유동 편향기가 있는 밀폐수막의 특성에 관한 수치해석 연구
Zhang Weikang, Gong Hongwei
In practical use, there is shrinkage in the width direction in existing overflow water film. This study introduces the ” flow deflectors ” to solve the problem of discontinuous water film. According to the principle of the experimental devices, the model was established by FLOW-3D software and the corresponding boundary conditions were set up, the minimum size of the grid was 0.25mm × 0.25mm × 0.25mm. The film model was investigated under ten working conditions with three factors. Through the analysis of the distribution curves of velocities and thickness, impacts of unit width flux, tank width and the distance between the flow deflectors on the velocity and thickness of the liquid film were obtained. The results indicated that the water film was able to keep continuous and airtight with flow deflectors. The variation law of water film with unit width flux was obtained and a correlation formula was proposed according to Nusselt correlation. And, it was found that the tank width has little influence on the water film itself. The “dry zones” were also founded on the film when the distance between flow deflectors increased.
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