In practical use, there is shrinkage in the width direction in existing overflow water film. This study introduces the ” flow deflectors ” to solve the problem of discontinuous water film. According to the principle of the experimental devices, the model was established by FLOW-3D software and the corresponding boundary conditions were set up, the minimum size of the grid was 0.25mm × 0.25mm × 0.25mm. The film model was investigated under ten working conditions with three factors. Through the analysis of the distribution curves of velocities and thickness, impacts of unit width flux, tank width and the distance between the flow deflectors on the velocity and thickness of the liquid film were obtained. The results indicated that the water film was able to keep continuous and airtight with flow deflectors. The variation law of water film with unit width flux was obtained and a correlation formula was proposed according to Nusselt correlation. And, it was found that the tank width has little influence on the water film itself. The “dry zones” were also founded on the film when the distance between flow deflectors increased.
Gong H, Jiang J, Qiu J, Jiang R and Zhang W 2016 Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Water Curtain Shape and Mechanical Relationship of the Smoke Control System Advances in Engineering Research 500-7 Gong H, Jiang J, Zhang W and Guan Y 2017 Theory and Simulation of the Relationship between Smoke-proof Water Curtain’s Tank Structure and Flow Non-uniformity DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Science iceepe 257-63 ZHENG Li, QIAN Zhongdong, CAO Zhixian and TAN Guangming 2009 Comparison of computed result for dam over-topping flow with two 3D models Engineering Journal of Wuhan University 06 758-63 Hartley DE and Murgatroyd W 1964 Criteria for the break-up of thin liquid layers flowing isothermally over solid surfaces International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 9 1003-15 QIN Wei, LIU Jianhua, WENG Zemin and JIANG Zhangyan 1997 Characteristics of Interfacial Surface Wave of Free-Falling Liquid Film JOURNAL OF JIMEI NAVIGATION INSTITUTE 02 3-8 Ye X, Yan W, Jiang Z and Li C 2002 Hydrodynamics of Free-Falling Turbulent Wavy Films and Implications for Enhanced Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Engineering 1 48-60
In order to comprehensively reveal the evolutionary dynamics of the molten pool and the state of motion of the fluid during the high-precision laser powder bed fusion (HP-LPBF) process, this study aims to deeply investigate the specific manifestations of the multiphase flow, solidification phenomena, and heat transfer during the process by means of numerical simulation methods. Numerical simulation models of SS316L single-layer HP-LPBF formation with single and double tracks were constructed using the discrete element method and the computational fluid dynamics method. The effects of various factors such as Marangoni convection, surface tension, vapor recoil, gravity, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and evaporative heat dissipation on the heat and mass transfer in the molten pool have been paid attention to during the model construction process. The results show that the molten pool exhibits a “comet” shape, in which the temperature gradient at the front end of the pool is significantly larger than that at the tail end, with the highest temperature gradient up to 1.69 × 108 K/s. It is also found that the depth of the second track is larger than that of the first one, and the process parameter window has been determined preliminarily. In addition, the application of HP-LPBF technology helps to reduce the surface roughness and minimize the forming size.
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has become a research hotspot in the field of additive manufacturing of metals due to its advantages of high-dimensional accuracy, good surface quality, high density, and high material utilization.1,2 With the rapid development of electronics, medical, automotive, biotechnology, energy, communication, and optics, the demand for microfabrication technology is increasing day by day.3 High-precision laser powder bed fusion (HP-LPBF) is one of the key manufacturing technologies for tiny parts in the fields of electronics, medical, automotive, biotechnology, energy, communication, and optics because of its process characteristics such as small focal spot diameter, small powder particle size, and thin powder layup layer thickness.4–13 Compared with LPBF, HP-LPBF has the significant advantages of smaller focal spot diameter, smaller powder particle size, and thinner layer thickness. These advantages make HP-LPBF perform better in producing micro-fine parts, high surface quality, and parts with excellent mechanical properties.
HP-LPBF is in the exploratory stage, and researchers have already done some exploratory studies on the focal spot diameter, the amount of defocusing, and the powder particle size. In order to explore the influence of changing the laser focal spot diameter on the LPBF process characteristics of the law, Wildman et al.14 studied five groups of different focal spot diameter LPBF forming 316L stainless steel (SS316L) processing effect, the smallest focal spot diameter of 26 μm, and the results confirm that changing the focal spot diameter can be achieved to achieve the energy control, so as to control the quality of forming. Subsequently, Mclouth et al.15 proposed the laser out-of-focus amount (focal spot diameter) parameter, which characterizes the distance between the forming plane and the laser focal plane. The laser energy density was controlled by varying the defocusing amount while keeping the laser parameters constant. Sample preparation at different focal positions was investigated, and their microstructures were characterized. The results show that the samples at the focal plane have finer microstructure than those away from the focal plane, which is the effect of higher power density and smaller focal spot diameter. In order to explore the influence of changing the powder particle size on the characteristics of the LPBF process, Qian et al.16 carried out single-track scanning simulations on powder beds with average powder particle sizes of 70 and 40 μm, respectively, and the results showed that the melt tracks sizes were close to each other under the same process parameters for the two particle-size distributions and that the molten pool of powder beds with small particles was more elongated and the edges of the melt tracks were relatively flat. In order to explore the superiority of HP-LPBF technology, Xu et al.17 conducted a comparative analysis of HP-LPBF and conventional LPBF of SS316L. The results showed that the average surface roughness of the top surface after forming by HP-LPBF could reach 3.40 μm. Once again, it was verified that HP-LPBF had higher forming quality than conventional LPBF. On this basis, Wei et al.6 comparatively analyzed the effects of different laser focal spot diameters on different powder particle sizes formed by LPBF. The results showed that the smaller the laser focal spot diameter, the fewer the defects on the top and side surfaces. The above research results confirm that reducing the laser focal spot diameter can obtain higher energy density and thus better forming quality.
LPBF involves a variety of complex systems and mechanisms, and the final quality of the part is influenced by a large number of process parameters.18–24 Some research results have shown that there are more than 50 factors affecting the quality of the specimen. The influencing factors are mainly categorized into three main groups: (1) laser parameters, (2) powder parameters, and (3) equipment parameters, which interact with each other to determine the final specimen quality. With the continuous development of technologies such as computational materials science and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the method of studying the influence of different factors on the forming quality of LPBF forming process has been shifted from time-consuming and laborious experimental characterization to the use of numerical simulation methods. As a result, more and more researchers are adopting this approach for their studies. Currently, numerical simulation studies on LPBF are mainly focused on the exploration of molten pool, temperature distribution, and residual stresses.
Finite element simulation based on continuum mechanics and free surface fluid flow modeling based on fluid dynamics are two common approaches to study the behavior of LPBF molten pool.25–28 Finite element simulation focuses on the temperature and thermal stress fields, treats the powder bed as a continuum, and determines the molten pool size by plotting the elemental temperature above the melting point. In contrast, fluid dynamics modeling can simulate the 2D or 3D morphology of the metal powder pile and obtain the powder size and distribution by certain algorithms.29 The flow in the molten pool is mainly affected by recoil pressure and the Marangoni effect. By simulating the molten pool formation, it is possible to predict defects, molten pool shape, and flow characteristics, as well as the effect of process parameters on the molten pool geometry.30–34 In addition, other researchers have been conducted to optimize the laser processing parameters through different simulation methods and experimental data.35–46 Crystal growth during solidification is studied to further understand the effect of laser parameters on dendritic morphology and solute segregation.47–54 A multi-scale system has been developed to describe the fused deposition process during 3D printing, which is combined with the conductive heat transfer model and the dendritic solidification model.55,56
Relevant scholars have adopted various different methods for simulation, such as sequential coupling theory,57 Lagrangian and Eulerian thermal models,58 birth–death element method,25 and finite element method,59 in order to reveal the physical phenomena of the laser melting process and optimize the process parameters. Luo et al.60 compared the LPBF temperature field and molten pool under double ellipsoidal and Gaussian heat sources by ANSYS APDL and found that the diffusion of the laser energy in the powder significantly affects the molten pool size and the temperature field.
The thermal stresses obtained from the simulation correlate with the actual cracks,61 and local preheating can effectively reduce the residual stresses.62 A three-dimensional thermodynamic finite element model investigated the temperature and stress variations during laser-assisted fabrication and found that powder-to-solid conversion increases the temperature gradient, stresses, and warpage.63 Other scholars have predicted residual stresses and part deflection for LPBF specimens and investigated the effects of deposition pattern, heat, laser power, and scanning strategy on residual stresses, noting that high-temperature gradients lead to higher residual stresses.64–67
In short, the process of LPBF forming SS316L is extremely complex and usually involves drastic multi-scale physicochemical changes that will only take place on a very small scale. Existing literature employs DEM-based mesoscopic-scale numerical simulations to investigate the effects of process parameters on the molten pool dynamics of LPBF-formed SS316L. However, a few studies have been reported on the key mechanisms of heating and solidification, spatter, and convective behavior of the molten pool of HP-LPBF-formed SS316L with small laser focal spot diameters. In this paper, the geometrical properties of coarse and fine powder particles under three-dimensional conditions were first calculated using DEM. Then, numerical simulation models for single-track and double-track cases in the single-layer HP-LPBF forming SS316L process were developed at mesoscopic scale using the CFD method. The flow genesis of the melt in the single-track and double-track molten pools is discussed, and their 3D morphology and dimensional characteristics are discussed. In addition, the effects of laser process parameters, powder particle size, and laser focal spot diameter on the temperature field, characterization information, and defects in the molten pool are discussed.
A. 3D powder bed modeling
HP-LPBF is an advanced processing technique for preparing target parts layer by layer stacking, the process of which involves repetitive spreading and melting of powders. In this process, both the powder spreading and the morphology of the powder bed are closely related to the results of the subsequent melting process, while the melted surface also affects the uniform distribution of the next layer of powder. For this reason, this chapter focuses on the modeling of the physical action during the powder spreading process and the theory of DEM to establish the numerical model of the powder bed, so as to lay a solid foundation for the accuracy of volume of fluid (VOF) and CFD.
1. DEM
DEM is a numerical technique for calculating the interaction of a large number of particles, which calculates the forces and motions of the spheres by considering each powder sphere as an independent unit. The motion of the powder particles follows the laws of classical Newtonian mechanics, including translational and rotational,38,68–70 which are expressed as follows:����¨=���+∑��ij,
where �� is the mass of unit particle i in kg, ��¨ is the advective acceleration in m/s2, And g is the gravitational acceleration in m/s2. �ij is the force in contact with the neighboring particle � in N. �� is the rotational inertia of the unit particle � in kg · m2. ��¨ is the unit particle � angular acceleration in rad/s2. �ij is the vector pointing from unit particle � to the contact point of neighboring particle �.
Equations (1) and (2) can be used to calculate the velocity and angular velocity variations of powder particles to determine their positions and velocities. A three-dimensional powder bed model of SS316L was developed using DEM. The powder particles are assumed to be perfect spheres, and the substrate and walls are assumed to be rigid. To describe the contact between the powder particles and between the particles and the substrate, a non-slip Hertz–Mindlin nonlinear spring-damping model71 was used with the following expression:�hz=��������+��[(�����ij−�eff����)−(�����+�eff����)],
where �hz is the force calculated using the Hertzian in M. �� and �� are the radius of unit particles � and � in m, respectively. �� is the overlap size of the two powder particles in m. ��, �� are the elastic constants in the normal and tangential directions, respectively. �ij is the unit vector connecting the centerlines of the two powder particles. �eff is the effective mass of the two powder particles in kg. �� and �� are the viscoelastic damping constants in the normal and tangential directions, respectively. �� and �� are the components of the relative velocities of the two powder particles. ��� is the displacement vector between two spherical particles. The schematic diagram of overlapping powder particles is shown in Fig. 1.
Schematic diagram of overlapping powder particles.
Because the particle size of the powder used for HP-LPBF is much smaller than 100 μm, the effect of van der Waals forces must be considered. Therefore, the cohesive force �jkr of the Hertz–Mindlin model was used instead of van der Waals forces,72 with the following expression:�jkr=−4��0�*�1.5+4�*3�*�3,
where �* is the equivalent Young’s modulus in GPa; �* is the equivalent particle radius in m; �0 is the surface energy of the powder particles in J/m2; α is the contact radius in m; �� and �� are the Young’s modulus of the unit particles � and �, respectively, in GPa; and �� and �� are the Poisson’s ratio of the unit particles � and �, respectively.
2. Model building
Figure 2 shows a 3D powder bed model generated using DEM with a coarse powder geometry of 1000 × 400 × 30 μm3. The powder layer thickness is 30 μm, and the powder bed porosity is 40%. The average particle size of this spherical powder is 31.7 μm and is normally distributed in the range of 15–53 μm. The geometry of the fine powder was 1000 × 400 × 20 μm3, with a layer thickness of 20 μm, and the powder bed porosity of 40%. The average particle size of this spherical powder is 11.5 μm and is normally distributed in the range of 5–25 μm. After the 3D powder bed model is generated, it needs to be imported into the CFD simulation software for calculation, and the imported geometric model is shown in Fig. 3. This geometric model is mainly composed of three parts: protective gas, powder bed, and substrate. Under the premise of ensuring the accuracy of the calculation, the mesh size is set to 3 μm, and the total number of coarse powder meshes is 1 704 940. The total number of fine powder meshes is 3 982 250.
Geometric modeling of the powder bed computational domain: (a) coarse powder, (b) fine powder.
B. Modeling of fluid mechanics simulation
In order to solve the flow, melting, and solidification problems involved in HP-LPBF molten pool, the study must follow the three governing equations of conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum.73 The VOF method, which is the most widely used in fluid dynamics, is used to solve the molten pool dynamics model.
1. VOF
VOF is a method for tracking the free interface between the gas and liquid phases on the molten pool surface. The core idea of the method is to define a volume fraction function F within each grid, indicating the proportion of the grid space occupied by the material, 0 ≤ F ≤ 1 in Fig. 4. Specifically, when F = 0, the grid is empty and belongs to the gas-phase region; when F = 1, the grid is completely filled with material and belongs to the liquid-phase region; and when 0 < F < 1, the grid contains free surfaces and belongs to the mixed region. The direction normal to the free surface is the direction of the fastest change in the volume fraction F (the direction of the gradient of the volume fraction), and the direction of the gradient of the volume fraction can be calculated from the values of the volume fractions in the neighboring grids.74 The equations controlling the VOF are expressed as follows:𝛻����+�⋅(��→)=0,
where t is the time in s and �→ is the liquid velocity in m/s.
The material parameters of the mixing zone are altered due to the inclusion of both the gas and liquid phases. Therefore, in order to represent the density of the mixing zone, the average density �¯ is used, which is expressed as follows:72�¯=(1−�1)�gas+�1�metal,
where �1 is the proportion of liquid phase, �gas is the density of protective gas in kg/m3, and �metal is the density of metal in kg/m3.
2. Control equations and boundary conditions
Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of the HP-LPBF melting process. First, the laser light strikes a localized area of the material and rapidly heats up the area. Next, the energy absorbed in the region is diffused through a variety of pathways (heat conduction, heat convection, and surface radiation), and this process triggers complex phase transition phenomena (melting, evaporation, and solidification). In metals undergoing melting, the driving forces include surface tension and the Marangoni effect, recoil due to evaporation, and buoyancy due to gravity and uneven density. The above physical phenomena interact with each other and do not occur independently.
Laser heat sourceThe Gaussian surface heat source model is used as the laser heat source model with the following expression:�=2�0����2exp(−2�12��2),(9)where � is the heat flow density in W/m2, �0 is the absorption rate of SS316L, �� is the radius of the laser focal spot in m, and �1 is the radial distance from the center of the laser focal spot in m. The laser focal spot can be used for a wide range of applications.
Energy absorptionThe formula for calculating the laser absorption �0 of SS316L is as follows:�0=0.365(�0[1+�0(�−20)]/�)0.5,(10)where �0 is the direct current resistivity of SS316L at 20 °C in Ω m, �0 is the resistance temperature coefficient in ppm/°C, � is the temperature in °C, and � is the laser wavelength in m.
Heat transferThe basic principle of heat transfer is conservation of energy, which is expressed as follows:𝛻𝛻𝛻�(��)��+�·(��→�)=�·(�0����)+��,(11)where � is the density of liquid phase SS316L in kg/m3, �� is the specific heat capacity of SS316L in J/(kg K), 𝛻� is the gradient operator, t is the time in s, T is the temperature in K, 𝛻�� is the temperature gradient, �→ is the velocity vector, �0 is the coefficient of thermal conduction of SS316L in W/(m K), and �� is the thermal energy dissipation term in the molten pool.
Molten pool flowThe following three conditions need to be satisfied for the molten pool to flow:
Conservation of mass with the following expression:𝛻�·(��→)=0.(12)
Conservation of momentum (Navier–Stokes equation) with the following expression:𝛻𝛻𝛻𝛻���→��+�(�→·�)�→=�·[−pI+�(��→+(��→)�)]+�,(13)where � is the pressure in Pa exerted on the liquid phase SS316L microelement, � is the unit matrix, � is the fluid viscosity in N s/m2, and � is the volumetric force (gravity, atmospheric pressure, surface tension, vapor recoil, and the Marangoni effect).
Surface tension and the Marangoni effectThe effect of temperature on the surface tension coefficient is considered and set as a linear relationship with the following expression:�=�0−��dT(�−��),(14)where � is the surface tension of the molten pool at temperature T in N/m, �� is the melting temperature of SS316L in K, �0 is the surface tension of the molten pool at temperature �� in Pa, and σdσ/ dT is the surface tension temperature coefficient in N/(m K).In general, surface tension decreases with increasing temperature. A temperature gradient causes a gradient in surface tension that drives the liquid to flow, known as the Marangoni effect.
Metal vapor recoilAt higher input energy densities, the maximum temperature of the molten pool surface reaches the evaporation temperature of the material, and a gasification recoil pressure occurs vertically downward toward the molten pool surface, which will be the dominant driving force for the molten pool flow.75 The expression is as follows:��=0.54�� exp ���−���0���,(15)where �� is the gasification recoil pressure in Pa, �� is the ambient pressure in kPa, �� is the latent heat of evaporation in J/kg, �0 is the gas constant in J/(mol K), T is the surface temperature of the molten pool in K, and Te is the evaporation temperature in K.
Solid–liquid–gas phase transitionWhen the laser hits the powder layer, the powder goes through three stages: heating, melting, and solidification. During the solidification phase, mutual transformations between solid, liquid, and gaseous states occur. At this point, the latent heat of phase transition absorbed or released during the phase transition needs to be considered.68 The phase transition is represented based on the relationship between energy and temperature with the following expression:�=�����,(�<��),�(��)+�−����−����,(��<�<��)�(��)+(�−��)����,(��<�),,(16)where �� and �� are solid and liquid phase density, respectively, of SS316L in kg/m3. �� and �� unit volume of solid and liquid phase-specific heat capacity, respectively, of SS316L in J/(kg K). �� and ��, respectively, are the solidification temperature and melting temperature of SS316L in K. �� is the latent heat of the phase transition of SS316L melting in J/kg.
3. Assumptions
The CFD model was computed using the commercial software package FLOW-3D.76 In order to simplify the calculation and solution process while ensuring the accuracy of the results, the model makes the following assumptions:
It is assumed that the effects of thermal stress and material solid-phase thermal expansion on the calculation results are negligible.
The molten pool flow is assumed to be a Newtonian incompressible laminar flow, while the effects of liquid thermal expansion and density on the results are neglected.
It is assumed that the surface tension can be simplified to an equivalent pressure acting on the free surface of the molten pool, and the effect of chemical composition on the results is negligible.
Neglecting the effect of the gas flow field on the molten pool.
The mass loss due to evaporation of the liquid metal is not considered.
The influence of the plasma effect of the molten metal on the calculation results is neglected.
It is worth noting that the formulation of assumptions requires a trade-off between accuracy and computational efficiency. In the above models, some physical phenomena that have a small effect or high difficulty on the calculation results are simplified or ignored. Such simplifications make numerical simulations more efficient and computationally tractable, while still yielding accurate results.
4. Initial conditions
The preheating temperature of the substrate was set to 393 K, at which time all materials were in the solid state and the flow rate was zero.
5. Material parameters
The material used is SS316L and the relevant parameters required for numerical simulations are shown in Table I.46,77,78
SS316L-related parameters.
Density of solid metal (kg/m3)
Solid phase line temperature (K)
Liquid phase line temperature (K)
Vaporization temperature (K)
Latent heat of melting ( J/kg)
Latent heat of evaporation ( J/kg)
Surface tension of liquid phase (N /m)
Liquid metal viscosity (kg/m s)
Gaseous metal viscosity (kg/m s)
Temperature coefficient of surface tension (N/m K)
Molar mass ( kg/mol)
0.05 593
Laser absorption
Ambient pressure (kPa)
101 325
Ambient temperature (K)
Stefan–Boltzmann constant (W/m2 K4)
Thermal conductivity of metals ( W/m K)
Density of protective gas (kg/m3)
Coefficient of thermal expansion (/K)
Generalized gas constant ( J/mol K)
With the objective of studying in depth the evolutionary patterns of single-track and double-track molten pool development, detailed observations were made for certain specific locations in the model, as shown in Fig. 6. In this figure, P1 and P2 represent the longitudinal tangents to the centers of the two melt tracks in the XZ plane, while L1 is the transverse profile in the YZ plane. The scanning direction is positive and negative along the X axis. Points A and B are the locations of the centers of the molten pool of the first and second melt tracks, respectively (x = 1.995 × 10−4, y = 5 × 10−7, and z = −4.85 × 10−5).
A series of single-track molten pool simulation experiments were carried out in order to investigate the influence law of laser power as well as scanning speed on the HP-LPBF process. Figure 7 demonstrates the evolution of the 3D morphology and temperature field of the single-track molten pool in the time period of 50–500 μs under a laser power of 100 W and a scanning speed of 800 mm/s. The powder bed is in the natural cooling state. When t = 50 μs, the powder is heated by the laser heat and rapidly melts and settles to form the initial molten pool. This process is accompanied by partial melting of the substrate and solidification together with the melted powder. The molten pool rapidly expands with increasing width, depth, length, and temperature, as shown in Fig. 7(a). When t = 150 μs, the molten pool expands more obviously, and the temperature starts to transfer to the surrounding area, forming a heat-affected zone. At this point, the width of the molten pool tends to stabilize, and the temperature in the center of the molten pool has reached its peak and remains largely stable. However, the phenomenon of molten pool spatter was also observed in this process, as shown in Fig. 7(b). As time advances, when t = 300 μs, solidification begins to occur at the tail of the molten pool, and tiny ripples are produced on the solidified surface. This is due to the fact that the melt flows toward the region with large temperature gradient under the influence of Marangoni convection and solidifies together with the melt at the end of the bath. At this point, the temperature gradient at the front of the bath is significantly larger than at the end. While the width of the molten pool was gradually reduced, the shape of the molten pool was gradually changed to a “comet” shape. In addition, a slight depression was observed at the top of the bath because the peak temperature at the surface of the bath reached the evaporation temperature, which resulted in a recoil pressure perpendicular to the surface of the bath downward, creating a depressed region. As the laser focal spot moves and is paired with the Marangoni convection of the melt, these recessed areas will be filled in as shown in Fig. 7(c). It has been shown that the depressed regions are the result of the coupled effect of Marangoni convection, recoil pressure, and surface tension.79 By t = 500 μs, the width and height of the molten pool stabilize and show a “comet” shape in Fig. 7(d).
Single-track molten pool process: (a) t = 50 ��, (b) t = 150 ��, (c) t = 300 ��, (d) t = 500 ��.
Figure 8 depicts the velocity vector diagram of the P1 profile in a single-track molten pool, the length of the arrows represents the magnitude of the velocity, and the maximum velocity is about 2.36 m/s. When t = 50 μs, the molten pool takes shape, and the velocities at the two ends of the pool are the largest. The variation of the velocities at the front end is especially more significant in Fig. 8(a). As the time advances to t = 150 μs, the molten pool expands rapidly, in which the velocity at the tail increases and changes more significantly, while the velocity at the front is relatively small. At this stage, the melt moves backward from the center of the molten pool, which in turn expands the molten pool area. The melt at the back end of the molten pool center flows backward along the edge of the molten pool surface and then converges along the edge of the molten pool to the bottom center, rising to form a closed loop. Similarly, a similar closed loop is formed at the front end of the center of the bath, but with a shorter path. However, a large portion of the melt in the center of the closed loop formed at the front end of the bath is in a nearly stationary state. The main cause of this melt flow phenomenon is the effect of temperature gradient and surface tension (the Marangoni effect), as shown in Figs. 8(b) and 8(e). This dynamic behavior of the melt tends to form an “elliptical” pool. At t = 300 μs, the tendency of the above two melt flows to close the loop is more prominent and faster in Fig. 8(c). When t = 500 μs, the velocity vector of the molten pool shows a stable trend, and the closed loop of melt flow also remains stable. With the gradual laser focal spot movement, the melt is gradually solidified at its tail, and finally, a continuous and stable single track is formed in Fig. 8(d).
Vector plot of single-track molten pool velocity in XZ longitudinal section: (a) t = 50 ��, (b) t = 150 ��, (c) t = 300 ��, (d) t = 500 ��, (e) molten pool flow.
In order to explore in depth the transient evolution of the molten pool, the evolution of the single-track temperature field and the melt flow was monitored in the YZ cross section. Figure 9(a) shows the state of the powder bed at the initial moment. When t = 250 μs, the laser focal spot acts on the powder bed and the powder starts to melt and gradually collects in the molten pool. At this time, the substrate will also start to melt, and the melt flow mainly moves in the downward and outward directions and the velocity is maximum at the edges in Fig. 9(b). When t = 300 μs, the width and depth of the molten pool increase due to the recoil pressure. At this time, the melt flows more slowly at the center, but the direction of motion is still downward in Fig. 9(c). When t = 350 μs, the width and depth of the molten pool further increase, at which time the intensity of the melt flow reaches its peak and the direction of motion remains the same in Fig. 9(d). When t = 400 μs, the melt starts to move upward, and the surrounding powder or molten material gradually fills up, causing the surface of the molten pool to begin to flatten. At this time, the maximum velocity of the melt is at the center of the bath, while the velocity at the edge is close to zero, and the edge of the melt starts to solidify in Fig. 9(e). When t = 450 μs, the melt continues to move upward, forming a convex surface of the melt track. However, the melt movement slows down, as shown in Fig. 9(f). When t = 500 μs, the melt further moves upward and its speed gradually becomes smaller. At the same time, the melt solidifies further, as shown in Fig. 9(g). When t = 550 μs, the melt track is basically formed into a single track with a similar “mountain” shape. At this stage, the velocity is close to zero only at the center of the molten pool, and the flow behavior of the melt is poor in Fig. 9(h). At t = 600 μs, the melt stops moving and solidification is rapidly completed. Up to this point, a single track is formed in Fig. 9(i). During the laser action on the powder bed, the substrate melts and combines with the molten state powder. The powder-to-powder fusion is like the convergence of water droplets, which are rapidly fused by surface tension. However, the fusion between the molten state powder and the substrate occurs driven by surface tension, and the molten powder around the molten pool is pulled toward the substrate (a wetting effect occurs), which ultimately results in the formation of a monolithic whole.38,80,81
Evolution of single-track molten pool temperature and melt flow in the YZ cross section: (a) t = 0 ��, (b) t = 250 ��, (c) t = 300 ��, (d) t = 350 ��, (e) t = 400 ��, (f) t = 450 ��, (g) t = 500 ��, (h) t = 550 ��, (i) t = 600 ��.
The wetting ability between the liquid metal and the solid substrate in the molten pool directly affects the degree of balling of the melt,82,83 and the wetting ability can be measured by the contact angle of a single track in Fig. 10. A smaller value of contact angle represents better wettability. The contact angle α can be calculated by�=�1−�22,
where �1 and �2 are the contact angles of the left and right regions, respectively.
Relevant studies have confirmed that the wettability is better at a contact angle α around or below 40°.84 After measurement, a single-track contact angle α of about 33° was obtained under this process parameter, which further confirms the good wettability.
B. Double-track simulation
In order to deeply investigate the influence of hatch spacing on the characteristics of the HP-LPBF process, a series of double-track molten pool simulation experiments were systematically carried out. Figure 11 shows in detail the dynamic changes of the 3D morphology and temperature field of the double-track molten pool in the time period of 2050–2500 μs under the conditions of laser power of 100 W, scanning speed of 800 mm/s, and hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. By comparing the study with Fig. 7, it is observed that the basic characteristics of the 3D morphology and temperature field of the second track are similar to those of the first track. However, there are subtle differences between them. The first track exhibits a basically symmetric shape, but the second track morphology shows a slight deviation influenced by the difference in thermal diffusion rate between the solidified metal and the powder. Otherwise, the other characteristic information is almost the same as that of the first track. Figure 12 shows the velocity vector plot of the P2 profile in the double-track molten pool, with a maximum velocity of about 2.63 m/s. The melt dynamics at both ends of the pool are more stable at t = 2050 μs, where the maximum rate of the second track is only 1/3 of that of the first one. Other than that, the rest of the information is almost no significant difference from the characteristic information of the first track. Figure 13 demonstrates a detailed observation of the double-track temperature field and melts flow in the YZ cross section, and a comparative study with Fig. 9 reveals that the width of the second track is slightly wider. In addition, after the melt direction shifts from bottom to top, the first track undergoes four time periods (50 μs) to reach full solidification, while the second track takes five time periods. This is due to the presence of significant heat buildup in the powder bed after the forming of the first track, resulting in a longer dynamic time of the melt and an increased molten pool lifetime. In conclusion, the level of specimen forming can be significantly optimized by adjusting the laser power and hatch spacing.
Evolution of double-track molten pool temperature and melt flow in the YZ cross section: (a) t = 2250 ��, (b) t = 2300 ��, (c) t = 2350 ��, (d) t = 2400 ��, (e) t = 2450 ��, (f) t = 2500 ��, (g) t = 2550 ��, (h) t = 2600 ��, (i) t = 2650 ��.
In order to quantitatively detect the molten pool dimensions as well as the remolten region dimensions, the molten pool characterization information in Fig. 14 is constructed by drawing the boundary on the YZ cross section based on the isothermal surface of the liquid phase line. It can be observed that the heights of the first track and second track are basically the same, but the depth of the second track increases relative to the first track. The molten pool width is mainly positively correlated with the laser power as well as the scanning speed (the laser line energy density �). However, the remelted zone width is negatively correlated with the hatch spacing (the overlapping ratio). Overall, the forming quality of the specimens can be directly influenced by adjusting the laser power, scanning speed, and hatch spacing.
Double-track molten pool characterization information on YZ cross section.
In order to study the variation rule of the temperature in the center of the molten pool with time, Fig. 15 demonstrates the temperature variation curves with time for two reference points, A and B. Among them, the red dotted line indicates the liquid phase line temperature of SS316L. From the figure, it can be seen that the maximum temperature at the center of the molten pool in the first track is lower than that in the second track, which is mainly due to the heat accumulation generated after passing through the first track. The maximum temperature gradient was calculated to be 1.69 × 108 K/s. When the laser scanned the first track, the temperature in the center of the molten pool of the second track increased slightly. Similarly, when the laser scanned the second track, a similar situation existed in the first track. Since the temperature gradient in the second track is larger than that in the first track, the residence time of the liquid phase in the molten pool of the first track is longer than that of the second track.
Temperature profiles as a function of time for two reference points A and B.
C. Simulation analysis of molten pool under different process parameters
In order to deeply investigate the effects of various process parameters on the mesoscopic-scale temperature field, molten pool characteristic information and defects of HP-LPBF, numerical simulation experiments on mesoscopic-scale laser power, scanning speed, and hatch spacing of double-track molten pools were carried out.
1. Laser power
Figure 16 shows the effects of different laser power on the morphology and temperature field of the double-track molten pool at a scanning speed of 800 mm/s and a hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. When P = 50 W, a smaller molten pool is formed due to the lower heat generated by the Gaussian light source per unit time. This leads to a smaller track width, which results in adjacent track not lapping properly and the presence of a large number of unmelted powder particles, resulting in an increase in the number of defects, such as pores in the specimen. The surface of the track is relatively flat, and the depth is small. In addition, the temperature gradient before and after the molten pool was large, and the depression location appeared at the biased front end in Fig. 16(a). When P = 100 W, the surface of the track is flat and smooth with excellent lap. Due to the Marangoni effect, the velocity field of the molten pool is in the form of “vortex,” and the melt has good fluidity, and the maximum velocity reaches 2.15 m/s in Fig. 16(b). When P = 200 W, the heat generated by the Gaussian light source per unit time is too large, resulting in the melt rapidly reaching the evaporation temperature, generating a huge recoil pressure, forming a large molten pool, and the surface of the track is obviously raised. The melt movement is intense, especially the closed loop at the center end of the molten pool. At this time, the depth and width of the molten pool are large, leading to the expansion of the remolten region and the increased chance of the appearance of porosity defects in Fig. 16(c). The results show that at low laser power, the surface tension in the molten pool is dominant. At high laser power, recoil pressure is its main role.
Simulation results of double-track molten pool under different laser powers: (a) P = 50 W, (b) P = 100 W, (c) P = 200 W.
Table II shows the effect of different laser powers on the characteristic information of the double-track molten pool at a scanning speed of 800 mm/s and a hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. The negative overlapping ratio in the table indicates that the melt tracks are not lapped, and 26/29 indicates the melt depth of the first track/second track. It can be seen that with the increase in laser power, the melt depth, melt width, melt height, and remelted zone show a gradual increase. At the same time, the overlapping ratio also increases. Especially in the process of laser power from 50 to 200 W, the melting depth and melting width increased the most, which increased nearly 2 and 1.5 times, respectively. Meanwhile, the overlapping ratio also increases with the increase in laser power, which indicates that the melting and fusion of materials are better at high laser power. On the other hand, the dimensions of the molten pool did not change uniformly with the change of laser power. Specifically, the depth-to-width ratio of the molten pool increased from about 0.30 to 0.39 during the increase from 50 to 120 W, which further indicates that the effective heat transfer in the vertical direction is greater than that in the horizontal direction with the increase in laser power. This dimensional response to laser power is mainly affected by the recoil pressure and also by the difference in the densification degree between the powder layer and the metal substrate. In addition, according to the experimental results, the contact angle shows a tendency to increase and then decrease during the process of laser power increase, and always stays within the range of less than 33°. Therefore, in practical applications, it is necessary to select the appropriate laser power according to the specific needs in order to achieve the best processing results.
Double-track molten pool characterization information at different laser powers.
Laser power (W)
Depth (μm)
Width (μm)
Height (μm)
Remolten region (μm)
Overlapping ratio (%)
Contact angle (°)
2. Scanning speed
Figure 17 demonstrates the effect of different scanning speeds on the morphology and temperature field of the double-track molten pool at a laser power of 100 W and a hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. With the gradual increase in scanning speed, the surface morphology of the molten pool evolves from circular to elliptical. When � = 200 mm/s, the slow scanning speed causes the material to absorb too much heat, which is very easy to trigger the overburning phenomenon. At this point, the molten pool is larger and the surface morphology is uneven. This situation is consistent with the previously discussed scenario with high laser power in Fig. 17(a). However, when � = 1600 mm/s, the scanning speed is too fast, resulting in the material not being able to absorb sufficient heat, which triggers the powder particles that fail to melt completely to have a direct effect on the bonding of the melt to the substrate. At this time, the molten pool volume is relatively small and the neighboring melt track cannot lap properly. This result is consistent with the previously discussed case of low laser power in Fig. 17(b). Overall, the ratio of the laser power to the scanning speed (the line energy density �) has a direct effect on the temperature field and surface morphology of the molten pool.
Simulation results of double-track molten pool under different scanning speed: (a) � = 200 mm/s, (b) � = 1600 mm/s.
Table III shows the effects of different scanning speed on the characteristic information of the double-track molten pool under the condition of laser power of 100 W and hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. It can be seen that the scanning speed has a significant effect on the melt depth, melt width, melt height, remolten region, and overlapping ratio. With the increase in scanning speed, the melt depth, melt width, melt height, remelted zone, and overlapping ratio show a gradual decreasing trend. Among them, the melt depth and melt width decreased faster, while the melt height and remolten region decreased relatively slowly. In addition, when the scanning speed was increased from 200 to 800 mm/s, the decreasing speeds of melt depth and melt width were significantly accelerated, while the decreasing speeds of overlapping ratio were relatively slow. When the scanning speed was further increased to 1600 mm/s, the decreasing speeds of melt depth and melt width were further accelerated, and the un-lapped condition of the melt channel also appeared. In addition, the contact angle increases and then decreases with the scanning speed, and both are lower than 33°. Therefore, when selecting the scanning speed, it is necessary to make reasonable trade-offs according to the specific situation, and take into account the factors of melt depth, melt width, melt height, remolten region, and overlapping ratio, in order to achieve the best processing results.
Double-track molten pool characterization information at different scanning speeds.
Scanning speed (mm/s)
Depth (μm)
Width (μm)
Height (μm)
Remolten region (μm)
Overlapping ratio (%)
Contact angle (°)
3. Hatch spacing
Figure 18 shows the effect of different hatch spacing on the morphology and temperature field of the double-track molten pool under the condition of laser power of 100 W and scanning speed of 800 mm/s. The surface morphology and temperature field of the first track and second track are basically the same, but slightly different. The first track shows a basically symmetric morphology along the scanning direction, while the second track shows a slight offset due to the difference in the heat transfer rate between the solidified material and the powder particles. When the hatch spacing is too small, the overlapping ratio increases and the probability of defects caused by remelting phenomenon grows. When the hatch spacing is too large, the neighboring melt track cannot overlap properly, and the powder particles are not completely melted, leading to an increase in the number of holes. In conclusion, the ratio of the line energy density � to the hatch spacing (the volume energy density E) has a significant effect on the temperature field and surface morphology of the molten pool.
Simulation results of double-track molten pool under different hatch spacings: (a) H = 0.03 mm, (b) H = 0.12 mm.
Table IV shows the effects of different hatch spacing on the characteristic information of the double-track molten pool under the condition of laser power of 100 W and scanning speed of 800 mm/s. It can be seen that the hatch spacing has little effect on the melt depth, melt width, and melt height, but has some effect on the remolten region. With the gradual expansion of hatch spacing, the remolten region shows a gradual decrease. At the same time, the overlapping ratio also decreased with the increase in hatch spacing. In addition, it is observed that the contact angle shows a tendency to increase and then remain stable when the hatch spacing increases, which has a more limited effect on it. Therefore, trade-offs and decisions need to be made on a case-by-case basis when selecting the hatch spacing.
Double-track molten pool characterization information at different hatch spacings.
Hatch spacing (mm)
Depth (μm)
Width (μm)
Height (μm)
Remolten region (μm)
Overlapping ratio (%)
Contact angle (°)
In summary, the laser power, scanning speed, and hatch spacing have a significant effect on the formation of the molten pool, and the correct selection of these three process parameters is crucial to ensure the forming quality. In addition, the melt depth of the second track is slightly larger than that of the first track at higher line energy density � and volume energy density E. This is mainly due to the fact that a large amount of heat accumulation is generated after the first track, forming a larger molten pool volume, which leads to an increase in the melt depth.
D. Simulation analysis of molten pool with powder particle size and laser focal spot diameter
Figure 19 demonstrates the effect of different powder particle sizes and laser focal spot diameters on the morphology and temperature field of the double-track molten pool under a laser power of 100 W, a scanning speed of 800 mm/s, and a hatch spacing of 0.06 mm. In the process of melting coarse powder with small laser focal spot diameter, the laser energy cannot completely melt the larger powder particles, resulting in their partial melting and further generating excessive pore defects. The larger powder particles tend to generate zigzag molten pool edges, which cause an increase in the roughness of the melt track surface. In addition, the molten pool is also prone to generate the present spatter phenomenon, which can directly affect the quality of forming. The volume of the formed molten pool is relatively small, while the melt depth, melt width, and melt height are all smaller relative to the fine powder in Fig. 19(a). In the process of melting fine powders with a large laser focal spot diameter, the laser energy is able to melt the fine powder particles sufficiently, even to the point of overmelting. This results in a large number of fine spatters being generated at the edge of the molten pool, which causes porosity defects in the melt track in Fig. 19(b). In addition, the maximum velocity of the molten pool is larger for large powder particle sizes compared to small powder particle sizes, which indicates that the temperature gradient in the molten pool is larger for large powder particle sizes and the melt motion is more intense. However, the size of the laser focal spot diameter has a relatively small effect on the melt motion. However, a larger focal spot diameter induces a larger melt volume with greater depth, width, and height. In conclusion, a small powder size helps to reduce the surface roughness of the specimen, and a small laser spot diameter reduces the minimum forming size of a single track.
Simulation results of double-track molten pool with different powder particle size and laser focal spot diameter: (a) focal spot = 25 μm, coarse powder, (b) focal spot = 80 μm, fine powder.
Table V shows the maximum temperature gradient at the reference point for different powder sizes and laser focal spot diameters. As can be seen from the table, the maximum temperature gradient is lower than that of HP-LPBF for both coarse powders with a small laser spot diameter and fine powders with a large spot diameter, a phenomenon that leads to an increase in the heat transfer rate of HP-LPBF, which in turn leads to a corresponding increase in the cooling rate and, ultimately, to the formation of finer microstructures.
Maximum temperature gradient at the reference point for different powder particle sizes and laser focal spot diameters.
Laser power (W)
Scanning speed (mm/s)
Hatch spacing (mm)
Average powder size (μm)
Laser focal spot diameter (μm)
Maximum temperature gradient (×107 K/s)
In this study, the geometrical characteristics of 3D coarse and fine powder particles were first calculated using DEM and then numerical simulations of single track and double track in the process of forming SS316L from monolayer HP-LPBF at mesoscopic scale were developed using CFD method. The effects of Marangoni convection, surface tension, recoil pressure, gravity, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and evaporative heat dissipation on the heat and mass transfer in the molten pool were considered in this model. The effects of laser power, scanning speed, and hatch spacing on the dynamics of the single-track and double-track molten pools, as well as on other characteristic information, were investigated. The effects of the powder particle size on the molten pool were investigated comparatively with the laser focal spot diameter. The main conclusions are as follows:
The results show that the temperature gradient at the front of the molten pool is significantly larger than that at the tail, and the molten pool exhibits a “comet” morphology. At the top of the molten pool, there is a slightly concave region, which is the result of the coupling of Marangoni convection, recoil pressure, and surface tension. The melt flow forms two closed loops, which are mainly influenced by temperature gradients and surface tension. This special dynamic behavior of the melt tends to form an “elliptical” molten pool and an almost “mountain” shape in single-track forming.
The basic characteristics of the three-dimensional morphology and temperature field of the second track are similar to those of the first track, but there are subtle differences. The first track exhibits a basically symmetrical shape; however, due to the difference in thermal diffusion rates between the solidified metal and the powder, a slight asymmetry in the molten pool morphology of the second track occurs. After forming through the first track, there is a significant heat buildup in the powder bed, resulting in a longer dynamic time of the melt, which increases the life of the molten pool. The heights of the first track and second track remained essentially the same, but the depth of the second track was greater relative to the first track. In addition, the maximum temperature gradient was 1.69 × 108 K/s during HP-LPBF forming.
At low laser power, the surface tension in the molten pool plays a dominant role. At high laser power, recoil pressure becomes the main influencing factor. With the increase of laser power, the effective heat transfer in the vertical direction is superior to that in the horizontal direction. With the gradual increase of scanning speed, the surface morphology of the molten pool evolves from circular to elliptical. In addition, the scanning speed has a significant effect on the melt depth, melt width, melt height, remolten region, and overlapping ratio. Too large or too small hatch spacing will lead to remelting or non-lap phenomenon, which in turn causes the formation of defects.
When using a small laser focal spot diameter, it is difficult to completely melt large powder particle sizes, resulting in partial melting and excessive porosity generation. At the same time, large powder particles produce curved edges of the molten pool, resulting in increased surface roughness of the melt track. In addition, spatter occurs, which directly affects the forming quality. At small focal spot diameters, the molten pool volume is relatively small, and the melt depth, the melt width, and the melt height are correspondingly small. Taken together, the small powder particle size helps to reduce surface roughness, while the small spot diameter reduces the forming size.
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Thermo-fluid modeling of influence of attenuated laser beam intensity profile on melt pool behavior in laser-assisted powder-based direct energy deposition
Mohammad Sattari, Amin Ebrahimi, Martin Luckabauer, Gert-willem R.B.E. Römer
A numerical framework based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), using the finite volume method (FVM) and volume of fluid (VOF) technique is presented to investigate the effect of the laser beam intensity profile on melt pool behavior in laser-assisted powder-based directed energy deposition (L-DED). L-DED is an additive manufacturing (AM) process that utilizes a laser beam to fuse metal powder particles. To assure high-fidelity modeling, it was found that it is crucial to accurately model the interaction between the powder stream and the laser beam in the gas region above the substrate. The proposed model considers various phenomena including laser energy attenuation and absorption, multiple reflections of the laser rays, powder particle stream, particle-fluid interaction, temperature-dependent properties, buoyancy effects, thermal expansion, solidification shrinkage and drag, and Marangoni flow. The latter is induced by temperature and element-dependent surface tension. The model is validated using experimental results and highlights the importance of considering laser energy attenuation. Furthermore, the study investigates how the laser beam intensity profile affects melt pool size and shape, influencing the solidification microstructure and mechanical properties of the deposited material. The proposed model has the potential to optimize the L-DED process for a variety of materials and provides insights into the capability of numerical modeling for additive manufacturing optimization.
Dissertação de Mestrado Ciclo de Estudos Integrados Conducentes ao Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Trabalho efectuado sob a orientação do Doutor Hélder de Jesus Fernades Puga Professor Doutor José Joaquim Carneiro Barbosa
논문의 일부로 튜터 선택 가능성과 해결해야 할 주제가 설정되는 매개변수를 염두에 두고 개발 주제 ‘Flow- 3D ®에 의한 저압 충전 시스템 최적화’가 선택되었습니다. 이를 위해서는 달성해야 할 목표와 이를 달성하기 위한 방법을 정의하는 것이 필요했습니다.
충전 시스템을 시뮬레이션하고 검증할 수 있는 광범위한 소프트웨어에도 불구하고 Flow-3D®는 시장에서 최고의 도구 중 하나로 표시되어 전체 충전 프로세스 및 행동 표현과 관련하여 탁월한 정확도로 시뮬레이션하는 능력을 입증했습니다.
이를 위해 관련 프로세스를 더 잘 이해하고 충진 시스템 시뮬레이션을 위한 탐색적 기반 역할을 하기 위해 이 도구를 탐색하는 것이 중요합니다. 지연 및 재료 낭비에 반영되는 실제적인 측면에서 충전 장치의 치수를 완벽하게 만드는 비용 및 시간 낭비. 이러한 방식으로 저압 주조 공정에서 충진 시스템을 설계하고 물리적 모델을 탐색하여 특성화하는 방법론을 검증하기 위한 것입니다.
이를 위해 다음 주요 단계를 고려하십시오.
시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 Flow 3D® 탐색; 충전 시스템 모델링; 모델의 매개변수를 탐색하여 모델링된 시스템의 시뮬레이션, 검증 및 최적화.
따라서 연구 중인 압력 곡선과 주조 분석에서 가장 관련성이 높은 정보의 최종 마이닝을 검증하기 위한 것입니다.
사용된 압력 곡선은 수집된 문헌과 이전에 수행된 실제 작업을 통해 얻었습니다. 결과를 통해 3단계 압력 곡선이 층류 충진 체계의 의도된 목적과 관련 속도가 0.5 𝑚/𝑠를 초과하지 않는다는 결론을 내릴 수 있었습니다.
충전 수준이 2인 압력 곡선은 0.5 𝑚/𝑠 이상의 속도로 영역을 채우는 더 난류 시스템을 갖습니다. 열전달 매개변수는 이전에 얻은 값이 주물에 대한 소산 거동을 확증하지 않았기 때문에 연구되었습니다.
이러한 방식으로 주조 공정에 더 부합하는 새로운 가치를 얻었습니다. 달성된 결과는 유사한 것으로 나타난 NovaFlow & Solid®에 의해 생성된 결과와 비교되어 시뮬레이션에서 설정된 매개변수를 검증했습니다. Flow 3D®는 주조 부품 시뮬레이션을 위한 강력한 도구로 입증되었습니다.
As part of the dissertation and bearing in mind the parameters in which the possibility of a choice of tutor and the subject to be addressed is established, the subject for development ’Optimization of filling systems for low pressure by Flow 3D ®’ was chosen. For this it was necessary to define the objectives to achieve and the methods to attain them. Despite the wide range of software able to simulate and validate filling systems, Flow 3D® has been shown as one of the best tools in the market, demonstrating its ability to simulate with distinctive accuracy with respect to the entire process of filling and the behavioral representation of the fluid obtained. To this end, it is important to explore this tool for a better understanding of the processes involved and to serve as an exploratory basis for the simulation of filling systems, simulation being one of the great strengths of the current industry due to the need to reduce costs and time waste, in practical terms, that lead to the perfecting of the dimensioning of filling devices, which are reflected in delays and wasted material. In this way it is intended to validate the methodology to design a filling system in lowpressure casting process, exploring their physical models and thus allowing for its characterization. For this, consider the following main phases: The exploration of the simulation software Flow 3D®; modeling of filling systems; simulation, validation and optimization of systems modeled by exploring the parameters of the models. Therefore, it is intended to validate the pressure curves under study and the eventual mining of the most relevant information in a casting analysis. The pressure curves that were used were obtained through the gathered literature and the practical work previously performed. Through the results it was possible to conclude that the pressure curve with 3 levels meets the intended purpose of a laminar filling regime and associated speeds never exceeding 0.5 𝑚/𝑠. The pressure curve with 2 filling levels has a more turbulent system, having filling areas with velocities above 0.5 𝑚/𝑠. The heat transfer parameter was studied due to the values previously obtained didn’t corroborate the behavior of dissipation regarding to the casting. In this way, new values, more in tune with the casting process, were obtained. The achieved results were compared with those generated by NovaFlow & Solid®, which were shown to be similar, validating the parameters established in the simulations. Flow 3D® was proven a powerful tool for the simulation of casting parts.
Figure 4.24 – Model with virtual valves in the extremities of the geometries to simulate the permeability of the mold promoting a more uniformed fillingFigure 4.39 – Values of temperature contours using full energy heat transfer parameter for simulaFigure 4.40 – Comparison between software simulations (a) Flow 3D® simulation,
(b) NovaFlow & Solid® simulation
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TianLiabJ.M.T.DaviesaXiangzhenZhuc aUniversity of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom bGrainger and Worrall Ltd, Bridgnorth WV15 5HP, United Kingdom cBrunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology, Brunel University London, Kingston Ln, London, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, United Kingdom
An entrainment defect (also known as a double oxide film defect or bifilm) acts a void containing an entrapped gas when submerged into a light-alloy melt, thus reducing the quality and reproducibility of the final castings. Previous publications, carried out with Al-alloy castings, reported that this trapped gas could be subsequently consumed by the reaction with the surrounding melt, thus reducing the void volume and negative effect of entrainment defects. Compared with Al-alloys, the entrapped gas within Mg-alloy might be more efficiently consumed due to the relatively high reactivity of magnesium. However, research into the entrainment defects within Mg alloys has been significantly limited. In the present work, AZ91 alloy castings were produced under different carrier gas atmospheres (i.e., SF6/CO2, SF6/air). The evolution processes of the entrainment defects contained in AZ91 alloy were suggested according to the microstructure inspections and thermodynamic calculations. The defects formed in the different atmospheres have a similar sandwich-like structure, but their oxide films contained different combinations of compounds. The use of carrier gases, which were associated with different entrained-gas consumption rates, affected the reproducibility of AZ91 castings.
연행 결함(이중 산화막 결함 또는 이중막이라고도 함)은 경합금 용융물에 잠길 때 갇힌 가스를 포함하는 공극으로 작용하여 최종 주물의 품질과 재현성을 저하시킵니다. Al-합금 주물을 사용하여 수행된 이전 간행물에서는 이 갇힌 가스가 주변 용융물과의 반응에 의해 후속적으로 소모되어 공극 부피와 연행 결함의 부정적인 영향을 줄일 수 있다고 보고했습니다. Al-합금에 비해 마그네슘의 상대적으로 높은 반응성으로 인해 Mg-합금 내에 포집된 가스가 더 효율적으로 소모될 수 있습니다. 그러나 Mg 합금 내 연행 결함에 대한 연구는 상당히 제한적이었습니다. 현재 작업에서 AZ91 합금 주물은 다양한 캐리어 가스 분위기(즉, SF6/CO2, SF6/공기)에서 생산되었습니다. AZ91 합금에 포함된 연행 결함의 진화 과정은 미세 조직 검사 및 열역학 계산에 따라 제안되었습니다. 서로 다른 분위기에서 형성된 결함은 유사한 샌드위치 구조를 갖지만 산화막에는 서로 다른 화합물 조합이 포함되어 있습니다. 다른 동반 가스 소비율과 관련된 운반 가스의 사용은 AZ91 주물의 재현성에 영향을 미쳤습니다.
As the lightest structural metal available on Earth, magnesium became one of the most attractive light metals over the last few decades. The magnesium industry has consequently experienced a rapid development in the last 20 years [1,2], indicating a large growth in demand for Mg alloys all over the world. Nowadays, the use of Mg alloys can be found in the fields of automobiles, aerospace, electronics and etc.[3,4]. It has been predicted that the global consumption of Mg metals will further increase in the future, especially in the automotive industry, as the energy efficiency requirement of both traditional and electric vehicles further push manufactures lightweight their design [3,5,6].
The sustained growth in demand for Mg alloys motivated a wide interest in the improvement of the quality and mechanical properties of Mg-alloy castings. During a Mg-alloy casting process, surface turbulence of the melt can lead to the entrapment of a doubled-over surface film containing a small quantity of the surrounding atmosphere, thus forming an entrainment defect (also known as a double oxide film defect or bifilm) [7], [8], [9], [10]. The random size, quantity, orientation, and placement of entrainment defects are widely accepted to be significant factors linked to the variation of casting properties [7]. In addition, Peng et al. [11] found that entrained oxides films in AZ91 alloy melt acted as filters to Al8Mn5 particles, trapping them as they settle. Mackie et al. [12] further suggested that entrained oxide films can act to trawl the intermetallic particles, causing them to cluster and form extremely large defects. The clustering of intermetallic compounds made the entrainment defects more detrimental for the casting properties.
Most of the previous studies regarding entrainment defects were carried out on Al-alloys [7,[13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], and a few potential methods have been suggested for diminishing their negative effect on the quality of Al-alloy castings. Nyahumwa et al.,[16] shows that the void volume within entrainment defects could be reduced by a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process. Campbell [7] suggested the entrained gas within the defects could be consumed due to reaction with the surrounding melt, which was further verified by Raiszedeh and Griffiths [19].The effect of the entrained gas consumption on the mechanical properties of Al-alloy castings has been investigated by [8,9], suggesting that the consumption of the entrained gas promoted the improvement of the casting reproducibility.
Compared with the investigation concerning the defects within Al-alloys, research into the entrainment defects within Mg-alloys has been significantly limited. The existence of entrainment defects has been demonstrated in Mg-alloy castings [20,21], but their behaviour, evolution, as well as entrained gas consumption are still not clear.
In a Mg-alloy casting process, the melt is usually protected by a cover gas to avoid magnesium ignition. The cavities of sand or investment moulds are accordingly required to be flushed with the cover gas prior to the melt pouring [22]. Therefore, the entrained gas within Mg-alloy castings should contain the cover gas used in the casting process, rather than air only, which may complicate the structure and evolution of the corresponding entrainment defects.
SF6 is a typical cover gas widely used for Mg-alloy casting processes [23], [24], [25]. Although this cover gas has been restricted to use in European Mg-alloy foundries, a commercial report has pointed out that this cover is still popular in global Mg-alloy industry, especially in the countries which dominated the global Mg-alloy production, such as China, Brazil, India, etc. [26]. In addition, a survey in academic publications also showed that this cover gas was widely used in recent Mg-alloy studies [27]. The protective mechanism of SF6 cover gas (i.e., the reaction between liquid Mg-alloy and SF6 cover gas) has been investigated by several previous researchers, but the formation process of the surface oxide film is still not clearly understood, and even some published results are conflicting with each other. In early 1970s, Fruehling [28] found that the surface film formed under SF6 was MgO mainly with traces of fluorides, and suggested that SF6 was absorbed in the Mg-alloy surface film. Couling [29] further noticed that the absorbed SF6 reacted with the Mg-alloy melt to form MgF2. In last 20 years, different structures of the Mg-alloy surface films have been reported, as detailed below.(1)
Single-layered film. Cashion [30,31] used X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Spectroscopy (AES) to identify the surface film as MgO and MgF2. He also found that composition of the film was constant throughout the thickness and the whole experimental holding time. The film observed by Cashion had a single-layered structure created from a holding time from 10 min to 100 min.(2)
Double-layered film. Aarstad et. al [32] reported a doubled-layered surface oxide film in 2003. They observed several well-distributed MgF2 particles attached to the preliminary MgO film and grew until they covered 25–50% of the total surface area. The inward diffusion of F through the outer MgO film was the driving force for the evolution process. This double-layered structure was also supported by Xiong’s group [25,33] and Shih et al. [34].(3)
Triple-layered film. The triple-layered film and its evolution process were reported in 2002 by Pettersen [35]. Pettersen found that the initial surface film was a MgO phase and then gradually evolved to the stable MgF2 phase by the inward diffusion of F. In the final stage, the film has a triple-layered structure with a thin O-rich interlayer between the thick top and bottom MgF2 layers.(4)
Oxide film consisted of discrete particles. Wang et al [36] stirred the Mg-alloy surface film into the melt under a SF6 cover gas, and then inspect the entrained surface film after the solidification. They found that the entrained surface films were not continues as the protective surface films reported by other researchers but composed of discrete particles. The young oxide film was composed of MgO nano-sized oxide particles, while the old oxide films consist of coarse particles (about 1 µm in average size) on one side that contained fluorides and nitrides.
The oxide films of a Mg-alloy melt surface or an entrained gas are both formed due to the reaction between liquid Mg-alloy and the cover gas, thus the above-mentioned research regarding the Mg-alloy surface film gives valuable insights into the evolution of entrainment defects. The protective mechanism of SF6 cover gas (i.e., formation of a Mg-alloy surface film) therefore indicated a potential complicated evolution process of the corresponding entrainment defects.
However, it should be noted that the formation of a surface film on a Mg-alloy melt is in a different situation to the consumption of an entrained gas that is submerged into the melt. For example, a sufficient amount of cover gas was supported during the surface film formation in the studies previously mentioned, which suppressed the depletion of the cover gas. In contrast, the amount of entrained gas within a Mg-alloy melt is finite, and the entrained gas may become fully depleted. Mirak [37] introduced 3.5%SF6/air bubbles into a pure Mg-alloy melt solidifying in a specially designed permanent mould. It was found that the gas bubbles were entirely consumed, and the corresponding oxide film was a mixture of MgO and MgF2. However, the nucleation sites (such as the MgF2 spots observed by Aarstad [32] and Xiong [25,33]) were not observed. Mirak also speculated that the MgF2 formed prior to MgO in the oxide film based on the composition analysis, which was opposite to the surface film formation process reported in previous literatures (i.e., MgO formed prior to MgF2). Mirak’s work indicated that the oxide-film formation of an entrained gas may be quite different from that of surface films, but he did not reveal the structure and evolution of the oxide films.
In addition, the use of carrier gas in the cover gases also influenced the reaction between the cover gas and the liquid Mg-alloy. SF6/air required a higher content of SF6 than did a SF6/CO2 carrier gas [38], to avoid the ignition of molten magnesium, revealing different gas-consumption rates. Liang [39] suggested that carbon was formed in the surface film when CO2 was used as a carrier gas, which was different from the films formed in SF6/air. An investigation into Mg combustion [40] reported a detection of Mg2C3 in the Mg-alloy sample after burning in CO2, which not only supported Liang’s results, but also indicated a potential formation of Mg carbides in double oxide film defects.
The work reported here is an investigation into the behaviour and evolution of entrainment defects formed in AZ91 Mg-alloy castings, protected by different cover gases (i.e., SF6/air and SF6/CO2). These carrier gases have different protectability for liquid Mg alloy, which may be therefore associated with different consumption rates and evolution processes of the corresponding entrained gases. The effect of the entrained-gas consumption on the reproducibility of AZ91 castings was also studied.
2. Experiment
2.1. Melting and casting
Three kilograms AZ91 alloy was melted in a mild steel crucible at 700 ± 5 °C. The composition of the AZ91 alloy has been shown in Table 1. Prior to heating, all oxide scale on the ingot surface was removed by machining. The cover gases used were 0.5%SF6/air or 0.5%SF6/CO2 (vol.%) at a flow rate of 6 L/min for different castings. The melt was degassed by argon with a flow rate of 0.3 L/min for 15 min [41,42], and then poured into sand moulds. Prior to pouring, the sand mould cavity was flushed with the cover gas for 20 min [22]. The residual melt (around 1 kg) was solidified in the crucible.
Table 1. Composition (wt.%) of the AZ91 alloy used in this study.
Fig. 1(a) shows the dimensions of the casting with runners. A top-filling system was deliberately used to generate entrainment defects in the final castings. Green and Campbell [7,43] suggested that a top-filling system caused more entrainment events (i.e., bifilms) during a casting process, compared with a bottom-filling system. A melt flow simulation (Flow-3D software) of this mould, using Reilly’s model [44] regarding the entrainment events, also predicted that a large amount of bifilms would be contained in the final casting (denoted by the black particles in Fig. 1b).
Shrinkage defects also affect the mechanical properties and reproducibility of castings. Since this study focused on the effect of bifilms on the casting quality, the mould has been deliberately designed to avoid generating shrinkage defects. A solidification simulation using ProCAST software showed that no shrinkage defect would be contained in the final casting, as shown in Fig. 1c. The casting soundness has also been confirmed using a real time X-ray prior to the test bar machining.
The sand moulds were made from resin-bonded silica sand, containing 1wt. % PEPSET 5230 resin and 1wt. % PEPSET 5112 catalyst. The sand also contained 2 wt.% Na2SiF6 to act as an inhibitor [45]. The pouring temperature was 700 ± 5 °C. After the solidification, a section of the runner bars was sent to the Sci-Lab Analytical Ltd for a H-content analysis (LECO analysis), and all the H-content measurements were carried out on the 5th day after the casting process. Each of the castings was machined into 40 test bars for a tensile strength test, using a Zwick 1484 tensile test machine with a clip extensometer. The fracture surfaces of the broken test bars were examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, Philips JEOL7000) with an accelerating voltage of 5–15 kV. The fractured test bars, residual Mg-alloy solidified in the crucible, and the casting runners were then sectioned, polished and also inspected using the same SEM. The cross-section of the oxide film found on the test-bar fracture surface was exposed by the Focused Ion Beam milling technique (FIB), using a CFEI Quanta 3D FEG FIB-SEM. The oxide film required to be analysed was coated with a platinum layer. Then, a gallium ion beam, accelerated to 30 kV, milled the material substrate surrounding the platinum coated area to expose the cross section of the oxide film. EDS analysis of the oxide film’s cross section was carried out using the FIB equipment at accelerating voltage of 30 kV.
2.2. Oxidation cell
As previously mentioned, several past researchers investigated the protective film formed on a Mg-alloy melt surface [38,39,[46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52]. During these experiments, the amount of cover gas used was sufficient, thus suppressing the depletion of fluorides in the cover gas. The experiment described in this section used a sealed oxidation cell, which limited the supply of cover gas, to study the evolution of the oxide films of entrainment defects. The cover gas contained in the oxidation cell was regarded as large-size “entrained bubble”.
As shown in Fig. 2, the main body of the oxidation cell was a closed-end mild steel tube which had an inner length of 400 mm, and an inner diameter of 32 mm. A water-cooled copper tube was wrapped around the upper section of the cell. When the tube was heated, the cooling system created a temperature difference between the upper and lower sections, causing the interior gas to convect within the tube. The temperature was monitored by a type-K thermocouple located at the top of the crucible. Nie et al. [53] suggested that the SF6 cover gas would react with the steel wall of the holding furnace when they investigated the surface film of a Mg-alloy melt. To avoid this reaction, the interior surface of the steel oxidation cell (shown in Fig. 2) and the upper half section of the thermocouple were coated with boron nitride (the Mg-alloy was not in contact with boron nitride).
During the experiment, a block of solid AZ91 alloy was placed in a magnesia crucible located at the bottom of the oxidation cell. The cell was heated to 100 °C in an electric resistance furnace under a gas flow rate of 1 L/min. The cell was held at this temperature for 20 min, to replace the original trapped atmosphere (i.e. air). Then, the oxidation cell was further heated to 700 °C, melting the AZ91 sample. The gas inlet and exit valves were then closed, creating a sealed environment for oxidation under a limited supply of cover gas. The oxidation cell was then held at 700 ± 10 °C for periods of time from 5 min to 30 min in 5-min intervals. At the end of each holding time, the cell was quenched in water. After cooling to room temperature, the oxidised sample was sectioned, polished, and subsequently examined by SEM.
3. Results
3.1. Structure and composition of the entrainment defects formed in SF6/air
The structure and composition of the entrainment defect formed in the AZ91 castings under a cover gas of 0.5%SF6/air was observed by SEM and EDS. The results indicate that there exist two types of entrainment defects which are sketched in Fig. 3: (1) Type A defect whose oxide film has a traditional single-layered structure and (2) Type B defect, whose oxide film has two layers. The details of these defects were introduced in the following. Here it should be noticed that, as the entrainment defects are also known as biofilms or double oxide film, the oxide films of Type B defect were referred to as “multi-layered oxide film” or “multi-layered structure” in the present work to avoid a confusing description such as “the double-layered oxide film of a double oxide film defect”.
Fig. 4(a-b) shows a Type A defect having a compact single-layered oxide film with about 0.4 µm thickness. Oxygen, fluorine, magnesium and aluminium were detected in this film (Fig. 4c). It is speculated that oxide film is the mixture of fluoride and oxide of magnesium and aluminium. The detection of fluorine revealed that an entrained cover gas was contained in the formation of this defect. That is to say that the pores shown in Fig. 4(a) were not shrinkage defects or hydrogen porosity, but entrainment defects. The detection of aluminium was different with Xiong and Wang’s previous study [47,48], which showed that no aluminium was contained in their surface film of an AZ91 melt protected by a SF6 cover gas. Sulphur could not be clearly recognized in the element map, but there was a S-peak in the corresponding ESD spectrum.
Fig. 5(a-b) shows a Type B entrainment defect having a multi-layered oxide film. The compact outer layers of the oxide films were enriched with fluorine and oxygen (Fig. 5c), while their relatively porous inner layers were only enriched with oxygen (i.e., poor in fluorine) and partly grew together, thus forming a sandwich-like structure. Therefore, it is speculated that the outer layer is the mixture of fluoride and oxide, while the inner layer is mainly oxide. Sulphur could only be recognized in the EDX spectrum and could not be clearly identified in the element map, which might be due to the small S-content in the cover gas (i.e., 0.5% volume content of SF6 in the cover gas). In this oxide film, aluminium was contained in the outer layer of this oxide film but could not be clearly detected in the inner layer. Moreover, the distribution of Al seems to be uneven. It can be found that, in the right side of the defect, aluminium exists in the film but its concentration can not be identified to be higher than the matrix. However, there is a small area with much higher aluminium concentration in the left side of the defect. Such an uneven distribution of aluminium was also observed in other defects (shown in the following), and it is the result of the formation of some oxide particles in or under the film.
Figs. 4 and 5 show cross sectional observations of the entrainment defects formed in the AZ91 alloy sample cast under a cover gas of SF6/air. It is not sufficient to characterize the entrainment defects only by the figures observed from the two-dimensional section. To have a further understanding, the surface of the entrainment defects (i.e. the oxide film) was further studied by observing the fracture surface of the test bars.
Fig. 6(a) shows fracture surfaces of an AZ91 alloy tensile test bar produced in SF6/air. Symmetrical dark regions can be seen on both sides of the fracture surfaces. Fig. 6(b) shows boundaries between the dark and bright regions. The bright region consisted of jagged and broken features, while the surface of the dark region was relatively smooth and flat. In addition, the EDS results (Fig. 6c-d and Table 2) show that fluorine, oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen were only detected in the dark regions, indicating that the dark regions were surface protective films entrained into the melt. Therefore, it could be suggested that the dark regions were an entrainment defect with consideration of their symmetrical nature. Similar defects on fracture surfaces of Al-alloy castings have been previously reported [7]. Nitrides were only found in the oxide films on the test-bar fracture surfaces but never detected in the cross-sectional samples shown in Figs. 4 and 5. An underlying reason is that the nitrides contained in these samples may have hydrolysed during the sample polishing process [54].
Table 2. EDS results (wt.%) corresponding to the regions shown in Fig. 6 (cover gas: SF6/air).
In conjunction with the cross-sectional observation of the defects shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the structure of an entrainment defect contained in a tensile test bar was sketched as shown in Fig. 6(e). The defect contained an entrained gas enclosed by its oxide film, creating a void section inside the test bar. When the tensile force applied on the defect during the fracture process, the crack was initiated at the void section and propagated along the entrainment defect, since cracks would be propagated along the weakest path [55]. Therefore, when the test bar was finally fractured, the oxide films of entrainment defect appeared on both fracture surfaces of the test bar, as shown in Fig. 6(a).
3.2. Structure and composition of the entrainment defects formed in SF6/CO2
Similar to the entrainment defect formed in SF6/air, the defects formed under a cover gas of 0.5%SF6/CO2 also had two types of oxide films (i.e., single-layered and multi-layered types). Fig. 7(a) shows an example of the entrainment defects containing a multi-layered oxide film. A magnified observation to the defect (Fig. 7b) shows that the inner layers of the oxide films had grown together, presenting a sandwich-like structure, which was similar to the defects formed in an atmosphere of SF6/air (Fig. 5b). An EDS spectrum (Fig. 7c) revealed that the joint area (inner layer) of this sandwich-like structure mainly contained magnesium oxides. Peaks of fluorine, sulphur, and aluminium were recognized in this EDS spectrum, but their amount was relatively small. In contrast, the outer layers of the oxide films were compact and composed of a mixture of fluorides and oxides (Fig. 7d-e).
Fig. 8(a) shows an entrainment defect on the fracture surfaces of an AZ91 alloy tensile test bar, which was produced in an atmosphere of 0.5%SF6/CO2. The corresponding EDS results (Table 3) showed that oxide film contained fluorides and oxides. Sulphur and nitrogen were not detected. Besides, a magnified observation (Fig. 8b) indicated spots on the oxide film surface. The diameter of the spots ranged from hundreds of nanometres to a few micron meters.
To further reveal the structure and composition of the oxide film clearly, the cross-section of the oxide film on a test-bar fracture surface was onsite exposed using the FIB technique (Fig. 9). As shown in Fig. 9a, a continuous oxide film was found between the platinum coating layer and the Mg-Al alloy substrate. Fig. 9 (b-c) shows a magnified observation to oxide films, indicating a multi-layered structure (denoted by the red box in Fig. 9c). The bottom layer was enriched with fluorine and oxygen and should be the mixture of fluoride and oxide, which was similar to the “outer layer” shown in Figs. 5 and 7, while the only-oxygen-enriched top layer was similar to the “inner layer” shown in Figs. 5 and 7.
Except the continuous film, some individual particles were also observed in or below the continuous film, as shown in Fig. 9. An Al-enriched particle was detected in the left side of the oxide film shown in Fig. 9b and might be speculated to be spinel Mg2AlO4 because it also contains abundant magnesium and oxygen elements. The existing of such Mg2AlO4 particles is responsible for the high concentration of aluminium in small areas of the observed film and the uneven distribution of aluminium, as shown in Fig. 5(c). Here it should be emphasized that, although the other part of the bottom layer of the continuous oxide film contains less aluminium than this Al-enriched particle, the Fig. 9c indicated that the amount of aluminium in this bottom layer was still non-negligible, especially when comparing with the outer layer of the film. Below the right side of the oxide film shown in Fig. 9b, a particle was detected and speculated to be MgO because it is rich in Mg and O. According to Wang’s result [56], lots of discrete MgO particles can be formed on the surface of the Mg melt by the oxidation of Mg melt and Mg vapor. The MgO particles observed in our present work may be formed due to the same reasons. While, due to the differences in experimental conditions, less Mg melt can be vapored or react with O2, thus only a few of MgO particles formed in our work. An enrichment of carbon was also found in the film, revealing that CO2 was able to react with the melt, thus forming carbon or carbides. This carbon concentration was consistent with the relatively high carbon content of the oxide film shown in Table 3 (i.e., the dark region). In the area next to the oxide film.
Table 3. EDS results (wt.%) corresponding to the regions shown in Fig. 8 (cover gas: SF6/ CO2).
This cross-sectional observation of the oxide film on a test bar fracture surface (Fig. 9) further verified the schematic of the entrainment defect shown in Fig. 6(e). The entrainment defects formed in different atmospheres of SF6/CO2 and SF6/air had similar structures, but their compositions were different.
3.3. Evolution of the oxide films in the oxidation cell
The results in Section 3.1 and 3.2 have shown the structures and compositions of entrainment defects formed in AZ91 castings under cover gases of SF6/air and SF6/CO2. Different stages of the oxidation reaction may lead to the different structures and compositions of entrainment defects. Although Campbell has conjectured that an entrained gas may react with the surrounding melt, it is rarely reported that the reaction occurring between the Mg-alloy melt and entrapped cover gas. Previous researchers normally focus on the reaction between a Mg-alloy melt and the cover gas in an open environment [38,39,[46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52], which was different from the situation of a cover gas trapped into the melt. To further understand the formation of the entrainment defect in an AZ91 alloy, the evolution process of oxide films of the entrainment defect was further studied using an oxidation cell.
Fig. 10 (a and d) shows a surface film held for 5 min in the oxidation cell, protected by 0.5%SF6/air. There was only one single layer consisting of fluoride and oxide (MgF2 and MgO). In this surface film. Sulphur was detected in the EDS spectrum, but its amount was too small to be recognized in the element map. The structure and composition of this oxide film was similar to the single-layered films of entrainment defects shown in Fig. 4.
After a holding time of 10 min, a thin (O, S)-enriched top layer (around 700 nm) appeared upon the preliminary F-enriched film, forming a multi-layered structure, as shown in Fig. 10(b and e). The thickness of the (O, S)-enriched top layer increased with increased holding time. As shown in Fig. 10(c and f), the oxide film held for 30 min also had a multi-layered structure, but the thickness of its (O, S)-enriched top layer (around 2.5 µm) was higher than the that of the 10-min oxide film. The multi-layered oxide films shown in Fig. 10(b-c) presented a similar appearance to the films of the sandwich-like defect shown in Fig. 5.
The different structures of the oxide films shown in Fig. 10 indicated that fluorides in the cover gas would be preferentially consumed due to the reaction with the AZ91 alloy melt. After the depletion of fluorides, the residual cover gas reacted further with the liquid AZ91 alloy, forming the top (O, S)-enriched layer in the oxide film. Therefore, the different structures and compositions of entrainment defects shown in Figs. 4 and 5 may be due to an ongoing oxidation reaction between melt and entrapped cover gas.
This multi-layered structure has not been reported in previous publications concerning the protective surface film formed on a Mg-alloy melt [38,[46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51]. This may be due to the fact that previous researchers carried out their experiments with an un-limited amount of cover gas, creating a situation where the fluorides in the cover gas were not able to become depleted. Therefore, the oxide film of an entrainment defect had behaviour traits similar to the oxide films shown in Fig. 10, but different from the oxide films formed on the Mg-alloy melt surface reported in [38,[46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51].
Similar with the oxide films held in SF6/air, the oxide films formed in SF6/CO2 also had different structures with different holding times in the oxidation cell. Fig. 11(a) shows an oxide film, held on an AZ91 melt surface under a cover gas of 0.5%SF6/CO2 for 5 min. This film had a single-layered structure consisting of MgF2. The existence of MgO could not be confirmed in this film. After the holding time of 30 min, the film had a multi-layered structure; the inner layer was of a compact and uniform appearance and composed of MgF2, while the outer layer is the mixture of MgF2 and MgO. Sulphur was not detected in this film, which was different from the surface film formed in 0.5%SF6/air. Therefore, fluorides in the cover gas of 0.5%SF6/CO2 were also preferentially consumed at an early stage of the film growth process. Compared with the film formed in SF6/air, the MgO in film formed in SF6/CO2 appeared later and sulphide did not appear within 30 min. It may mean that the formation and evolution of film in SF6/air is faster than SF6/CO2. CO2 may have subsequently reacted with the melt to form MgO, while sulphur-containing compounds accumulated in the cover gas and reacted to form sulphide in very late stage (may after 30 min in oxidation cell).
4. Discussion
4.1. Evolution of entrainment defects formed in SF6/air
HSC software from Outokumpu HSC Chemistry for Windows ( was used to carry out thermodynamic calculations needed to explore the reactions which might occur between the trapped gases and liquid AZ91 alloy. The solutions to the calculations suggest which products are most likely to form in the reaction process between a small amount of cover gas (i.e., the amount within a trapped bubble) and the AZ91-alloy melt.
In the trials, the pressure was set to 1 atm, and the temperature set to 700 °C. The amount of the cover gas was assumed to be 7 × 10−7 kg, with a volume of approximately 0.57 cm3 (3.14 × 10−8 kmol) for 0.5%SF6/air, and 0.35 cm3 (3.12 × 10−8 kmol) for 0.5%SF6/CO2. The amount of the AZ91 alloy melt in contact with the trapped gas was assumed to be sufficient to complete all reactions. The decomposition products of SF6 were SF5, SF4, SF3, SF2, F2, S(g), S2(g) and F(g) [57], [58], [59], [60].
Fig. 12 shows the equilibrium diagram of the thermodynamic calculation of the reaction between the AZ91 alloy and 0.5%SF6/air. In the diagram, the reactants and products with less than 10−15 kmol have not been shown, as this was 5 orders of magnitude less than the amount of SF6 present (≈ 1.57 × 10−10 kmol) and therefore would not affect the observed process in a practical way.
This reaction process could be divided into 3 stages.
Stage 1: The formation of fluorides. the AZ91 melt preferentially reacted with SF6 and its decomposition products, producing MgF2, AlF3, and ZnF2. However, the amount of ZnF2 may have been too small to be detected practically (1.25 × 10−12 kmol of ZnF2 compared with 3 × 10−10 kmol of MgF2), which may be the reason why Zn was not detected in any the oxide films shown in Sections 3.1–3.3. Meanwhile, sulphur accumulated in the residual gas as SO2.
Stage 2: The formation of oxides. After the liquid AZ91 alloy had depleted all the available fluorides in the entrapped gas, the amount of AlF3 and ZnF2 quickly reduced due to a reaction with Mg. O2(g) and SO2 reacted with the AZ91 melt, forming MgO, Al2O3, MgAl2O4, ZnO, ZnSO4 and MgSO4. However, the amount of ZnO and ZnSO4 would have been too small to be found practically by EDS (e.g. 9.5 × 10−12 kmol of ZnO,1.38 × 10−14 kmol of ZnSO4, in contrast to 4.68 × 10−10 kmol of MgF2, when the amount of AZ91 on the X-axis is 2.5 × 10−9 kmol). In the experimental cases, the concentration of F in the cover gas is very low, whole the concentration f O is much higher. Therefore, the stage 1 and 2, i.e, the formation of fluoride and oxide may happen simultaneously at the beginning of the reaction, resulting in the formation of a singer-layered mixture of fluoride and oxide, as shown in Figs. 4 and 10(a). While an inner layer consisted of oxides but fluorides could form after the complete depletion of F element in the cover gas.
Stages 1- 2 theoretically verified the formation process of the multi-layered structure shown in Fig. 10.
The amount of MgAl2O4 and Al2O3 in the oxide film was of a sufficient amount to be detected, which was consistent with the oxide films shown in Fig. 4. However, the existence of aluminium could not be recognized in the oxide films grown in the oxidation cell, as shown in Fig. 10. This absence of Al may be due to the following reactions between the surface film and AZ91 alloy melt:(1)
Mg + MgAl2O4 = MgO + Al, △G(700 °C) =-106.34 kJ/molwhich could not be simulated by the HSC software since the thermodynamic calculation was carried out under an assumption that the reactants were in full contact with each other. However, in a practical process, the AZ91 melt and the cover gas would not be able to be in contact with each other completely, due to the existence of the protective surface film.
Stage 3: The formation of Sulphide and nitride. After a holding time of 30 min, the gas-phase fluorides and oxides in the oxidation cell had become depleted, allowing the melt reaction with the residual gas, forming an additional sulphur-enriched layer upon the initial F-enriched or (F, O)-enriched surface film, thus resulting in the observed multi-layered structure shown in Fig. 10 (b and c). Besides, nitrogen reacted with the AZ91 melt until all reactions were completed. The oxide film shown in Fig. 6 may correspond to this reaction stage due to its nitride content. However, the results shows that the nitrides were not detected in the polished samples shown in Figs. 4 and 5, but only found on the test bar fracture surfaces. The nitrides may have hydrolysed during the sample preparation process, as follows [54]:(3)
Mg3N2 + 6H2O =3Mg(OH)2 + 2NH3↑(4)
AlN+ 3H2O =Al(OH)3 + NH3↑
In addition, Schmidt et al. [61] found that Mg3N2 and AlN could react to form ternary nitrides (Mg3AlnNn+2, n= 1, 2, 3…). HSC software did not contain the database of ternary nitrides, and it could not be added into the calculation. The oxide films in this stage may also contain ternary nitrides.
4.2. Evolution of entrainment defects formed in SF6/CO2
Fig. 13 shows the results of the thermodynamic calculation between AZ91 alloy and 0.5%SF6/CO2. This reaction processes can also be divided into three stages.
Stage 1: The formation of fluorides. SF6 and its decomposition products were consumed by the AZ91 melt, forming MgF2, AlF3, and ZnF2. As in the reaction of AZ91 in 0.5%SF6/air, the amount of ZnF2 was too small to be detected practically (1.51 × 10−13 kmol of ZnF2 compared with 2.67 × 10−10 kmol of MgF2). Sulphur accumulated in the residual trapped gas as S2(g) and a portion of the S2(g) reacted with CO2, to form SO2 and CO. The products in this reaction stage were consistent with the film shown in Fig. 11(a), which had a single layer structure that contained fluorides only.
Stage 2: The formation of oxides. AlF3 and ZnF2 reacted with the Mg in the AZ91 melt, forming MgF2, Al and Zn. The SO2 began to be consumed, producing oxides in the surface film and S2(g) in the cover gas. Meanwhile, the CO2 directly reacted with the AZ91 melt, forming CO, MgO, ZnO, and Al2O3. The oxide films shown in Figs. 9 and 11(b) may correspond to this reaction stage due to their oxygen-enriched layer and multi-layered structure.
The CO in the cover gas could further react with the AZ91 melt, producing C. This carbon may further react with Mg to form Mg carbides, when the temperature reduced (during solidification period) [62]. This may be the reason for the high carbon content in the oxide film shown in Figs. 8–9. Liang et al. [39] also reported carbon-detection in an AZ91 alloy surface film protected by SO2/CO2. The produced Al2O3 may be further combined with MgO, forming MgAl2O4[63]. As discussed in Section 4.1, the alumina and spinel can react with Mg, causing an absence of aluminium in the surface films, as shown in Fig. 11.
Stage 3: The formation of Sulphide. the AZ91 melt began to consume S2(g) in the residual entrapped gas, forming ZnS and MgS. These reactions did not occur until the last stage of the reaction process, which could be the reason why the S-content in the defect shown Fig. 7(c) was small.
In summary, thermodynamic calculations indicate that the AZ91 melt will react with the cover gas to form fluorides firstly, then oxides and sulphides in the last. The oxide film in the different reaction stages would have different structures and compositions.
4.3. Effect of the carrier gases on consumption of the entrained gas and the reproducibility of AZ91 castings
The evolution processes of entrainment defects, formed in SF6/air and SF6/CO2, have been suggested in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. The theoretical calculations were verified with respect to the corresponding oxide films found in practical samples. The atmosphere within an entrainment defect could be efficiently consumed due to the reaction with liquid Mg-alloy, in a scenario dissimilar to the Al-alloy system (i.e., nitrogen in an entrained air bubble would not efficiently react with Al-alloy melt [64,65], however, nitrogen would be more readily consumed in liquid Mg alloys, commonly referred to as “nitrogen burning” [66]).
The reaction between the entrained gas and the surrounding liquid Mg-alloy converted the entrained gas into solid compounds (e.g. MgO) within the oxide film, thus reducing the void volume of the entrainment defect and hence probably causing a collapse of the defect (e.g., if an entrained gas of air was depleted by the surrounding liquid Mg-alloy, under an assumption that the melt temperature is 700 °C and the depth of liquid Mg-alloy is 10 cm, the total volume of the final solid products would be 0.044% of the initial volume taken by the entrapped air).
The relationship between the void volume reduction of entrainment defects and the corresponding casting properties has been widely studied in Al-alloy castings. Nyahumwa and Campbell [16] reported that the Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) process caused the entrainment defects in Al-alloy castings to collapse and their oxide surfaces forced into contact. The fatigue lives of their castings were improved after HIP. Nyahumwa and Campbell [16] also suggested a potential bonding of the double oxide films that were in contact with each other, but there was no direct evidence to support this. This binding phenomenon was further investigated by Aryafar[8], who re-melted two Al-alloy bars with oxide skins in a steel tube and then carried out a tensile strength test on the solidified sample. They found that the oxide skins of the Al-alloy bars strongly bonded with each other and became even stronger with an extension of the melt holding time, indicating a potential “healing” phenomenon due to the consumption of the entrained gas within the double oxide film structure. In addition, Raidszadeh and Griffiths [9,19] successfully reduced the negative effect of entrainment defects on the reproducibility of Al-alloy castings, by extending the melt holding time before solidification, which allowed the entrained gas to have a longer time to react with the surrounding melt.
With consideration of the previous work mentioned, the consumption of the entrained gas in Mg-alloy castings may diminish the negative effect of entrainment defects in the following two ways.
(1) Bonding phenomenon of the double oxide films. The sandwich-like structure shown in Fig. 5 and 7 indicated a potential bonding of the double oxide film structure. However, more evidence is required to quantify the increase in strength due to the bonding of the oxide films.
(2) Void volume reduction of entrainment defects. The positive effect of void-volume reduction on the quality of castings has been widely demonstrated by the HIP process [67]. As the evolution processes discussed in Section 4.1–4.2, the oxide films of entrainment defects can grow together due to an ongoing reaction between the entrained gas and surrounding AZ91 alloy melt. The volume of the final solid products was significant small compared with the entrained gas (i.e., 0.044% as previously mentioned).
Therefore, the consumption rate of the entrained gas (i.e., the growth rate of oxide films) may be a critical parameter for improving the quality of AZ91 alloy castings. The oxide film growth rate in the oxidization cell was accordingly further investigated.
Fig. 14 shows a comparison of the surface film growth rates in different cover gases (i.e., 0.5%SF6/air and 0.5%SF6/CO2). 15 random points on each sample were selected for film thickness measurements. The 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was computed under an assumption that the variation of the film thickness followed a Gaussian distribution. It can be seen that all the surface films formed in 0.5%SF6/air grew faster than those formed in 0.5%SF6/CO2. The different growth rates suggested that the entrained-gas consumption rate of 0.5%SF6/air was higher than that of 0.5%SF6/CO2, which was more beneficial for the consumption of the entrained gas.
It should be noted that, in the oxidation cell, the contact area of liquid AZ91 alloy and cover gas (i.e. the size of the crucible) was relatively small with consideration of the large volume of melt and gas. Consequently, the holding time for the oxide film growth within the oxidation cell was comparatively long (i.e., 5–30 min). However, the entrainment defects contained in a real casting are comparatively very small (i.e., a few microns size as shown in Figs. 3–6, and [7]), and the entrained gas is fully enclosed by the surrounding melt, creating a relatively large contact area. Hence the reaction time for cover gas and the AZ91 alloy melt may be comparatively short. In addition, the solidification time of real Mg-alloy sand castings can be a few minutes (e.g. Guo [68] reported that a Mg-alloy sand casting with 60 mm diameter required 4 min to be solidified). Therefore, it can be expected that an entrained gas trapped during an Mg-alloy melt pouring process will be readily consumed by the surrounding melt, especially for sand castings and large-size castings, where solidification times are long.
Therefore, the different cover gases (0.5%SF6/air and 0.5%SF6/CO2) associated with different consumption rates of the entrained gases may affect the reproducibility of the final castings. To verify this assumption, the AZ91 castings produced in 0.5%SF6/air and 0.5%SF6/CO2 were machined into test bars for mechanical evaluation. A Weibull analysis was carried out using both linear least square (LLS) method and non-linear least square (non-LLS) method [69].
Fig. 15(a-b) shows a traditional 2-p linearized Weibull plot of the UTS and elongation of the AZ91 alloy castings, obtained by the LLS method. The estimator used is P= (i-0.5)/N, which was suggested to cause the lowest bias among all the popular estimators [69,70]. The casting produced in SF6/air has an UTS Weibull moduli of 16.9, and an elongation Weibull moduli of 5.0. In contrast, the UTS and elongation Weibull modulus of the casting produced in SF6/CO2 are 7.7 and 2.7 respectively, suggesting that the reproducibility of the casting protected by SF6/CO2 were much lower than that produced in SF6/air.
In addition, the author’s previous publication [69] demonstrated a shortcoming of the linearized Weibull plots, which may cause a higher bias and incorrect R2 interruption of the Weibull estimation. A Non-LLS Weibull estimation was therefore carried out, as shown in Fig. 15 (c-d). The UTS Weibull modulus of the SF6/air casting was 20.8, while the casting produced under SF6/CO2 had a lower UTS Weibull modulus of 11.4, showing a clear difference in their reproducibility. In addition, the SF6/air elongation (El%) dataset also had a Weibull modulus (shape = 5.8) higher than the elongation dataset of SF6/CO2 (shape = 3.1). Therefore, both the LLS and Non-LLS estimations suggested that the SF6/air casting has a higher reproducibility than the SF6/CO2 casting. It supports the method that the use of air instead of CO2 contributes to a quicker consumption of the entrained gas, which may reduce the void volume within the defects. Therefore, the use of 0.5%SF6/air instead of 0.5%SF6/CO2 (which increased the consumption rate of the entrained gas) improved the reproducibility of the AZ91 castings.
However, it should be noted that not all the Mg-alloy foundries followed the casting process used in present work. The Mg-alloy melt in present work was degassed, thus reducing the effect of hydrogen on the consumption of the entrained gas (i.e., hydrogen could diffuse into the entrained gas, potentially suppressing the depletion of the entrained gas [7,71,72]). In contrast, in Mg-alloy foundries, the Mg-alloy melt is not normally degassed, since it was widely believed that there is not a ‘gas problem’ when casting magnesium and hence no significant change in tensile properties[73]. Although studies have shown the negative effect of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of Mg-alloy castings [41,42,73], a degassing process is still not very popular in Mg-alloy foundries.
Moreover, in present work, the sand mould cavity was flushed with the SF6 cover gas prior to pouring [22]. However, not all the Mg-alloy foundries flushed the mould cavity in this way. For example, the Stone Foundry Ltd (UK) used sulphur powder instead of the cover-gas flushing. The entrained gas within their castings may be SO2/air, rather than the protective gas.
Therefore, although the results in present work have shown that using air instead of CO2 improved the reproducibility of the final casting, it still requires further investigations to confirm the effect of carrier gases with respect to different industrial Mg-alloy casting processes.
7. Conclusion
Entrainment defects formed in an AZ91 alloy were observed. Their oxide films had two types of structure: single-layered and multi-layered. The multi-layered oxide film can grow together forming a sandwich-like structure in the final casting.2.
Both the experimental results and the theoretical thermodynamic calculations demonstrated that fluorides in the trapped gas were depleted prior to the consumption of sulphur. A three-stage evolution process of the double oxide film defects has been suggested. The oxide films contained different combinations of compounds, depending on the evolution stage. The defects formed in SF6/air had a similar structure to those formed in SF6/CO2, but the compositions of their oxide films were different. The oxide-film formation and evolution process of the entrainment defects were different from that of the Mg-alloy surface films previous reported (i.e., MgO formed prior to MgF2).3.
The growth rate of the oxide film was demonstrated to be greater under SF6/air than SF6/CO2, contributing to a quicker consumption of the damaging entrapped gas. The reproducibility of an AZ91 alloy casting improved when using SF6/air instead of SF6/CO2.
The authors acknowledge funding from the EPSRC LiME grant EP/H026177/1, and the help from Dr W.D. Griffiths and Mr. Adrian Carden (University of Birmingham). The casting work was carried out in University of Birmingham.
Ivosevic, M., Cairncross, R. A., Knight, R., Philadelphia / USA
열 스프레이는 전통적으로 금속, 카바이드 및 세라믹 코팅을 증착하는 데 사용되어 왔지만 최근에는 HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) 열 스프레이 공정의 높은 운동 에너지로 인해 용융 점도가 높은 폴리머의 무용제 처리도 가능하다는 사실이 밝혀졌습니다. , 유해한 휘발성 유기 용매가 필요하지 않습니다. 이 작업의 주된 목표는 지식 기반을 개발하고 HVOF 연소 스프레이 공정에 의해 분사되는 폴리머 입자의 충격 거동에 대한 질적 이해를 개선하는 것이 었습니다. 고분자 입자의 HVOF 분사 중 입자 가속, 가열 및 충격 변형의 수치 모델이 개발되었습니다. Volume-of-Fluid (VoF) 전산 유체 역학 패키지 인 Flow3D®는 입자가 강철 기판과 충돌하는 동안 유체 역학 및 열 전달을 모델링하는 데 사용되었습니다. 입자 가속 및 열 전달 모델을 사용하여 예측 된 방사형 온도 프로파일은 저온, 고점도 코어 및 고온, 저점도 표면을 가진 폴리머 입자를 시뮬레이션하기 위해 온도 의존 점도 모델과 함께 Flow3D®의 초기 조건으로 사용되었습니다. 이 접근법은 얇은 디스크 내에서 크고 거의 반구형 인 코어를 나타내는 변형 된 입자를 예측했으며 광학 현미경을 사용하여 만든 열 스프레이 스 플랫의 실험 관찰과 일치했습니다.
폴리머 증착에 열 분무 공정을 사용하는 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다. (i) 휘발성 유기 화합물 (VOCs)을 사용하지 않는 무용제 코팅; (ii) 거의 모든 환경 조건에서 큰 물체를 코팅 할 수있는 능력; (iii) 용융 점도가 높은 폴리머 코팅을 적용하는 능력; 및 (iv) 일반적으로 정전기 분말 코팅 및 용제 기반 페인트에 필요한 오븐 건조 또는 경화와 같은 증착 후 처리없이 “즉시 사용 가능한”코팅을 생산할 수있는 능력. 이러한 공정에 비해 주요 단점은 다음과 같습니다. (i) 낮은 증착 효율, (ii) 낮은 품질의 표면 마감 및 (iii) 높은 공정 복잡성 (종종 폴리머 용융 및 분해 온도에 의해 정의되는 좁은 공정 창). 폴리머 증착에 세 가지 열 스프레이 공정이 사용 된 것으로 알려졌습니다 [1].
기존의 화염 분사.
HVOF 연소 스프레이.
플라즈마 스프레이.
HVOF 및 플라즈마 스프레이 공정에 의해 분사되는 폴리머의 수는 제한되어 있으며 HVOF 및 플라즈마 스프레이 폴리머 코팅의 상업적 응용은 아직 개발 단계에 있습니다 [1]. 폴리머의 HVOF 스프레이는 화염 스프레이 [최대 ~ 100m / s]에 비해 상당히 높은 입자 속도 [최대 1,000m / s]로 인해 주로 주목을 받았습니다. 이는 특히 고 분자량 폴리머 및 높은 (> 5 vol. %) 세라믹 강화 함량을 갖는 폴리머 / 세라믹 복합재를 포함하여 용융 점도가 높은 코팅의 증착에있어 중요한 이점입니다.
Fig. 1. Nylon 11 splats deposited onto a room
temperature glass slide.Fig. 2. Nylon 11 splats deposited onto a preheated
glass slide (200 °C).Fig. 3. Nylon 11 impact sequence onto a preheated
substrate, (I) partially melted particle before impact,
(II) “fried-egg” shaped splat, (III) post-deposition flow
of a fully molten droplet, (IV) droplet shrinkage during
cooling.Fig. 5. Predicted velocities of Nylon 11 particles in an
HVOF jet (total O2 + H2 gas flow rate of 1.86 g/s at Φ =
0.83).Fig. 7. Simulated deformation of a Nylon 11 droplet
with a radial temperature gradient and temperaturedependent viscosity during impact.
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금속 주조물의 결함을 식별하고, 가볍고 튼튼한 주조 부품을 위해 새로운 재료로 부품을 설계하거나, 최적의 설계를 위해 반복적인 설계 작업을 수행하는 것은 고객이 당사의 소프트웨어를 사용하여 작업 요구 사항을 충족하고, 고철 비율을 줄임으로써 조직의 비용을 절감하는 일부 방법입니다.
이를 통해 제품 개발 시간을 단축함으로써 제품의 시장 출시 및 경쟁 우위를 위한 시간 확보가 용이해 집니다.
아래는 FSI의 금속 주조 참고 문헌에 수록된 기술 논문 모음입니다. 이 모든 논문에는 FLOW-3D CAST 해석 결과가 수록되어 있습니다. FLOW-3D CAST를 사용하여 금속 주조 산업의 응용 프로그램을 성공적으로 시뮬레이션하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.
Below is a collection of technical papers in our Metal Casting Bibliography. All of these papers feature FLOW-3D CAST results. Learn more about how FLOW-3D CAST can be used to successfully simulate applications for the Metal Casting Industry.
20-20 Wu Yue, Li Zhuo and Lu Rong, Simulation and visual tester verification of solid propellant slurry vacuum plate casting, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020.
17-20 C.A. Jones, M.R. Jolly, A.E.W. Jarfors and M. Irwin, An experimental characterization of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic shell used in the investment casting process, Supplimental Proceedings, pp. 1095-1105, TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, February 23-27, 2020.
12-20 Franz Josef Feikus, Paul Bernsteiner, Ricardo Fernández Gutiérrez and Michal Luszczak , Further development of electric motor housings, MTZ Worldwide, 81, pp. 38-43, 2020.
09-20 Mingfan Qi, Yonglin Kang, Yuzhao Xu, Zhumabieke Wulabieke and Jingyuan Li, A novel rheological high pressure die-casting process for preparing large thin-walled Al–Si–Fe–Mg–Sr alloy with high heat conductivity, high plasticity and medium strength, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 776, art. no. 139040, 2020.
07-20 Stefan Heugenhauser, Erhard Kaschnitz and Peter Schumacher, Development of an aluminum compound casting process – Experiments and numerical simulations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 279, art. no. 116578, 2020.
05-20 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Mark Jolly and Konstantinos Salonitis, Numerical simulation and evaluation of Campbell running and gating systems, Metals, 10.1, art. no. 68, 2020.
102-19 Ferencz Peti and Gabriela Strnad, The effect of squeeze pin dimension and operational parameters on material homogeneity of aluminium high pressure die cast parts, Acta Marisiensis. Seria Technologica, 16.2, 2019.
94-19 E. Riedel, I. Horn, N. Stein, H. Stein, R. Bahr, and S. Scharf, Ultrasonic treatment: a clean technology that supports sustainability incasting processes, Procedia, 26th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, May 7-9, 2019.
93-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, Charles A. Monroe, Robin D. Foley, and John A. Griffin, Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi- and AlCu-based Alloys, Transactions, 123rd Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 27-30, 2019.
84-19 Arun Prabhakar, Michail Papanikolaou, Konstantinos Salonitis, and Mark Jolly, Sand casting of sheet lead: numerical simulation of metal flow and solidification, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-13, 2019.
71-19 Sebastian Findeisen, Robin Van Der Auwera, Michael Heuser, and Franz-Josef Wöstmann, Gießtechnische Fertigung von E-Motorengehäusen mit interner Kühling (Casting production of electric motor housings with internal cooling), Geisserei, 106, pp. 72-78, 2019 (in German).
58-19 Von Malte Leonhard, Matthias Todte, and Jörg Schäffer, Realistic simulation of the combustion of exothermic feeders, Casting, No. 2, pp. 28-32, 2019. In English and German.
47-19 Bing Zhou, Shuai Lu, Kaile Xu, Chun Xu, and Zhanyong Wang, Microstructure and simulation of semisolid aluminum alloy castings in the process of stirring integrated transfer-heat (SIT) with water cooling, International Journal of Metalcasting, Online edition, pp. 1-13, 2019.
31-19 Zihao Yuan, Zhipeng Guo, and S.M. Xiong, Skin layer of A380 aluminium alloy die castings and its blistering during solution treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1906-1916, 2019.
25-19 Stefano Mascetti, Raul Pirovano, and Giulio Timelli, Interazione metallo liquido/stampo: Il fenomeno della metallizzazione, La Metallurgia Italiana, No. 4, pp. 44-50, 2019. In Italian.
20-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Campbellology for runner system design, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 187-199, 2019.
19-19 Chengcheng Lyu, Michail Papanikolaou, and Mark Jolly, Numerical process modelling and simulation of Campbell running systems designs, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 53-64, 2019.
18-19 Adrian V. Catalina, Liping Xue, and Charles Monroe, A solidification model with application to AlSi-based alloys, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 201-213, 2019.
17-19 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yu-Hung Chen, The validation of feeder modeling for ductile iron castings, Shape Casting: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp. 227-238, 2019.
02-19 Jingying Sun, Qichi Le, Li Fu, Jing Bai, Johannes Tretter, Klaus Herbold and Hongwei Huo, Gas entrainment behavior of aluminum alloy engine crankcases during the low-pressure-die-casting-process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 266, pp. 274-282, 2019.
92-18Fast, Flexible… More Versatile, Foundry Management Technology, March, 2018.
82-18 Xu Zhao, Ping Wang, Tao Li, Bo-yu Zhang, Peng Wang, Guan-zhou Wang and Shi-qi Lu, Gating system optimization of high pressure die casting thin-wall AlSi10MnMg longitudinal loadbearing beam based on numerical simulation, China Foundry, Vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 436-442, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s41230-018-8052-z
80-18 Michail Papanikolaou, Emanuele Pagone, Konstantinos Salonitis, Mark Jolly and Charalampos Makatsoris, A computational framework towards energy efficient casting processes, Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2018: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM-18), Gold Coast, Australia, June 24-26 2018, SIST 130, pp. 263-276, 2019.
51-18 Xue-feng Zhu, Bao-yi Yu, Li Zheng, Bo-ning Yu, Qiang Li, Shu-ning Lü and Hao Zhang, Influence of pouring methods on filling process, microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 Mg alloy pipe by horizontal centrifugal casting, China Foundry, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.196-202, 2018.
47-18 Santosh Reddy Sama, Jiayi Wang and Guha Manogharan, Non-conventional mold design for metal casting using 3D sand-printing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 34-B, pp. 765-775, 2018.
42-18 M. Koru and O. Serçe, The Effects of Thermal and Dynamical Parameters and Vacuum Application on Porosity in High-Pressure Die Casting of A383 Al-Alloy, International Journal of Metalcasting, pp. 1-17, 2018.
41-18 Abhilash Viswanath, S. Savithri, U.T.S. Pillai, Similitude analysis on flow characteristics of water, A356 and AM50 alloys during LPC process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 257, pp. 270-277, 2018.
29-18 Seyboldt, Christoph and Liewald, Mathias, Investigation on thixojoining to produce hybrid components with intermetallic phase, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018.
28-18 Laura Schomer, Mathias Liewald and Kim Rouven Riedmüller, Simulation of the infiltration process of a ceramic open-pore body with a metal alloy in semi-solid state to design the manufacturing of interpenetrating phase composites, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1960, no. 1, 2018.
88-16 M.C. Carter, T. Kauffung, L. Weyenberg and C. Peters, Low Pressure Die Casting Simulation Discovery through Short Shot, Cast Expo & Metal Casting Congress, April 16-19, 2016, Minneapolis, MN, Copyright 2016 American Foundry Society.
20-16 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Bifilm Defect Formation in Hydraulic Jump of Liquid Aluminum, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, Band: 47, Heft 3, 1634-1648.
15-16 Mingfan Qia, Yonglin Kanga, Bing Zhoua, Wanneng Liaoa, Guoming Zhua, Yangde Lib,and Weirong Li, A forced convection stirring process for Rheo-HPDC aluminum and magnesium alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 234 (2016) 353–367
112-15 José Miguel Gonçalves Ledo Belo da Costa, Optimization of filling systems for low pressure by FLOW-3D, Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
88-15 Peng Zhang, Zhenming Li, Baoliang Liu, Wenjiang Ding and Liming Peng, Improved tensile properties of a new aluminum alloy for high pressure die casting, Materials Science & Engineering A651(2016)376–390, Available online, November 2015.
82-15 J. Müller, L. Xue, M.C. Carter, C. Thoma, M. Fehlbier and M. Todte, A Die Spray Cooling Model for Thermal Die Cycling Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
81-15 M. T. Murray, L.F. Hansen, L. Chilcott, E. Li and A.M. Murray, Case Studies in the Use of Simulation- Improved Yield and Reduced Time to Market, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
80-15 R. Bhola, S. Chandra and D. Souders, Predicting Castability of Thin-Walled Parts for the HPDC Process Using Simulations, 2015 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, October 2015
76-15 Prosenjit Das, Sudip K. Samanta, Shashank Tiwari and Pradip Dutta, Die Filling Behaviour of Semi Solid A356 Al Alloy Slurry During Rheo Pressure Die Casting, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, pp 1-6, October 2015
74-15 Murat KORU and Orhan SERÇE, Yüksek Basınçlı Döküm Prosesinde Enjeksiyon Parametrelerine Bağlı Olarak Döküm Simülasyon, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Science, Science Journal (CSJ), Vol. 36, No: 5 (2015) ISSN: 1300-1949, May 2015
69-15 A. Viswanath, S. Sivaraman, U. T. S. Pillai, Computer Simulation of Low Pressure Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 45-48, September 2015
68-15 J. Aneesh Kumar, K. Krishnakumar and S. Savithri, Computer Simulation of Centrifugal Casting Process Using FLOW-3D, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 830-831, pp. 53-56, September 2015
59-15 F. Hosseini Yekta and S. A. Sadough Vanini, Simulation of the flow of semi-solid steel alloy using an enhanced model, Metals and Materials International, August 2015.
138-14 Christopher Thoma, Wolfram Volk, Ruben Heid, Klaus Dilger, Gregor Banner and Harald Eibisch, Simulation-based prediction of the fracture elongation as a failure criterion for thin-walled high-pressure die casting components, International Journal of Metalcasting, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 47-54, 2014.
107-14 Mehran Seyed Ahmadi, Dissolution of Si in Molten Al with Gas Injection, ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Toronto (Canada), 2014; Publication Number: AAT 3637106; ISBN: 9781321195231; Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 76-02(E), Section: B.; 191 p.
92-14 Warren Bishenden and Changhua Huang, Venting design and process optimization of die casting process for structural components; Part II: Venting design and process optimization, Die Casting Engineer, November 2014
90-14 Ken’ichi Kanazawa, Ken’ichi Yano, Jun’ichi Ogura, and Yasunori Nemoto, Optimum Runner Design for Die-Casting using CFD Simulations and Verification with Water-Model Experiments, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, IMECE2014-37419
89-14 P. Kapranos, C. Carney, A. Pola, and M. Jolly, Advanced Casting Methodologies: Investment Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Squeeze Casting, Metal Spinning, and Batch Casting, In Comprehensive Materials Processing; McGeough, J., Ed.; 2014, Elsevier Ltd., 2014; Vol. 5, pp 39–67.
69-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Predicting, Preventing Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Modern Casting, September 2014
68-14 L. Xue, M.C. Carter, A.V. Catalina, Z. Lin, C. Li, and C. Qiu, Numerical Simulation of Core Gas Defects in Steel Castings, Copyright 2014 American Foundry Society, 118th Metalcasting Congress, April 8 – 11, 2014, Schaumburg, IL
51-14 Jesus M. Blanco, Primitivo Carranza, Rafael Pintos, Pedro Arriaga, and Lakhdar Remaki, Identification of Defects Originated during the Filling of Cast Pieces through Particles Modelling, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta (Eds)
47-14 B. Vijaya Ramnatha, C.Elanchezhiana, Vishal Chandrasekhar, A. Arun Kumarb, S. Mohamed Asif, G. Riyaz Mohamed, D. Vinodh Raj , C .Suresh Kumar, Analysis and Optimization of Gating System for Commutator End Bracket, Procedia Materials Science 6 ( 2014 ) 1312 – 1328, 3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)
20-14 Johannes Hartmann, Tobias Fiegl, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foams with tailored density profile by adapted blowing agents, Applied Physics A,, March 2014.
08-14 FY Hsu, SW Wang, and HJ Lin, The External and Internal Shrinkages in Aluminum Gravity Castings, Shape Casting: 5th International Symposium 2014. Available online at Google Books
103-13 B. Fuchs, H. Eibisch and C. Körner, Core Viability Simulation for Salt Core Technology in High-Pressure Die Casting, International Journal of Metalcasting, July 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 39–45
84-13 Körner, C., Schwankl, M., Himmler, D., Aluminum-Aluminum compound castings by electroless deposited zinc layers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2014),
77-13 Antonio Armillotta & Raffaello Baraggi & Simone Fasoli, SLM tooling for die casting with conformal cooling channels, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,, December 2013.
64-13 Johannes Hartmann, Christina Blümel, Stefan Ernst, Tobias Fiegl, Karl-Ernst Wirth, Carolin Körner, Aluminum integral foam castings with microcellular cores by nano-functionalization, J Mater Sci,, September 2013.
42-13 Yang Yue, William D. Griffiths, and Nick R. Green, Modelling of the Effects of Entrainment Defects on Mechanical Properties in a Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Materials Science Forum, 765, 225, 2013.
39-13 J. Crapps, D.S. DeCroix, J.D Galloway, D.A. Korzekwa, R. Aikin, R. Fielding, R. Kennedy, C. Unal, Separate effects identification via casting process modeling for experimental measurement of U-Pu-Zr alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 15 July 2013.
09-13 M.C. Carter and L. Xue, Simulating the Parameters that Affect Core Gas Defects in Metal Castings, Copyright 2012 American Foundry Society, Presented at the 2013 CastExpo, St. Louis, Missouri, April 2013
08-13 C. Reilly, N.R. Green, M.R. Jolly, J.-C. Gebelin, The Modelling Of Oxide Film Entrainment In Casting Systems Using Computational Modelling, Applied Mathematical Modelling,, April 2013.
03-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part II. Model validation and parametric study, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
02-13 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A fast simulation of transient metal flow and solidification in a narrow channel. Part I: Model development using lubrication approximation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (2013),
116-12 Jufu Jianga, Ying Wang, Gang Chena, Jun Liua, Yuanfa Li and Shoujing Luo, “Comparison of mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ91D alloy motorcycle wheels formed by die casting and double control forming, Materials & Design, Volume 40, September 2012, Pages 541-549.
103-12 WU Shu-sen, ZHONG Gu, AN Ping, WAN Li, H. NAKAE, Microstructural characteristics of Al−20Si−2Cu−0.4Mg−1Ni alloy formed by rheo-squeeze casting after ultrasonic vibration treatment, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22 (2012) 2863-2870, November 2012. Full paper available online.
97-12 Hong Zhou and Li Heng Luo, Filling Pattern of Step Gating System in Lost Foam Casting Process and its Application, Advanced Materials Research, Volumes 602-604, Progress in Materials and Processes, 1916-1921, December 2012.
93-12 Liangchi Zhang, Chunliang Zhang, Jeng-Haur Horng and Zichen Chen, Functions of Step Gating System in the Lost Foam Casting Process, Advanced Materials Research, 591-593, 940, DOI: 10.4028/, November 2012.
91-12 Hong Yan, Jian Bin Zhu, Ping Shan, Numerical Simulation on Rheo-Diecasting of Magnesium Matrix Composites, 10.4028/, Solid State Phenomena, 192-193, 287.
89-12 Alexandre Reikher and Krishna M. Pillai, A Fast Numerical Simulation for Modeling Simultaneous Metal Flow and Solidification in Thin Cavities Using the Lubrication Approximation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology, 63:2, 75-100, November 2012.
82-12 Jufu Jiang, Gang Chen, Ying Wang, Zhiming Du, Weiwei Shan, and Yuanfa Li, Microstructure and mechanical properties of thin-wall and high-rib parts of AM60B Mg alloy formed by double control forming and die casting under the optimal conditions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, October 2012.
65-12 X.H. Yang, T.J. Lu, T. Kim, Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Available online 10 October 2012. Available online at SciVerse.
55-12 Hejun Li, Pengyun Wang, Lehua Qi, Hansong Zuo, Songyi Zhong, Xianghui Hou, 3D numerical simulation of successive deposition of uniform molten Al droplets on a moving substrate and experimental validation, Computational Materials Science, Volume 65, December 2012, Pages 291–301.
52-12 Hongbing Ji, Yixin Chen and Shengzhou Chen, Numerical Simulation of Inner-Outer Couple Cooling Slab Continuous Casting in the Filling Process, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 557-559), Advanced Materials and Processes II, pp. 2257-2260, July 2012.
47-12 Petri Väyrynen, Lauri Holappa, and Seppo Louhenkilpi, Simulation of Melting of Alloying Materials in Steel Ladle, SCANMET IV – 4th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, Lulea, Sweden, June 10-13, 2012.
45-12 D.R. Gunasegaram, M. Givord, R.G. O’Donnell and B.R. Finnin, Improvements engineered in UTS and elongation of aluminum alloy high pressure die castings through the alteration of runner geometry and plunger velocity, Materials Science & Engineering.
41-12 Deniece R. Korzekwa, Cameron M. Knapp, David A. Korzekwa, and John W. Gibbs, Co-Design – Fabrication of Unalloyed Plutonium, LA-UR-12-23441, MDI Summer Research Group Workshop Advanced Manufacturing, 2012-07-25/2012-07-26 (Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States)
29-12 Dario Tiberto and Ulrich E. Klotz, Computer simulation applied to jewellery casting: challenges, results and future possibilities, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.33 012008. Full paper available at IOP.
28-12 Y Yue and N R Green, Modelling of different entrainment mechanisms and their influences on the mechanical reliability of Al-Si castings, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33,012072.Full paper available at IOP.
27-12 E Kaschnitz, Numerical simulation of centrifugal casting of pipes, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 012031, Issue 1. Full paper available at IOP.
15-12 C. Reilly, N.R Green, M.R. Jolly, The Present State Of Modeling Entrainment Defects In The Shape Casting Process, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Available online 27 April 2012, ISSN 0307-904X, 10.1016/j.apm.2012.04.032.
12-12 Andrei Starobin, Tony Hirt, Hubert Lang, and Matthias Todte, Core drying simulation and validation, International Foundry Research, GIESSEREIFORSCHUNG 64 (2012) No. 1, ISSN 0046-5933, pp 2-5
04-12 J. Spangenberg, N. Roussel, J.H. Hattel, H. Stang, J. Skocek, M.R. Geiker, Flow induced particle migration in fresh concrete: Theoretical frame, numerical simulations and experimental results on model fluids, Cement and Concrete Research,, February 2012.
01-12 Lee, B., Baek, U., and Han, J., Optimization of Gating System Design for Die Casting of Thin Magnesium Alloy-Based Multi-Cavity LCD Housings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer New York, Issn: 1059-9495, 10.1007/s11665-011-0111-1, Volume 1 / 1992 – Volume 21 / 2012. Available online at Springer Link.
104-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Huey Jiuan Lin, Foam Filters Used in Gravity Casting, Metall and Materi Trans B (2011) 42: 1110. doi:10.1007/s11663-011-9548-8.
99-11 Eduardo Trejo, Centrifugal Casting of an Aluminium Alloy, thesis: Doctor of Philosophy, Metallurgy and Materials School of Engineering University of Birmingham, October 2011. Full paper available upon request.
71-11 Fu-Yuan Hsu and Yao-Ming Yang Confluence Weld in an Aluminum Gravity Casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Available online 23 November 2011, ISSN 0924-0136, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2011.11.006.
46-11 Daniel Einsiedler, Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethodik zur Simulation von Strömungs- und Trocknungsvorgängen bei Kernfertigungsprozessen mittels CFD (Development of a simulation methodology for simulating flow and drying operations in core production processes using CFD), MSc thesis at Technical University of Aalen in Germany (Hochschule Aalen), 2011.
31-11 Johannes Hartmann, André Trepper, Carolin Körner, Aluminum Integral Foams with Near-Microcellular Structure, Advanced Engineering Materials, 13: n/a. doi: 10.1002/adem.201100035, June 2011.
21-11 Thang Nguyen, Vu Nguyen, Morris Murray, Gary Savage, John Carrig, Modelling Die Filling in Ultra-Thin Aluminium Castings, Materials Science Forum (Volume 690), Light Metals Technology V, pp 107-111, 10.4028/, June 2011.
15-11 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. López, and F. Faura, Numerical Analysis of Air Pressure Effects on the Flow Pattern during the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1353, pp. 1238-1243, The 14th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming: Esaform 2011; doi:10.1063/1.3589686, May 2011. Available online.
08-11 Hai Peng Li, Chun Yong Liang, Li Hui Wang, Hong Shui Wang, Numerical Simulation of Casting Process for Gray Iron Butterfly Valve, Advanced Materials Research, 189-193, 260, February 2011.
04-11 C.W. Hirt, Predicting Core Shooting, Drying and Defect Development, Foundry Management & Technology, January 2011.
76-10 Zhizhong Sun, Henry Hu, Alfred Yu, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Squeeze Casting Magnesium Alloy AM50, Magnesium Technology 2010, 2010 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 14-18, 2010, Seattle, WA.
48-10 J. J. Hernández-Ortega, R. Zamora, J. Palacios, J. López and F. Faura, An Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow Patterns and Air Entrapment Phenomena During the Filling of a Vertical Die Cavity, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., October 2010, Volume 132, Issue 5, 05101, doi:10.1115/1.4002535.
42-10 H. Lakshmi, M.C. Vinay Kumar, Raghunath, P. Kumar, V. Ramanarayanan, K.S.S. Murthy, P. Dutta, Induction reheating of A356.2 aluminum alloy and thixocasting as automobile component, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20(20101) s961-s967.
41-10 Pamela J. Waterman, Understanding Core-Gas Defects, Desktop Engineering, October 2010. Available online at Desktop Engineering. Also published in the Foundry Trade Journal, November 2010.
32-10 Guan Hai Yan, Sheng Dun Zhao, Zheng Hui Sha, Parameters Optimization of Semisolid Diecasting Process for Air-Conditioner’s Triple Valve in HPb59-1 Alloy, Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 129 – 131), Vol. Material and Manufacturing Technology, pp. 936-941, DOI: 10.4028/, August 2010.
29-10 Zheng Peng, Xu Jun, Zhang Zhifeng, Bai Yuelong, and Shi Likai, Numerical Simulation of Filling of Rheo-diecasting A357 Aluminum Alloy, Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, DOI: CNKI:SUN:TZZZ.0.2010-01-024, 2010.
15-10 David H. Kirkwood, Michel Suery, Plato Kapranos, Helen V. Atkinson, and Kenneth P. Young, Semi-solid Processing of Alloys, 2010, XII, 172 p. 103 illus., 19 in color., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642-00705-7.
09-10 Shannon Wetzel, Fullfilling Da Vinci’s Dream, Modern Casting, April 2010.
08-10 B.I. Semenov, K.M. Kushtarov, Semi-solid Manufacturing of Castings, New Industrial Technologies, Publication of Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman, 2009 (in Russian)
07-10 Carl Reilly, Development Of Quantitative Casting Quality Assessment Criteria Using Process Modelling, thesis: The University of Birmingham, March 2010 (Available upon request)
60-09 Somlak Wannarumon, and Marco Actis Grande, Comparisons of Computer Fluid Dynamic Software Programs applied to Jewelry Investment Casting Process, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 55 2009.
59-09 Marco Actis Grande and Somlak Wannarumon, Numerical Simulation of Investment Casting of Gold Jewelry: Experiments and Validations, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol:3 2009-07-24
51-09 In-Ting Hong, Huan-Chien Tung, Chun-Hao Chiu and Hung-Shang Huang, Effect of Casting Parameters on Microstructure and Casting Quality of Si-Al Alloy for Vacuum Sputtering, China Steel Technical Report, No. 22, pp. 33-40, 2009.
42-09 P. Väyrynen, S. Wang, S. Louhenkilpi and L. Holappa, Modeling and Removal of Inclusions in Continuous Casting, Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 25-29, 2009
7-09 Andrei Starobin, Simulation of Core Gas Evolution and Flow, presented at the North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
6-09 A.Pari, Optimization of HPDC PROCESS: Case Studies, North American Die Casting Association – 113th Metalcasting Congress, April 7-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
09-07 Alexandre Reikher and Michael Barkhudarov, Casting: An Analytical Approach, Springer, 1st edition, August 2007, Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-84628-849-4. U.S. Order Form; Europe Order Form.
02-07 Fu-Yuan Hsu, Mark R. Jolly and John Campbell, The Design of L-Shaped Runners for Gravity Casting, Shape Casting: 2nd International Symposium, Edited by Paul N. Crepeau, Murat Tiryakioðlu and John Campbell, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Orlando, FL, Feb 2007
6-06 M. Barkhudarov, and G. Wei, Modeling of the Coupled Motion of Rigid Bodies in Liquid Metal, Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes – XI, May 28 – June 2, 2006, Opio, France, eds. Ch.-A. Gandin and M. Bellet, pp 71-78, 2006.
2-06 J.-C. Gebelin, M.R. Jolly and F.-Y. Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, Int. J. Cast Met. Res., 2006, Vol.19 No.1
30-05 H. Xue, K. Kabiri-Bamoradian, R.A. Miller, Modeling Dynamic Cavity Pressure and Impact Spike in Die Casting, Cast Expo ’05, April 16-19, 2005
22-05 Blas Melissari & Stavros A. Argyropoulous, Measurement of Magnitude and Direction of Velocity in High-Temperature Liquid Metals; Part I, Mathematical Modeling, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Volume 36B, October 2005, pp. 691-700
21-05 M.R. Jolly, State of the Art Review of Use of Modeling Software for Casting, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 337-346
20-05 J-C Gebelin, M.R. Jolly & F-Y Hsu, ‘Designing-in’ Controlled Filling Using Numerical Simulation for Gravity Sand Casting of Aluminium Alloys, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 355-364
19-05 F-Y Hsu, M.R. Jolly & J Campbell, Vortex Gate Design for Gravity Castings, TMS Annual Meeting, Shape Casting: The John Campbell Symposium, Eds, M. Tiryakioglu & P.N Crepeau, TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN 0-87339-583-2, Feb 2005, pp 73-82
18-05 M.R. Jolly, Modelling the Investment Casting Process: Problems and Successes, Japanese Foundry Society, JFS, Tokyo, Sept. 2005
6-05 Birgit Hummler-Schaufler, Fritz Hirning, Jurgen Schaufler, A World First for Hatz Diesel and Schaufler Tooling, Die Casting Engineer, May 2005, pp. 18-21
4-05 Rolf Krack, The W35 Topic—A World First, Die Casting World, March 2005, pp. 16-17
36-04 Ik Min Park, Il Dong Choi, Yong Ho Park, Development of Light-Weight Al Scroll Compressor for Car Air Conditioner, Materials Science Forum, Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, 449-452, 149, March 2004.
30-04 Haijing Mao, A Numerical Study of Externally Solidified Products in the Cold Chamber Die Casting Process, thesis: The Ohio State University, 2004 (Available upon request)
23-04State of the Art Use of Computational Modelling in the Foundry Industry, 3rd International Conference Computational Modelling of Materials III, Sicily, Italy, June 2004, Advances in Science and Technology, Eds P. Vincenzini & A Lami, Techna Group Srl, Italy, ISBN: 88-86538-46-4, Part B, pp 479-490
22-04 Jerry Fireman, Computer Simulation Helps Reduce Scrap, Die Casting Engineer, May 2004, pp. 46-49
21-04 Joerg Frei, Simulation—A Safe and Quick Way to Good Components, Aluminium World, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 42-43
14-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov, Charles H. Sherwin, and Ruel A. Overfelt, Hot Distortion Studies In Phenolic Urethane Cold Box System, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
13-04 Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov and Ruel A. Overfelt, First V-Process Casting of Magnesium, American Foundry Society, 108th Casting Congress, June 12-15, 2004, Rosemont, IL, USA
5-04 C. Schlumpberger & B. Hummler-Schaufler, Produktentwicklung auf hohem Niveau (Product Development on a High Level), Druckguss Praxis, January 2004, pp 39-42 (in German).
3-04 Charles Bates, Dealing with Defects, Foundry Management and Technology, February 2004, pp 23-25
1-04 Laihua Wang, Thang Nguyen, Gary Savage and Cameron Davidson, Thermal and Flow Modeling of Ladling and Injection in High Pressure Die Casting Process, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, vol. 16 No 4 2003, pp 409-417
21-03 E F Brush Jr, S P Midson, W G Walkington, D T Peters, J G Cowie, Porosity Control in Copper Rotor Die Castings, NADCA Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN September 15-18, 2003, T03-046
10-03 Gebelin., J-C and Jolly, M.R., Modeling of the Investment Casting Process, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., Vol. 135/2-3, pp. 291 – 300
9-03 Cox, M, Harding, R.A. and Campbell, J., Optimised Running System Design for Bottom Filled Aluminium Alloy 2L99 Investment Castings, J. Mat. Sci. Tech., May 2003, Vol. 19, pp. 613-625
8-03 Von Alexander Schrey and Regina Reek, Numerische Simulation der Kernherstellung, (Numerical Simulation of Core Blowing), Giesserei, June 2003, pp. 64-68 (in German)
7-03 J. Zuidema Jr., L Katgerman, Cyclone separation of particles in aluminum DC Casting, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 607-614
6-03 Jean-Christophe Gebelin and Mark Jolly, Numerical Modeling of Metal Flow Through Filters, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 431-438
5-03 N.W. Lai, W.D. Griffiths and J. Campbell, Modelling of the Potential for Oxide Film Entrainment in Light Metal Alloy Castings, Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Destin, FL, May 2003, pp. 415-422
21-02 Boris Lukezic, Case History: Process Modeling Solves Die Design Problems, Modern Casting, February 2003, P 59
16-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Computer Simulation of Lost Foam Process, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 319-324
15-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Computer Simulation of Inclusion Tracking, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 341-346
14-02 Barkhudarov, Michael, Advanced Simulation of the Flow and Heat Transfer of an Alternator Housing, Casting Simulation Background and Examples from Europe and the USA, World Foundrymen Organization, 2002, pp 219-228
7-02 A Habibollah Zadeh, and J Campbell, Metal Flow Through a Filter System, University of Birmingham, 2002 American Foundry Society, AFS Transactions 02-020, Kansas City, MO
6-02 Phil Ward, and Helen Atkinson, Final Report for EPSRC Project: Modeling of Thixotropic Flow of Metal Alloys into a Die, GR/M17334/01, March 2002, University of Sheffield
5-02 S. I. Bakhtiyarov and R. A. Overfelt, Numerical and Experimental Study of Aluminum Casting in Vacuum-sealed Step Molding, Auburn University, 2002 American Foundry Society, AFS Transactions 02-050, Kansas City, MO
4-02 J. C. Gebelin and M. R. Jolly, Modelling Filters in Light Alloy Casting Processes, University of Birmingham, 2002 American Foundry Society AFS Transactions 02-079, Kansas City, MO
3-02 Mark Jolly, Mike Cox, Jean-Christophe Gebelin, Sam Jones, and Alex Cendrowicz, Fundamentals of Investment Casting (FOCAST), Modelling the Investment Casting Process, Some preliminary results from the UK Research Programme, IRC in Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, AFS2001
49-01 Hua Bai and Brian G. Thomas, Bubble formation during horizontal gas injection into downward-flowing liquid, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1143-1159, 2001.
45-01 Jan Zuidema; Laurens Katgerman; Ivo J. Opstelten;Jan M. Rabenberg, Secondary Cooling in DC Casting: Modelling and Experimental Results, TMS 2001, New Orleans, Louisianna, February 11-15, 2001
43-01 James Andrew Yurko, Fluid Flow Behavior of Semi-Solid Aluminum at High Shear Rates,Ph.D. thesis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2001. Abstract only; full thesis available at (for a fee).
33-01 Juang, S.H., CAE Application on Design of Die Casting Dies, 2001 Conference on CAE Technology and Application, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, November 2001, (article in Chinese with English-language abstract)
32-01 Juang, S.H. and C. M. Wang, Effect of Feeding Geometry on Flow Characteristics of Magnesium Die Casting by Numerical Analysis, The Preceedings of 6th FADMA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2001, Chinese language with English abstract
21-01 P. Scarber Jr., Using Liquid Free Surface Areas as a Predictor of Reoxidation Tendency in Metal Alloy Castings, presented at the Steel Founders’ Society of American, Technical and Operating Conference, October 2001
20-01 P. Scarber Jr., J. Griffin, and C. E. Bates, The Effect of Gating and Pouring Practice on Reoxidation of Steel Castings, presented at the Steel Founders’ Society of American, Technical and Operating Conference, October 2001
18-01 Rajiv Shivpuri, Venkatesh Sankararaman, Kaustubh Kulkarni, An Approach at Optimizing the Ingate Design for Reducing Filling and Shrinkage Defects, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Presented by North American Die Casting Association, Oct 29-Nov 1, 2001, Cincinnati, TO1-052
2-01 J. Grindling, Customized CFD Codes to Simulate Casting of Thermosets in Full 3D, Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding 2000 Conference, October 31-November 2, 20
20-00 Richard Schuhmann, John Carrig, Thang Nguyen, Arne Dahle, Comparison of Water Analogue Modelling and Numerical Simulation Using Real-Time X-Ray Flow Data in Gravity Die Casting, Australian Die Casting Association Die Casting 2000 Conference, September 3-6, 2000, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
15-00 M. Sirvio, Vainola, J. Vartianinen, M. Vuorinen, J. Orkas, and S. Devenyi, Fluid Flow Analysis for Designing Gating of Aluminum Castings, Proc. NADCA Conf., Rosemont, IL, Nov 6-8, 1999
14-00 X. Yang, M. Jolly, and J. Campbell, Reduction of Surface Turbulence during Filling of Sand Castings Using a Vortex-flow Runner, Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August 2000
13-00 H. S. H. Lo and J. Campbell, The Modeling of Ceramic Foam Filters, Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August 2000
12-00 M. R. Jolly, H. S. H. Lo, M. Turan and J. Campbell, Use of Simulation Tools in the Practical Development of a Method for Manufacture of Cast Iron Camshafts,” Conference for Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Aachen, Germany, August, 2000
14-99 J Koke, and M Modigell, Time-Dependent Rheological Properties of Semi-solid Metal Alloys, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Aachen University of Technology, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 3: 15-30, 1999
12-99 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, Schneider, Wolfgang, Ray, Steven, Marthinusen, Jan-Olaf, Recent Improvements in Ceramic Foam Filter Design by Coupled Heat and Fluid Flow Modeling, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1999, pp. 1041-1047
10-99 Bongcheol Park and Jerald R. Brevick, Computer Flow Modeling of Cavity Pre-fill Effects in High Pressure Die Casting, NADCA Proceedings, Cleveland T99-011, November, 1999
8-99 Brad Guthrie, Simulation Reduces Aluminum Die Casting Cost by Reducing Volume, Die Casting Engineer Magazine, September/October 1999, pp. 78-81
19-98 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, & Schneider, Wolfgang, Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow Phenomena in the Launder-integrated Tool Within Casting Unit Development, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1998, pp. 1175-1182
18-98 X. Yang & J. Campbell, Liquid Metal Flow in a Pouring Basin, Int. J. Cast Metals Res, 1998, 10, pp. 239-253
15-98 R. Van Tol, Mould Filling of Horizontal Thin-Wall Castings, Delft University Press, The Netherlands, 1998
14-98 J. Daughtery and K. A. Williams, Thermal Modeling of Mold Material Candidates for Copper Pressure Die Casting of the Induction Motor Rotor Structure, Proc. Int’l Workshop on Permanent Mold Casting of Copper-Based Alloys, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 15-16, 1998
10-98 C. W. Hirt, and M.R. Barkhudarov, Lost Foam Casting Simulation with Defect Prediction, Flow Science Inc, presented at Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VIII Conference, June 7-12, 1998, Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, California
9-98 M. R. Barkhudarov and C. W. Hirt, Tracking Defects, Flow Science Inc, presented at the 1st International Aluminum Casting Technology Symposium, 12-14 October 1998, Rosemont, IL
3-98 P. Kapranos, M. R. Barkhudarov, D. H. Kirkwood, Modeling of Structural Breakdown during Rapid Compression of Semi-Solid Alloy Slugs, Dept. Engineering Materials, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. and Flow Science Inc, USA, Presented at the 5th International Conference Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 23-25 June 1998
1-98 U. Jerichow, T. Altan, and P. R. Sahm, Semi Solid Metal Forming of Aluminum Alloys-The Effect of Process Variables Upon Material Flow, Cavity Fill and Mechanical Properties, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, published in Die Casting Engineer, p. 26, Jan/Feb 1998
8-97 Michael Barkhudarov, High Pressure Die Casting Simulation Using FLOW-3D, Die Casting Engineer, 1997
14-97 M. Ranganathan and R. Shivpuri, Reducing Scrap and Increasing Die Life in Low Pressure Die Casting through Flow Simulation and Accelerated Testing, Dept. Welding and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, presented at 19th International Die Casting Congress & Exposition, November 3-6, 1997
13-97 J. Koke, Modellierung und Simulation der Fließeigenschaften teilerstarrter Metallegierungen, Livt Information, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, RWTH Aachen, October 1997
8-97 H. Grazzini and D. Nesa, Thermophysical Properties, Casting Simulation and Experiments for a Stainless Steel, AT Systemes (Renault) report, presented at the Solidification Processing ’97 Conference, July 7-10, 1997, Sheffield, U.K.
7-97 R. Van Tol, L. Katgerman and H. E. A. Van den Akker, Horizontal Mould Filling of a Thin Wall Aluminum Casting, Laboratory of Materials report, Delft University, presented at the Solidification Processing ’97 Conference, July 7-10, 1997, Sheffield, U.K.
22-96 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich & Schneider, Wolfgang, 3-D Modeling of the Start-up Phase of DC Casting of Sheet Ingots, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1996, pp. 971-981
4-96 C. W. Hirt, A Computational Model for the Lost Foam Process, Flow Science final report, February 1996 (FSI-96-57-R2)
3-96 M. R. Barkhudarov, C. L. Bronisz, C. W. Hirt, Three-Dimensional Thixotropic Flow Model, Flow Science report, FSI-96-00-1, published in the proceedings of (pp. 110- 114) and presented at the 4th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, The University of Sheffield, 19-21 June 1996
1-96 M. R. Barkhudarov, J. Beech, K. Chang, and S. B. Chin, Numerical Simulation of Metal/Mould Interfacial Heat Transfer in Casting, Dept. Mech. & Process Engineering, Dept. Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield and Flow Science Inc, 9th Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluid Engineering, June 25-28, 1996, Singapore
11-95 Barkhudarov, M. R., Hirt, C.W., Casting Simulation Mold Filling and Solidification-Benchmark Calculations Using FLOW-3D, Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, pp 935-946
10-95 Grun, Gerd-Ulrich, & Schneider, Wolfgang, Optimal Design of a Distribution Pan for Level Pour Casting, Proc TMS Annual Meeting, 1995, pp. 1061-1070
9-95 E. Masuda, I. Itoh, K. Haraguchi, Application of Mold Filling Simulation to Die Casting Processes, Honda Engineering Co., Ltd., Tochigi, Japan, presented at the Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1995
6-95 K. Venkatesan, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Process Parameters on the Erosive Wear of Die Casting Dies, presented for Ph.D. degree at Ohio State University, 1995
5-95 J. Righi, A. F. LaCamera, S. A. Jones, W. G. Truckner, T. N. Rouns, Integration of Experience and Simulation Based Understanding in the Die Design Process, Alcoa Technical Center, Alcoa Center, PA 15069, presented by the North American Die Casting Association, 1995
2-95 K. Venkatesan and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Simulation and Comparison with Water Modeling Studies of the Inertia Dominated Cavity Filling in Die Casting, NUMIFORM, 1995
13-94 Deniece Korzekwa and Paul Dunn, A Combined Experimental and Modeling Approach to Uranium Casting, Materials Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, presented at the Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, El Dorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1994
12-94 R. van Tol, H. E. A. van den Akker and L. Katgerman, CFD Study of the Mould Filling of a Horizontal Thin Wall Aluminum Casting, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, HTD-Vol. 284/AMD-Vol. 182, Transport Phenomena in Solidification, ASME 1994
11-94 M. R. Barkhudarov and K. A. Williams, Simulation of ‘Surface Turbulence’ Fluid Phenomena During the Mold Filling Phase of Gravity Castings, Flow Science Technical Note #41, November 1994 (FSI-94-TN41)
16-93 K. Venkatesan and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Simulation of Die Cavity Filling in Die Castings and an Evaluation of Process Parameters on Die Wear, Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering, Presented by: N.A. Die Casting Association, Cleveland, Ohio, October 18-21, 1993
15-93 K. Venkatesen and R. Shivpuri, Numerical Modeling of Filling and Solidification for Improved Quality of Die Casting: A Literature Survey (Chapters II and III), Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing, Report C-93-07, August 1993, Ohio State University
1-93 P-E Persson, Computer Simulation of the Solidification of a Hub Carrier for the Volvo 800 Series, AB Volvo Technological Development, Metals Laboratory, Technical Report No. LM 500014E, Jan. 1993
13-92 D. R. Korzekwa, M. A. K. Lewis, Experimentation and Simulation of Gravity Fed Lead Castings, in proceedings of a TMS Symposium on Concurrent Engineering Approach to Materials Processing, S. N. Dwivedi, A. J. Paul and F. R. Dax, eds., TMS-AIME Warrendale, p. 155 (1992)
12-92 M. A. K. Lewis, Near-Net-Shaiconpe Casting Simulation and Experimentation, MST 1992 Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2-92 M. R. Barkhudarov, H. You, J. Beech, S. B. Chin, D. H. Kirkwood, Validation and Development of FLOW-3D for Casting, School of Materials, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, presented at the TMS/AIME Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 3, 1992
1-92 D. R. Korzekwa and L. A. Jacobson, Los Alamos National Laboratory and C.W. Hirt, Flow Science Inc, Modeling Planar Flow Casting with FLOW-3D, presented at the TMS/AIME Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 3, 1992
12-91 R. Shivpuri, M. Kuthirakulathu, and M. Mittal, Nonisothermal 3-D Finite Difference Simulation of Cavity Filling during the Die Casting Process, Dept. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University, presented at the 1991 Winter Annual ASME Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1-6, 1991
3-91 C. W. Hirt, A FLOW-3D Study of the Importance of Fluid Momentum in Mold Filling, presented at the 18th Annual Automotive Materials Symposium, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, May 1-2, 1991 (FSI-91-00-2)
11-90 N. Saluja, O.J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, On the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Force Field in the Circular Stirring of Metallic Melts, accepted in J. Appl. Physics, 1990
10-90 N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, On the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Force Field in the Circular Stirring of Metallic Molds in Continuous Castings, presented at the 6th Iron and Steel Congress of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Nagoya, Japan, October 1990
9-90 N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, Fluid Flow in Phenomena in the Electromagnetic Stirring of Continuous Casting Systems, Part I. The Behavior of a Cylindrically Shaped, Laboratory Scale Installation, accepted for publication in Steel Research, 1990
8-89 C. W. Hirt, Gravity-Fed Casting, Flow Science Technical Note #20, July 1989 (FSI-89-TN20)
6-89 E. W. M. Hansen and F. Syvertsen, Numerical Simulation of Flow Behaviour in Moldfilling for Casting Analysis, SINTEF-Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Report No. STS20 A89001, June 1989
1-88 C. W. Hirt and R. P. Harper, Modeling Tests for Casting Processes, Flow Science report, Jan. 1988 (FSI-88-38-01)
2-87 C. W. Hirt, Addition of a Solidification/Melting Model to FLOW-3D, Flow Science report, April 1987 (FSI-87-33-1)
Lost Foam Casting Workspace(소실모형주조) 는 Lost Foam Casting에 필요한 충진, 응고 및 냉각 하위 프로세스를 시뮬레이션하는 모든 도구를 제공합니다. 각 하위 프로세스는 해석 엔지니어가 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스를 제공하도록 맞춤화된 템플릿 디자인을 기반으로합니다.
Lost Foam Casting 의 결함은 충진 프로파일에서 추적할 수 있기 때문에 FLOW-3D CAST 의 용탕유동 및 소실모형(foam)의 연소 시뮬레이션의 탁월한 정확도는 고품질의 Lost Foam Casting 주물을 생산하는 데 귀중한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 기포. 잔류물 형성과 같은 주입 결함은 최종 주조에서 정확하게 추적되고 처리됩니다.
Gravity Die Casting Workspace(중력주조)는 엔지니어가 FLOW-3D CAST를 사용하여 중력주조 제품을 성공적으로 모델링할 수 있도록 설계된 직관적인 모델링 환경입니다.
Ladle 모션, 벤트 및 배압이 충진해석에 포함되어 공기 갇힘 및 미세 응고수축공의 정확한 예측과 금형온도분포 및 상태 예측이 가능합니다.-첨단 응고 모델은 Workspace의 하위 프로세스 아키텍처를 통해 충준해석기능에 원활하게 연결됩니다. Gravity Die Casting Workspace는 다목적 모델링 환경에서 시뮬레이션의 모든 측면을 위한 완전하고 정확한 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Gravity die casting
Vacuum die casting
FAVOR™ simple mesh generation tool
Multi-block meshing
Nested meshing
Localized die heating elements and cooling channels
Spray cooling of the die surface
Ceramic filters
Air vents
Hot spots
Mechanical property
Core gas evolution
Material definitions for core properties
Thermal die cycling
Heat saturation
Full heat transfer
6 degrees of freedom motion definition
Macro and micro porosity
Gas porosity
Early solidification
Oxide formation
Surface defect analysis
Interactive probe placement
Area and loss coefficient calculator
Gas porosity
Early solidification
Oxide formation
Surface defect analysis
Gas and bubble entrapment
Surface oxide calculation
RNG and LES turbulence models
Animations with multi-viewports – 3D, 2D, history plots, volume rendering
Porosity analysis tool
Side-by-side simulation results comparison
Sensors for measuring melt temperature, solid fraction
하수도 시스템은 액션영화의 도피 루트로 사용되지 않는 한 흥미롭지 않을 것입니다. 폭우로 인해 이산화탄소 수치가 올라갈 때까지 여러분은 그것에 대해 생각조차 하지 않을 것입니다. 불행하게도, 770개 이상의 오래 된 미국 도시들 아래에 있는 하수구 시스템은 심한 폭풍으로 오염 문제를 일으킵니다. 이러한 구형 설계는 하수 및 폭풍 유실을 위한 비용 효율적인 단일 스타일 파이프를 사용했으며 연결된 파이프로 강 및 호수에 하수를 내보냅니다(CSO).
1994년 미국 환경보호청(EPA)은 주로 북동부 및 그레이트 레이크 지역의 관련 지방 자치 단체들에게 CSO관련 문제를 줄이거나 제거하도록 하는 정책을 발표했습니다. (2000년 “Clean Water Act”의 일부로 법률화된 정책). 인디애나 폴리스(Indianapolis)는 가벼운 비 폭풍으로 인해 하수 오물의 백업 및 범람이 발생할 수 있는 도시 중 하나였으므로, 주요 건설 조건에서 2025년까지 문제를 해결하는 것이 필요하였습니다.
인디애나 폴리스는 국제 디자인 회사인 AECOM에 Citizens Energy Group이 건설하고 있는 3개의 깊은 암석 저장 터널 중 첫 번째를 설계할 것을 요청했습니다. 총 25마일인 이 시스템은 대규모 지하 펌프장과 기존의 하수구에서 CSO를 수직으로 떨어뜨리는 연결 구조물을 포함합니다. 첫 번째 터널의 경우, 강우가 가라 앉은 후에 3 개의 커다란 강하 구조물이 CSO를 저장 터널로 전환하여 후속 처리를 수행했습니다.
프로젝트를 해결하기 위해 AECOM은 여러 가능한 낙하 구조물 설계의 동작을 시뮬레이션하기 위해 FLOW-3D를 선택하여, 구축 및 평가 예산이 책정 된 물리적 모델에 대한 재 작업의 필요성을 최소화했습니다. 테스트 결과는 예측 값과 일치하였으므로 재설계가 필요하지 않았습니다. 또한, 이제 AECOM은 유압 설계작업의 첫 번째 단계를 일반적으로 CFD시뮬레이션을 사용합니다.
Large Scale Project on a Tight Delivery Schedule
촉박한 납품 일정에 따른 대규모 프로젝트
20세기에 건설된 하수 처리장은 주거용, 상업용, 환경유출물의 유출로 무엇을 해야 할 것인지에 대한 새로운 인식을 가져다 주었습니다. CSO 방전은 정상적으로 운영되는 동안 처리시설로 직접 이동되며 모든 과정이 양호하게 운영됩니다. 불행하게도, 대규모 폭풍이 발생하는 동안, 발전소들의 초과 용량문제를 피하기 위해 인근 수역으로 과도한 유량을 방출합니다. 이들 배출은 기름과 살충제, 야생동물 배설물에 이르기까지 다양한 오염 물질을 포함합니다. 고무적인 성공의 신호로, 1990 년대에 착공된 새로운 CSO 분리, 저장 및 처리 시설로 오염의 영향에 대해 67 %의 개선을 이루었지만, 여전히 많은 연구가 이루어져야 합니다. 인디애나 폴리스의 경우, 인디애나 폴리스시 공공사업부가 CSO 장기 통제계획을 준비한 2008년에 그러한 노력이 시작되었습니다. 정상적인 처리 공장에서 처리 할 수 있을 때까지 오버플로우가 발생하는 “저장 및 운송”접근법의 핵심은 인디애나 폴리스 터널 저장 시스템 또는 인디애나라고 합니다.
이 시스템의 첫번째 단계는 딥 록 터널 커넥터(DRTC)라고 불리는 1억 8천만달러 가치의 프로젝트입니다. DRTC는 길이 7마일의 18피트 직경의 지하 터널로, 기존의 인디애나 폴리스의 3개의 서버 대 계층 유출 연결의 흐름 경로를 다시 만들 것입니다(그림 1). 목표는 과잉 강우 유출을 기존 하수구와 새 터널 사이의 낙하 구조를 통해 이들 대피소에서 거대한 터널로 안전하게 재배치하고, 폭풍 후 처리를 위해 처리장으로 펌핑 될 수있을 때까지 유지합니다.
Fig. 1. City of Indianapolis Deep Rock Tunnel Connector (DRTC), a “storage and transport” concept being built to handle combined sewage overflow (CSO) during heavy storms. Three vertical drop structures will capture this flow and divert it downwards to 18-foot-diameter storage tunnels running more than 250 feet underground; the tunnels store the CSO until sewage treatment plant capacity becomes available. (Image courtesy Citizens Energy Group)
평균적으로 지표면 아래 250피트 깊이에서, DRTC는 건설과 궁극적인 운영 동안 위의 주변 지역에 대한 혼란을 최소화하도록 설계되었습니다. 그러나 이 프로젝트의 규모와 복잡성은 AECOM의 과제에 긴급성을 더했습니다. 세 장소 각각에 대한 가능한 낙하 구조 설계와 평가, 구조물 설계의 60%를 7개월 이내에 마무리 지었습니다.
이러한 구조물의 목적은 표준 도시 하수 시스템에서 깊은 저장 터널로 하수 흐름을 전달하는 동시에, 효율적 손실( 느린 속도 또는 백업)과 장기적인 도심을 방지하는 것입니다. 각 섹션의 크기와 모양이 유입 흐름의 볼륨 및 속도와 세심하게 일치하지 않을 경우 발생할 수 있는 구조적 손상입니다. AECOM의 수석 기술 전문가인 라이언 에디슨 컨설턴트는 계약의 스케줄링 요구 사항이 유효성 검사를 위해서는, 단 하나의 모델에만 물리적 건물과 테스트 활동을 제한할 것이라는 것을 알게되었습니다. 다른 주요 건설 프로젝트에 15년간 FLOW-3D 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어를 사용해 왔기 때문에, 난류, 과전압 및 에너지 낭비를 예측하는 능력은 충분하지 않고 디자인 프로젝트에 적합하다고 자신했습니다. 또한 여러 검증(what-if) 시나리오를 실행하기 위한 소프트웨어 옵션을 통해 설계 세부 사항을 다시 실행해야 하는 위험을 최소화할 수 있었습니다. 변경 사항이 적용될 경우 상당한 이점은 여러개의 병렬 시공 트랙이 있는 프로젝트에 있습니다. 시간 제약에도 불구하고, 에디슨은 특히 이 도전에 만족했습니다. 왜냐하면 “CFD로 드롭 구조 설계를 만들고 물리학에서 이것들은 너무 큰 구조이기 때문입니다.”라고 그는 말합니다. 그것들은 CFD는 실제로 사용되지 않는데 보통 물리적 모델이나 손으로 계산하는 것으로 이루어집니다.
DRTC 프로젝트를 위해서, 그는 먼저 시뮬레이션된 작동 조건에 대해서 컴퓨터 설계를 테스트할 것입니다. 에디슨은 3차원의 일시적이고 격동적인 흐름 조건을 모델링 할 수 있는 소프트웨어 패키지인 FLOW-3D를 사용했습니다. 각 설계에 대한 계산 메쉬를 변경하지 않고도 여러 설계 지오 메트리를 모델링 할 수 있는 기능이였습니다. 시뮬레이션 데이터로 무장한 에디슨은 그 결과를 아이오와 대학교 II. 시설에서 시험한 1:10 크기의 물리적 모델의 작동 데이터와 비교하였습니다. (후자는 원래 아이오와 유압 연구소라고 불렸지만, 지금은 그룹의 다양한 범위를 반영하여 IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering으로 알려져 있습니다.)
Zeroing in on the Drop-Structure Challenge
드롭 구조 과제에서 영점 조정
가장 제한적인 DRTC 사이트의 지오 메트리는 CSO 008로 지정된 레귤레이터에서 발생합니다. 기존 CSO 레귤레이터(기울기 약 75피트 아래)를 새 18피트 직경의 수집 터널과 연결하려면, 이 위치에서 150피트 이상의 수직 방향 주행이 필요합니다. 각 낙하 구조에 7백만달러 이상이 소요되는 경우, 프로젝트 관리자들은 물리적 모델이 구축된 후 비용과 시간이 많이 소요되는 재설계가 필요한 가능성을 낮추려고 애썼습니다.
역사적으로 낙하 구조는 이전 프로젝트를 적용하여 설계된 후 축소 모델로 구축되었으며, 테스트만으로도 6개월 이상이 소요될 수 있습니다. 가속화된 이 프로젝트에서, 2009년 가을에 시작한 AECOM의 초기 과제는 두가지 표준 개념 중에서 하나를 선택하는 것이었습니다. 포장-파운드 스타일과 접선 vortex버전, 둘 다 시속 35마일의 폭풍이 몰아치는 물 속에서 속도를 늦추고 통제하기 위해서 직접 계산 및 FLOW-3D에서 결정한 일반 구조 직경 및 구성 요소 크기를 사용한 초기 CFD분석으로, AECOM은 시공 가능성 및 비용 고려 사항을 평가하는 데 사용했습니다. CSO 008의 현장 요구 사항과 비용 효율성을 고려할 때, 시 당국과 AECOM은 접선 소용돌이 낙하 구조를 선택했습니다. 이 설계의 핵심 요소는 흐름을 먼저 환상적인 제트로 유도한 다음, vortex 유도 나선형 흐름을 생성하는 테이퍼(확대) 접근 채널에 의해 공급되는 수직 튜브(드롭 샤프트)입니다. 이 통제 된 하강은 속도가 느려지고 하루 3 억 갤런 (mgd) 이상에 이르는 흐름을 안전하게 처리합니다. 스토리지 터널의 파괴적인 난류를 방지하는 것이 핵심 목표이므로 드롭 샤프트 흐름의 사전 차단이 설계의 핵심입니다.
구조 자체는 6 개의 주요 부분으로 구성됩니다. 1) 접근 채널 (기존의 하수 터널에서 나온 것), 2) 수평 흐름을 넓히고 수직 드롭 샤프트로 수평 흐름을 전달하는 직사각형 전이 테이퍼 채널, 3) 드롭 샤프트 자체 4) 탈 기실 (유량을 수평 방향으로 방향을 바꾸고 공기 유입을 감소시키는), 5) 수직 공기 배출구를 통해 낙하에서 유입 된 공기를 제거하고 적하 유체의 공기 코어가 열려 있고 6) 탈기 챔버와 저장 터널 챔버를 연결하는 파이프 (adit) (그림 2).
Fig. 2. CAD diagram of proposed Indianapolis DRTC combined sewage overflow (CSO) vertical drop structure, showing approach channel, taper channel and vortex dropshaft. Using FLOW-3D CFD analysis software, AECOM simulated the flow behavior, gaining confidence in the system performance prior to physical model testing. (Image courtesy AECOM) Prediction of Shrinkage Defects During Investment Casting Process
This article was contributed by Dr. S. Savithri, Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR-NIIST
인베스트먼트 주조공정은 가장 오래된 주조 공정 중 하나로 기원전 4000년 이후에 보편화되었습니다. 이 과정은 용해된 금속을 소모품패턴으로 생성된 세라믹 쉘에 주입하는 과정을 수반합니다. 일찍이 그것은 금, 은, 구리와 청동 합금으로 장신구와 우상을 만드는데 사용되었습니다.
인베스트먼트 주조공정은 1897년 아이오와 주, 위원회 블러프스의 Barabas Frederick Philbrook이 묘사한 대로 치과의사들이 왕관과 인레이를 만들기 위해 그것을 사용하기 시작한 19세기 말 현대 산업공정으로 사용되기 시작했다. 1940년대에는 제2차 세계대전 당시 기존 방법으로는 형성될 수 없거나 지나치게 많은 가공이 필요한 특수 합금의 정밀 순모형 제조 기술에 대한 수요로 인해 투자 주조 공정이 증가하였다.
오늘날 투자 주조 공정은 표면 마감 및 치수 정확도가 우수하여 거의 순 형태에 가까운 철, 비철 및 초합금의 소형 산업용 부품을 생산하는데 주로 사용됩니다.
인베스트먼트 주조 공정은 다음 네 가지 주요 단계로 구성됩니다.
왁스 패턴 생성 후, 패턴 클러스터를 만들기 위해 게이트 시스템으로 청소 및 조립합니다.
나무는 세라믹 쉘을 얻기 위해 미세 모래와 Course한 모래 입자의 슬러리로 번갈아 코팅됩니다.
용기는 건조되고, 왁스를 녹이기 위해 가열되며, 강도를 높이고 주입 준비합니다.
마침내 주조 합금이 용해되어 예열된 쉘에 주입됩니다. 응고 후에 쉘이 파손되어 주조 부품을 얻습니다.
Figure 1. Solid model of the casting geometry
인베스트먼트 주조 공정에서 얻은 부품은 많은 중요한 용도에 사용되므로 내부적인 결함이 없어야 합니다. 투자 주조 공정에서 발생하는 주요 결함은 세라믹 포함, 균열, 변형, 플래시, 주탕불량, 수축, 슬래그 포함, 탕경계등입니다. 얻은 주조물의 품질을 예측하려면 금속-몰드 열 전달계수, 주입 온도 등 다양한 주조 공정 매개 변수의 영향을 연구해야 합니다. 즉, 쉘 두께 및 쉘 열 전달계수가 그것입니다. 현대 컴퓨터 시스템 및 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어의 출현과 함께 금형 충진 및 응고 시뮬레이션은 주조공장에서 결함을 예측하고 설계를 최적화하는데 점점 더 많이 사용되고 있습니다.
이 연구의 주요 목적은 투자 주조 공정에서 주요 요소인 복사 열 전달과 인베스트먼트 주조공정에 고유한 쉘 금형이 FLOW-3D에서 효과적으로 구현될 수 있는지를 조사하는 것입니다. FLOW-3D를 사용하여 간단한 형상을 위한 인베스트먼트 주조공정의 주입 및 응고 시뮬레이션을 수행함으로써 두 구성요소의 서로 다른 효과를 조사합니다. 다양한 위치에서 얻은 온도의 수치는 문헌 [1]에보고 된 실험 결과로 검증됩니다. 복사 열 전달계수, 쉘 몰드 두께, 탕구 및 게이트의 위치에 대한 영향도 조사했습니다.
Figure 2. Shell mold
현재 연구에서 사용된 계산 형상은 그림 1에 나와 있습니다. 쉘 몰드는 다음 단계를 사용하여 작성되었습니다.
구성 요소 1로 형상을 FLOW-3D로 가져오고 지정된 셀 크기로 가져온 형상을 중심으로 메쉬 블록을 작성합니다.
“보완”유형의 component1의 첫 번째 하위 구성 요소를 만들어 하위 구성 요소 외부의 모든 항목을 메쉬의 범위까지 확고하게 만듭니다.
솔리드 데이터베이스에서 이 솔리드 블록의 금형 재질 특성을 정의하십시오.
솔리드 특성 GUI의 구성 요소 특성에서 “열 침투 깊이”를 정의하는 옵션이 있습니다. 여기서 쉘 두께 값을 정의 할 수 있습니다.
이제 전처리기를 실행하십시오.
분석 탭> 3D 탭으로 이동 한 다음 이전 단계에서 생성 한 prpgrf 파일을 엽니다. ‘Iso-surface’와 ‘color variable’에서 “열 활성화 구성 요소 볼륨”을 선택하고 “렌더링”을 선택하십시오.
Display에 이제 형상의 셸 부분 만 표시됩니다.
개체 목록 (창의 왼쪽 하단)에서 “구성 요소 1″을 선택하고 “구성 요소 1″을 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭 한 다음 “stl로 내보내기”를 선택하여 이 곡면을 STL 파일로 저장하십시오.
Figure 3. The view of the two mesh blocks for the creation of a void with discretization
쉘 몰드 용 STL 파일을 만든 후 파일을 구성 요소 1로 새 시뮬레이션으로 가져오고 이전에 작성한 주조 형상을 하위 구성 요소로 가져오고 유형을 ‘hole’으로 선택합니다. 쉘 몰드와 함께 주조 형상이 그림 2에 나와 있습니다. 이것은 우리의 계산 영역으로 사용됩니다. 다음은 계산 영역을 cubical/rectangular셀로 분할하기 위한 메쉬를 만드는 것입니다. 메쉬 블록을 작성하여 FLOW-3D에서 메쉬를 생성합니다. 현재의 작업을 위해 우리는 2.5mm의 고정된 셀 크기가 선택된 그림 3에 표시된 균일한 메쉬 옵션을 선택했습니다. 입력 위치 주변에 메시 블록 2가 사용되는 현재 시뮬레이션을 위해 메시 블록 2개가 생성되었습니다. 쉘과 주변 공기 사이의 30°C에서의 열 전달을 고려하여 쉘 주위에 보이드 영역이 정의됩니다. 이 영역은 ‘열 전달 유형 1’이 있는 보이드 영역으로 선택되며 셸과 주변 공기 사이에 열 전달 계수 값이 지정됩니다. 열 전달 유형 1은 방사선을 포함한 종합 열 전달 계수가 됩니다.
쉘 주형에 선택된 재료는 zircon이며 열 특성은 Sabau and Vishwanathan에 의해 수행된 실험에서 얻을 수 있습니다[2]. 표 1은 연구에 사용된 재료에 대해 지정된 값을 보여 줍니다.
Fluid –AluminiumA356
Thermal conductivity
Specific heat
Latent heat
Liquidus temperature
Solidus temperature
Zircon Mold
Thermal conductivity
Specific heat* Density
J/( m³K)
Initial and boundary conditions used are show in Table 2.
Mold temperature
Melt pouring temperature
Filling time
7 s
Interface heat transfer coefficient
850 W/m2K
Heat transfer coefficient between ambient and mold (radiation effect)
30 -100 W/m2K
Table 2. Initial and boundary conditions used for the simulation
탕구저에 들어가는 용융물의 초기 속도와 온도는 메시 블록 2의 상단 경계에서 속도 경계 조건으로 주어집니다. 기본적으로 다른 모든 경계는 대칭 유형으로 설정됩니다.
Results & Discussion
Validation with reported experimental results
충전 및 응고 동안 냉각 곡선을 얻기 위한 실험에서[1]에 의해 선택된 네 개의 위치가 검증 목적으로 사용되었습니다. 그들은 C1, C2, S11, S12및 S21로 언급됩니다. C1과 C2지점은 주물의 플레이트의 중심에 있으며 S11, S12및 S21은 모두 쉘에 위치합니다. 이러한 위치에서의 온도 변화는 그림 4와 같습니다.
온도 프로파일의 수치 및 실험결과의 차이가 허용한계 안에 있음을 알 수 있습니다. 프로브 포인트 C1과 C2의 경우, 수치와 실험 결과 사이의 차이는 응고 중에 5%, 응고 후 냉각 시 12% 이내입니다. 쉘의 점에 대한 수치 결과는 실험 결과보다 약 5% 높습니다. 이는 쉘 재료에 열 물리학적 특성을 할당할 때 발생하는 가정과 쉘 열 전달 계수의 값 때문일 수 있습니다.
Fill sequence & solidification pattern for two different sprue locations
두 가지 다른 스프 루 위치의 채우기 순서 및 응고 패턴
2 개의 상이한 탕구 위치에 주물충전 순서는5a 및5b에 나와 있습니다. 최종 탕구가 더 많은 스플라인을 생성하므로 결함으로 이어질 수 있습니다. 탕구가 중간에 놓여지면 흐름은 보다 균일 해지고 두 주조 단면에서 비슷한 온도 분포를 보입니다. 50 % 응고 후의 온도 프로파일의 2D 도면은 두 경우 모두 그림 5c 및 5d에 나와 있습니다. 수축 위치에서 볼 때 두 탕구 위치가 결함을 일으키는 것은 분명합니다.
Figure 5a. Fill sequence at different time intervals when the sprue is located at one end
Figure 5b. Fill sequence at different time intervals when the sprue is located in the middle
Figure 5c. 2D temperature profile after 50% solidification when the sprue is located at one end
Figure 5d. 2D temperature profile after 50% solidification when the sprue is located in the middle
Effect of shell thickness
인베스트먼트 주조에 대한 쉘 두께의 효과를 연구하기 위해 두께가 7.2, 10, 15 및 20 mm인 주물을 선정하였습니다. 그림 6a 및 6b는 주조품의 특정 위치에서 냉각 곡선을 나타내며, 이는 C1으로 나타내고 쉘 몰드 내의 특정 위치에 있으며, 응고 중에 S11로 나타납니다. 세라믹 쉘의 두께가 7.2 mm에서 15 mm로 증가하면 냉각 속도가 감소하여 응고 시간이 길어지는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
Effect of shell heat transfer coefficient
셸 열 전달 계수는 열이 셸 금형의 외부 벽에서 방사선을 통해 주변 공기로 열을 방출하는 속도를 나타냅니다. 이 효과를 조사하기 위해 열 전달 계수의 값을 20에서 80W/m2K까지 다양하게 했습니다. 7a 및 7b로부터, h의 변화는 주조 재료 및 쉘의 냉각 속도에 중요한 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 열 전달 계수가 20에서 80W/m2K로 증가하면 C1에서의 응고 시간이 812 초에서 334 초 (약 44 %)로 감소되었음을 알 수 있습니다. 따라서, h의 값을 변화시키는 것은 주물의 미세 구조에 영향을 미칩니다.
Figure 6a. Temperature profile at location C1 (casting) for the casting geometry where the sprue is located at one end for various shell thickness values
Figure 6b. Temperature profile at location S11 (shell) for the casting geometry where the sprue is located at one end for various shell thickness values
Figure 7a. Temperature profile at location C1 (casting) for the casting geometry where the sprue is located at one end for various heat transfer coefficient values between the shell mold & ambient
Figure 7b. Temperature profile at location S11 (shell) for the casting geometry where the sprue is located at one end for various heat transfer coefficient values between the shell mold & ambient
인베스트먼트 주조 공정의 몰드 충진 및 응고 시뮬레이션은 FLOW-3D를 사용하여 수행되었습니다. 주조 공정에 대한 주조 매개변수의 영향을 연구하기 위해 파라메트릭 연구가 수행되었습니다. 본 연구에서 다음과 같은 결론을 도출 할 수 있습니다.
FLOW-3D는 멀티 캐비티 몰드의 주입 및 응고 모델링이 가능합니다. 프로브 위치의 예측 온도 프로파일은 실험 데이터의 허용오차 이내였다.
쉘 두께의 경우, 두 경우 모두 셸의 임계 두께가 있으며, 그 이상으로 열 전달 특성이 역행하는 것으로 확인되었습니다. 셸 두께가 증가함에 따라 응고 시간이 임계 두께까지 증가하여 감소하기 시작했습니다. 원래 형상의 경우 임계 두께는 15~20mm인 반면 수정된 형상의 경우 10mm와 15mm 사이에 있다.
쉘과 대기 사이의 열 전달 계수 h는 열 전달 특성에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났습니다. h가 20에서 80W/m2K로 4 배 증가할 때 탕구의 중심에서 응고 시간이 40 % 이상 감소했습니다.
Sabau, A.S., Numerical Simulation of the Investment Casting Process, Transactions of the American Foundry Society, vol. 113, Paper No. 05-160, 2005.
Sabau, A.S., and Viswanathan, S., Thermophysical Properties of Zircon and Fused Silica-based Shells used in the Investment Casting Process, Transactions of the American Foundry Society, vol. 112, Paper No. 04-081, 2004.
Design and CFD Analysis
설계 및 CFD분석
일반적인 소용돌이 설계는 널리 받아들여지고 있지만, 각 낙하 구조는 최적의 접선 흐름 특성을 보장하기 위해 인디애나 폴리스의 위상에 맞는 적절한 크기를 가져야 했습니다. 특히, 가능한 설계에 대한 AECOM의 계획은 세가지 목표를 가지고 있었습니다. 결합된 접근법과 테이퍼 채널을 짧은 길이로 제한하는 현장, 고유의 제약이 있었는지를 결정합니다. 허용 가능하지만 접근 방식에서 과도한 난류 조건이 발생하지 않았습니다. 테이퍼 채널에 안정적인 흐름 조건이 존재하는지 확인하고 다양한 흐름 조건에서 흐름 안정성을 평가했고, 논리적 기준점은 밀워키 인라인 스토리지 프로젝트라고 불리는 잘 알려지고 문서화된 시스템이었습니다.
Edison은 DRTC 프로젝트 규모에 맞춰 H-4로 지정된 Milwaukee 드롭 구조 설계를 기반으로 초기 설계를 기반으로했습니다. 166 피트의 기본 낙하 길이를 포함하고 체적 유량, 벽, 대칭 및 기타 초기 매개 변수를 지정하는 FLOW-3D 분석을 설정합니다. 그는 우리가 CFD를 통해 발견한 것은 밀워키에서 이 디자인을 사용하면 우리의 어플리케이션에 잘 맞지 않는다는 것이라고 말합니다. FLOW-3D는 이것을 보여 주고 있었기 때문에 CFD를 사용하여 변형을 시도하고 우리의 수정된 디자인을 고안했습니다. 더 넓은 접근 경로, 더 넓은 테이퍼 및/또는 더 깊은 테이퍼 깊이를 사용한 수정은 에디슨은 FLOW-3D에서 각 변동 사항을 설정하는 것이 매우 빠르다고 말합니다. (그림 3,4,5). 개선의 진전은 고무적이었습니다. 시뮬레이션 결과의 높은 수준은 심지어 절삭(침식)을 개선하기 위해 드롭 축의 바닥에 의문스러운 플레이트가 수직 흐름이 수평으로 전환되는 난류 분리 및 감소가되도록 기능을 추가하도록 설득했습니다.
Figs. 3, 4 and 5. Tangential drop structure flow simulated with FLOW-3D. Structure dimensions were optimized through multiple design iterations. (Image courtesy AECOM)
9번째 설계 변동에 대한 FLOW-3D 출력 동작인 V9는 접근 섹션을 확장했으며, 모든 흐름 볼륨 레벨에서 300mg/d까지 양호한 흐름 안정성을 보였으며 유압식 점프는 없었습니다. 그리고 양호한 Froude numners(유체 움직임에 미치는 중력의 영향을 나타내기 위해 사용되는 치수 없는 수량), 2010년 2월부터 AECOM이 물리적 시험과 검증을 위해 선택하였습니다(그림 6). 그 계획은 아이오와 연구소의 시험 결과에 기초하여 CFD와 최적화를 추가하는 것이였습니다.
Fig. 6. Scale model (1:10) of vertical drop structure, tested at University of Iowa IIHR Hydroscience & Engineering facility. (Image courtesy AECOM)
에디슨은 V9에서 결정된 치수 매개 변수에 대해 그 디자인을 아이오와 주에 가져가서 CFD를 이용해 만들었는데 완벽하게 작동했습니다. (II.)직원들은 실제로 무언가를 설치한 것은 이번이 처음이며, 변경하라고 말할 만한 것이 아무것도 없다고 말했습니다. 측정된 데이터는 드롭 샤프트 연결 구조 내의 수면 높이, Adit내 공기 침투의 정량, 벤트 샤프트 위로 공기 흐름을 포함했습니다. 흐름이 증가함에 따라 와류량이 증가함에 따라 축 벽에 부착되어 탈산소까지 원활하게 회전하는 모습이 포착되었습니다(그림 7).
에디슨은 후속 실험을 위해 여러번 시험장을 돌아다녔습니다. 물리적 모델이 처음부터 올바르게 작동했기 때문에 시험 프로그램을 확장할 시간이 있었습니다. “재미 있는 것은 환기구를 움직이는 것과 같이 우리가 궁금했던 것들을 탐구해서 지적으로 그것을 가지고 놀 시간이 있었다는 것입니다.” 에디슨은 예정보다 앞서 있었기 때문에 잔여 프로젝트 시간을 이용해 탈염소와 adit 내의 유압 장치를 조사할 수 있었습니다.
Fig. 7. Operation of scale-model vertical drop structure, showing test run of 300 million gallons per day (mgd). Flow vortex development shows good rotation and attachment to the shaft wall all the way down to the de-aeration chamber. No design modifications were necessary to the simulated design. (Image courtesy AECOM)
Final Results
AECOM은 2010년 7월 DRTC에 대한 전반적인 작업을 마쳤습니다. 2013년 3월부터 18구경 터널을 굴착하기 시작했고, CSO드롭 구조 3개(CFD로 설계된 나머지 2개의 구조물만 있음)는 모두 현재 공사 중입니다.
에디슨의 의견으로는, 토목 공학은 전체적으로 CFD를 채택하는 데 느린 편이었습니다. 이를 입증하기 위해 그는 인천 국제 공항을 처음 방문한 당시 접선 소용돌이 모형의 소위 “묘지”에서 본것을 기술했습니다. 그러나 그는 이들을 다시 처리해야 했다고 말했습니다. 그는 유압 설계를 위한 시뮬레이션 사용으로 판매되는 것을 권장하고 있습니다.
에디슨은 DRTC노력을 요약하면서 “정말 재미 있었습니다. 물리적 모델링이 필요한 위치에 대해 더 자세히 알아보았고, 그렇다면 어떤 경우에는 순수한 RAID기반 설계를 수행할 수 있습니다. 많은 DRTC작업들이 그것의 증거입니다. 물리적 모델은 실제로 필요하지 않았지만 검증을 통해 위험을 줄일 수 있었습니다. 프로젝트에서 이 두가지를 모두 수행할 수 있었다는 것은 믿을 수 없는 일입니다.”라고 말했습니다.
This article first appeared in WaterWorld Magazine.
금속 주조 설계 과정에서 FLOW-3D CAST의 사용은 회사의 비용 절감 방안을 제시하여 수익성을 개선할 수 있습니다. FLOW-3D CAST 는 엔지니어와 설계자에게 경험과 전문지식을 향상시킬 수 있는 강력한 도구가 될 수 있습니다. 보통 수익성은 비용 절감과 비용 회피에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 지금, 품질과 생산성 문제는 제품개발 단계에서 다양한 시뮬레이션 통해 짧은 공정시간, 낮은 비용으로 해결 할 수 있는 방안을 찾을 수 있습니다. 새로운 개발도구인 FLOW-3D CAST의 효율성은 생산이 시작되기 전에 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방안을 제시하여 생산성을 크게 개선할 수 있습니다.
Ladle Pour
샷 슬리브 공정을 최적화하는 것은 고품질 부품을 확보하는 데 필수적입니다. FLOW-3D CAST의 시뮬레이션 결과와 실제 사례의 비교를 통해, 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 엔지니어가 값 비싼 툴링을 제작하기 전에 설계를 개선하는 방법을 강조합니다. FLOW-3D CAST는 프로세스 전반에 걸쳐 유체의 움직임을 정확하게 포착할 수 있으므로, 엔지니어가 실제 레들 주입 공정에서 신속하게 파악할 수 있습니다. 시뮬레이션은 Nemak Poland Sp. z o.o로부터 제공받았습니다.
X -레이 결과와 FLOW-3D CAST 시뮬레이션 결과를 나란히 비교합니다. A356 알루미늄 합금으로 사형 주조의 3 차원 충진 색상은 금속의 압력을 나타냅니다. 시뮬레이션 결과는 수직 대칭 평면에 표시됩니다. Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, London, 1995.
HPDC: Flow Pattern
Short sleeve validation – 시뮬레이션 결과와 주조 부품, Littler Diecast Corporation의 예
Modeling Air Entrapment
디젤 엔진 용 오일 필터 하우징의 X-ray vs. FLOW-3D CAST 검증.
디젤 엔진 용 오일 필터 하우징의 X- 레이 검증, 380 다이캐스팅 합금. 결과는 혼입 된 공기의 비율로 표시됩니다. X- 레이의 상세한 영역은 최대 다공도 농도를 나타냅니다.
HPDC Filling
FLOW-3D 결과를 실제 부품과 비교하는 HPDC 캐스팅 검증
Short Shot Simulation
실제 주조 부품의 유효성 검사. 스냅 샷과 FLOW-3D CAST 시뮬레이션 결과. 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 : 변속기 하우징, 오일 팬 및 자동차 부품.
HPDC Air Entrapment Defects
Antrametal에 의한 주조 시뮬레이션 대 실험 결과의 성공적인 비교.
Antmetetal의 고객 검증은 FLOW-3D CAST의 Air Entrapment 모델을 사용하여 실험 결과와 시뮬레이션을 비교 한 결과를 보여줍니다. 세탁기 용 전동 모터의 앞 커버의 HPDC입니다. 공기 관련 결함은 이미지의 색상에 정 성적으로 표시됩니다. FLOW-3D CAST 내의 다른 수치 기능에 의해 포착 된 물리적 공기 포켓 또한 명확하게 표현됩니다.
Core Drying
시뮬레이션과 무기 코어의 건조 실험 사이의 BMW에 의한 비교.
Predicting Die Erosion
캐비테이션으로 인한 다이 침식 영역은 FLOW-3D CAST 결과를 실제 사례와 비교하여 올바르게 배치되었습니다.
Predicting Lost Foam Filling
Lost foam L850 블록 벌크 헤드 슬라이스에 대한 실시간 X-ray 및 FLOW-3D CAST 유동 시뮬레이션 결과의 비교. 시뮬레이션은 GM Powertrain의 예입니다.
주조 설계 시 주요 당면 과제는 최종 부품에 결함이 있는지 여부를 결정하는 것입니다. 설계자는 종종 게이트, 러너, 라이저, 주입 온도 및 냉각 크기 조정을 위한 모범 사례를 따름으로써 우수한 품질의 부품을 생산할 수 있습니다. 하지만 오늘날의 비즈니스 환경에서는 이 제품의 장점이 경쟁에서 이길 만큼 좋지 않을 수도 있습니다. 하지만 FLOW-3D CAST의 강력한 결점 예측 도구를 통해 주조 설계자는 짧은시간안에 보다 높은품질을 얻을 수 있을 것입니다.
Air Entrapment
FLOW-3D CAST의 공기 침투 모델은 채우는 동안 금속 주조 시스템에서 발생하는 공기 침입량을 추정하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 모델은 단순한 물리적 메커니즘을 기반으로 하며 뛰어난 예측 변수 또는 다공성입니다. 사용자는 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 공기 침투 결함을 방지하고, 시험 및 오류 과정을 제거할 수 있습니다. Air Entrapment Model에 대한 자세한 내용은 모델링 기능 섹션을 참조하십시오.
FLOW-3D Cast accurately predicts defects due to air entrapment
Core Gas Defects
Binder loss in two internal cores of a valve iron casting
FLOW-3D CAST의 코어 가스 모델을 사용하면, 금속 가열로 인한 모래 코어의 수지 바인더 분해 및 코어 가스 진화 과정을 모니터링하여, 코어 가스 배출을 제거할 수 있습니다. 주조물의 일부 바인더 손실은 코어 강도의 손실에 해당합니다. 또한 주조물의 주입 및 동결과 함께 모니터링할 때 이 모델은 용해된 금속에 대한 잠재적인 가스 폭발의 예측 변수이기도 합니다. 이러한 가스 결함 생성 가능성은 코어 가스 흐름 및 코어 가스 압력과 함께 계산됩니다.
Die Erosion Defects
FLOW-3D CAST는 고압 다이 캐스팅을 채우는 동안, 공동 현상으로 인한 금형 침식 결함을 정확하게 예측합니다. 금속 압력은 매우 빠른 흐름의 영역에서 금속 증기 압력 아래로 몇 개의 대기를 떨어뜨릴 수 있으며, 이는 공동 현상과 부식을 일으킬 수 있습니다. 공동 현상으로 인한 손상을 예측하는 간단한 방법은 실제로 흐름에 공동 현상 거품을 도입하지 않고도 공동 현상 또는 공동 현상의 가능성을 예측하는 것입니다. FLOW-3D CAST는 공동 현상 압력과 국소 유체 압력의 차이를 살펴봄으로써, 공동 현상의 가능성을 평가합니다. 셀의 위치에서 공동 현상과 금형 침식의 가능성은 이 차이가 클 때 존재하는 것으로 간주되는데, 금형 침식 가능성의 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 징후는 높은 위치의 “핫 스팟” 영역으로, 이 양의 값이 높은 작은 영역입니다.
FLOW-3D CAST는 응고 단계 후반에 발생하는 미세 기공 결함의 발생과 위치를 예측하기 위해 특별히 설계된 모델을 가지고 있습니다. 이 정보를 사용하여 설계를 조정하고 심각한 결점을 방지할 수 있습니다. 주조된 금속 부품은 응고 과정에서 금속이 수축할 때 발생하는 큰 내부 가스 포켓 또는 다공성을 가지고 있기 때문에 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. 대부분의 대형 다공성은 주조 몰드의 세심한 설계를 통해 제거할 수 있으므로, 특수 영역에 여분의 액체 금속을 보관하여 수축을 촉진할 수 있습니다. 금속이 수축을 보상하기 위해 흐를 수 있는 경우에는 대개 다공성이 발생하지 않습니다. 다공성의 또 다른 유형은 미세 다공성이라고도 하는데, 일반적으로 총 체적이 1%이하인 작은 기포의 분포로 나타나기 때문입니다. 따라서 미세한 기공의 위치와 크기를 예측할 수 있는 수단을 갖는 것이 상당히 흥미로운데, FLOW-3D CAST의 Microporosity 모델은 이러한 목적을 위해 개발되었습니다.
Solidification & Shrinkage
FLOW-3D CAST에는 과도한 수축이나 다공성의 응고 및 핀 포인트 영역을 모델링 하기 위한 전체 도구 모음이 있으므로, 이러한 결함을 확인할 수 있는 라이저 위치를 결정할 수 있습니다. 편석을 포함하여, 열로 인한 응력, 마이크로 및 매크로 다공성 등 응고와 관련된 다양한 결점이 있습니다. 정확한 응고 분석을 얻기 위한 중요한 첫번째 단계는 정확한 채우기입니다. 정확한 채우기는 응고 모델링의 초기 조건인 올바른 열 프로필을 캡처합니다. FLOW-3D CAST는 주조 공장이 주조 부품을 보다 신속하게 설계하고 폐기율을 낮출 수 있는 많은 응고 관련 결함을 감지할 수 있습니다.
Surface Oxides
FLOW-3D CAST의 결점 추적 기능을 통해 주조 엔지니어는 주입 공정에서 표면 산화물 결함이 발생할 가능성이 가장 높은 부위를 예측할 수 있습니다. 산화물은 용해된 금속 표면이 공기 중으로 노출되어 형성되며 바람직하지 않은 위치에 놓일 수 있습니다. 결함의 최종 위치는 전체 흐름 조건, 난류 혼합, 유체 분사 및 주입에 따라 달라집니다. FLOW-3D CAST는 이러한 산화물과 최종 위치를 정확하게 추적하여 설계를 개선합니다.
Thermal Stress Defect Prediction
FLOW-3D CAST의 열응력 모델을 사용하면 열응력 결점이 발생하는 위치와 주조물이 왜곡되는 방식을 정확하게 예측할 수 있습니다. 강도는 금형과 금속의 응고 과정에서 동시에 계산되며 이들 사이의 상호 작용을 위한 간단한 옵션을 제공합니다. 금속 주조물에서 열응력 결함을 제거할 수 있도록 모델링 기능 섹션에서 Thermal stress evolution 시뮬레이션에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.
Filling – Permeable molds – Moisture evaporation in molds – Gas generation in cores – Ladle model Solidification – Exothermic sleeves – Chills – Cast iron solidification Cooling
Process Workspaces
Lost Foam Sand Casting Low Pressure Sand Casting
Filling – Permeable molds – Moisture evaporation in molds – Gas generation in cores – Ladle model – Lost foam pattern evaporation models (Fast model and Full model) – Lost foam defect prediction Solidification – Exothermic sleeves – Chills – Cast iron solidification Cooling
Solver Engine
TruVOF – The most accurate filling simulation tool in the industry
Heat transfer and solidification
Shrinkage – Rapid Shrinkage model and Shrinkage with flow model
ALL NEW FLOW-3DCAST v5 는 금속 주조 시뮬레이션 및 공정 모델링에 있어 큰 발전입니다. 이제 FLOW-3D CAST는 시뮬레이션 할 프로세스를 선택할 수 있으며, 소프트웨어는 적절한 프로세스 매개 변수, 지오메트리 유형 및 합리적인 기본 값을 제공합니다. 이렇게 하면 시뮬레이션 설정이 상당히 간소화됩니다. 또한 FLOW-3D CAST의 강력한 시뮬레이션 엔진과 결함 예측을 위한 새로운 도구는 설계 주기를 단축하고 비용을 절감하는 통찰력을 제공합니다. 대표적인 개발 기능으로 응고 시뮬레이션을 위한 열 계수 및 핫 스팟 식별 출력, 갇혀 있는 가스를 식별하고 환기 효율을 예측하기 위한 결함 채우기 도구 등이 포함됩니다. 그리고 더 빠르고 더 강력한 압력과 및 응력 해소 기능이 모두 포함합니다.
ALL NEW FLOW-3DCAST v5 는 관련 프로세스가 포함된 Suite제품으로 제공됩니다. 영구 금형 제품군은 중력 다이 캐스팅, 저압 다이캐스팅(LPDC), 틸트 주입 주조와 같은 프로세스 작업 공간을 포함합니다. 각 프로세스에 대해 사용자 인터페이스는 특정 프로세스와 관련된 내용만 표시합니다. 모래 주조 Suite에는 중력 사형 주조 및 저압 사형 주조(LPSC)와 같은 프로세스가 포함되어 있습니다. 소실 폼 제품 군에는 사형 주조 Suite의 모든 것과 소실 폼 공정 작업 공간이 포함됩니다. HPDC 제품군은 열 응력 및 변형을 포함하여 고압 다이 캐스팅과 관련된 모든 것을 포함합니다. 각 프로세스 작업 공간 내에서 채우기, 응고 및 냉각과 같은 하위 프로세스는 서로 연결된 시뮬레이션으로, 처음부터 끝까지 차례로 전체 프로세스를 모델링 합니다. 사용자가 그것을 작업장 바닥에서 하는 것처럼. 사용자는 레들을 용융 풀 안에 담갔다가, 숏 슬리브 또는 주입 컵에 옮겨, 전체 이동 및 주입과 같은 단계를 포함하도록 프로세스를 확장할 수 있습니다. LPDC의 경우 프로세스 엔지니어는 도가니의 가압 및 금속 흐름을 주형으로 모델링 할 수 있습니다. FLOW-3D CAST v5를 사용하면 가능성이 무한해 집니다.
WYSIWYN Process Workspaces
What-You-See-Is-What-You-Need (WYSIWYN) 프로세스 작업 공간은 FLOW-3D CAST의 다기능성을 간소화하여 사용 편의성과 탁월한 솔루션입니다. 대부분의 인터페이스는 사용자가 제공해야 하는 정보만을 요구하고, 사용자 설계 원칙을 적용하여 단순화되었습니다.
FLOW-3D CAST v4.2에 도입된 프로세스 중심 작업 공간은 중력 다이 주조, 저압 주조 및 경사 주입, 모래 등과 같은 영구 금형 공정으로 확장되었습니다. 중력 모래 주조, 저압 모래 주조 및 소실 폼과 같은 주조 공정 지속적인 주조, 투자 주조, 모래 코어 제작, 원심 주조를 포함한 더 많은 공정 작업 공간이 현재 진행 중에 있습니다.
Simulation setup is simplified by only showing the components applicable for a given process.
Types of casting components available in a HPDC simulation. Mold pieces available in a high pressure die casting include cover and ejector dies, sliders, and shot sleeves.
Defect Prediction / 결함 예측
Identify Filling Defects using Particles 결함 예측 및 입자를 이용한 주입 결함 식별
파티클을 사용하는 FLOW-3D CAST v5를 통해 유입된 가스로 인한 충전 결함을 식별하는 것이 훨씬 쉬워 졌습니다. 결함을 식별하기가 훨씬 용이할 뿐만 아니라, 결함 예측에 따른 계산 비용도 크게 절감되었습니다.
붕괴된 가스 지역을 나타내는 보이드 입자가 도입되었습니다. 이전에 붕괴된 가스 영역은 너무 압축되어 수치 메쉬에서 해결할 수 없으면 시뮬레이션에서 사라졌습니다. 보이드 입자는 작은 기포처럼 작용하며 드래그와 압력을 통해 금속과 상호 작용합니다. 주변의 금속 압력에 따라 크기가 변하며, 주입이 끝난 후 최종 위치를 보면 공기 침투 및 산화물로 인한 잠재적인 결함이 있음을 알 수 있습니다.
Predict filling defects caused by entrapped gas using the Particle Model.
Metal/Wall Contact Time 금속/벽 접촉 시간
벽면 접촉 시간은 금형 표면에서 다른 부위보다 금속에 더 오래 노출된 부위를 식별하는 데 유용합니다. 금속 접촉 시간은 금속이 고체 구성 요소와 접촉한 시간을 나타냅니다. 예를 들어 모래 입자가 핵분해 부위의 역할을 하기 때문에 미세 먼지가 발생할 수 있습니다. 개별 솔리드 구성 요소와의 금속 접촉 시간 출력이 모든 구성 요소와의 접촉 시간을 포함하도록 확장되었습니다. 접촉 시간 계산은 출력 탭에서 벽 접촉 시간을 선택하여 활성화합니다.
Identify solidification defects with the new Thermal Modulus output.
Solidification Defect Identification 응고 결함 식별
일반적으로 라이저 크기 조정에 사용되는 열 모듈은 이제 응고 시뮬레이션에서 출력됩니다.
Risers will likely need to be placed on the circled regions.
Hot Spots 핫 스팟
또 다른 결과인 “핫 스팟”은 라이저를 찾고 크기를 조정하며, 응고 관련 결함의 가능성을 식별하는 데 유용합니다. 핫 스팟은 최종적으로 응고된 부위를 나타냅니다. 이것들은 입자들로 표현되고 뜨거운 점 크기에 의해 색깔이 변하기도 합니다. 라이저는 핫 스팟 크기가 가장 큰 곳에 배치해야 합니다.
Porosity Analysis Tool
FlowSight의 새로운 Porosity Analysis Tool은 실제적인 측면에서 porosity-related 결점을 식별합니다. 결점은 이제 순 볼륨, 최대 선형 범위, 모양 인자 및 total count로 식별됩니다.
New defect identification tools allow users to analyze porosity.
Arbitrary 2D Clips 임의 2D 클립
기능 지향적인 2D 클립은 결함을 찾기 위해 전면적으로 살펴 볼 때 유용합니다. 이전에는 클립에 표시된 금속 영역이 솔리드에 의해 점유된 셀로 확장되었습니다. 잡식의 FLOW-3D CAST v5에서 이 클립은 구성 요소를 숨기는 옵션을 선택해야만 열린 공간(예:주조 부품)의 금속을 보여 줄 수 있습니다.
Intensification Pressure 강화 압력
고압 주조 시뮬레이션에 지정된 강화 압력은 이제 매크로 및 마이크로 Porosity모델 모두에 결합되어 형성 사이의 보다 현실적인 관계를 형성합니다. 이러한 결함의 크기 및 플런저에 의해 가해지는 압력의 크기입니다.
Adjusting Shrinkage Porosity 수축 기공 조절
사용자가 금속의 특성을 수정할 필요 없이 수축 다공성의 양과 크기를 미세 조정할 수 있도록 수축 조정 계수가 추가되었습니다. 계수를 사용하면 응고 중에 체적 수축의 양을 전화로 설정하거나 줄일 수 있습니다.
Gas Pressure and Venting Efficiency 가스 압력 및 밴트 효율성 검토
사용자가 충전 결함을 식별하고 다이캐스트에서 밴트 시스템을 설계하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 마지막 국부적인 가스 압력 및 밴트 효율성 검토 결과가 주조 시뮬레이션 출력에 추가되었습니다. 가스 압력은 셀이 금속으로 채워지기 전에 셀의 마지막 보이드 압력을 기록하며, 밴트 효율은 환기구를 배치하는 것이 밴트 위치에서 공기를 배출하는 데 가장 효율적인 영역을 보여 줍니다.
Databases 데이터베이스
주조 공정에서 일반적으로 사용되는 정보의 데이터베이스는 설정 오류를 줄이고 시뮬레이션 workflow 를 개선합니다.
Configurable Simulation Monitor 구성 가능한 시뮬레이션 모니터
시뮬레이션을 실행할 때 발생하는 중요하지만 종종 힘든 작업은 시뮬레이션을 모니터링하는 것입니다. FLOW-3D CAST를 사용하면 다음과 같은 일반적인 시뮬레이션 목표를 모니터링할 수 있습니다.
게이트 속도 주형 내 고상 분율 최저/최고 용탕 온도 및 금형 온도 다양한 프로브 위치에서의 온도 시뮬레이션 진단(예:시간 스텝, 안정성 한계)
Plotting Capabilities Plotting기능
이제 시뮬레이션 관리자에는 더 많은 플롯 기능이 포함됩니다. 플롯은 사용자가 구성할 수 있으며 구성은 다른 시뮬레이션에서 사용하기 위해 데이터베이스에 저장됩니다. 사용자는 시뮬레이션 런타임 그래프와 history-data 에서 모니터링할 이력 데이터 변수를 지정할 수 있습니다. 다중 변수를 각 그래프에 입력합니다.
Conforming Meshes
임의 형상의 활성 계산 영역을 정의할 수 있도록 적합한 메쉬 기능이 확장되었습니다. 이는 메쉬 블록이 준수할 수 있는 열린 볼륨과 솔리드 볼륨을 모두 포함하여 계산 도메인의 영역을 정의하는 meshing구성 요소라고 하는 새로운 유형의 지오메트리 구성 요소를 사용합니다. 메쉬 블록은 냉각 채널이나 공동에 선택적으로 조합할 수 있어 사용자가 이러한 기하학적 객체에 대해 최적의 해상도를 선택할 수 있습니다. 이제 확인할 수 있는 메쉬가 FAVORize 탭에 표시될 수 있습니다.
Summary Views of Components/Cooling Channels
FLOW-3D CAST v5의 인터페이스는 주조 시뮬레이션에서 다양한 형상 구성 요소를 꽉 차게 보여줍니다. 2개의 새로운 형상 요약 뷰인 구성 요소 요약 뷰와 냉각 채널 요약 뷰는 기하학적 구성 요소 및 냉각 채널의 플라이 아웃을 제공하여 사용자가 신속하게 수행할 수 있도록 합니다. 중요 설정을 한 눈에 파악하고 필요한 경우 변경 할 수 있습니다.
Under the Hood
FLOW-3D CAST의 많은 강력한 구성 요소들은 Solver Engine이라고 부르는 것 들에서 중요합니다. 아래에서는 이면에서 무거운 작업을 수행하는 데 도움이 되는 몇가지 중요한 사항을 설명합니다.
Thermal Die Cycling (TDC) Model TDC(열 다이 사이클)모델
열 다이 사이클 시뮬레이션의 주입/응고 단계는 균일하지 않은 캐비티 온도를 사용하여 개선할 수 있습니다. 이제 캐비티에 있는 금속의 초기 온도는 재시작 중에 채우기 시뮬레이션을 통해 지정하거나 초기 유체 영역을 사용하는 사용자 정의 분포에서 지정할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 옵션으로 사용할 수 있는 균일한 초기 금속 온도에 비해 다이 사이클링의 열해석의 정확성과 현실성을 높여줍니다.
Melt temperatures in the casting cavity read from a filling simulation are applied to ejector die during filling/solidification stage of thermal die cycling simulation.
Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculator for Spray Cooling 분사 냉각을 위한 열 전달 계수 계산기
스프레이 유체와 다이 표면 사이의 열 전달 계수(HTC)를 추정하는 것은 어려운 일입니다. 계산 또는 측정을 통해 값을 사용할 수 있는 경우 사용자는 이러한 값을 스프레이 거리 및 각도의 함수로 직접 지정할 수 있습니다. 새로운 기능을 통해 노즐의 스프레이 액의 유량을 기준으로 HTC를 동적으로 계산할 수 있습니다. 단일 조정 계수를 통해 스프레이 유출량을 기준으로 HTC를 미세 조정할 수 있습니다.
FLOW-3D는 수축결함을 완화시키기 위해 압탕(riser)의 위치를 확인할 수 있는 응고 모델링 툴과 수축공(shrinkage)과 미세수축공(mirco-porosity) 영역을 정확히 파악하기 위한 모든 기능을 보유하고 있습니다. 거기에는 편석( segregation), 열응력(thermal stress)응력 등 응고와 연관된 광범위한 결함 예측기능들이 있습니다. 정확한 응고 현사을 분석하기 위해 중요한 첫 번째 단계는 정확한 충진 해석입니다. 정확한 온도분포(thermal profile)를 예측하기 위해서는 정확한 유동해석이 필요하고, 이는 응고해석의 초기조건이 됩니다. FLOW-3D는 보다 신속한 주물 설계 및 불량률을 줄일 수 있도록 응고와 관련된 많은 결함을 예측할 수 있습니다.
Micro-porosity(=Mirco-shrinkage) Defects (미세기포(=미세수축공)에 의한 결함)
FLOW-3D는 특별히 응고 과정 후반에 발생하는 미세수축공의 발생 위치를 예측하기 위한 모델을 갖고 있습니다. 이 정보를 이용하여 설계방안을 조정하고 중요한 결함을 방지 할 수 있습니다. 어떤 주조 부품들은 용탕이 응고하는 동안의 수축에 의한 gas pocket이나 porosity(or shrinkage)이 표면에 드러나면 불량품으로 판정받게 됩니다. 대부분의 크기가 큰 수축공은 응고중 피딩(feeding)을 가능하게 하는 적절한 금형 설계 방법에 의해 제거될 수 있습니다. 용탕의 응고수축을 보상하도록 충분한 feeding이 발생할 때, 미세수축공(micro-porosity, micro-shrinkage)은 일반적으로 발생하지 않습니다. 미세수축공은 충진시 공기혼입에 의한 기포와 발생원인이 상이한 것으로 응고말기 수지상(dendrite)조직에 충분한 용탕이 공급되지 않을 경우 주로 발생하며 일반적으로 부피 비율이 1 % 이하 정도의 작은 기포의 분포의미합니다. 그러므로 미세수축공이 나타날 수 있는 위치 및 가능성을 예측하는 수단을 갖는다는 것은 고품질 주조품의 생산에 매우 중요합니다. FLOW-3D의 미세수축공 모델(micro-porosity model )은 이러한 목적을 위해 개발되었습니다.
실행중인 해석의 제어 파라미터는 History probes에서 사용자가 정의한 조건에 따라, 런타임 동안에 자동으로 변경 될 수 있습니다. History probes에 의해 기록된 시뮬레이션 변수는 경계 조건, mass source 및 General Moving Object 기능을 이용하여, 시간에 따른 개체의 동작을 제어하기 위해 사용될 수있습니다. 예를 들어, 고압다이캐스팅 해석에서 게이트에 설정한 History probes에 유체가 도달하면, 그 정보를 캡처하는 데이터 출력 주파수를 증가시켜 플런저의 속도를 고속으로 자동 전환 될 수있습니다. 고압다이캐스팅 해석은 유체가 게이트에 도달 할 때 자동으로 고속 전환됩니다. 이 프로세스는 새로운 실행 시뮬레이션 제어 기능을 통해 자동으로 진행됩니다. 저속 구간에서 플런저의 움직임은 trigger 슬리브의 용융물에 혼입되는 공기의 양을 최소화하기 위해 Barkhudarov 방법 1을 사용하여 계산됩니다. 이 결과는 훨씬 더 높은 품질의 주조품이 나올수 있도록 설계하는데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >Read the blog post >
Batch Postprocessing & Report Generation
Batch 후처리 및 보고서 생성은 해석 결과 분석시 사용자의 해석 처리 시간을 절약하기 위해 개발되었습니다. Batch 후처리는, 해석이 완료된 후, 사용자가 애니메이션, 시나리오, 그래프, 텍스트 데이터 시리즈를 정의하여 자동으로 생성되도록 할 수 있습니다. 그래픽 요청은 백그라운드에서 FlowSight를 실행하여 처리되도록 FLOW-3D Cast에 정의되어 있습니다. 원하는 해석 결과를 생성할 수 있는 컨텍스트 파일을 사용하면 Batch 후처리 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. Batch 후처리가 완료되면, 사용자는 쉽게 자신의 관리자, 동료, 또는 클라이언트에 보낼 수있는 HTML5 형식의 완벽한 기능을 갖춘 보고서를 만들 수 있습니다. 이미지 및 동영상도 보고서에 포함 할 수 있고, 사용자는 텍스트, 캡션, 참고 문헌의 형식을 완벽하게 제어 하고 유지할 수 있습니다. Read the blog post >
Batch Postprocessing
Automatic Report Generation
Embed Videos in Your Reports
Metal Casting Models
Squeeze Pin Model
스퀴즈 핀은 주조시 주입 공급이 어려운 영역에서, 응고하는 동안 금속 수축을 보상하기 위해 사용되는 실제의 다이 캐스팅 머신의 동작을 모델링하는 해석을 할 수 있습니다. 스퀴즈 핀은 선택된 표면에 cylinderical squeeze pin을 추가하여, STL 파일 또는 대화식으로 생성 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Intensification Pressure Model
새로운 플런저 타입 형상이 추가 되었습니다. 강화된 압력 조건으로 macro-shrinkage 와 micro-porosity 제거를 지정할 수 있습니다.
Thermal Die Cycling model
다이싸이클링 (Thermal die cycling, TDC) 모델에 새로운 두 가지의 단계가 추가되었습니다. 금형이 열린 상태에서 제품이 여전히 금형 내부에 있는 ejection 단계와, 금형이 닫혔지만 사출 바로전의 preparation 단계가 추가되었습니다. 또한, 마지막 싸이클만이 아닌 모든 금형 싸이클 모두 수렴된 결과를 전달하기 위해 TDC 솔버가 성능 손실 없이 최적화 되었습니다. Read the blog post >
Valves and Vents
밸브와 밴트의 외부 압력과 온도는 이제 사용자가 다이 캐스팅 공정에서 충진중에 보다 실제적인 동작을 정의 할 수 있도록, 시간의 표 함수로서 정의 할 수있습니다. 밸브 및 벤트의 압력 및 온도는 프로세스 설계 단계에서 유용한 제품 내부에 설정된 프로브에 의해 제어 될 수 있습니다.
PQ2 Diagram
PQ2다이어그램의 사용은 사용자가 더 나은 슬리브의 플런저 실제 움직임과 유사하게 적용 할 수 있습니다. 새로운 기능은 실제 공정 변수가 아직 알려져 있지 않았을 때 다이캐스팅 설계 단계 중에 특히 유용합니다. Read the blog post >
Cooling Channels
냉각 채널은 금형 각각의 냉각 유로에 의해 제거되거나 추가된 열의 총량에 의해 제어 될 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Air Entrainment Model
Air entrainment 모델에 compressibility를 입력하는 새로운 옵션이 추가되었습니다. 고압 다이캐스팅의 충진 공정과 같은 경우, 공기 압축성은 유체 압력의 변화로 인한 유체의 흐름에 중요한 인자가 됩니다.
Cavitation Model
캐비테이션 모델은 유동 조건의 더 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 유체의 캐비테이션 거동을 나타내도록 개선되었습니다. 캐비테이션 생성에 대한 새로운 옵션은 경험적 관계를 기반으로, 기존의 일정한 속도로 생성되는 방식에서 보완되었습니다. 새로운 passive gas model 옵션은 open bubbles이 아닌 유체내에 cavitationg gas를 추적하여, 계산에 필요한 격자와 계산시간을 줄일 수 있습니다. Read the development note >
Two-fluid Phase Change Model
Two-fluid phase change model 은 과냉각을 포함하도록 확장되었습니다. 일정한 과냉각 온도를 정의하고 가스 온도가 응축이 일어나기 전에 포화점 이하로 내려갈 수 있게 함으로써 구현됩니다.
Simulation Results and Analysis
Simulation Results File Editor
사용자가 FLOW-3DCast v4.1 결과 파일들을 병합 및 제거 할 수 있는 편집 유틸리티
Linking flsgrf.* files
Restart 해석 결과 파일들(flsgrf.*)은 FlowSight 에서 하나의 연속적인 애니메이션 결과를 표시하기 위해 restart source 결과로 링크될 수 있습니다.
Fluid/wall Contact Time
A new spatial quantity has been added to the solution output that stores the time that metal spent in contact with each geometric component, as well as the time spent by each component with metal.
용탕이 각 geometry 컴포넌트를 접촉한 시간과 각 컴포넌트가 용탕과의 접촉 시간을 나타내는 새로운 공간적 양이 해석 아웃풋에 추가 되었습니다.
Performance and Usability
열전달 계수, 열 침투 깊이, 밸브 손실 계수, 슬리브에 용탕량(깊이), 플런저의 속도를 계산할 수 있는 Calculators 기능이 Model Setup 창에서 바로 가능해졌습니다. 또한 유틸리티 메뉴에서도 가능합니다.
HTC Calculator for Cooling Channels
Thermal Penetration Depth Calculator
Fluid Height Calculator
Slow Shot Plunger Speed Calculator
Valve Loss Coefficient Calculator
Thermal Die Cycling
열전달 계수 데이터베이스와 각 싸이클 단계들이 입력되어있어 간편하게 다이싸이클링 해석을 하실 수 있습니다.
GMRES Pressure Solver
GMRES pressure solver의 속도가 솔버 데이터 구조의 최적화로 인해 2배까지 향상되었습니다. 이로 인해 메모리 사용량이 20% 미만으로 증가할 수 있습니다. Read the blog post >
Sampling Volumes
Sampling volume 기능은 STL로 정의할 수 있습니다. 각 sampling volume에 의해 계산된 양들의 목록은 유체의 부피, 최대/최소 온도, 파티클의 갯수와 같은 전체 해석 영역에 대해 모두 같은 양이 되도록 확장되었습니다.
구조분석 모델의 성능이 부분적인 coupling으로 해석 솔버의 병렬화와 최적화를 통해 향상되었습니다.
Workspaces 를 이전에 설치된 FLOW-3D에서 가져올 수 있습니다. Workspaces 와 사용자가 선택한 시뮬레이션들을 복사할 수 있습니다.
Expanded Simulation Pre-check
Simulation pre-check 기능은 preprocessor checks를 포함하고, 문제가 발생하는 경우 링크됩니다.
Improved Transparency
Depth-peeling 옵션은 transparent geometries 를 좀 더 잘 표현하고, v4.0보다 10배 빨라졌습니다.
Interactive Tools
Baffles, history probes, void/fluid pointers, valves, mass-momentum sources, squeeze pins에 대한 새로운 대화형 생성 기능이 추가되었습니다. 또한 probing과 clipping 도구들이 대화형으로 개선되었습니다.
General Enable/Disable
모든 objects (e.g., mesh blocks)은 활성화/비활성화 할 수 있습니다.
Estimated Remaining Simulation Time
솔버 메세지 파일에 short-print로 추정된 잔여 해석 시간이 추가 되었습니다.
Tabular Data
테이블 형식의 데이터에서 선택된 데이터를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하여 csv파일 또는 외부 파일에 복사, 저장할 수 있습니다.
응고 모델은 열전달이 활성화되고(Physics → Heat Transfer → Fluid internal energy advection) 유체비열(Fluids → Fluid 1 → Thermal Properties → Specific heat)과 전도도(Fluids → Fluid 1 → Thermal Properties → Thermal Conductivity) 이 지정될 때 사용될 수 있다. 단지 유체 1만 상 변화를 겪을 수 있다.
응고모델을 활성화하기 위해 Fluids → Fluid 1 → Solidification Model 을 체크하고 물성 Fluids → Fluid 1 → Solidification Model 가지에서 Liquidus temperature, Solidus temperature, 그리고 Latent heat of fusion 를 지정한다. 가장 간단한 모델(Latent Heat Release Definition 에 펼쳐지는 메뉴에서 Linearly with constant 를 선택)에서, 잠열은 물체가 Liquidus 에서 Solidus 온도로 냉각될 때 선형적으로 방출된다. 고상에서의 상변화열을 포함하는, 잠열 방출의 더 자세한 모델을 위해 온도의 함수로 잠열방출을 정의하기 위해 Specific energy vs. temperature 또는 Solid fraction vs. temperature 선택을 사용한다. 이 지정에 대한 더 자세한 내용은 이론 매뉴얼의 Heat of Transformation 를 참조한다.
응고는 유체의 강직성 및 유동저항을 뜻한다. 이 강직성은 두 가지로 모델링 된다. 낮은 고상율에 대해 즉 Fluids → Fluid 1 → Solidification Model → Solidified Fluid 1 Properties → Coherent Solid Fraction 의 coherency 점 밑에서는 점도는 고상율의 함수이다. 간섭 고상율보다 큰 고상율에 대해서는 고상율의 함수에 비례하는 항력계수를 갖는 Darcy 형태의 항력이 이용된다. 이 항력은 모멘텀 방정식에 (bx,by,bz) 로써 추가된다- Momentum Equations 를 보라. 이 항력의 계산은 Solidification Drag Model 에서 기술된다. 항력계수는 사용자가 유동저항에 양을 조절할 수 있는 Coefficient of Solidification Drag 인자를 포함한다. 항력계수는 FLOW-3D 출력에서 기록된 속도에 상응하는 지역 상 평균 속도에 의해 곱해진다.
Fluid 1 Properties)을 지나면 항력은 무한대가 되고 계산격자 관련하여 유동이 있을 수 없다(단 예외로 Moving Solid Phase를 참조).
모든 유체가 완전히 응고하면 모사를 정지시키기 위해 General → Finish condition → Solidified fluid fraction 를 이용한다. General → Finish condition → Finish fraction 은 모사를 중지하기 위한 고상율 값을 정한다.
주조 시 mushy zone 은 액상과 고상이 혼합물로 존재하는 지역이다. 이 지역 혼합점도는 동축의 수지상 조직(과냉각된 액체 안에서 방사상으로 자라는 결정으로 된 구조) 이 액체 안에서 자유롭게 부유할 때 영향을 미친다.
일단 수지상 조직의 간섭성이 발생하여 고정된 고상 망이 형성되면 액상이 고정된 다공 수지상 구조를 통과해야 하므로 추가의 유동손실이 발생한다. 다른 방법으로는 간섭점을 지난 액/고상 혼합물은 다공물질을 통한 유동 대신에 고점도의 유체로 간주될 수 있다. 점성유체로 간주하는 접근은 예를 들면 연속 이중 롤 주조 과정같이 고상이 계속 이동 및 변형할 때 유용하다.
Solidification Drag Models in FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D 내 응고 항력모델
응고에 의한 항력계수를 정의하기 위해 사용자는 우선 열전달 및 응고모델을 활성화 해야 한다. 이들은 Model Setup → Physics 탭 에서 활성화될 수 있다. 수축모델 또한 응고모델 창에서 활성화될 수 있다.