip King, Santosh Reddy Sama, Jay Sim, Hakan Toykoc, Guha Manogharan, Effect of freezing range on reducing casting defects through 3D sand-printed mold designs, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023.
38-23 Emanuele Pagone, Christopher Jones, John Forde, William Shaw, Mark Jolly, Konstantinos Salonitis, Defect minimization in vacuum-assisted plaster mould investment casting through simulation of high-value aluminium alloy components, TMS 2023: Light Metals, pp. 1078-1086, 2023.
33-23 Philip King, Guha Manogharan, Novel experimental method for metal flow analysis using open molds for sand casting, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023.
32-23 Sujeet Kumar Gautam, Himadri Roy, Aditya Kumar Lohar, Sudip Kumar Samanta, Studies on mold filling behavior of Al–10.5Si–1.7Cu Al alloy during rheo pressure die casting system, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023.
31-23 Anand Kumbhare, Prasenjit Biswas, Anil Bisen, Chandan Choudary, Investigation of effect of the rheological parameters on the flow behavior of ADC12 Al alloy in rheo-pressure die casting, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023.
24-23 Natalia Raźny, Anna Dmitruk, Maria Serdechnova, Carsten Blawert, Joanna Ludwiczak, Krzysztof Naplocha, The performance of thermally conductive tree-like cast aluminum structures in PCM-based storage units, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 142; 106606, 2023.
172-22 J. Yokesh Kumar, S. Gopi, K.S. Amirthagadeswaran, Redesigning and numerical simulation of gating system to reduce cold shut defect in submersible pump part castings, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2022.
71-22 M. G. Mahmoud, Amr Abdelghany, Serag Salem, Numerical simulation of door lock plates castings produced by high pressure die casting process, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2022.
52-22 Manthan Dhisale, Jitesh Vasavada, Asim Tewari, An approach to optimize cooling channel parameters of low pressure die casting process for reducing shrinkage porosity in aluminium alloy wheels, Materials Today: Proceedings, in print, 2022.
44-22 Zihan Lang, Feng Wang, Wei Wang, Zhi Wang, Le Zhou, Pingli Mao, Zheng Liu, Numerical simulation and experimental study on semi-solid forming process of 319s aluminum alloy test bar, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2022.
32-22 Elisa Fracchia, Federico Simone Gobber, Claudio Mus, Raul Pirovino, Mario Russo, The local squeeze technology for challenging aluminium HPDC automotive components, Light Metals, pp. 772-778, 2022.
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117-21 I. Rajkumar, N. Rajini, T. Ram Prabhu, Sikiru O. Ismail, Suchart Siengchin, Faruq Mohammad, Hamad A. Al-Lohedan , Applicability of angular orientations of gating designs to quality of sand casting components using two-cavity mould set-up, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2021.
74-21 Shuyang Ren, Feng Wang, Jingying Sun, Zheng Liu, Pingli Mao, Gating system design based on numerical simulation and production experiment verification of aluminum alloy bracket fabricated by semi-solid rheo-die casting process, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021.
69-21 Ozen Gursoy, Murat Colak, Kazim Tur, Derya Dispinar, Characterization of properties of Vanadium, Boron and Strontium addition on HPDC of A360 alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 271; 124931, 2021.
86-20 Malte Leonhard, Matthias Todte, Jörg Schäfer, Realistic simulation of the combustion of exothermic feeders, Modern Casting, August 2020; pp. 35-40, 2020. (See also 58-19)
52-20 Mingfan Qi, Yonglin Kang, Jingyuan Li, Zhumabieke Wulabieke, Yuzhao Xu, Yangde Li, Aisen Liu, Junchen Chen, Microstructures refinement and mechanical properties enhancement of aluminum and magnesium alloys by combining distributary-confluence channel process for semisolid slurry preparation with high pressure die-casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 285; 116800, 2020.
46-20 Yasushi Iwata, Shuxin Dong, Yoshio Sugiyama, Jun Yaokawa, Melt permeability changes during solidification of aluminum alloys and application to feeding simulation for die castings, Materials Transactions, 61.7; pp. 1381-1386, 2020.
20-20 Wu Yue, Li Zhuo and Lu Rong, Simulation and visual tester verification of solid propellant slurry vacuum plate casting, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020.
17-20 C.A. Jones, M.R. Jolly, A.E.W. Jarfors and M. Irwin, An experimental characterization of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic shell used in the investment casting process, Supplimental Proceedings, pp. 1095-1105, TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, February 23-27, 2020.
12-20 Franz Josef Feikus, Paul Bernsteiner, Ricardo Fernández Gutiérrez and Michal Luszczak , Further development of electric motor housings, MTZ Worldwide, 81, pp. 38-43, 2020.
09-20 Mingfan Qi, Yonglin Kang, Yuzhao Xu, Zhumabieke Wulabieke and Jingyuan Li, A novel rheological high pressure die-casting process for preparing large thin-walled Al–Si–Fe–Mg–Sr alloy with high heat conductivity, high plasticity and medium strength, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 776, art. no. 139040, 2020.
07-20 Stefan Heugenhauser, Erhard Kaschnitz and Peter Schumacher, Development of an aluminum compound casting process – Experiments and numerical simulations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 279, art. no. 116578, 2020.
05-20 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Mark Jolly and Konstantinos Salonitis, Numerical simulation and evaluation of Campbell running and gating systems, Metals, 10.1, art. no. 68, 2020.
102-19 Ferencz Peti and Gabriela Strnad, The effect of squeeze pin dimension and operational parameters on material homogeneity of aluminium high pressure die cast parts, Acta Marisiensis. Seria Technologica, 16.2, 2019.
94-19 E. Riedel, I. Horn, N. Stein, H. Stein, R. Bahr, and S. Scharf, Ultrasonic treatment: a clean technology that supports sustainability incasting processes, Procedia, 26th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, May 7-9, 2019.
93-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, Charles A. Monroe, Robin D. Foley, and John A. Griffin, Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi- and AlCu-based Alloys, Transactions, 123rd Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 27-30, 2019.
84-19 Arun Prabhakar, Michail Papanikolaou, Konstantinos Salonitis, and Mark Jolly, Sand casting of sheet lead: numerical simulation of metal flow and solidification, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-13, 2019. doi:10.1007/s00170-019-04522-3
71-19 Sebastian Findeisen, Robin Van Der Auwera, Michael Heuser, and Franz-Josef Wöstmann, Gießtechnische Fertigung von E-Motorengehäusen mit interner Kühling (Casting production of electric motor housings with internal cooling), Geisserei, 106, pp. 72-78, 2019 (in German).
58-19 Von Malte Leonhard, Matthias Todte, and Jörg Schäffer, Realistic simulation of the combustion of exothermic feeders, Casting, No. 2, pp. 28-32, 2019. In English and German.
47-19 Bing Zhou, Shuai Lu, Kaile Xu, Chun Xu, and Zhanyong Wang, Microstructure and simulation of semisolid aluminum alloy castings in the process of stirring integrated transfer-heat (SIT) with water cooling, International Journal of Metalcasting, Online edition, pp. 1-13, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s40962-019-00357-6
31-19 Zihao Yuan, Zhipeng Guo, and S.M. Xiong, Skin layer of A380 aluminium alloy die castings and its blistering during solution treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1906-1916, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jmst.2019.05.011
25-19 Stefano Mascetti, Raul Pirovano, and Giulio Timelli, Interazione metallo liquido/stampo: Il fenomeno della metallizzazione, La Metallurgia Italiana, No. 4, pp. 44-50, 2019. In Italian.
20-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Campbellology for runner system design, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 187-199, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06034-3_19
19-19 Chengcheng Lyu, Michail Papanikolaou, and Mark Jolly, Numerical process modelling and simulation of Campbell running systems designs, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 53-64, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06034-3_5
18-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, and Charles Monroe, A solidification model with application to AlSi-based alloys, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 201-213, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06034-3_20
17-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yu-Hung Chen, The validation of feeder modeling for ductile iron castings, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 227-238, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06034-3_22
02-19 Jingying Sun, Qichi Le, Li Fu, Jing Bai, Johannes Tretter, Klaus Herbold and Hongwei Huo, Gas entrainment behavior of aluminum alloy engine crankcases during the low-pressure-die-casting-process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 266, pp. 274-282, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.11.016
82-18 Xu Zhao, Ping Wang, Tao Li, Bo-yu Zhang, Peng Wang, Guan-zhou Wang and Shi-qi Lu, Gating system optimization of high pressure die casting thin-wall AlSi10MnMg longitudinal loadbearing beam based on numerical simulation, China Foundry, Vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 436-442, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s41230-018-8052-z
80-18 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Konstantinos Salonitis, Mark Jolly and Charalampos Makatsoris, A computational framework towards energy efficient casting processes, Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2018: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM-18), Gold Coast, Australia, June 24-26 2018, SIST 130, pp. 263-276, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-04290-5_27
51-18 Xue-feng Zhu, Bao-yi Yu, Li Zheng, Bo-ning Yu, Qiang Li, Shu-ning Lü and Hao Zhang, Influence of pouring methods on filling process, microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 Mg alloy pipe by horizontal centrifugal casting, China Foundry, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.196-202, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s41230-018-7256-6
47-18 Santosh Reddy Sama, Jiayi Wang and Guha Manogharan, Non-conventional mold design for metal casting using 3D sand-printing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 34-B, pp. 765-775, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.03.049
42-18 M. Koru and O. Serçe, The Effects of Thermal and Dynamical Parameters and Vacuum Application on Porosity in High-Pressure Die Casting of A383 Al-Alloy, International Journal of Metalcasting, pp. 1-17, 2018. /doi: 10.1007/s40962-018-0214-7
41-18 Abhilash Viswanath, S. Savithri, U.T.S. Pillai, Similitude analysis on flow characteristics of water, A356 and AM50 alloys during LPC process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 257, pp. 270-277, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.02.031
29-18 Seyboldt, Christoph and Liewald, Mathias, Investigation on thixojoining to produce hybrid components with intermetallic phase, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018. doi: 10.1063/1.5034992
28-18 Laura Schomer, Mathias Liewald and Kim Rouven Riedmüller, Simulation of the infiltration process of a ceramic open-pore body with a metal alloy in semi-solid state to design the manufacturing of interpenetrating phase composites, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018. doi: 10.1063/1.5034991
88-16 M.C. Carter, T. Kauffung, L. Weyenberg and C. Peters, Low Pressure Die Casting Simulation Discovery through Short Shot, Cast Expo & Metal Casting Congress, April 16-19, 2016, Minneapolis, MN, Copyright 2016 American Foundry Society.
20-16 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Bifilm Defect Formation in Hydraulic Jump of Liquid Aluminum, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, Band: 47, Heft 3, 1634-1648.
15-16 Mingfan Qia, Yonglin Kanga, Bing Zhoua, Wanneng Liaoa, Guoming Zhua, Yangde Lib,and Weirong Li, A forced convection stirring process for Rheo-HPDC aluminum and magnesium alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 234 (2016) 353–367
112-15 José Miguel Gonçalves Ledo Belo da Costa, Optimization of filling systems for low pressure by FLOW-3D, Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica,, 2015
88-15 Peng Zhang, Zhenming Li, Baoliang Liu, Wenjiang Ding and Liming Peng, Improved tensile properties of a new aluminum alloy for high pressure die casting, Materials Science & Engineering A651(2016)376–390, Available online, November 2015.
82-15 J. Müller, L. Xue, M.C. Carter, C. Thoma, M. Fehlbier and M. Todte, A Die Spray Cooling Model for Thermal Die Cycling Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
81-15 M. T. Murray, L.F. Hansen, L. Chilcott, E. Li and A.M. Murray, Case Studies in the Use of Simulation- Improved Yield and Reduced Time to Market, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
80-15 R. Bhola, S. Chandra and D. Souders, Predicting Castability of Thin-Walled Parts for the HPDC Process Using Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
76-15 Prosenjit Das, Sudip K. Samanta, Shashank Tiwari and Pradip Dutta, Die Filling Behaviour of Semi Solid A356 Al Alloy Slurry During Rheo Pressure Die Casting, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, pp 1-6, October 2015
74-15 Murat KORU and Orhan SERÇE, Yüksek Basınçlı Döküm Prosesinde Enjeksiyon Parametrelerine Bağlı Olarak Döküm Simülasyon, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Science, Science Journal (CSJ), Vol. 36, No: 5 (2015) ISSN: 1300-1949, May 2015
69-15 A. Viswanath, S. Sivaraman, U. T. S. Pillai, Computer Simulation of Low Pressure Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 45-48, September 2015
68-15 J. Aneesh Kumar, K. Krishnakumar and S. Savithri, Computer Simulation of Centrifugal Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 53-56, September 2015
59-15 F. Hosseini Yekta and S. A. Sadough Vanini, Simulation of the flow of semi-solid steel alloy using an enhanced model, Metals and Materials International, August 2015.
138-14 Christopher Thoma, Wolfram Volk, Ruben Heid, Klaus Dilger, Gregor Banner and Harald Eibisch, Simulation-based prediction of the fracture elongation as a failure criterion for thin-walled high-pressure die casting components, International Journal of Metalcasting, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 47-54, 2014. doi:10.1007/BF03355594
107-14 Mehran Seyed Ahmadi, Dissolution of Si in Molten Al with Gas Injection, ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Toronto (Canada), 2014; Publication Number: AAT 3637106; ISBN: 9781321195231; Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 76-02(E), Section: B.; 191 p.
92-14 Warren Bishenden and Changhua Huang, Venting design and process optimization of die casting process for structural components; Part II: Venting design and process optimization, Die Casting Engineer, November 2014
90-14 Ken’ichi Kanazawa, Ken’ichi Yano, Jun’ichi Ogura, and Yasunori Nemoto, Optimum Runner Design for Die-Casting using CFD Simulations and Verification with Water-Model Experiments, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, IMECE2014-37419
89-14 P. Kapranos, C. Carney, A. Pola, and M. Jolly, Advanced Casting Methodologies: Investment Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Squeeze Casting, Metal Spinning, and Batch Casting, In Comprehensive Materials Processing; McGeough, J., Ed.; 2014, Elsevier Ltd., 2014; Vol. 5, pp 39–67.
69-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Predicting, Preventing Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Modern Casting, September 2014
68-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Numerical Simulation of Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Copyright 2014 American Foundry Society, 118th Metalcasting Congress, April 8 – 11, 2014, Schaumburg, IL
51-14 Jesus M. Blanco, Primitivo Carranza, Rafael Pintos, Pedro Arriaga, and Lakhdar Remaki, Identification of Defects Originated during the Filling of Cast Pieces through Particles Modelling, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta (Eds)
47-14 B. Vijaya Ramnatha, C.Elanchezhiana, Vishal Chandrasekhar, A. Arun Kumarb, S. Mohamed Asif, G. Riyaz Mohamed, D. Vinodh Raj , C .Suresh Kumar, Analysis and Optimization of Gating System for Commutator End Bracket, Procedia Materials Science 6 ( 2014 ) 1312 – 1328, 3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)
20-14 Johannes Hartmann, Tobias Fiegl, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foams with tailored density profile by adapted blowing agents, Applied Physics A, 10.1007/s00339-014-8377-4, March 2014.
08-14 FY Hsu, SW Wang, and HJ Lin, The External and Internal Shrinkages in Aluminum Gravity Castings, Shape Casting: 5th International Symposium 2014. Available online at Google Books
103-13 B. Fuchs, H. Eibisch and C. Körner, Core Viability Simulation for Salt Core Technology in High-Pressure Die Casting, International Journal of Metalcasting, July 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 39–45
84-13 Körner, C., Schwankl, M., Himmler, D., Aluminum-Aluminum compound castings by electroless deposited zinc layers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2014),
77-13 Antonio Armillotta & Raffaello Baraggi & Simone Fasoli, SLM tooling for die casting with conformal cooling channels, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-013-5523-7, December 2013.
64-13 Johannes Hartmann, Christina Blümel, Stefan Ernst, Tobias Fiegl, Karl-Ernst Wirth, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foam castings with microcellular cores by nano-functionalization, J Mater Sci, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7668-z, September 2013.
42-13 Yang Yue, William D. Griffiths, and Nick R. Green, Modelling of the Effects of Entrainment Defects on Mechanical Properties in a Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Materials Science Forum, 765, 225, 2013.
39-13 J. Crapps, D.S. DeCroix, J.D Galloway, D.A. Korzekwa, R. Aikin, R. Fielding, R. Kennedy, C. Unal, Separate effects identification via casting process modeling for experimental measurement of U-Pu-Zr alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 15 July 2013.
09-13 M.C. Carter and L. Xue, Simulating the Parameters that Affect Core Gas Defects in Metal Castings, Copyright 2012 American Foundry Society, Presented at the 2013 CastExpo, St. Louis, Missouri, April 2013
08-13 C. Reilly, N.R. Green, M.R. Jolly, J.-C. Gebelin, The Modelling Of Oxide Film Entrainment In Casting Systems Using Computational Modelling, Applied Mathematical Modelling,, April 2013.
03-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part II. Model validation and parametric study, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
02-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part I: Model development using lubrication approximation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
116-12 Jufu Jianga, Ying Wang, Gang Chena, Jun Liua, Yuanfa Li and Shoujing Luo, “Comparison of mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ91D alloy motorcycle wheels formed by die casting and double control forming, Materials & Design, Volume 40, September 2012, Pages 541-549.
103-12 WU Shu-sen, ZHONG Gu, AN Ping, WAN Li, H. NAKAE, Microstructural characteristics of Al−20Si−2Cu−0.4Mg−1Ni alloy formed by rheo-squeeze casting after ultrasonic vibration treatment, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22 (2012) 2863-2870, November 2012. Full paper available online.
97-12 Hong Zhou and Li Heng Luo, Filling Pattern of Step Gating System in Lost Foam Casting Process and its Application, Advanced Materials Research, Volumes 602-604, Progress in Materials and Processes, 1916-1921, December 2012.
93-12 Liangchi Zhang, Chunliang Zhang, Jeng-Haur Horng and Zichen Chen, Functions of Step Gating System in the Lost Foam Casting Process, Advanced Materials Research, 591-593, 940, DOI: 10.4028/, November 2012.
91-12 Hong Yan, Jian Bin Zhu, Ping Shan, Numerical Simulation on Rheo-Diecasting of Magnesium Matrix Composites, 10.4028/, Solid State Phenomena, 192-193, 287.
89-12 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A Fast Numerical Simulation for Modeling Simultaneous Metal Flow and Solidification in Thin Cavities Using the Lubrication Approximation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology, 63:2, 75-100, November 2012.
82-12 Jufu Jiang, Gang Chen, Ying Wang, Zhiming Du, Weiwei Shan, and Yuanfa Li, Microstructure and mechanical properties of thin-wall and high-rib parts of AM60B Mg alloy formed by double control forming and die casting under the optimal conditions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, October 2012.
65-12 X.H. Yang, T.J. Lu, T. Kim, Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Available online 10 October 2012. Available online at SciVerse.
55-12 Hejun Li, Pengyun Wang, Lehua Qi, Hansong Zuo, Songyi Zhong, Xianghui Hou, 3D numerical simulation of successive deposition of uniform molten Al droplets on a moving substrate and experimental validation, Computational Materials Science, Volume 65, December 2012, Pages 291–301.
52-12 Hongbing Ji, Yixin Chen and Shengzhou Chen, Numerical Simulation of Inner-Outer Couple Cooling Slab Continuous Casting in the Filling Process, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 557-559), Advanced Materials and Processes II, pp. 2257-2260, July 2012.
47-12 Petri Väyrynen, Lauri Holappa, and Seppo Louhenkilpi, Simulation of Melting of Alloying Materials in Steel Ladle, SCANMET IV – 4th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, Lulea, Sweden, June 10-13, 2012.
45-12 D.R. Gunasegaram, M. Givord, R.G. O’Donnell and B.R. Finnin, Improvements engineered in UTS and elongation of aluminum alloy high pressure die castings through the alteration of runner geometry and plunger velocity, Materials Science & Engineering.
41-12 Deniece R. Korzekwa, Cameron M. Knapp, David A. Korzekwa, and John W. Gibbs, Co-Design – Fabrication of Unalloyed Plutonium, LA-UR-12-23441, MDI Summer Research Group Workshop Advanced Manufacturing, 2012-07-25/2012-07-26 (Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States)
29-12 Dario Tiberto and Ulrich E. Klotz, Computer simulation applied to jewellery casting: challenges, results and future possibilities, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.33 012008. Full paper available at IOP.
28-12 Y Yue and N R Green, Modelling of different entrainment mechanisms and their influences on the mechanical reliability of Al-Si castings, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33,012072.Full paper available at IOP.
27-12 E Kaschnitz, Numerical simulation of centrifugal casting of pipes, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 012031, Issue 1. Full paper available at IOP.
15-12 C. Reilly, N.R Green, M.R. Jolly, The Present State Of Modeling Entrainment Defects In The Shape Casting Process, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Available online 27 April 2012, ISSN 0307-904X, 10.1016/j.apm.2012.04.032.
12-12 Andrei Starobin, Tony Hirt, Hubert Lang, and Matthias Todte, Core drying simulation and validation, International Foundry Research, GIESSEREIFORSCHUNG 64 (2012) No. 1, ISSN 0046-5933, pp 2-5
04-12 J. Spangenberg, N. Roussel, J.H. Hattel, H. Stang, J. Skocek, M.R. Geiker, Flow induced particle migration in fresh concrete: Theoretical frame, numerical simulations and experimental results on model fluids, Cement and Concrete Research,, February 2012.
01-12 Lee, B., Baek, U., and Han, J., Optimization of Gating System Design for Die Casting of Thin Magnesium Alloy-Based Multi-Cavity LCD Housings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer New York, Issn: 1059-9495, 10.1007/s11665-011-0111-1, Volume 1 / 1992 – Volume 21 / 2012. Available online at Springer Link.
104-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Huey Jiuan Lin, Foam Filters Used in Gravity Casting, Metall and Materi Trans B (2011) 42: 1110. doi:10.1007/s11663-011-9548-8.
99-11 Eduardo Trejo, Centrifugal Casting of an Aluminium Alloy, thesis: Doctor of Philosophy, Metallurgy and Materials School of Engineering University of Birmingham, October 2011. Full paper available upon request.
71-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yao-Ming Yang Confluence Weld in an Aluminum Gravity Casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Available online 23 November 2011, ISSN 0924-0136, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2011.11.006.
46-11 Daniel Einsiedler, Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethodik zur Simulation von Strömungs- und Trocknungsvorgängen bei Kernfertigungsprozessen mittels CFD (Development of a simulation methodology for simulating flow and drying operations in core production processes using CFD), MSc thesis at Technical University of Aalen in Germany (Hochschule Aalen), 2011.
31-11 Johannes Hartmann, André Trepper, Carolin Körner, Aluminum Integral Foams with Near-Microcellular Structure, Advanced Engineering Materials, 13: n/a. doi: 10.1002/adem.201100035, June 2011.
21-11 Thang Nguyen, Vu Nguyen, Morris Murray, Gary Savage, John Carrig, Modelling Die Filling in Ultra-Thin Aluminium Castings, Materials Science Forum (Volume 690), Light Metals Technology V, pp 107-111, 10.4028/, June 2011.
15-11 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. López, and F. Faura, Numerical Analysis of Air Pressure Effects on the Flow Pattern during the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1353, pp. 1238-1243, The 14th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming: Esaform 2011; doi:10.1063/1.3589686, May 2011. Available online.
08-11 Hai Peng Li, Chun Yong Liang, Li Hui Wang, Hong Shui Wang, Numerical Simulation of Casting Process for Gray Iron Butterfly Valve, Advanced Materials Research, 189-193, 260, February 2011.
04-11 C.W. Hirt, Predicting Core Shooting, Drying and Defect Development, Foundry Management & Technology, January 2011.
76-10 Zhizhong Sun, Henry Hu, Alfred Yu, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Squeeze Casting Magnesium Alloy AM50, Magnesium Technology 2010, 2010 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 14-18, 2010, Seattle, WA.
48-10 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. Palacios, J. López and F. Faura, An Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow Patterns and Air Entrapment Phenomena During the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., October 2010, Volume 132, Issue 5, 05101, doi:10.1115/1.4002535.
42-10 H. Lakshmi, M.C. Vinay Kumar, Raghunath, P. Kumar, V. Ramanarayanan, K.S.S. Murthy, P. Dutta, Induction reheating of A356.2 aluminum alloy and thixocasting as automobile component, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20(20101) s961-s967.
41-10 Pamela J. Waterman, Understanding Core-Gas Defects, Desktop Engineering, October 2010. Available online at Desktop Engineering. Also published in the Foundry Trade Journal, November 2010.
32-10 Guan Hai Yan, Sheng Dun Zhao, Zheng Hui Sha, Parameters Optimization of Semisolid Diecasting Process for Air-Conditioner’s Triple Valve in HPb59-1 Alloy, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 129 – 131), Vol. Material and Manufacturing Technology, pp. 936-941, DOI: 10.4028/, August 2010.
29-10 Zheng Peng, Xu Jun, Zhang Zhifeng, Bai Yuelong, and Shi Likai, Numerical Simulation of Filling of Rheo-diecasting A357 Aluminum Alloy, Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, DOI: CNKI:SUN:TZZZ.0.2010-01-024, 2010.
15-10 David H. Kirkwood, Michel Suery, Plato Kapranos, Helen V. Atkinson, and Kenneth P. Young, Semi-solid Processing of Alloys, 2010, XII, 172 p. 103 illus., 19 in color., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642-00705-7.
09-10 Shannon Wetzel, Fullfilling Da Vinci’s Dream, Modern Casting, April 2010.
08-10 B.I. Semenov, K.M. Kushtarov, Semi-solid Manufacturing of Castings, New Industrial Technologies, Publication of Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman, 2009 (in Russian)
07-10 Carl Reilly, Development Of Quantitative Casting Quality Assessment Criteria Using Process Modelling, thesis: The University of Birmingham, March 2010 (Available upon request)
60-09 Somlak Wannarumon, and Marco Actis Grande, Comparisons of Computer Fluid Dynamic Software Programs applied to Jewelry Investment Casting Process, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 55 2009.
59-09 Marco Actis Grande and Somlak Wannarumon, Numerical Simulation of Investment Casting of Gold Jewelry: Experiments and Validations, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol:3 2009-07-24
51-09 In-Ting Hong, Huan-Chien Tung, Chun-Hao Chiu and Hung-Shang Huang, Effect of Casting Parameters on Microstructure and Casting Quality of Si-Al Alloy for Vacuum Sputtering, China Steel Technical Report, No. 22, pp. 33-40, 2009.
42-09 P. Väyrynen, S. Wang, S. Louhenkilpi and L. Holappa, Modeling and Removal of Inclusions in Continuous Casting, Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 25-29, 2009
7-09 Andrei Starobin, Simulation of Core Gas Evolution and Flow, presented at the North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
6-09 A.Pari, Optimization of HPDC PROCESS: Case Studies, North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
53-07 A. Kermanpur, Sh. Mahmoudi and A. Hajipour, Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Metal Flow and Solidification in the Multi-cavity Casting Moulds of Automotive Components, International Journal of Iron & Steel Society of Iran, Article 2, Volume 4, Issue 1, Summer and Autumn 2007, pages 8-15.
09-07 Alexandre Reikher and Michael Barkhudarov, Casting: An Analytical Approach, Springer, 1st edition, August 2007, Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-84628-849-4. U.S. Order Form; Europe Order Form.
02-07 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Mark R. Jolly and John Campbell, The Design of L-Shaped Runners for Gravity Casting, Shape Casting: 2nd International Symposium, Edited by Paul N. Crepeau, Murat Tiryakioðlu and John Campbell, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Orlando, FL, Feb 2007
6-06 M. Barkhudarov, and G. Wei, Modeling of the Coupled Motion of Rigid Bodies in Liquid Metal, Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes – XI, May 28 – June 2, 2006, Opio, France, eds. Ch.-A. Gandin and M. Bellet, pp 71-78, 2006.
2-06 J.-C. Gebelin, M.R. Jolly and F.-Y. Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, Int. J. Cast Met. Res., 2006, Vol.19 No.1
30-05 H. Xue, K. Kabiri-Bamoradian, R.A. Miller, Modeling Dynamic Cavity Pressure and Impact Spike in Die Casting, Cast Expo ’05, April 16-19, 2005
22-05 Blas Melissari & Stavros A. Argyropoulous, Measurement of Magnitude and Direction of Velocity in High-Temperature Liquid Metals; Part I, Mathematical Modeling, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Volume 36B, October 2005, pp. 691-700
21-05 M.R. Jolly, State of the Art Review of Use of Modeling Software for Casting, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 337-346
20-05 J-C Gebelin, M.R. Jolly & F-Y Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 355-364
19-05 F-Y Hsu, M.R. Jolly & J Campbell, Vortex Gate Design for Gravity Castings, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 73-82
18-05 M.R. Jolly, Modelling the Investment Casting Process: Problems and Successes, Japanese Foundry Society, JFS, Tokyo, Sept. 2005
6-05 Birgit Hummler-Schaufler, Fritz Hirning, Jurgen Schaufler, A World First for Hatz Diesel and Schaufler Tooling, Die Casting Engineer, May 2005, pp. 18-21
4-05 Rolf Krack, The W35 Topic—A World First, Die Casting World, March 2005, pp. 16-17
36-04 Ik Min Park, Il Dong Choi, Yong Ho Park, Development of Light-Weight Al Scroll Compressor for Car Air Conditioner, Materials Science Forum, Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, 449-452, 149, March 2004.
30-04 Haijing Mao, A Numerical Study of Externally Solidified Products in the Cold Chamber Die Casting Process, thesis: The Ohio State University, 2004 (Available upon request)
23-04State of the Art Use of Computational Modelling in the Foundry Industry, 3rd International Conference Computational Modelling of Materials III, Sicily, Italy, June 2004, Advances in Science and Technology, Eds P. Vincenzini & A Lami, Techna Group Srl, Italy, ISBN: 88-86538-46-4, Part B, pp 479-490
22-04 Jerry Fireman, Computer Simulation Helps Reduce Scrap, Die Casting Engineer, May 2004, pp. 46-49
21-04 Joerg Frei, Simulation—A Safe and Quick Way to Good Components, Aluminium World, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 42-43
14-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov, Charles H. Sherwin, and Ruel A. Overfelt, Hot Distortion Studies In Phenolic Urethane Cold Box System, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
13-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov and Ruel A. Overfelt, First V-Process Casting of Magnesium, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
5-04 C. Schlumpberger & B. Hummler-Schaufler, Produktentwicklung auf hohem Niveau (Product Development on a High Level), Druckguss Praxis, January 2004, pp 39-42 (in German).
3-04 Charles Bates, Dealing with Defects, Foundry Management and Technology, February 2004, pp 23-25
1-04 Laihua Wang, Thang Nguyen, Gary Savage and Cameron Davidson, Thermal and Flow Modeling of Ladling and Injection in High Pressure Die Casting Process, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, vol. 16 No 4 2003, pp 409-417