USBR baffle block

Numerical investigation of hydraulic jumps with USBR and wedge-shaped baffle block basins for lower tailwater

하부 테일워터를 위한 USBR 및 쐐기형 배플 블록 분지를 사용한 유압 점프의 수치적 조사

Muhammad Waqas Zaffar; Ishtiaq Hassan; Zulfiqar Ali; Kaleem Sarwar; Muhammad Hassan; Muhammad Taimoor Mustafa; Faizan Ahmed Waris



The stilling basin of the Taunsa barrage is a modified form of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Type-III basin, which consists of baffle and friction blocks. Studies revealed uprooting of baffle blocks due to their vertical face. Additionally, the literature highlighted issues of rectangular face baffle blocks: less drag, smaller wake area, and flow reattachment. In contrast, the use of wedge-shaped baffle blocks (WSBBs) is limited downstream of open-channel flows. Therefore, this study developed numerical models to investigate the effects of USBR and WSBB basins on the hydraulic jump (HJ) downstream of the Taunsa barrage under lower tailwater conditions. Surface profiles in WSBB and modified USBR basins showed agreement with previous studies, for which the coefficient of determination (R2) reached 0.980 and 0.970, respectively. The HJ efficiencies reached 57.9 and 58.6% in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. The results of sequent depths, roller length, and velocity profiles in the WSBB basin were found more promising than the modified USBR basin, which further confirmed the suitability of the WSBB basin for barrages. Furthermore, WSBB improved flow behaviors in the basin, which showed no fluid reattachment on the sides of WSBB, increased wake regions, and decreased turbulent kinetic energies.


barrage, geometry, hydraulic jump, stilling basin, wedge-shaped baffle blocks


Barrages in Pakistan were built about 50–100 years ago and play an important role in the economy. However, as time passed, the stability of these barrages was compromised due to hydraulic and structural deficiencies (Zaidi et al. 2011). Similarly, Taunsa Barrage Punjab, on the mighty river Indus, is one of the major hydraulic structures, which was constructed about 65 years ago. The barrage was designed for a design discharge capacity of 28,313 m3/s, and its stilling basin was a modified form of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Type-III basin that consisted of USBR impact friction and baffle blocks. These arrangements dissipate excessive kinetic energy, enhance turbulence, kill rollers, and stabilize the hydraulic jump (HJ) even in case of less tailwater depth. The barrage consists of 64 bays, and the total width of the barrage between the abatements is 1,324.60 m. Of total width, 1,176.5 m is a clear waterway (Zaffar & Hassan 2023a). Figure 1 shows the typical cross-section of the Taunsa barrage.

Figure 1

Typical cross-section of the Taunsa barrage.

Typical cross-section of the Taunsa barrage.

Soon after the barrage operation in 1958, multiple problems occurred on the barrage downstream, such as uprooting of the impact baffle blocks due to their vertical face, damage to the basin’s floor, lowering of tailwater levels, and bed retrogression (Zulfiqar & Kaleem 2015). During 1959–1962, repair works were carried out to cater to these issues, but the problems remained persistent. To resolve these issues, the Punjab Government constituted a committee of experts in 1966 and 1973, but no specific measures were taken, and the issues continued to aggravate (Zaidi et al. (2004). Additionally, these traditional impact blocks also face flow reattachment on the sides that decreases the drag force (Frizell & Svoboda 2012). On the contrary, after investigating the wedge-shaped baffle blocks (WSBBs) downstream of pipe outlets, research scholars (Pillai et al. 1989Verma & Goel 2003Verma et al. 2004Goel 2007Goel 2008Tiwari et al. 2010) reported that these blocks increased the energy dissipation and created more eddies and wake regions on either side. These studies further mentioned that upon the use of WSBBs, the overall length of stilling basins was also reduced from 15 to 25%.

Energy dissipation is the most common issue faced in the design of hydraulic structures. The kinetic energy typically comes from the upstream of the dams (El Baradei et al. 2022), spillways (Sutopo et al. 2022), chute, sluice gates, and weirs, which are further induced by the HJ and its turbulent structure (Elsaeed et al. 2016). In the HJ, flow suddenly changes from supercritical to subcritical conditions which dissipate the energy of the upstream flow, thereby saving the hydraulic structures from damage. The HJ occurs when Froude Number (Fr) falls below unity, which is the ratio of inertia to gravitational forces that can be calculated by the following equation (Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez 2015Bayon-Barrachina et al. 2015).



where vh, and g are stream-wise velocities, flow depth, and acceleration due to gravity, respectively. Hager & Sinniger (1985) investigated characteristics of the HJ for abrupt changes in horizontal bed and proposed the following equation to compute the efficiency  of HJs.



where Fr1 is the Froude number in the supercritical flow before the HJ.

Bakhmeteff & Matzke (1936) developed HJ similarity models and proposed dimensionless Equation (3) for the free surface profile of HJs.



where  is the water depth at x (hi) and the variable X is the dimensionless longitudinal coordinates (x), as shown in the following dimensionless equations, respectively.





where D is the gate opening and h1 and h2 are the water depths in supercritical and subcritical regions, respectively. X1 and X2 are the functions of variable X, and their values can be calculated at the toe of the HJ and the end of the roller region, respectively. The components of Equations (4) and (5) are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Schematic diagram for the dimensionless free surface profiles of HJs.

Schematic diagram for the dimensionless free surface profiles of HJs.

Habibzadeh et al. (2012) conducted experiments to investigate the role of baffle blocks for submerged HJs and energy dissipation downstream of low-head hydraulic structures. Chachereau & Chanson (2011) and Wang & Chanson (2015) investigated free surface profiles and turbulent fluctuation within the HJ for a wide range of initial Froude number (Fr1). The velocity profiles showed a wall jet-like profile, and turbulence intensities were high due to the fluctuations at the free surface. Maleki & Fiorotto (2021) developed a semi-empirical method to investigate HJs on a rough bed. The results showed that the characteristic length scale was linearly changing with Fr1Macián-Pérez et al. (2020b) carried out experiments on the USBR-II stilling basin to investigate the characteristics of HJs. The results of sequent depths and HJ efficiency agreed with the experimental studies, which reached 99.2 and 97%, respectively. The results of the dimensionless free surface profile also agreed with the previous studies for which the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) reached 0.979. Murzyn & Chanson (2009) conducted experiments for a wide range of Fr1 up to 8.3 to investigate bubbly and turbulence structure within the HJ. The results showed that void fraction (Cmax) and bubble frequency (Fmax) were found in the developing region, and vertical interfacial velocity agreed with the wall jet-like profile. Qasim et al. (2022) conducted experiments on bed discordance downstream of different weirs. The results indicated that as the bed discordance increased, the dimensionless flow depth decreased downstream of the discordance, which increased the Froude number. The results further showed that as the configuration of bed discordance was changed, the free surface profiles were also changed, which affected the flow depths and velocity profiles. Bhosekar et al. (2014) conducted experiments to investigate the characteristics of discharge downstream of orifice spillways. The results showed that free surface profiles were not elliptical due to the flat curve near the gate opening. The results further indicated that the flat curve developed a negative pressure on roof profiles, which reduced the discharge capacity of the spillway.

To stabilize the HJ in the stilling basins, different shapes of baffle blocks are employed, i.e., baffle blocks (Habibzadeh et al. 2012), friction blocks (Chaudary & Sarwar 2014), end sill (Mansour et al. 2004) and vertical sill (Alikhani et al. 2010), splitter blocks (Verma & Goel 2003), curved (Eloubaidy et al. 1999), T-shaped and triangular (Tiwari & Goel 2016), and WSBB (Pillai et al. 1989Goel 2007Goel 2008). These arrangements control the HJs in case of fewer tailwater depths (Peterka 1984) and minimize the erosion downstream of structures (Zaffar et al. 2023). Sayyadi et al. (2022) investigated HJ characteristics for negative steps in the stilling basin. The results showed that the negative step increased the energy dissipation up to 11%. Pillai et al. (1989) compared three different stilling basins for the Fr1 up to 4.5. The results showed that the stilling basin with the WSBB reduced the scour and overall length of the basin. Goel (2008)Goel (2007), and Tiwari et al. (2010) conducted experiments to investigate HJ characteristics downstream of square and circular pipe outlets using WSBBs. The results showed that as compared to the impact USBR-VI basin, the WSBB basin spread the fluid efficiently in the lateral direction and reduced the basin length up to 50%.

In the former section, the experimental studies on HJs, velocity distribution, free surface profiles, and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) are discussed, which could be assisted by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models (Ghaderi et al. 2020). Furthermore, over these hydraulic structures, the flow is very complex and associated with secondary currents, which characterized it as highly turbulent in all directions. Hence, using laboratory and field experiments, it is hard to accurately measure the free surface profile, velocities, secondary currents, and TKE over these hydraulic structures (Jothiprakash et al. 2015). Furthermore, physical experiments and on-site measurements are usually expensive and time-consuming. In contrast, the improvements in computational speed, storage, and turbulence modeling have made CFD a viable complementary investigation tool for hydraulic modeling (Ghaderi et al. 2021). Consequently, the use of numerical modeling tools such as Open Foam (Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez 2015), ANSYS Fluent (Aydogdu et al. 2022), and FLOW-3D (Hirt & Sicilian 1985) has become prevalent to get hydraulic characteristics of grade-control structures. Such modeling tools are helpful, especially when the basic fundamental equations are unable to provide desired outputs, like in the case of multifaceted geometries (Herrera-Granados & Kostecki 2016). So far, many researchers have employed numerical models in the hydraulic investigations of HJs and energy dissipation, but only a few of the latest studies are highlighted here. FLOW-3D numerical models were employed to investigate the HJ (Zaffar & Hassan 2023a) and baffle blocks (Zaffar & Hassan 2023b) for different stilling basins of the Taunsa barrage. These studies focused on velocity distribution, TKE, free surface profiles, energy loss energy, and the effects of baffle blocks on the HJ characteristics. Macián-Pérez et al. (2020a) carried out a numerical investigation on a high Reynolds of 210,000 to study the HJ characteristics. Upon comparison, the FLOW-3D model showed 93% accuracy in the roller length of HJs. The results also indicated 94.2 and 94.3% accuracy for sequent depths and HJ efficiency, respectively. Nikmehr & Aminpour (2020) examined the HJ characteristics on rough beds using FLOW-3D, and compared results with the experiments. The results indicated that roughness height and its distance affected the HJ length. Gadge et al. (2018) conducted a numerical study to investigate the impact of roof profiles on the discharge capacity of orifice spillways and validated the models with experimental results. The study revealed that in addition to the pond level and height of orifice (d), the bottom and roof profiles also affected the discharge coefficient (Cd).

From the literature review, it is found that only a few studies are conducted on the flow characteristics downstream of the Taunsa barrage (Zaidi et al. 20042011Chaudhry 2010). These studies were carried out in laboratory flume and investigated the effects of tailwater on the location of HJs. However, the studies were lacking in providing the data for other essential hydraulic parameters, i.e., velocity distribution, free surface profiles, TKE, and relative energy loss in the stilling basin. On the contrary, the literature has revealed many experimental and numerical studies on different shapes of baffle blocks downstream of open-channel flow, but the use of WSBB downstream of river diversion barrage is found limited. In the previous studies (Pillai et al. 1989Verma & Goel 2003Verma et al. 2004Goel 20082007Tiwari et al. 2010), these blocks have only been tested downstream of pipe outlet basins for the initial Froude number of 4.5. Therefore, in the present study, FLOW-3D numerical models are developed to investigate the effects of presently available USBR baffle blocks in the stilling basin of the Tuansa barrage. Due to the uprooting problems of these blocks, the study also investigates the suitability of WSBBs downstream of the studied barrage and draws a comparison between the results of modified USBR and WSBB basins. In this study, based on results from the literature, WSBB with a vertex angle of 150° and cutback angle of 90° is applied for Fr1 up to 6.64. The main objective of this study is to investigate HJs and flow behavior with USBR baffle blocks and WSBB downstream of an investigated barrage at 44 m3/s discharge. At 44 m3/s discharge, the numerical models are operated at the minimum tailwater level of 129.10 m, and investigated free surface profiles, sequent depths, roller lengths, HJ efficiency, velocity profile, and TKE in the two different stilling basins.


Existing and proposed stilling basins, appurtenances


The present numerical models are developed downstream of the Taunsa barrage, Pakistan. The stilling basin of the barrage includes USBR impact friction and baffle blocks (Zaffar & Hassan 2023bZaffar et al. 2023). In the basin, floor level and weir crest are fixed at 126.79 and 130.44 m, respectively. The slopes of upstream and downstream weir glacis are maintained at 1:3 and 1:4 (H:V), respectively. In both the studied basins, the blocks are installed 14.63 m away from the centerline of the crest and are placed in a staggered position. The overall length and height of the USBR blocks is 1.37 m as shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b). Additionally, between the two staggered rows of baffle blocks, a 1.37-m distance is maintained, while the top width of all the USBR blocks is 0.46 m, which is angled at 45° from the rear side. On the other hand, in the WSBB basin, WSBB is placed at the locations of impact USBR baffle blocks. Furthermore, in both the studied basins, two staggered rows of friction blocks are also placed at the basin’s end about 28.95 m away from the weir’s crest. These friction blocks are 1.37 m long, 1.22 m wide, and 1.37 m high. The top surface of these blocks is identical to their bottom. The overall length, width, and height of the WSBB are kept at 1.37 m, and a detailed geometry of the investigated WSBB can be seen in Figures 3(c) and 3(d). Currently, for the investigated WSBB, a vertex angle of 150° and a cutback angle of 90° are employed.

Figure 3

Baffle block geometry for the basins: (a) top view of USBR baffle blocks, (b) isometric view representing front of USBR baffle blocks, (c) top view of WSBBs and (d) isometric view representing front of WSBBs.

Baffle block geometry for the basins: (a) top view of USBR baffle blocks, (b) isometric view representing front of USBR baffle blocks, (c) top view of WSBBs and (d) isometric view representing front of WSBBs.

Numerical model implementation

Environmental flows are governed by the laws of physics and represented by Navier–Stokes Equations (NSEs), which are inherently nonlinear, time-dependent, and contain three-dimensional partial deferential schemes (Viti et al. 2018). These partial differential equations explain the procedures of continuity, momentum, heat, and mass transfer. For one- and two-dimensional models, these equations can be solved analytically, while for the solution of three-dimensional models, CFD models are employed to discretize the NSEs. In these models, flow equations, i.e., NSEs and continuity equations, are discretized in each cell. Generally, these models start with a mesh, which further contains multiple interconnected cells in the employed mesh blocks. These meshes subdivide the physical space into small volumes, which are associated with several nodes. The values of unknown parameters are stored on these nodes, such as velocity, temperature, and pressure. Different numerical techniques are available to discretize the NSEs, i.e., Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) (Jothiprakash et al. 2015), Large Eddy Simulation (LES) (Ghosal & Moin 1995), and Reynold Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) Equation (Kamath et al. 2019). However, as compared to DNS and LES models, due to less computation cost and simulation time, the RANS model is frequently used in river and hydraulic investigations. Using the RANS model, two additional variables are generated, for which turbulence closure models are usually employed (Carvalho et al. 2008). These models find closure by averaging the Reynolds stress terms in NSEs and append additional variables for turbulent viscosity and transport equations.

Presently, FLOW-3D models are developed to investigate the effects of different shapes of baffle blocks on HJ downstream of the river diversion barrage. The models employ RANS equations to solve algorithms and equations of incompressible fluid in each computational cell. To further address the additional terms, i.e., Reynolds stresses and turbulent viscosity, the Renormalization group (RNG Kɛ) method is applied. For the discretization of RANS and other algorithms, at present, the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method (finite volume method (FVM)) is employed, while the equations of the controlled volume are formulated with area and volume porosity functions. This formulation is called the ‘Fractional Area/Volume Obstacle Representation’ (FAVOR) method (Hirt & Sicilian 1985). The proceeding section describes the equations used for the present models.

Assuming the flow is steady and neglecting the fluctuation of specific weight (⁠ = 0), Equations (6) and (7) are used for the turbulent flow (Carvalho et al. 2008).





Following the above equations, it is apparent that these relationships consist of three momentum and one continuity equation, in which there are 10 unknowns (puv, w, and six Reynolds stress components). In the present study, the flow is considered incompressible, which implies the following equation to solve the flow domain (Viti et al. 2018).



In Equations (6)–(8uv, and w, are velocity components in xy, and z directions, respectively.  and p are total pressure and fluid density while the terms  are known as the Reynolds stresses. AxAy, and Az are flow areas while R,⁠, and RSOR are the model’s coefficient, flow generic property, and mass source term, respectively.

Turbulence modeling and free surface tracking

Six turbulence models are available in FLOW-3D, which employs numerous equations to solve the closure problems. Among various models, the two-equation turbulence models such as standard Kɛ (Bradshaw 1997, RNG Kɛ (Yakhot et al. 1991), and Kω (Wilcox 2008) are widely used in hydraulic investigations.

The standard Kɛ and RNG Kɛ models solve transport equations for TKE and its dissipation. The formulation of both models is identical, but the former derives model coefficients empirically. However, RNG K–ɛ applies a statistical approach to derive the transport equations explicitly, which has shown better capability in low-turbulence and high-shear regions (Macián-Pérez et al. 2020a2020b) than the standard K–ɛ model. In contrast, the Kω model was implemented for stream-wise pressure gradient and near-wall boundaries (Wilcox 2008). The model replaces turbulent dissipation rate with turbulent frequency. In the Kω model, the values of TKE and turbulent frequency are specified at the inlet boundaries. The above-mentioned turbulence models were investigated by Macián-Pérez et al. (2020b) for flow behaviors in the USBR-II stilling basin and the study indicated that the RNG K–ɛ model showed better accuracy. Also, RNG K–ɛ (Macián-Pérez et al. 2020a) showed more promising results for a grid convergence index (GCI), free surface, roller lengths, and HJ efficiency. Additionally, the RNG K–ɛ model predicted good results in flow rate, free surface profiles, and velocity profiles. Based on bibliographical results, this study also employed the RNG K–ɛ model, for which the following transport equations (Equations (9) and (10)) are utilized for TKE (K) and its dissipation (ɛ), respectively (Macián-Pérez et al. 2020a).





where  is the coordinate in the x direction;  is the dynamic viscosity;  is the turbulent dynamic viscosity; K is the turbulent kinetic energy;  is the turbulent dissipation;  is the fluid density, and  is the production of TKE. Finally, the terms⁠, ⁠, ⁠, and  are model parameters whose values are given in Yakhot et al. (1991).

For free surface modeling, the VOF method is employed. VOF applies an additional variable, which is called fraction of fluid (F), in which F represents the proportion of fluid. To compute F in the domain, the following equation (Hirt & Sicilian 1985) is used:



In FLOW-3D, the fluid fraction (F) in each cell is usually presented by three possibilities:

  • (A)F = 0, cell is empty.
  • (B)F = 1, a cell is fully occupied by fluid.
  • (C)0 < F < 1, cell represents the surface between the two fluids.

One fluid (water) with a free surface is considered in the present models, for which FLOW-3D automatically selects the free surface method from the availableVOF advection scheme. For the free surface tracking, 0.5 value is assigned in each computation cell.

Pressure velocity coupling

One of the major issues in solving the NSEs is pressure–velocity coupling, and for that, a network of algorithms (SIMPLE (Patankar & Spalding 1972) and PISO (ISSA 1985)) has been developed. These above-mentioned algorithms use under- and over-relaxing factors for pressure correction in the continuity and momentum equations, which contain large memory. Additionally, due to the relaxation factors, sometimes the solution becomes unstable and does not find convergence. On the contrary, FLOW-3D employs the Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES) (Joubert 1994) because it possesses good convergence, high speed, and uses less memory. Additionally, GMRES does not apply any relaxation factor and possesses an additional algorithm, ‘Generalized Minimum Residual Solver (GCG),’ to treat the viscous terms.

Model geometry


The solid geometry of the barrage bay was designed in AutoCAD and converted into a stereo lithography file. Before importing the stereo lithography file into FLOW-3D, it was tested in Netfabb-basic software to remove any holes, facets, and boundary edges. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show stereo lithography files used for the studied models.

Figure 4

Geometry details of the studied stilling basins: (a) modified USBR baffle block basin and (b) WSBB basin.

Geometry details of the studied stilling basins: (a) modified USBR baffle block basin and (b) WSBB basin.

Meshing and boundary condition

The structured rectangular hexahedral mesh was employed to resolve the geometry and flow domain. To resolve the flow domain, a coarse mesh block was initiated upstream of the barrage (Xmin = 10 m) which ended at the upstream side of the gate (Xmax = 32.90 m). However, the fine mesh block was started from Xmin = 32.90 m which was extended up to the basin’s end (Xmax = 71 m). In total, 60 m of the model domain was simulated, out of which 22.90 m comprised upstream while the remaining included downstream side. For discharge measurement, mesh sensitivity analysis was performed. The blocks with coarse meshes were initially employed to calculate the volume flow rate (Q). The total number of mesh cells used in the coarse mesh block was 1,108,705. Out of 1,108,705 mesh cells, 481,000 cells were employed for the upstream block, while 627,705 mesh cells were utilized for the downstream mesh block. On the contrary, upon the use of fine mesh blocks, a total of 2,991,820 mesh cells were employed, out of which 481,000 cells were contained in the upstream mesh block while 2,510,820 cells were employed on the downstream side. Figure 5 shows mesh grids employed for flow and solid domains.

Figure 5

Meshing setup of the modeling domain.

Meshing setup of the modeling domain.

It is essential to mention that in both meshing scenarios, fine mesh blocks were used on the downstream side of the bay because the focus of the present investigation was made around the baffle blocks and in the HJ regions. The details of mesh cell size and mesh quality indicators for the various mesh blocks are provided in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Notably, except for discharge analysis, the results of other hydraulic parameters are produced from the fine meshing.

Table 1

Details of mesh blocks and cell sizes

Mesh blockNumber of cellsMaximum adjacent ratioMaximum aspect ratio
Block-1 X = 196; Y = 65; Z = 37 X Y Z X–Y Y–Z Z–X 
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.999 1.0 1.993 
Block-2 X = 261; Y = 130; Z = 74 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

Table 2

Meshing quality indicators for various mesh blocks

ScenariosMesh block-1 (cell characteristics)Mesh block-2 (cell characteristics)
Coarse meshing Δx (m) Δy (m) Δz (m) Δx (m) Δy (m) Δz (m) 
0.142 0.284 0.284 0.142 0.284 0.284 
Fine meshing Δx (m) Δy (m) Δz (m) Δx (m) Δy (m) Δz (m) 
0.142 0.284 0.284 0.142 0.142 0.142 

A vertical gate of 18.5-m width, 0.53-m length, and 6.10-m height was mounted upstream of the weir crest. Pond levels of 135.93 and 136.24 m were maintained for free and orifice flows, respectively. Table 3 shows the conditions used for models’ operation.

Table 3

Free and gated flow conditions for operation of the simulations (Zaffar & Hassan 2023b)

Discharge through barrage (m3/s)Single bay discharge (m3/s)Pond level (m)Tailwater levels for jump formation (m)Gate opening (m)Turbulence model
28,313 444 135.93 133.80 Free flow RNG K–ɛ 
2,831 44 136.24 129.10 0.280 RNG K–ɛ 

For the first mesh block, the upstream and downstream boundaries were set as pressure (P), while for the second block upstream boundary was set as symmetry (S). The lateral sides were set as rigid boundaries (W), and no-slip conditions were expressed as zero tangential and normal velocity (u=v=w = 0), where uv, and w are the velocities in xy, and z directions, respectively. These boundaries indicate a wall law velocity profile, which further expresses that the average velocity of turbulent flows is proportional to the logarithm of the distance from that point to the fluid boundary. For all variables (except pressure (P) (which was set to zero), upper boundaries (Zmax) were set as atmospheric pressure to allow water to null von Neumann. For both mesh blocks, the lower boundaries (Zmin) were set as walls.

For the present models, the stability and convergence at each iteration were checked by Courant number (Ghaderi et al. 2020), which affected the time steps from 0.06 to 0.0023 and 0.015 to 0.0025 for free and gated flow, respectively. It is worth mentioning here that for the free flow analysis of higher discharge such as 444 m3/s, the steady state solution can only be achieved by mass-averaged fluid kinetic energy (MAFKE) and volume flow rate (VFR) at the inlet and outlet boundaries. Therefore, the time at which the MAFKE and VFR reach the steady state is assigned as the simulation time (Ts) of models. Presently, VFRs at the inlet and outlet boundaries are considered as the stability and convergence indicators. Based on the criterion mentioned above, the present free and gated models achieved hydraulic stability at Ts = 60 s while the actual time (Ta) of models ranged between 30 and 48 h. However, to accommodate free surface fluctuations, the models were run for Ts = 80 s.

Models’ verification and validation

Analysis of design discharge

For performance assessment of the numerical models, He/Hd = 0.998 (Johnson & Savage 2006Gadge et al. 2019Zaffar & Hassan 2023a2023b) was implemented for free flow analysis, where He and Hd are effective and designed heads, respectively. This was the design discharge of the Taunsa barrage, for which the models were operated on the pond and tailwater levels of 135.93 and 133.8 m, respectively, as provided in Table 3.

Gated flow modeling

Computational discharge is of paramount importance in hydraulic modeling, and the following discharge formula is used for gated flow operations (Gadge et al. 2018). To model 44 m3/s of discharge, gate opening and designed head for orifice are set at D = 0.280 m and Hd = 136.24 m, respectively. Figure 6 illustrates the typical cross-section for gated flow operations.



where Q (m3/s) is discharged through the orifice opening, A (m2) is the area of the orifice, g (m/s2) is the acceleration due to gravity and hc is the centerline head (hc = HdD/2). The values of coefficients of discharge (Cd) used and simulated were 0.816 and 0.819, respectively, and were found well within the range of Cd values calculated by Bhosekar et al. (2014).

Figure 6

Cross-section showing gated flow through the orifice.

Cross-section showing gated flow through the orifice.


Discharges and flow evolution

Figure 7 shows the time instant of flow evolution for designed discharge. At the start of the simulation, due to the inlet velocity, the free surface was found to be changed. However, when it reached a steady state, a fully developed flow on the downstream glacis was achieved, as shown in Figure 7. A stable free jump was observed at Ts = 60 s for free and gated flow, and the free surface on the downstream side was found to be stable with little fluctuation. The accuracy of FLOW-3D simulations was checked by comparing those discharges with designed values. At Ts = 80 s, the modified USBR baffle block basin underestimated the discharge, which reached 440.48 m3/s and displayed a 0.80% error. Similarly, at Ts = 80 s, for the WSBB basin, the model produced 440.17 m3/s discharge, in which the maximum error reached 0.893%. However, upon the use of coarse meshing, the errors in the computed discharge were increased, which reached −5 and −4% in modified USBR and WSBB basins, respectively. The free flow analysis of modified USBR and WSBB models showed acceptable validation with the designed flow, which allowed us to run the models for orifice discharge.

Figure 7

Flow evolution at the designed flow: USBR basin (a–c) and WSBB basin (d–f).

Flow evolution at the designed flow: USBR basin (a–c) and WSBB basin (d–f).

For the gated flow, on using fine meshing with similar meshing and boundary conditions, the modified USBR basin produced 44.14 m3/s of discharge, for which the maximum error reached 0.32%. However, in the WSBB basin, the numerical model underestimated the flow, which displayed only a 1.14% error. The evolutionary process of gated flows is shown in Figure 8. Based on the validation results of free and gated flows, further analysis was performed on the characteristics of HJs in the two different basins, and their results were compared with the relevant literature.

Figure 8

Evolutionary process of orifice discharge: USBR basin (a–c) and WSBB basin (d–f).

Evolutionary process of orifice discharge: USBR basin (a–c) and WSBB basin (d–f).

Free surface profiles

Due to the limited results of investigated hydraulic parameters on the studied barrage, the models’ results are compared with the previous relevant experimental and numerical studies. For such comparison, the models require some similarity in boundary and initial conditions, as obtained from Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015). Similar to the studies by Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015), in the present gated models, the upstream and downstream initial conditions are set to fluid elevation, i.e., pond and tailwater level, with hydrostatic pressure boundaries, while upstream boundaries are set to atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the sides and bottom are set to wall boundaries as described in Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015). However, the present models differ from the basin appurtenances as the compared studies have investigated HJ and other parameters on the horizontal flat beds. Furthermore, Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015) have investigated hydraulic parameters such as sequent depths, roller lengths, free surface profiles, energy dissipation, and TKE for Fr1 of 6.10 and 3.8 < Fr1 < 8.5, respectively. Similar to the above-mentioned study, the present modified USBR and WSBB basins are investigated for the Fr1 of 6.5 and 6.64, respectively. Hence, to confirm the results of free surface profiles, the studies of Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015) are utilized, for which the relevant discussion is made in the proceeding paragraphs.

Using Equation (3) of Bakhmeteff & Matzke (1936), the free surface profiles of HJs were obtained by the VOF method. Figure 9 compares the results of free surface profiles with Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Wang & Chanson (2015). The results of the present model agreed well with Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) (coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.992), for which the value of R2 in WSBB and USBR basins reached 0.980 and 0.970, respectively. Similarly, after comparing free surface profiles with Wang & Chanson (2015), the results of the present model were found to be more promising. However, as compared to the USBR basin, the results of free surface profiles in the WSBB basin showed more agreement with the compared studies, as can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Comparison of dimensionless free surface profiles of HJs with the literature.

Comparison of dimensionless free surface profiles of HJs with the literature.

To further assess the performance and gain deeper insight into the models’ efficiency, residual plots are drawn for the investigated hydraulic parameters. These errors referred to the difference between the observed (literature) and predicted data, which monitored the regression quality (Hassanpour et al. 2021). At a 5% level of significance, a homo-scedasticity analysis measured the residual errors, and the results of predicted residual errors were compared with the previous study.

Figure 10 compares the residual errors of free surface profiles of present models with Wang & Chanson (2015) and Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015). Notably, the solid horizontal line in Figure 10 is the agreement line. From Figure 8(b), the maximum residual errors of free surface profiles in the experimental study of Wang and Chanson ranged between −0.2 and 0.13, while from the agreement line, the maximum negative and positive residual errors in the numerical study of Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) reached −0.12 to 0.20. In comparison to the previous studies, at the start of the regression line, the residual errors in the present models indicated a random scattered pattern below the agreement line, which further showed that the residual errors in the present and compared models were not normally distributed. After X = 0.3, above the agreement line, the distribution pattern of residual errors was also not normal. The stilling basin with USBR baffle blocks indicated the maximum negative and positive residual values of −0.160 to 0.10, respectively, while −0.184 to 0.124 values of residuals were noticed in the WSBB basin. Furthermore, from Figure 10, it is evident from residual analysis that the free profiles of HJs within modified USBR and WSBB basins have followed the trend of previous studies and the residuals of the present model are found less, which indicates reasonable accuracy of the models. Overall, the regression analysis of free surface profiles both for the present and compared studies revealed a curvilinear pattern that showed a heteroscedasticity residual.

Figure 10

Residual error diagram of free surface profiles of HJs with the literature.

Residual error diagram of free surface profiles of HJs with the literature.

Sequent depth ratio

In 1840, Belanger developed a famous equation for the sequent depth of HJs in smooth rectangular channels, which is widely used by numerous researchers to validate the results. Similarly, in the laboratory experimentation for different upstream and downstream tailwater water levels, Hager & Bremen (1989) developed a relationship of sequent depth (y2/y1) against a wide range of initial Froude numbers (Fr1). For the present models, 6.5 and 6.64 values of Fr1 are obtained in WSBB and USBR basins, respectively, and their relationship with sequent depths is developed as shown in Figure 11(a). The results of y2/y1 against Fr1 are compared with the experiments of other authors (Belanger 1841Hager & Bremen 1989Kucukali & Chanson 2008) and with the numerical study of Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015).

Figure 11

(a) Comparison of sequent depth ratio with previous studies and (b) comparison of residual errors of sequent depths with the literature.

(a) Comparison of sequent depth ratio with previous studies and (b) comparison of residual errors of sequent depths with the literature.

The sequent depths obtained from WSBB and modified USBR basins were 8.96 and 8.68, respectively, which were found to agree with the experimental results of other studies (Hager & Bremen 1989 and Belanger 1841), as shown in Figure 11(a). The results were also compared with the experiments of Kucukali & Chanson (2008), in which the value of Fr1 was 6.9. However, the Fr1 values obtained from present numerical models were 6.5 and 6.64 within WSBB and USBR basins, respectively. The comparison indicated that the present models overestimated the sequent depths, for which the errors reached 8.6 and 5.7% in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. Furthermore, upon comparison with Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015), results showed that present models underestimated the sequent depths, for which the maximum errors reached −13.2 and −9.8% errors in WSBB and USBR basins, respectively.

Figure 11(b) shows the comparison of residual errors of sequent depths with the previous studies. The maximum positive and negative residual values of 0.250 and −0.222 were found in WSBB and USBR baffle block stilling basins, respectively. The pattern of residual errors indicated an equal variance along the agreement line, which showed normal destitution of residual errors, thereby a homoscedastic pattern was noticed. The residual errors of sequent depths in both the tested basins were found within the ranges of Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015) and Kucukali & Chanson (2008).

Roller length

Figure 12 compares the roller length (Lr/d1) of two different stilling basins with the previous studies, where Lr is the roller length of HJs and d1 is the initial flow depth before the HJ. Following Figure 10, the results showed that both the stilling basins produced almost similar roller lengths. Furthermore, in comparison to the previous studies, the relationship between roller lengths (Lr/d1) and Fr1 was found close to Kucukali and Chanson’s experiments (2008). However, the comparison with other studies indicated that the present models underestimated the roller lengths. The reason for reduced roller lengths was the effects of the basin’s appurtenance, which controlled the HJ lengths, as shown in Figures 13(a) and 13(b) (encircled regions). However, as compared to the modified USBR basin, the roller length in the WSBB basin was found to be less.

Figure 12

Comparison of roller lengths of HJ and initial Froude number with previous studies.

Comparison of roller lengths of HJ and initial Froude number with previous studies.

Figure 13

Roller lengths and energy dissipators: (a) WSBB basin and (b) modified USBR basin.

Roller lengths and energy dissipators: (a) WSBB basin and (b) modified USBR basin.

Figure 14 compares the residual errors for the roller lengths of present basins with the previous studies. The analysis showed a random distribution of residual errors and indicated homo-scedasticity of residuals. The results of residual errors for both the tested basins showed a good agreement with the compared studies and remained within the range of their residual errors. However, as compared to the USBR basin, the residual errors in the WSBB basin were found less, which reached −1.38.

Figure 14

Comparison of residual errors for the roller lengths with the previous studies.

Comparison of residual errors for the roller lengths with the previous studies.

HJ efficiency

The efficiency of the HJ is the ratio of energy loss to the upstream hydraulic head. Flow depth (hi), velocity (vi), and acceleration due to gravity (g) are the variables of HJ efficiency. The following equation was used to measure the efficiency  of the HJ (Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez 2015).



where H1 and H2 are the specific energy heads upstream and downstream of HJs, respectively.

The results of numerical models showed 57.9 and 58.6% efficiencies in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. The efficiencies for both the basins were also computed by Equation (2) and the results indicated 61.2 and 61.9% efficiencies for WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. The comparison further revealed that the present model underestimated the efficiencies, which reached the maximum errors of 5.41 and 5.45% in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively.

Figure 15(a) compares the efficiencies of present models with the previous studies. Upon comparing with Wu & Rajaratnam (1996), the results showed that the present model underestimated efficiencies for which the errors reached 6.6 and 5.54% in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. Similarly, after comparing with Kucukali & Chanson (2008), the present model also showed a reduction in the HJ efficiencies for which the maximum errors reached 5.07 and 3.99% in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. However, after comparing with Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez (2015), the results showed good agreement and indicated only 0.34 and 1.37% errors in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. Overall, based on the bibliographic comparison, the overall accuracy of the present models for energy dissipation reached 93%.

Figure 15

(a) Comparison of HJ efficiency and (b) comparison of residual errors for the hydraulic jump efficiency.

(a) Comparison of HJ efficiency and (b) comparison of residual errors for the hydraulic jump efficiency.

Figure 15(b) indicates the residual errors of  for modified USBR and WSBB basins and compares the errors with the previous experimental and numerical studies. Upon comparison with the modified USBR basin and with the literature, the HJ efficiency in the WSBB basin showed a close agreement with the zero residual line, for which the maximum error reached 0.001. On the other hand, the residual error in the modified USBR basin reached 0.003. Figure 14 also showed that the maximum residual error in the HJ efficiencies was found to be less than that was observed in previous studies, which remained within the limits of the compared studies (Wu & Rajaratnam 1996Kucukali & Chanson 2008Bayon-Barrachina & Lopez-Jimenez 2015).

Velocity distribution

Velocity distribution was measured at different flow depths to obtain vertical velocity profiles in two different stilling basins. Figure 16 shows the typical profiles in HJs, where (δ) is the y value at which the maximum velocity (Umax) occurs, while (b) is the length scale where u = 0.5Umax and ∂u/∂y < 0 (Ead & Rajaratnam 2002Nasrabadi et al. 2012). The results indicated that in both basins, the velocity profiles showed a wall jet-like structure (Ead & Rajaratnam 2002). The results further showed that as the distance from the HJ-initiating locations was increased the maximum velocity decreased, thereby boundary growth layers were also decreased.

Figure 16

Typical velocity profile in HJs (Ead & Rajaratnam 2002).

Typical velocity profile in HJs (Ead & Rajaratnam 2002).

Figures 17 and 18 show that due to the supercritical velocity, a contracted jet was impinging near the beds of basins, and velocity decreased in upper fluid regions. The sections A-A and B-B in the basins indicated reverse flow and eddies in the HJs. The results of the upper fluid region of the HJ indicated typical backward velocity profiles as described by other authors (Ead & Rajaratnam 2002Nasrabadi et al. 2012). Over time, these reverse fluid circulations were found to be stabilized and showed stagnation zones (Yamini et al. 2022). The analysis further showed a recirculation region within the HJ, and the maximum backward velocity profiles were found in the developed regions. The results also showed that after the jump termination, the negative velocity profiles converted into forward velocity profiles, as can be seen in sections C-C of Figures 17 and 18. Additionally, the results showed that after the WSBB and USBR baffle blocks, the velocity near the bed decreased and became positive at the free surface.

Figure 17

2D illustration of vertical velocity profiles in the USBR basin.

2D illustration of vertical velocity profiles in the USBR basin.

Figure 18

2D illustration of vertical velocity profiles in the WSBB basin.

2D illustration of vertical velocity profiles in the WSBB basin.

Figure 19 shows the vertical velocity profile in the HJs at five different horizontal sections. The dimensionless plots between (y/b) and (U/Umax) illustrated that the velocity profiles followed the wall jet-like structure and were found to be agreed with Ead & Rajaratnam (2002), where y was the flow depth, b was the length scale, and Umax was the maximum velocity in the vertical section. The results also showed that in the HJ regions, both stilling basins produced identical structures of forward velocity profiles as can be seen in Figure 19(a) and 19(b).

Figure 19

Dimensionless velocity profiles: (a) WSBB basin and (b) modified USBR basin.

Dimensionless velocity profiles: (a) WSBB basin and (b) modified USBR basin.

From Figure 19, results showed that as the distance from the HJ toe increased, the vertical distance of Umax and inner layer thickness also increased. The analysis further indicated that as the distance from the initial location of HJs increased, the position of Umax was increased, which leveled off after the HJ, as can be seen in sections (C-C) of Figures 17 and 18. In both stilling basins, at X = 2 m, from the HJ initial location, the forward velocity profiles were found well agreed with the profile of Ead & Rajaratnam (2002) and the values of R2 reached 0.937 and 0.887 for WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively, as shown in Figures 18(a) and 18(b), respectively. However, at X = 5.4 m, as compared to velocity (U/Umax = 0.36) in the modified USBR basin, the results showed less forward velocity (U/Umax = 0.21) in the WSBB basin at the upper fluid region.

Figure 20(a) shows the residual errors of velocity profiles in the WSBB basin. At x = 2 m, x = 3.2 m, and x = 4.3 m, the residual errors were found close to the agreement line. At the above-mentioned locations in the WSBB basin, the residual errors were also found less than Ead & Rajaratnam (2002). At x = 5.4 m in the WSBB basin, the maximum positive and negative residual errors of velocity profiles were 0.179 and −0.371, respectively, which were less than those that were found in the modified USBR basin. Figure 20(b) compares residual errors of velocity profiles in the modified USBR basin with the literature. It was evident from the residual diagrams that as the stream-wise distance from the jump-initiating location was increased, the maximum positive and negative errors also increased. The maximum positive and negative residual errors in the USBR basin were found at x = 5.4 m, which reached 1.139 and −1.352, respectively, and showed deviation from Ead & Rajaratnam (2002).

Figure 20

Comparison of residual errors with previous studies: (a) WSBB and (b) modified USBR basins.

Comparison of residual errors with previous studies: (a) WSBB and (b) modified USBR basins.

Turbulent kinetic energy

TKE is the averaged velocity value in xy, and z directions and describes energy dissipation at two different flow sections. The root mean square values of the velocity fluctuations are used to compute TKE. By considering the successive velocity values, the root mean square velocity (Urms) can be computed by the following equation (Gray et al. 2005).



where u1u2, and u3 are successive velocities in the flow direction. Now, TKE can be calculated by the following equation.



where urmsvrms, and wrms are the root mean square velocities in xy and z directions, respectively. Figure 21 shows the depth-wise (X–Y) TKE in a modified USBR basin. The results showed that the maximum TKE was found within and foreside of HJs while after the HJ, TKE continued to decline up to the end of the basin. Near the foreside of basins, flows were found to be strongly turbulent, dissipating most of the TKEs. Figure 19 shows the distribution of TKEs at seven vertical sections (X–Y), i.e., at Z = 0 m, 0.47 m, 0.93 m, 1.39 m, 1.85 m, 2.51 m, and free surface. At Z = 0 m, the maximum TKE in the USBR basin was found in the HJ region, which reached 0.30 J/kg, as shown in Figure 21(a). It is observed that behind the baffle blocks, TKEs were reduced due to eddies and fluid circulations, which dissipated the TKEs. Due to the impact of supercritical flows, a small number of eddies and fluid circulations were also noticed in front of the baffle blocks. The results showed that at the basin’s floor, TKEs traveled up to X = 21 m from the HJ-initiating location. Figures 21(b)–21(d) show that as the vertical distance from the basin’s floor was increased, the TKEs also increased, while their magnitude in the longitudinal direction was found to be reduced. The maximum TKEs at Z = 0.93 m, 1.39 m, and 1.85 m were 4.2, 4.5, and 3.6 J/kg, respectively. The results further indicated that as compared to the floor level, the TKEs from the central fluid depth to the free surface were found to be increased and their distribution in horizontal and lateral directions also increased. In the modified USBR basin, the maximum TKEs were noted at the toe of the HJ, which gradually reduced as the flow moved downstream, reaching 0.1 J/kg at the basin end, as shown in Figure 21(g).

Figure 21

Depth-wise distribution of TKEs in the USBR stilling basin at (a) Z = 0 m (floor level), (b) Z = 0.47 m, (c) Z = 0.93 m, (d) Z= 1.39 m, (e) 1.85 m, (f) Z= 2.51 m, and (g) free surface.

Depth-wise distribution of TKEs in the USBR stilling basin at (a) Z = 0 m (floor level), (b) Z = 0.47 m, (c) Z = 0.93 m, (d) Z= 1.39 m, (e) 1.85 m, (f) Z= 2.51 m, and (g) free surface.

In the WSBB basin, at Z = 0 m (floor level), maximum TKEs reached 0.20 J/kg as shown in Figure 22(a). The results showed that as compared to USBR baffle blocks, the WSBBs were spreading the flow more efficiently in the lateral direction. Due to the spreading of fluid in the lateral direction, the results indicated that in the WSBB basin, the TKEs declined earlier in the basin and less energy was reached at the basin’s end. In the WSBB basin, only the TKEs in central fluid depths traveled downstream, which ended at X = 13 m from the toe of HJs. It is worth mentioning here that as compared to the modified USBR basin, the TKEs in the WSBB basin declined earlier, which indicated 8 m less distance than the USBR basin.

Figure 22

Depth-wise distribution of TKEs in the WSBB stilling basin at (a) Z= 0 m (floor level), (b) Z= 0.47 m, (c) Z= 0.93 m, (d) Z= 1.39 m, (e) 1.85 m, (f) Z= 2.51 m, and (g) free surface.

Depth-wise distribution of TKEs in the WSBB stilling basin at (a) Z= 0 m (floor level), (b) Z= 0.47 m, (c) Z= 0.93 m, (d) Z= 1.39 m, (e) 1.85 m, (f) Z= 2.51 m, and (g) free surface.

The results further showed that upon the use of WSBBs, no flow reattachment was witnessed on either side of the baffle blocks. Due to reduced reattachment, more wake areas were generated on the side of the WSBB basin, and the results showed agreement with the statement of other authors (Verma & Goel 2003Verma et al. 2004Goel & Verma 2006). At Z = 0.47 m, 0.93 m, and 1.39 m, the maximum TKEs were noticed in the HJ region, which reached 4.3, 4.6, and 3.5 J/kg, respectively, as shown in Figure 22(b)–22(d), respectively. In the WSBB basin, after the HJ, the baffle blocks declined the TKEs due to the development of sharp discontinuities in the flow. After Z = 1.39 m, the value of TKEs up to the free surface gradually reduced, as shown in Figure 22(e) and 22(f). Figure 22(g) shows 2D illustrations of TKEs on the free surface, and the results indicate that as compared to the modified USBR basin, the magnitude of TKEs was lower and traveled less distance in the WSBB basin.


This study developed numerical models on the rigid bed to investigate the effects of USBR and WSBB baffle blocks on the HJ downstream of the river diversion barrage using FLOW-3D. VOF and RNG K–ɛ models were employed to track the free surface and turbulence, respectively. For the proposed new basin (WSBB basin), WSBB with a vertex angle of 150° and cutback of 90° is employed in the baffle block region, while the friction block region remained unchanged. The performance of the two different basins is assessed by HJs and other hydraulic parameters such as free surface profile, sequent depths, roller lengths, HJ efficiency, velocity profile, and TKE. Furthermore, the results of the present modified USBR Type-III and WSBB basins are compared with the relevant literature, for which regression analysis is performed and residual error diagrams are plotted. However, the present models are limited to the single discharge of 44 m3/s and employ only one turbulence model, i.e., RNG K–ɛ. Additionally, the present models were designed for a single bay of the barrage.

  • Upon use of fine meshing, in comparison to the designed discharge, the present models showed 0.80 and 0.90% of errors in modified USBR Type-III and WSBB basins, respectively. Similarly, for the gated flow, the results indicated 0.32 and 1.14% errors in the modified USBR Type-III and WSBB basins, respectively.
  • After employing regression analysis, the results of free surface profiles showed agreement with the previous studies for which R2 reached 0.980 and 0.970 in WSBB and modified USBR basins, respectively. From the results, it can be believed that as compared to the modified USBR Type-III, the newly proposed WSBB basin produced a better free surface profile of HJs.
  • Due to the inclusion of the baffle blocks in the studied basins, the roller lengths of HJs were contained efficiently, and thereby, as compared to the literature, lesser roller lengths were observed in the modified USBR Type-III and WSBB basins.
  • The overall efficiency of HJs in modified USBR and WSBB basins reached 58.60 and 57.90%, respectively, which showed good agreement with the literature. Based on the results of the efficiency of HJs, the accuracy of the present models reached 93%.
  • In the hydraulic regions, the results of dimensionless velocity profiles indicated a wall jet-like structure, which agreed well with the literature. In addition, as compared to the modified USBR Type-III basin, the velocity profiles in the WSBB basin were found to be more promising, for which R2 reached 0.937. Additionally, after the HJ, as compared to the USBR Type-III basin, the forward velocity (U/Umax) in the WSBB basin was found to be less. Conclusively, it can be said that in comparison to the modified USBR Type-III basin, at the lower discharges, the WSBB basin decays the velocities more efficiently.
  • The results of TKEs indicated that the flow was strongly turbulent near the foreside of the HJs, and the maximum TKEs were noted in the central fluid depths. In the WSBB basin, no fluid reattachment was observed on either side of the baffle blocks, and the results further indicated that as compared to the modified USBR Type-III basin, fewer TKEs were found at the end of the WSBB basin.

Based on the models’ results, the study confirms the suitability of WSBB downstream of the barrage for lower tailwater conditions. From the results, it is believed that FLOW-3D is a very effective and efficient tool for the hydraulic investigation of flow behavior downstream of the barrage. However, in Pakistan, the use of such modeling tools is found very limited, therefore, the study results will help hydraulic and civil engineers to assess different energy dissipation arrangements within the stilling basins and will provide suitable alternative solutions. The present study was limited to the fixed geometry of the WSBB, therefore, it is suggested to investigate HJ and flow characteristics with other vertex and cutback angles. In addition, it is also recommended to study the hydraulics of WSBB downstream of barrages by employing multiple bays of barrage and other turbulence models.


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Omega-Liutex Method

Prediction of the Vortex Evolution and Influence Analysis of Rough Bed in a Hydraulic Jump with the Omega-Liutex Method

Omega-Luitex법을 이용한 수력점프 발생시 러프 베드의 와류 진화 예측 및 영향 분석

Cong Trieu Tran, Cong Ty Trinh


The dissipation of energy downstream of hydropower projects is a significant issue. The hydraulic jump is exciting and widely applied in practice to dissipate energy. Many hydraulic jump characteristics have been studied, such as length of jump Lj and sequent flow depth y2. However, understanding the evolution of the vortex structure in the hydraulic jump shows a significant challenge. This study uses the RNG k-e turbulence model to simulate hydraulic jumps on the rough bed. The Omega-Liutex method is compared with Q-criterion for capturing vortex structure in the hydraulic jump. The formation, development, and shedding of the vortex structure at the rough bed in the hydraulic jumper are analyzed. The vortex forms and rapidly reduces strength on the rough bed, resulting in fast dissipation of energy. At the rough block rows 2nd and 3rd, the vortex forms a vortex rope that moves downstream and then breaks. The vortex-shedding region represents a significant energy attenuation of the flow. Therefore, the rough bed dissipates kinetic energy well. Adding reliability to the vortex determined by the Liutex method, the vorticity transport equation is used to compare the vorticity distribution with the Liutex distribution. The results show a further comprehension of the hydraulic jump phenomenon and its energy dissipation.


flow-3D; hydraulic Jump; omega-liutex method; vortex breakdown


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Sacrificial Piles as Scour Countermeasures in River Bridges A Numerical Study using FLOW-3D

하천 교량의 파괴 대책으로서 희생파일에 대한 FLOW-3D를 이용한 수치 연구

Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Aliasghar Nazari-Sharabian, Moses Karakouzian, Mehrdad Karami


Scour is defined as the erosive action of flowing water, as well as the excavating and carrying away materials from beds and banks of streams, and from the vicinity of bridge foundations, which is one of the main causes of river bridge failures. In the present study, implementing a numerical approach, and using the FLOW-3D model that works based on the finite volume method (FVM), the applicability of using sacrificial piles in different configurations in front of a bridge pier as countermeasures against scouring is investigated. In this regard, the numerical model was calibrated based on an experimental study on scouring around an unprotected circular river bridge pier. In simulations, the bridge pier and sacrificial piles were circular, and the riverbed was sandy. In all scenarios, the flow rate was constant and equal to 45 L/s. Furthermore, one to five sacrificial piles were placed in front of the pier in different locations for each scenario. Implementation of the sacrificial piles proved to be effective in substantially reducing the scour depths. The results showed that although scouring occurred in the entire area around the pier, the maximum and minimum scour depths were observed on the sides (using three sacrificial piles located upstream, at three and five times the pier diameter) and in the back (using five sacrificial piles located upstream, at four, six, and eight times the pier diameter) of the pier. Moreover, among scenarios where single piles were installed in front of the pier, installing them at a distance of five times the pier diameter was more effective in reducing scour depths. For other scenarios, in which three piles and five piles were installed, distances of six and four times the pier diameter for the three piles scenario, and four, six, and eight times the pier diameter for the five piles scenario were most effective.



Scouring; River Bridges; Sacrificial Piles; Finite Volume Method (FVM); FLOW-3D.



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Embankment Dams Overtopping Breach: A Numerical Investigation of Hydraulic Results

Embankment Dams Overtopping Breach: A Numerical Investigation of Hydraulic Results

Mahdi EbrahimiMirali MohammadiSayed Mohammad Hadi Meshkati & Farhad Imanshoar


The overtopping breach is the most probable reason of embankment dam failures. Hence, the investigation of the mentioned phenomenon is one of the vital hydraulic issues. This research paper tries to utilize three numerical models, i.e., BREACH, HEC-RAS, and FLOW-3D for modeling the hydraulic outcomes of overtopping breach phenomenon. Furthermore, the outputs have been compared with experimental model results given by authors. The BREACH model presents a desired prediction for the peak flow. The HEC-RAS model has a more realistic performance in terms of the peak flow prediction, its occurrence time (5-s difference with observed status), and maximum flow depth. The variations diagram in the reservoir water level during the breach process has a descending trend. Whereas it initially ascended; and then, it experienced a descending trend in the observed status. The FLOW-3D model computes the flow depth, flow velocity, and Froude number due to the physical model breach. Moreover, it revealed a peak flow damping equals to 5% and 5-s difference in the peak flow occurrence time at 4-m distance from the physical model downstream. In addition, the current research work demonstrates the mentioned numerical models and provides a possible comprehensive perspective for a dam breach scope. They also help to achieve the various hydraulic parameters computations. Besides, they may calculate unmeasured parameters using the experimental data.

월류 현상은 제방 댐 실패의 가장 유력한 원인입니다. 따라서 언급된 현상에 대한 조사는 중요한 수리학적 문제 중 하나입니다.

본 연구 논문에서는 월류 침해 현상의 수리적 결과를 모델링하기 위해 BREACH, HEC-RAS 및 FLOW-3D의 세 가지 수치 모델을 활용하려고 합니다. 또한 출력은 저자가 제공한 실험 모델 결과와 비교되었습니다. BREACH 모델은 최대 유량에 대해 원하는 예측을 제시합니다.

HEC-RAS 모델은 최고유량 예측, 발생시간(관찰상태와 5초 차이), 최대유량수심 측면에서 보다 현실적인 성능을 가지고 있습니다. 위반 과정 중 저수지 수위의 변동 다이어그램은 감소하는 추세를 보입니다. 처음에는 상승했지만 그런 다음 관찰된 상태가 감소하는 추세를 경험했습니다.

FLOW-3D 모델은 물리적 모델 위반으로 인한 흐름 깊이, 흐름 속도 및 Froude 수를 계산합니다. 또한, 실제 모델 하류로부터 4m 거리에서 최대유량 발생시간이 5%, 5초 차이에 해당하는 최대유량 감쇠를 나타냈습니다.

또한, 현재 연구 작업은 언급된 수치 모델을 보여주고 댐 침해 범위에 대한 가능한 포괄적인 관점을 제공합니다. 또한 다양한 유압 매개변수 계산을 수행하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 게다가 실험 데이터를 사용하여 측정되지 않은 매개변수를 계산할 수도 있습니다.





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The impacts of profile concavity on turbidite deposits: Insights from the submarine canyons on global continental margins

The impacts of profile concavity on turbidite deposits: Insights from the submarine canyons on global continental margins

프로필 오목부가 탁도 퇴적물에 미치는 영향: 전 세계 대륙 경계에 대한 해저 협곡의 통찰력

Kaiqi Yu a, Elda Miramontes bc, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny d, Yuping Yang a, Jingping Xu a
aDepartment of Ocean Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 1088 Xueyuan Rd., Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
bMARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germanyc
Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
dDepartment of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK

Received 10 August 2023, Revised 13 March 2024, Accepted 13 March 2024, Available online 17 March 2024, Version of Record 20 March 2024.

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  • •The impact of submarine canyon concavity on turbidite deposition was assessed.
  • •Distribution of turbidite deposits varies with changes in canyon concavity.
  • •Three distinct deposition patterns were identified.
  • •The recognized deposition patterns align well with the observed turbidite deposits.


Submarine canyons are primary conduits for turbidity currents transporting terrestrial sediments, nutrients, pollutants and organic carbon to the deep sea. The concavity in the longitudinal profile of these canyons (i.e. the downstream flattening rate along the profiles) influences the transport processes and results in variations in turbidite thickness, impacting the transfer and burial of particles. To better understand the controlling mechanisms of canyon concavity on the distribution of turbidite deposits, here we investigate the variation in sediment accumulation as a function of canyon concavity of 20 different modern submarine canyons, distributed on global continental margins. In order to effectively assess the isolated impact of the concavity of 20 different canyons, a series of two-dimensional, depth-resolved numerical simulations are conducted. Simulation results show that the highly concave profile (e.g. Surveyor and Horizon) tends to concentrate the turbidite deposits mainly at the slope break, while nearly straight profiles (e.g. Amazon and Congo) result in deposition focused at the canyon head. Moderately concave profiles with a smoother canyon floor (e.g. Norfolk-Washington and Mukluk) effectively facilitate the downstream transport of suspended sediments in turbidity currents. Furthermore, smooth and steep upper reaches of canyons commonly contribute to sediment bypass (i.e. Mukluk and Chirikof), while low slope angles lead to deposition at upper reaches (i.e. Bounty and Valencia). At lower reaches, the distribution of turbidite deposits is consistent with the occurrence of hydraulic jumps. Under the influence of different canyon concavities, three types of deposition patterns are inferred in this study, and verified by comparison with observed turbidite deposits on the modern or paleo-canyon floor. This study demonstrates a potential difference in sediment transport efficiency of submarine canyons with different concavities, which has potential consequences for sediment and organic carbon transport through submarine canyons.


Submarine canyons are pivotal links in source-to-sink systems on continental margins (Sømme et al., 2009; Nyberg et al., 2018; Pope et al., 2022a, Pope et al., 2022b) that provide efficient pathways for moving prodigious volumes of terrestrial materials to the abyssal basin (Spychala et al., 2020; Heijnen et al., 2022). When turbidity currents, the main force that transports the above mentioned sediments (Xu et al., 2004; Xu, 2010; Talling et al., 2013; Stevenson et al., 2015), slow down after entering a flatter and/or wider stretch of the canyon downstream, the laden sediments settle, often rapidly, to form a deposit called turbidite that is known for organic carbon burial, hydrocarbon reserves and the accumulation of microplastics (Galy et al., 2007; Pohl et al., 2020a; Pope et al., 2022b; Pierdomenico et al., 2023). A set of flume experiments by Pohl et al. (2020b) revealed that the variation of bed slope plays a dominant role in controlling the sizes and locations of the deposit: a) a more gently dipping upper slope leads to upstream migration of upslope pinch-out; b) the increase of lower slope results in a decrease of the deposit thickness (Fig. 1a).

From upper continental slopes to deepwater basins, turbidity currents are commonly confined by submarine canyons that facilitate the longer distance transport of sediments (Eggenhuisen et al., 2022; Pope et al., 2022a; Wahab et al., 2022, Li et al., 2023a). The concavity, defined here as the downstream flattening rate of profiles (Covault et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2019; Seybold et al., 2021; Soutter et al., 2021a), of the longitudinal bed profile of the submarine canyons is therefore a key factor that determines hydrodynamic processes of turbidity currents, including the accumulation of sediments along the canyon thalweg (Covault et al., 2014; de Leeuw et al., 2016; Heerema et al., 2022; Heijnen et al., 2022). Due to the comprehensive impacts of sediment supply, grain size, climate change, regional tectonics, associated river and self-incision, the concavity of submarine canyons on global continental margins varies greatly (Parker et al., 1986; Harris and Whiteway, 2011; Casalbore et al., 2018; Nyberg et al., 2018; Soutter et al., 2021a, Li et al., 2023b), which is much more complex than the two constant slope setup of Pohl et al. (2020b)’s flume experiment (Fig. 1a). This raises the question of how the more complex concavity influences the dynamics of turbidity currents and the resultant distribution of turbidite deposits. For instance, the longitudinal profile concavity can also be increased by steepening the upper slope and/or gentling the lower slope of canyons (Fig. 1b). Parameters, known as significant factors influencing flow dynamics, include dip angle (Pohl et al., 2019), bed roughness (Baghalian and Ghodsian, 2020), obstacle presence (Howlett et al., 2019), and confinement conditions (Soutter et al., 2021b). However, the role of channel concavity in determining the downstream evolution of flow dynamics remains poorly understood (Covault et al., 2011; Georgiopoulou and Cartwright, 2013), and it is still unclear whether changes in concavity can result in different locations of pinch-out points and variations in turbidite deposit thicknesses (Pohl et al., 2020b).

In this study, we hypothesize that a more concave profile resulting from a steeper upper slope and a gentler lower slope may lead to a downstream migration of the upslope pinch-out and an increase of deposit thickness (Fig. 1b). This hypothesis is tested in 20 modern submarine canyons (shown in Fig. 2) whose longitudinal profiles are extracted from the GEBCO_2022 grid. Due to the lack of data describing the turbidite thickness trends in these canyons, we used a numerical model (FLOW-3D® software) to simulate the depositional process. The simulation results allow us to address at least two questions: (1) How does the concavity affect the distribution and thickness of turbidite deposits along the canyon thalwegs? (2) What is the impact of canyon concavity on the dynamics of the turbidity currents? Such answers on a global scale are undoubtedly helpful in understanding not only the sediment transport processes but also the efficient transfer and burial of organic carbon along global continental margins.

Section snippets

Submarine canyons used in this study

The longitudinal profiles of 20 modern submarine canyons are obtained using Global Mapper® from a public domain database GEBCO_2022 (doi: The GEBCO_2022 grid provides elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid. The 20 selected submarine canyons, which span the typical distance covered by turbidity currents, have been chosen from a diverse range of submarine canyon and channel systems that extend at least 250 km

Concavity of longitudinal canyon profiles

The NCI and α values of all 20 canyon profiles utilized in this study are plotted in Fig. 4, indicating the majority of these submarine canyons typically exhibit a concave profile, characterized by a negative NCI, except for the Amazon. In most of the profiles, the NCI is lower than −0.08, with the most concave point (indicated by the minimum ratio α) located closer to the canyon head than to the profile end, and their upper reaches are steeper than lower reaches, typically observed as the

Validation of the hypothesis

As previously mentioned in this paper, one of the primary objectives of this study is to evaluate the hypothesis inferred from the flume tank experiment of Pohl et al. (2020b): whether a more concave canyon profile can exert a comparable influence on turbidite deposits as the steepness of the lower and upper slopes in a slope-break system (Fig. 1). Shown as the modeling results, the deposition pattern of this study is more ‘irregular’ compared with the flume tank experiment (Pohl et al., 2020b


Based on global bathymetry, this study simulates the depositional behavior of turbidity currents flowing through the 20 different submarine canyons on the margins of open ocean and marginal sea. Influenced by the different concavities, the resulted deposition patterns are characterized by a variable distribution of turbidite deposits.

  • 1)The simulation results demonstrate that the accumulation of turbidite deposits is primarily observed in downstream regions near the slope break for highly concave

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Kaiqi Yu: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Validation, Software, Methodology, Investigation, Conceptualization. Elda Miramontes: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Conceptualization. Matthieu J.B. Cartigny: Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Yuping Yang: Software, Methodology. Jingping Xu: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This study is supported by the Shenzhen Natural Science Foundation (JCYJ20210324105211031). Matthieu J. B. Cartigny was supported by Royal Society Research Fellowship (DHF/R1/180166). We thank the Chief Editor Zhongyuan Chen, the associate editor and two reviewers for their constructive comments that helped us improve our manuscript.

References (70)

There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Figure 1 | Schematic of the present research model with dimensions and macro-roughnesses installed.

On the hydraulic performance of the inclined drops: the effect of downstreammacro-roughness elements

경사 낙하의 수력학적 성능: 하류 거시 거칠기 요소의 영향

Farhoud Kalateh a,*, Ehsan Aminvash a and Rasoul Daneshfaraz b
a Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
b Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran
*Corresponding author. E-mail:


The main goal of the present study is to investigate the effects of macro-roughnesses downstream of the inclined drop through numerical models. Due to the vital importance of geometrical properties of the macro-roughnesses in the hydraulic performance and efficient energy dissipation downstream of inclined drops, two different geometries of macro-roughnesses, i.e., semi-circular and triangular geometries, have been investigated using the Flow-3D model. Numerical simulation showed that with the flow rate increase and relative critical depth, the flow energy consumption has decreased. Also, relative energy dissipation increases with the increase in height and slope angle, so that this amount of increase in energy loss compared to the smooth bed in semi-circular and triangular elements is 86.39 and 76.80%, respectively, in the inclined drop with a height of 15 cm and 86.99 and 65.78% in the drop with a height of 20 cm. The Froude number downstream on the uneven bed has been dramatically reduced, so this amount of reduction has been approximately 47 and 54% compared to the control condition. The relative depth of the downstream has also increased due to the turbulence of the flow on the uneven bed with the increase in the flow rate.

본 연구의 주요 목표는 수치 모델을 통해 경사 낙하 하류의 거시 거칠기 효과를 조사하는 것입니다. 수력학적 성능과 경사 낙하 하류의 효율적인 에너지 소산에서 거시 거칠기의 기하학적 특성이 매우 중요하기 때문에 두 가지 서로 다른 거시 거칠기 형상, 즉 반원형 및 삼각형 형상이 Flow를 사용하여 조사되었습니다.

3D 모델 수치 시뮬레이션을 통해 유량이 증가하고 상대 임계 깊이가 증가함에 따라 유동 에너지 소비가 감소하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 또한, 높이와 경사각이 증가함에 따라 상대적인 에너지 소산도 증가하는데, 반원형 요소와 삼각형 요소에서 평활층에 비해 에너지 손실의 증가량은 경사낙하에서 각각 86.39%와 76.80%입니다.

높이 15cm, 높이 20cm의 드롭에서 86.99%, 65.78%입니다. 고르지 못한 베드 하류의 프루드 수가 극적으로 감소하여 이 감소량은 대조 조건에 비해 약 47%와 54%였습니다. 유속이 증가함에 따라 고르지 못한 층에서의 흐름의 난류로 인해 하류의 상대적 깊이도 증가했습니다.

Key words

flow energy dissipation, Froude number, inclined drop, numerical simulation

Figure 1 | Schematic of the present research model with dimensions and macro-roughnesses installed.
Figure 1 | Schematic of the present research model with dimensions and macro-roughnesses installed.
Figure 2 | Meshing, boundary condition, and solution field network
Figure 2 | Meshing, boundary condition, and solution field network


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Fig. 9 From: An Investigation on Hydraulic Aspects of Rectangular Labyrinth Pool and Weir Fishway Using FLOW-3D

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그러나 주어진 방류량, 바닥 경사 및 웨어 간격에 대해 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 난류 강도(TI) 값은 기존 웨어에 비해 직사각형 미로 웨어에서 더 높습니다. 기존의 웨어는 직사각형 미로 웨어보다 에너지 소산이 더 낮습니다.

더 낮은 TKE 및 TI 값은 미로 웨어 상단, 웨어 하류 벽 모서리, 웨어 측벽과 채널 벽 사이에서 관찰되었습니다. 보와 바닥 경사면 사이의 거리가 증가함에 따라 평균 깊이 속도, 난류 운동 에너지의 평균값 및 난류 강도가 증가하고 수영장의 체적 에너지 소산이 감소했습니다.

둑에 개구부가 있으면 평균 깊이 속도와 TI 값이 증가하고 풀 내에서 가장 높은 TKE 범위가 감소하여 두 모델 모두에서 물고기를 위한 휴식 공간이 더 넓어지고(TKE가 낮아짐) 에너지 소산율이 감소했습니다.

Two different arrangements of the weir (i.e., straight weir and rectangular labyrinth weir) were used to evaluate the effects of geometric parameters such as weir shape, weir spacing, presence of an orifice at the weir, and bed slope on the flow regime and the relationship between discharge and depth, variation and distribution of depth-averaged velocity, turbulence characteristics, and energy dissipation at the fishway. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed using FLOW-3D® software to examine the effects on flow conditions. The numerical model was validated by comparing the calculated surface profiles and velocities with experimentally measured values from the literature. The results of the numerical model and experimental data showed that the root-mean-square error and mean absolute percentage error for the surface profiles and normalized velocity profiles of plunging flows were 0.014 m and 3.11%, respectively, confirming the ability of the numerical model to predict the flow characteristics of the pool and weir. A plunging flow can occur at values of L/B = 1.83 (L: distance of the weir, B: width of the channel) and streaming flow at L/B = 0.61 for each model. The rectangular labyrinth weir model has larger dimensionless discharge values (Q+) than the conventional model. For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir at submerged flow, Q is proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively (h: the water depth above the weir). The average depth velocity in the pool of a conventional weir is higher than that of a rectangular labyrinth weir. However, for a given discharge, bed slope, and weir spacing, the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence intensity (TI) values are higher for a rectangular labyrinth weir compared to conventional weir. The conventional weir has lower energy dissipation than the rectangular labyrinth weir. Lower TKE and TI values were observed at the top of the labyrinth weir, at the corner of the wall downstream of the weir, and between the side walls of the weir and the channel wall. As the distance between the weirs and the bottom slope increased, the average depth velocity, the average value of turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulence intensity increased, and the volumetric energy dissipation in the pool decreased. The presence of an opening in the weir increased the average depth velocity and TI values and decreased the range of highest TKE within the pool, resulted in larger resting areas for fish (lower TKE), and decreased the energy dissipation rates in both models.

1 Introduction

Artificial barriers such as detour dams, weirs, and culverts in lakes and rivers prevent fish from migrating and completing the upstream and downstream movement cycle. This chain is related to the life stage of the fish, its location, and the type of migration. Several riverine fish species instinctively migrate upstream for spawning and other needs. Conversely, downstream migration is a characteristic of early life stages [1]. A fish ladder is a waterway that allows one or more fish species to cross a specific obstacle. These structures are constructed near detour dams and other transverse structures that have prevented such migration by allowing fish to overcome obstacles [2]. The flow pattern in fish ladders influences safe and comfortable passage for ascending fish. The flow’s strong turbulence can reduce the fish’s speed, injure them, and delay or prevent them from exiting the fish ladder. In adult fish, spawning migrations are usually complex, and delays are critical to reproductive success [3].

Various fish ladders/fishways include vertical slots, denil, rock ramps, and pool weirs [1]. The choice of fish ladder usually depends on many factors, including water elevation, space available for construction, and fish species. Pool and weir structures are among the most important fish ladders that help fish overcome obstacles in streams or rivers and swim upstream [1]. Because they are easy to construct and maintain, this type of fish ladder has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. Such a fish ladder consists of a sloping-floor channel with series of pools directly separated by a series of weirs [4]. These fish ladders, with or without underwater openings, are generally well-suited for slopes of 10% or less [12]. Within these pools, flow velocities are low and provide resting areas for fish after they enter the fish ladder. After resting in the pools, fish overcome these weirs by blasting or jumping over them [2]. There may also be an opening in the flooded portion of the weir through which the fish can swim instead of jumping over the weir. Design parameters such as the length of the pool, the height of the weir, the slope of the bottom, and the water discharge are the most important factors in determining the hydraulic structure of this type of fish ladder [3]. The flow over the weir depends on the flow depth at a given slope S0 and the pool length, either “plunging” or “streaming.” In plunging flow, the water column h over each weir creates a water jet that releases energy through turbulent mixing and diffusion mechanisms [5]. The dimensionless discharges for plunging (Q+) and streaming (Q*) flows are shown in Fig. 1, where Q is the total discharge, B is the width of the channel, w is the weir height, S0 is the slope of the bottom, h is the water depth above the weir, d is the flow depth, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The maximum velocity occurs near the top of the weir for plunging flow. At the water’s surface, it drops to about half [6].

figure 1
Fig. 1

Extensive experimental studies have been conducted to investigate flow patterns for various physical geometries (i.e., bed slope, pool length, and weir height) [2]. Guiny et al. [7] modified the standard design by adding vertical slots, orifices, and weirs in fishways. The efficiency of the orifices and vertical slots was related to the velocities at their entrances. In the laboratory experiments of Yagci [8], the three-dimensional (3D) mean flow and turbulence structure of a pool weir fishway combined with an orifice and a slot is investigated. It is shown that the energy dissipation per unit volume and the discharge have a linear relationship.

Considering the beneficial characteristics reported in the limited studies of researchers on the labyrinth weir in the pool-weir-type fishway, and knowing that the characteristics of flow in pool-weir-type fishways are highly dependent on the geometry of the weir, an alternative design of the rectangular labyrinth weir instead of the straight weirs in the pool-weir-type fishway is investigated in this study [79]. Kim [10] conducted experiments to compare the hydraulic characteristics of three different weir types in a pool-weir-type fishway. The results show that a straight, rectangular weir with a notch is preferable to a zigzag or trapezoidal weir. Studies on natural fish passes show that pass ability can be improved by lengthening the weir’s crest [7]. Zhong et al. [11] investigated the semi-rigid weir’s hydraulic performance in the fishway’s flow field with a pool weir. The results showed that this type of fishway performed better with a lower invert slope and a smaller radius ratio but with a larger pool spacing.

Considering that an alternative method to study the flow characteristics in a fishway with a pool weir is based on numerical methods and modeling from computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which can easily change the geometry of the fishway for different flow fields, this study uses the powerful package CFD and the software FLOW-3D to evaluate the proposed weir design and compare it with the conventional one to extend the application of the fishway. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the rectangular labyrinth pool and the weir with submerged openings in different hydraulic configurations. The primary objective of creating a new weir configuration for suitable flow patterns is evaluated based on the swimming capabilities of different fish species. Specifically, the following questions will be answered: (a) How do the various hydraulic and geometric parameters relate to the effects of water velocity and turbulence, expressed as turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence intensity (TI) within the fishway, i.e., are conventional weirs more affected by hydraulics than rectangular labyrinth weirs? (b) Which weir configurations have the greatest effect on fish performance in the fishway? (c) In the presence of an orifice plate, does the performance of each weir configuration differ with different weir spacing, bed gradients, and flow regimes from that without an orifice plate?

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Physical Model Configuration

This paper focuses on Ead et al. [6]’s laboratory experiments as a reference, testing ten pool weirs (Fig. 2). The experimental flume was 6 m long, 0.56 m wide, and 0.6 m high, with a bottom slope of 10%. Field measurements were made at steady flow with a maximum flow rate of 0.165 m3/s. Discharge was measured with magnetic flow meters in the inlets and water level with point meters (see Ead et al. [6]. for more details). Table 1 summarizes the experimental conditions considered for model calibration in this study.

figure 2
Fig. 2

Table 1 Experimental conditions considered for calibration

Full size table

2.2 Numerical Models

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed using FLOW-3D® v11.2 to validate a series of experimental liner pool weirs by Ead et al. [6] and to investigate the effects of the rectangular labyrinth pool weir with an orifice. The dimensions of the channel and data collection areas in the numerical models are the same as those of the laboratory model. Two types of pool weirs were considered: conventional and labyrinth. The proposed rectangular labyrinth pool weirs have a symmetrical cross section and are sized to fit within the experimental channel. The conventional pool weir model had a pool length of l = 0.685 and 0.342 m, a weir height of w = 0.141 m, a weir width of B = 0.56 m, and a channel slope of S0 = 5 and 10%. The rectangular labyrinth weirs have the same front width as the offset, i.e., a = b = c = 0.186 m. A square underwater opening with a width of 0.05 m and a depth of 0.05 m was created in the middle of the weir. The weir configuration considered in the present study is shown in Fig. 3.

figure 3
Fig. 3

2.3 Governing Equations

FLOW-3D® software solves the Navier–Stokes–Reynolds equations for three-dimensional analysis of incompressible flows using the fluid-volume method on a gridded domain. FLOW -3D® uses an advanced free surface flow tracking algorithm (TruVOF) developed by Hirt and Nichols [12], where fluid configurations are defined in terms of a VOF function F (xyzt). In this case, F (fluid fraction) represents the volume fraction occupied by the fluid: F = 1 in cells filled with fluid and F = 0 in cells without fluid (empty areas) [413]. The free surface area is at an intermediate value of F. (Typically, F = 0.5, but the user can specify a different intermediate value.) The equations in Cartesian coordinates (xyz) applicable to the model are as follows:









where (uvw) are the velocity components, (AxAyAz) are the flow area components, (Gx, Gy, Gz) are the mass accelerations, and (fxfyfz) are the viscous accelerations in the directions (xyz), ρ is the fluid density, RSOR is the spring term, Vf is the volume fraction associated with the flow, and P is the pressure. The kε turbulence model (RNG) was used in this study to solve the turbulence of the flow field. This model is a modified version of the standard kε model that improves performance. The model is a two-equation model; the first equation (Eq. 5) expresses the turbulence’s energy, called turbulent kinetic energy (k) [14]. The second equation (Eq. 6) is the turbulent dissipation rate (ε), which determines the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy [15]. These equations are expressed as follows Dasineh et al. [4]:





In these equations, k is the turbulent kinetic energy, ε is the turbulent energy consumption rate, Gk is the generation of turbulent kinetic energy by the average velocity gradient, with empirical constants αε = αk = 1.39, C1ε = 1.42, and C2ε = 1.68, eff is the effective viscosity, μeff = μ + μt [15]. Here, μ is the hydrodynamic density coefficient, and μt is the turbulent density of the fluid.

2.4 Meshing and the Boundary Conditions in the Model Setup

The numerical area is divided into three mesh blocks in the X-direction. The meshes are divided into different sizes, a containing mesh block for the entire spatial domain and a nested block with refined cells for the domain of interest. Three different sizes were selected for each of the grid blocks. By comparing the accuracy of their results based on the experimental data, the reasonable mesh for the solution domain was finally selected. The convergence index method (GCI) evaluated the mesh sensitivity analysis. Based on this method, many researchers, such as Ahmadi et al. [16] and Ahmadi et al. [15], have studied the independence of numerical results from mesh size. Three different mesh sizes with a refinement ratio (r) of 1.33 were used to perform the convergence index method. The refinement ratio is the ratio between the larger and smaller mesh sizes (r = Gcoarse/Gfine). According to the recommendation of Celik et al. [17], the recommended number for the refinement ratio is 1.3, which gives acceptable results. Table 2 shows the characteristics of the three mesh sizes selected for mesh sensitivity analysis.Table 2 Characteristics of the meshes tested in the convergence analysis

Full size table

The results of u1 = umax (u1 = velocity component along the x1 axis and umax = maximum velocity of u1 in a section perpendicular to the invert of the fishway) at Q = 0.035 m3/s, × 1/l = 0.66, and Y1/b = 0 in the pool of conventional weir No. 4, obtained from the output results of the software, were used to evaluate the accuracy of the calculation range. As shown in Fig. 4x1 = the distance from a given weir in the x-direction, Y1 = the water depth measured in the y-direction, Y0 = the vertical distance in the Cartesian coordinate system, h = the water column at the crest, b = the distance between the two points of maximum velocity umax and zero velocity, and l = the pool length.

figure 4
Fig. 4

The apparent index of convergence (p) in the GCI method is calculated as follows:



f1f2, and f3 are the hydraulic parameters obtained from the numerical simulation (f1 corresponds to the small mesh), and r is the refinement ratio. The following equation defines the convergence index of the fine mesh:



Here, ε = (f2 − f1)/f1 is the relative error, and f2 and f3 are the values of hydraulic parameters considered for medium and small grids, respectively. GCI12 and GCI23 dimensionless indices can be calculated as:



Then, the independence of the network is preserved. The convergence index of the network parameters obtained by Eqs. (7)–(9) for all three network variables is shown in Table 3. Since the GCI values for the smaller grid (GCI12) are lower compared to coarse grid (GCI23), it can be concluded that the independence of the grid is almost achieved. No further change in the grid size of the solution domain is required. The calculated values (GCI23/rpGCI12) are close to 1, which shows that the numerical results obtained are within the convergence range. As a result, the meshing of the solution domain consisting of a block mesh with a mesh size of 0.012 m and a block mesh within a larger block mesh with a mesh size of 0.009 m was selected as the optimal mesh (Fig. 5).Table 3 GCI calculation

Full size table

figure 5
Fig. 5

The boundary conditions applied to the area are shown in Fig. 6. The boundary condition of specific flow rate (volume flow rate-Q) was used for the inlet of the flow. For the downstream boundary, the flow output (outflow-O) condition did not affect the flow in the solution area. For the Zmax boundary, the specified pressure boundary condition was used along with the fluid fraction = 0 (P). This type of boundary condition considers free surface or atmospheric pressure conditions (Ghaderi et al. [19]). The wall boundary condition is defined for the bottom of the channel, which acts like a virtual wall without friction (W). The boundary between mesh blocks and walls were considered a symmetrical condition (S).

figure 6
Fig. 6

The convergence of the steady-state solutions was controlled during the simulations by monitoring the changes in discharge at the inlet boundary conditions. Figure 7 shows the time series plots of the discharge obtained from the Model A for the three main discharges from the numerical results. The 8 s to reach the flow equilibrium is suitable for the case of the fish ladder with pool and weir. Almost all discharge fluctuations in the models are insignificant in time, and the flow has reached relative stability. The computation time for the simulations was between 6 and 8 h using a personal computer with eight cores of a CPU (Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20 GHz and 16 GB RAM).

figure 7
Fig. 7

3 Results

3.1 Verification of Numerical Results

Quantitative outcomes, including free surface and normalized velocity profiles obtained using FLOW-3D software, were reviewed and compared with the results of Ead et al. [6]. The fourth pool was selected to present the results and compare the experiment and simulation. For each quantity, the percentage of mean absolute error (MAPE (%)) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) are calculated. Equations (10) and (11) show the method used to calculate the errors.





Here, Xexp is the value of the laboratory data, Xnum is the numerical data value, and n is the amount of data. As shown in Fig. 8, let x1 = distance from a given weir in the x-direction and Y1 = water depth in the y-direction from the bottom. The trend of the surface profiles for each of the numerical results is the same as that of the laboratory results. The surface profiles of the plunging flows drop after the flow enters and then rises to approach the next weir. The RMSE and MAPE error values for Model A are 0.014 m and 3.11%, respectively, indicating acceptable agreement between numerical and laboratory results. Figure 9 shows the velocity vectors and plunging flow from the numerical results, where x and y are horizontal and vertical to the flow direction, respectively. It can be seen that the jet in the fish ladder pool has a relatively high velocity. The two vortices, i.e., the enclosed vortex rotating clockwise behind the weir and the surface vortex rotating counterclockwise above the jet, are observed for the regime of incident flow. The point where the jet meets the fish passage bed is shown in the figure. The normalized velocity profiles upstream and downstream of the impact points are shown in Fig. 10. The figure shows that the numerical results agree well with the experimental data of Ead et al. [6].

figure 8
Fig. 8
figure 9
Fig. 9
figure 10
Fig. 10

3.2 Flow Regime and Discharge-Depth Relationship

Depending on the geometric shape of the fishway, including the distance of the weir, the slope of the bottom, the height of the weir, and the flow conditions, the flow regime in the fishway is divided into three categories: dipping, transitional, and flow regimes [4]. In the plunging flow regime, the flow enters the pool through the weir, impacts the bottom of the fishway, and forms a hydraulic jump causing two eddies [220]. In the streamwise flow regime, the surface of the flow passing over the weir is almost parallel to the bottom of the channel. The transitional regime has intermediate flow characteristics between the submerged and flow regimes. To predict the flow regime created in the fishway, Ead et al. [6] proposed two dimensionless parameters, Qt* and L/w, where Qt* is the dimensionless discharge, L is the distance between weirs, and w is the height of the weir:



Q is the total discharge, B is the width of the channel, S0 is the slope of the bed, and g is the gravity acceleration. Figure 11 shows different ranges for each flow regime based on the slope of the bed and the distance between the pools in this study. The results of Baki et al. [21], Ead et al. [6] and Dizabadi et al. [22] were used for this comparison. The distance between the pools affects the changes in the regime of the fish ladder. So, if you decrease the distance between weirs, the flow regime more likely becomes. This study determined all three flow regimes in a fish ladder. When the corresponding range of Qt* is less than 0.6, the flow regime can dip at values of L/B = 1.83. If the corresponding range of Qt* is greater than 0.5, transitional flow may occur at L/B = 1.22. On the other hand, when Qt* is greater than 1, streamwise flow can occur at values of L/B = 0.61. These observations agree well with the results of Baki et al. [21], Ead et al. [6] and Dizabadi et al. [22].

figure 11
Fig. 11

For plunging flows, another dimensionless discharge (Q+) versus h/w given by Ead et al. [6] was used for further evaluation:



where h is the water depth above the weir, and Cd is the discharge coefficient. Figure 12a compares the numerical and experimental results of Ead et al. [6]. In this figure, Rehbock’s empirical equation is used to estimate the discharge coefficient of Ead et al. [6].



figure 12
Fig. 12

The numerical results for the conventional weir (Model A) and the rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B) of this study agree well with the laboratory results of Ead et al. [6]. When comparing models A and B, it is also found that a rectangular labyrinth weir has larger Q + values than the conventional weir as the length of the weir crest increases for a given channel width and fixed headwater elevation. In Fig. 12b, Models A and B’s flow depth plot shows the plunging flow regime. The power trend lines drawn through the data are the best-fit lines. The data shown in Fig. 12b are for different bed slopes and weir geometries. For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir at submerged flow, Q can be assumed to be proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively. In the results of Ead et al. [6], Q is proportional to 1.5h. If we assume that the flow through the orifice is Qo and the total outflow is Q, the change in the ratio of Qo/Q to total outflow for models A and B can be shown in Fig. 13. For both models, the flow through the orifice decreases as the total flow increases. A logarithmic trend line was also found between the total outflow and the dimensionless ratio Qo/Q.

figure 13
Fig. 13

3.3 Depth-Averaged Velocity Distributions

To ensure that the target fish species can pass the fish ladder with maximum efficiency, the average velocity in the fish ladder should be low enough [4]. Therefore, the average velocity in depth should be as much as possible below the critical swimming velocities of the target fishes at a constant flow depth in the pool [20]. The contour plot of depth-averaged velocity was used instead of another direction, such as longitudinal velocity because fish are more sensitive to depth-averaged flow velocity than to its direction under different hydraulic conditions. Figure 14 shows the distribution of depth-averaged velocity in the pool for Models A and B in two cases with and without orifice plates. Model A’s velocity within the pool differs slightly in the spanwise direction. However, no significant variation in velocity was observed. The flow is gradually directed to the sides as it passes through the rectangular labyrinth weir. This increases the velocity at the sides of the channel. Therefore, the high-velocity zone is located at the sides. The low velocity is in the downstream apex of the weir. This area may be suitable for swimming target fish. The presence of an opening in the weir increases the flow velocity at the opening and in the pool’s center, especially in Model A. The flow velocity increase caused by the models’ opening varied from 7.7 to 12.48%. Figure 15 illustrates the effect of the inverted slope on the averaged depth velocity distribution in the pool at low and high discharge. At constant discharge, flow velocity increases with increasing bed slope. In general, high flow velocity was found in the weir toe sidewall and the weir and channel sidewalls.

figure 14
Fig. 14
figure 15
Fig. 15

On the other hand, for a constant bed slope, the high-velocity area of the pool increases due to the increase in runoff. For both bed slopes and different discharges, the most appropriate path for fish to travel from upstream to downstream is through the middle of the cross section and along the top of the rectangular labyrinth weirs. The maximum dominant velocities for Model B at S0 = 5% were 0.83 and 1.01 m/s; at S0 = 10%, they were 1.12 and 1.61 m/s at low and high flows, respectively. The low mean velocities for the same distance and S0 = 5 and 10% were 0.17 and 0.26 m/s, respectively.

Figure 16 shows the contour of the averaged depth velocity for various distances from the weir at low and high discharge. The contour plot shows a large variation in velocity within short distances from the weir. At L/B = 0.61, velocities are low upstream and downstream of the top of the weir. The high velocities occur in the side walls of the weir and the channel. At L/B = 1.22, the low-velocity zone displaces the higher velocity in most of the pool. Higher velocities were found only on the sides of the channel. As the discharge increases, the velocity zone in the pool becomes wider. At L/B = 1.83, there is an area of higher velocities only upstream of the crest and on the sides of the weir. At high discharge, the prevailing maximum velocities for L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 were 1.46, 1.65, and 1.84 m/s, respectively. As the distance between weirs increases, the range of maximum velocity increases.

figure 16
Fig. 16

On the other hand, the low mean velocity for these distances was 0.27, 0.44, and 0.72 m/s, respectively. Thus, the low-velocity zone decreases with increasing distance between weirs. Figure 17 shows the pattern distribution of streamlines along with the velocity contour at various distances from the weir for Q = 0.05 m3/s. A stream-like flow is generally formed in the pool at a small distance between weirs (L/B = 0.61). The rotation cell under the jet forms clockwise between the two weirs. At the distances between the spillways (L/B = 1.22), the transition regime of the flow is formed. The transition regime occurs when or shortly after the weir is flooded. The rotation cell under the jet is clockwise smaller than the flow regime and larger than the submergence regime. At a distance L/B = 1.83, a plunging flow is formed so that the plunging jet dips into the pool and extends downstream to the center of the pool. The clockwise rotation of the cell is bounded by the dipping jet of the weir and is located between the bottom and the side walls of the weir and the channel.

figure 17
Fig. 17

Figure 18 shows the average depth velocity bar graph for each weir at different bed slopes and with and without orifice plates. As the distance between weirs increases, all models’ average depth velocity increases. As the slope of the bottom increases and an orifice plate is present, the average depth velocity in the pool increases. In addition, the average pool depth velocity increases as the discharge increases. Among the models, Model A’s average depth velocity is higher than Model B’s. The variation in velocity ranged from 8.11 to 12.24% for the models without an orifice plate and from 10.26 to 16.87% for the models with an orifice plate.

figure 18
Fig. 18

3.4 Turbulence Characteristics

The turbulent kinetic energy is one of the important parameters reflecting the turbulent properties of the flow field [23]. When the k value is high, more energy and a longer transit time are required to migrate the target species. The turbulent kinetic energy is defined as follows:



where uxuy, and uz are fluctuating velocities in the xy, and z directions, respectively. An illustration of the TKE and the effects of the geometric arrangement of the weir and the presence of an opening in the weir is shown in Fig. 19. For a given bed slope, in Model A, the highest TKE values are uniformly distributed in the weir’s upstream portion in the channel’s cross section. In contrast, for the rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B), the highest TKE values are concentrated on the sides of the pool between the crest of the weir and the channel wall. The highest TKE value in Models A and B is 0.224 and 0.278 J/kg, respectively, at the highest bottom slope (S0 = 10%). In the downstream portion of the conventional weir and within the crest of the weir and the walls of the rectangular labyrinth, there was a much lower TKE value that provided the best conditions for fish to recover in the pool between the weirs. The average of the lowest TKE for bottom slopes of 5 and 10% in Model A is 0.041 and 0.056 J/kg, and for Model B, is 0.047 and 0.064 J/kg. The presence of an opening in the weirs reduces the area of the highest TKE within the pool. It also increases the resting areas for fish (lower TKE). The highest TKE at the highest bottom slope in Models A and B with an orifice is 0.208 and 0.191 J/kg, respectively.

figure 19
Fig. 19

Figure 20 shows the effect of slope on the longitudinal distribution of TKE in the pools. TKE values significantly increase for a given discharge with an increasing bottom slope. Thus, for a low bed slope (S0 = 5%), a large pool area has expanded with average values of 0.131 and 0.168 J/kg for low and high discharge, respectively. For a bed slope of S0 = 10%, the average TKE values are 0.176 and 0.234 J/kg. Furthermore, as the discharge increases, the area with high TKE values within the pool increases. Lower TKE values are observed at the apex of the labyrinth weir, at the corner of the wall downstream of the weir, and between the side walls of the weir and the channel wall for both bottom slopes. The effect of distance between weirs on TKE is shown in Fig. 21. Low TKE values were observed at low discharge and short distances between weirs. Low TKE values are located at the top of the rectangular labyrinth weir and the downstream corner of the weir wall. There is a maximum value of TKE at the large distances between weirs, L/B = 1.83, along the center line of the pool, where the dip jet meets the bottom of the bed. At high discharge, the maximum TKE value for the distance L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 was 0.246, 0.322, and 0.417 J/kg, respectively. In addition, the maximum TKE range increases with the distance between weirs.

figure 20
Fig. 20
figure 21
Fig. 21

For TKE size, the average value (TKEave) is plotted against q in Fig. 22. For all models, the TKE values increase with increasing q. For example, in models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and a slope of 10%, the TKE value increases by 41.66 and 86.95%, respectively, as q increases from 0.1 to 0.27 m2/s. The TKE values in Model B are higher than Model A for a given discharge, bed slope, and weir distance. The TKEave in Model B is higher compared to Model A, ranging from 31.46 to 57.94%. The presence of an orifice in the weir reduces the TKE values in both weirs. The intensity of the reduction is greater in Model B. For example, in Models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and q = 0.1 m2/s, an orifice reduces TKEave values by 60.35 and 19.04%, respectively. For each model, increasing the bed slope increases the TKEave values in the pool. For example, for Model B with q = 0.18 m2/s, increasing the bed slope from 5 to 10% increases the TKEave value by 14.34%. Increasing the distance between weirs increases the TKEave values in the pool. For example, in Model B with S0 = 10% and q = 0.3 m2/s, the TKEave in the pool increases by 34.22% if you increase the distance between weirs from L/B = 0.61 to L/B = 0.183.

figure 22
Fig. 22

Cotel et al. [24] suggested that turbulence intensity (TI) is a suitable parameter for studying fish swimming performance. Figure 23 shows the plot of TI and the effects of the geometric arrangement of the weir and the presence of an orifice. In Model A, the highest TI values are found upstream of the weirs and are evenly distributed across the cross section of the channel. The TI values increase as you move upstream to downstream in the pool. For the rectangular labyrinth weir, the highest TI values were concentrated on the sides of the pool, between the top of the weir and the side wall of the channel, and along the top of the weir. Downstream of the conventional weir, within the apex of the weir, and at the corners of the walls of the rectangular labyrinth weir, the percentage of TI was low. At the highest discharge, the average range of TI in Models A and B was 24–45% and 15–62%, respectively. The diversity of TI is greater in the rectangular labyrinth weir than the conventional weir. Fish swimming performance is reduced due to higher turbulence intensity. However, fish species may prefer different disturbance intensities depending on their swimming abilities; for example, Salmo trutta prefers a disturbance intensity of 18–53% [25]. Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26] found a higher range of TI for fishways, such as natural rock weirs, of 40–60%. The presence of an orifice in the weir increases TI values within the pool, especially along the middle portion of the cross section of the fishway. With an orifice in the weir, the average range of TI in Models A and B was 28–59% and 22–73%, respectively.

figure 23
Fig. 23

The effect of bed slope on TI variation is shown in Fig. 24. TI increases in different pool areas as the bed slope increases for a given discharge. For a low bed slope (S0 = 5%), a large pool area has increased from 38 to 63% and from 56 to 71% for low and high discharge, respectively. For a bed slope of S0 = 10%, the average values of TI are 45–67% and 61–73% for low and high discharge, respectively. Therefore, as runoff increases, the area with high TI values within the pool increases. A lower TI is observed for both bottom slopes in the corner of the wall, downstream of the crest walls, and between the side walls in the weir and channel. Figure 25 compares weir spacing with the distribution of TI values within the pool. The TI values are low at low flows and short distances between weirs. A maximum value of TI occurs at long spacing and where the plunging stream impinges on the bed and the area around the bed. TI ranges from 36 to 57%, 58–72%, and 47–76% for the highest flow in a wide pool area for L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83, respectively.

figure 24
Fig. 24
figure 25
Fig. 25

The average value of turbulence intensity (TIave) is plotted against q in Fig. 26. The increase in TI values with the increase in q values is seen in all models. For example, the average values of TI for Models A and B at L/B = 0.61 and slope of 10% increased from 23.9 to 33.5% and from 42 to 51.8%, respectively, with the increase in q from 0.1 to 0.27 m2/s. For a given discharge, a given gradient, and a given spacing of weirs, the TIave is higher in Model B than Model A. The presence of an orifice in the weirs increases the TI values in both types. For example, in Models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and q = 0.1 m2/s, the presence of an orifice increases TIave from 23.9 to 37.1% and from 42 to 48.8%, respectively. For each model, TIave in the pool increases with increasing bed slope. For Model B with q = 0.18 m2/s, TIave increases from 37.5 to 45.8% when you increase the invert slope from 5 to 10%. Increasing the distance between weirs increases the TIave in the pool. In Model B with S0 = 10% and q = 0.3 m2/s, the TIave in the pool increases from 51.8 to 63.7% as the distance between weirs increases from L/B = 0.61 to L/B = 0.183.

figure 26
Fig. 26

3.5 Energy Dissipation

To facilitate the passage of various target species through the pool of fishways, it is necessary to pay attention to the energy dissipation of the flow and to keep the flow velocity in the pool slow. The average volumetric energy dissipation (k) in the pool is calculated using the following basic formula:



where ρ is the water density, and H is the average water depth of the pool. The change in k versus Q for all models at two bottom slopes, S0 = 5%, and S0 = 10%, is shown in Fig. 27. Like the results of Yagci [8] and Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26], at a constant bottom slope, the energy dissipation in the pool increases with increasing discharge. The trend of change in k as a function of Q from the present study at a bottom gradient of S0 = 5% is also consistent with the results of Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26] for the fishway with rock weir. The only difference between the results is the geometry of the fishway and the combination of boulders instead of a solid wall. Comparison of the models shows that the conventional model has lower energy dissipation than the rectangular labyrinth for a given discharge. Also, increasing the distance between weirs decreases the volumetric energy dissipation for each model with the same bed slope. Increasing the slope of the bottom leads to an increase in volumetric energy dissipation, and an opening in the weir leads to a decrease in volumetric energy dissipation for both models. Therefore, as a guideline for volumetric energy dissipation, if the value within the pool is too high, the increased distance of the weir, the decreased slope of the bed, or the creation of an opening in the weir would decrease the volumetric dissipation rate.

figure 27
Fig. 27

To evaluate the energy dissipation inside the pool, the general method of energy difference in two sections can use:



where ε is the energy dissipation rate, and E1 and E2 are the specific energies in Sects. 1 and 2, respectively. The distance between Sects. 1 and 2 is the same. (L is the distance between two upstream and downstream weirs.) Figure 28 shows the changes in ε relative to q (flow per unit width). The rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B) has a higher energy dissipation rate than the conventional weir (Model A) at a constant bottom gradient. For example, at S0 = 5%, L/B = 0.61, and q = 0.08 m3/s.m, the energy dissipation rate in Model A (conventional weir) was 0.261. In Model B (rectangular labyrinth weir), however, it was 0.338 (22.75% increase). For each model, the energy dissipation rate within the pool increases as the slope of the bottom increases. For Model B with L/B = 1.83 and q = 0.178 m3/s.m, the energy dissipation rate at S0 = 5% and 10% is 0.305 and 0.358, respectively (14.8% increase). Figure 29 shows an orifice’s effect on the pools’ energy dissipation rate. With an orifice in the weir, both models’ energy dissipation rates decreased. Thus, the reduction in energy dissipation rate varied from 7.32 to 9.48% for Model A and from 8.46 to 10.57 for Model B.

figure 28
Fig. 28
figure 29
Fig. 29

4 Discussion

This study consisted of entirely of numerical analysis. Although this study was limited to two weirs, the hydraulic performance and flow characteristics in a pooled fishway are highlighted by the rectangular labyrinth weir and its comparison with the conventional straight weir. The study compared the numerical simulations with laboratory experiments in terms of surface profiles, velocity vectors, and flow characteristics in a fish ladder pool. The results indicate agreement between the numerical and laboratory data, supporting the reliability of the numerical model in capturing the observed phenomena.

When the configuration of the weir changes to a rectangular labyrinth weir, the flow characteristics, the maximum and minimum area, and even the location of each hydraulic parameter change compared to a conventional weir. In the rectangular labyrinth weir, the flow is gradually directed to the sides as it passes the weir. This increases the velocity at the sides of the channel [21]. Therefore, the high-velocity area is located on the sides. In the downstream apex of the weir, the flow velocity is low, and this area may be suitable for swimming target fish. However, no significant change in velocity was observed at the conventional weir within the fish ladder. This resulted in an average increase in TKE of 32% and an average increase in TI of about 17% compared to conventional weirs.

In addition, there is a slight difference in the flow regime for both weir configurations. In addition, the rectangular labyrinth weir has a higher energy dissipation rate for a given discharge and constant bottom slope than the conventional weir. By reducing the distance between the weirs, this becomes even more intense. Finally, the presence of an orifice in both configurations of the weir increased the flow velocity at the orifice and in the middle of the pool, reducing the highest TKE value and increasing the values of TI within the pool of the fish ladder. This resulted in a reduction in volumetric energy dissipation for both weir configurations.

The results of this study will help the reader understand the direct effects of the governing geometric parameters on the hydraulic characteristics of a fishway with a pool and weir. However, due to the limited configurations of the study, further investigation is needed to evaluate the position of the weir’s crest on the flow direction and the difference in flow characteristics when combining boulders instead of a solid wall for this type of labyrinth weir [26]. In addition, hydraulic engineers and biologists must work together to design an effective fishway with rectangular labyrinth configurations. The migration habits of the target species should be considered when designing the most appropriate design [27]. Parametric studies and field observations are recommended to determine the perfect design criteria.

The current study focused on comparing a rectangular labyrinth weir with a conventional straight weir. Further research can explore other weir configurations, such as variations in crest position, different shapes of labyrinth weirs, or the use of boulders instead of solid walls. This would help understand the influence of different geometric parameters on hydraulic characteristics.

5 Conclusions

A new layout of the weir was evaluated, namely a rectangular labyrinth weir compared to a straight weir in a pool and weir system. The differences between the weirs were highlighted, particularly how variations in the geometry of the structures, such as the shape of the weir, the spacing of the weir, the presence of an opening at the weir, and the slope of the bottom, affect the hydraulics within the structures. The main findings of this study are as follows:

  • The calculated dimensionless discharge (Qt*) confirmed three different flow regimes: when the corresponding range of Qt* is smaller than 0.6, the regime of plunging flow occurs for values of L/B = 1.83. (L: distance of the weir; B: channel width). When the corresponding range of Qt* is greater than 0.5, transitional flow occurs at L/B = 1.22. On the other hand, if Qt* is greater than 1, the streaming flow is at values of L/B = 0.61.
  • For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir with the plunging flow, it can be assumed that the discharge (Q) is proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively (h: water depth above the weir). This information is useful for estimating the discharge based on water depth in practical applications.
  • In the rectangular labyrinth weir, the high-velocity zone is located on the side walls between the top of the weir and the channel wall. A high-velocity variation within short distances of the weir. Low velocity occurs within the downstream apex of the weir. This area may be suitable for swimming target fish.
  • As the distance between weirs increased, the zone of maximum velocity increased. However, the zone of low speed decreased. The prevailing maximum velocity for a rectangular labyrinth weir at L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 was 1.46, 1.65, and 1.84 m/s, respectively. The low mean velocities for these distances were 0.27, 0.44, and 0.72 m/s, respectively. This finding highlights the importance of weir spacing in determining the flow characteristics within the fishway.
  • The presence of an orifice in the weir increased the flow velocity at the orifice and in the middle of the pool, especially in a conventional weir. The increase ranged from 7.7 to 12.48%.
  • For a given bottom slope, in a conventional weir, the highest values of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) are uniformly distributed in the upstream part of the weir in the cross section of the channel. In contrast, for the rectangular labyrinth weir, the highest TKE values were concentrated on the sides of the pool between the crest of the weir and the channel wall. The highest TKE value for the conventional and the rectangular labyrinth weir was 0.224 and 0.278 J/kg, respectively, at the highest bottom slope (S0 = 10%).
  • For a given discharge, bottom slope, and weir spacing, the average values of TI are higher for the rectangular labyrinth weir than for the conventional weir. At the highest discharge, the average range of turbulence intensity (TI) for the conventional and rectangular labyrinth weirs was between 24 and 45% and 15% and 62%, respectively. This reveals that the rectangular labyrinth weir may generate more turbulent flow conditions within the fishway.
  • For a given discharge and constant bottom slope, the rectangular labyrinth weir has a higher energy dissipation rate than the conventional weir (22.75 and 34.86%).
  • Increasing the distance between weirs decreased volumetric energy dissipation. However, increasing the gradient increased volumetric energy dissipation. The presence of an opening in the weir resulted in a decrease in volumetric energy dissipation for both model types.

Availability of data and materials

Data is contained within the article.


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비선형 파력의 영향에 따른 잔해 언덕 방파제 형상의 효과에 대한 수치 분석

비선형 파력의 영향에 따른 잔해 언덕 방파제 형상의 효과에 대한 수치 분석

Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Rubble Mound Breakwater Geometry Under the Effect of Nonlinear Wave Force

Arabian Journal for Science and EngineeringAims and scopeSubmit manuscript

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Assessing the interaction of waves and porous offshore structures such as rubble mound breakwaters plays a critical role in designing such structures optimally. This study focused on the effect of the geometric parameters of a sloped rubble mound breakwater, including the shape of the armour, method of its arrangement, and the breakwater slope. Thus, three main design criteria, including the wave reflection coefficient (Kr), transmission coefficient (Kt), and depreciation wave energy coefficient (Kd), are discussed. Based on the results, a decrease in wavelength reduced the Kr and increased the Kt and Kd. The rubble mound breakwater with the Coreloc armour layer could exhibit the lowest Kr compared to other armour geometries. In addition, a decrease in the breakwater slope reduced the Kr and Kd by 3.4 and 1.25%, respectively. In addition, a decrease in the breakwater slope from 33 to 25° increased the wave breaking height by 6.1% on average. Further, a decrease in the breakwater slope reduced the intensity of turbulence depreciation. Finally, the armour geometry and arrangement of armour layers on the breakwater with its different slopes affect the wave behaviour and interaction between the wave and breakwater. Thus, layering on the breakwater and the correct use of the geometric shapes of the armour should be considered when designing such structures.

파도와 잔해 더미 방파제와 같은 다공성 해양 구조물의 상호 작용을 평가하는 것은 이러한 구조물을 최적으로 설계하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 본 연구는 경사진 잔해 둔덕 방파제의 기하학적 매개변수의 효과에 초점을 맞추었는데, 여기에는 갑옷의 형태, 배치 방법, 방파제 경사 등이 포함된다. 따라서 파동 반사 계수(Kr), 투과 계수(Kt) 및 감가상각파 에너지 계수(Kd)에 대해 논의합니다. 결과에 따르면 파장이 감소하면 K가 감소합니다.r그리고 K를 증가시켰습니다t 및 Kd. Coreloc 장갑 층이 있는 잔해 언덕 방파제는 가장 낮은 K를 나타낼 수 있습니다.r 다른 갑옷 형상과 비교했습니다. 또한 방파제 경사가 감소하여 K가 감소했습니다.r 및 Kd 각각 3.4%, 1.25% 증가했다. 또한 방파제 경사가 33°에서 25°로 감소하여 파도 파쇄 높이가 평균 6.1% 증가했습니다. 또한, 방파제 경사의 감소는 난류 감가상각의 강도를 감소시켰다. 마지막으로, 경사가 다른 방파제의 장갑 형상과 장갑 층의 배열은 파도 거동과 파도와 방파제 사이의 상호 작용에 영향을 미칩니다. 따라서 이러한 구조를 설계 할 때 방파제에 층을 쌓고 갑옷의 기하학적 모양을 올바르게 사용하는 것을 고려해야합니다.


  • Rubble mound breakwater
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Armour layer
  • Wave reflection coefficient
  • Wave transmission coefficient
  • Wave energy dissipation coefficient


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Effects of surface roughness on overflow discharge of embankment weirs

표면 거칠기가 제방 둑의 오버플로 배출에 미치는 영향

Effects of surface roughness on overflow discharge of embankment weirs


A numerical study was performed on the embankment weir overflows with various surface roughness and tailwater submergence, to better understand the effects of weir roughness on discharge performances under the free and submerged conditions. The variation of flow regime is captured, from the free overflow, submerged hydraulic jump, to surface flow with increasing tailwater depth. A roughness factor is introduced to reflect the reduction in discharge caused by weir roughness. The roughness factor decreases with the roughness height, and it also depends on the tailwater depth, highlighting various relations of the roughness factor with the roughness height between different flow regimes, which is linear for the free overflow and submerged hydraulic jump while exponential for the surface flow. Accordingly, the effects of weir roughness on overflow discharge appear nonnegligible for the significant roughness height and the surface flow regime occurring under considerable tailwater submergence. The established empirical expressions of discharge coefficient and submergence and roughness factors make it possible to predict the discharge over embankment weirs considering both tailwater submergence and surface roughness.

자유 및 침수 조건에서 방류 성능에 대한 둑 거칠기의 영향을 더 잘 이해하기 위해 다양한 표면 거칠기와 테일워터 침수를 갖는 제방 둑 범람에 대한 수치 연구가 수행되었습니다.

자유 범람, 수중 수압 점프, 테일워터 깊이가 증가하는 표면 유동에 이르기까지 유동 체제의 변화가 캡처됩니다. 위어 거칠기로 인한 배출 감소를 반영하기 위해 거칠기 계수가 도입되었습니다.

조도 계수는 조도 높이와 함께 감소하고, 또한 테일워터 깊이에 따라 달라지며, 서로 다른 흐름 영역 사이의 조도 높이와 조도 계수의 다양한 관계를 강조합니다.

이는 자유 범람 및 수중 수압 점프에 대해 선형인 반면 표면에 대해 지수적입니다. 흐름. 따라서 월류 방류에 대한 웨어 조도의 영향은 상당한 조도 높이와 상당한 방수 침수 하에서 발생하는 표면 흐름 체제에 대해 무시할 수 없는 것으로 보입니다.

방류계수와 침수 및 조도계수의 확립된 실증식은 방류수 침수와 지표조도를 모두 고려한 제방보 위의 방류량을 예측할 수 있게 합니다.


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Figure 2 Modeling the plant with cylindrical tubes at the bottom of the canal.

Optimized Vegetation Density to Dissipate Energy of Flood Flow in Open Canals

열린 운하에서 홍수 흐름의 에너지를 분산시키기 위해 최적화된 식생 밀도

Mahdi Feizbahr,1Navid Tonekaboni,2Guang-Jun Jiang,3,4and Hong-Xia Chen3,4
Academic Editor: Mohammad Yazdi


강을 따라 식생은 조도를 증가시키고 평균 유속을 감소시키며, 유동 에너지를 감소시키고 강 횡단면의 유속 프로파일을 변경합니다. 자연의 많은 운하와 강은 홍수 동안 초목으로 덮여 있습니다. 운하의 조도는 식물의 영향을 많이 받기 때문에 홍수시 유동저항에 큰 영향을 미친다. 식물로 인한 흐름에 대한 거칠기 저항은 흐름 조건과 식물에 따라 달라지므로 모델은 유속, 유속 깊이 및 수로를 따라 식생 유형의 영향을 고려하여 유속을 시뮬레이션해야 합니다. 총 48개의 모델을 시뮬레이션하여 근관의 거칠기 효과를 조사했습니다. 결과는 속도를 높임으로써 베드 속도를 감소시키는 식생의 영향이 무시할만하다는 것을 나타냅니다.


Vegetation along the river increases the roughness and reduces the average flow velocity, reduces flow energy, and changes the flow velocity profile in the cross section of the river. Many canals and rivers in nature are covered with vegetation during the floods. Canal’s roughness is strongly affected by plants and therefore it has a great effect on flow resistance during flood. Roughness resistance against the flow due to the plants depends on the flow conditions and plant, so the model should simulate the current velocity by considering the effects of velocity, depth of flow, and type of vegetation along the canal. Total of 48 models have been simulated to investigate the effect of roughness in the canal. The results indicated that, by enhancing the velocity, the effect of vegetation in decreasing the bed velocity is negligible, while when the current has lower speed, the effect of vegetation on decreasing the bed velocity is obviously considerable.

1. Introduction

Considering the impact of each variable is a very popular field within the analytical and statistical methods and intelligent systems [114]. This can help research for better modeling considering the relation of variables or interaction of them toward reaching a better condition for the objective function in control and engineering [1527]. Consequently, it is necessary to study the effects of the passive factors on the active domain [2836]. Because of the effect of vegetation on reducing the discharge capacity of rivers [37], pruning plants was necessary to improve the condition of rivers. One of the important effects of vegetation in river protection is the action of roots, which cause soil consolidation and soil structure improvement and, by enhancing the shear strength of soil, increase the resistance of canal walls against the erosive force of water. The outer limbs of the plant increase the roughness of the canal walls and reduce the flow velocity and deplete the flow energy in vicinity of the walls. Vegetation by reducing the shear stress of the canal bed reduces flood discharge and sedimentation in the intervals between vegetation and increases the stability of the walls [3841].

One of the main factors influencing the speed, depth, and extent of flood in this method is Manning’s roughness coefficient. On the other hand, soil cover [42], especially vegetation, is one of the most determining factors in Manning’s roughness coefficient. Therefore, it is expected that those seasonal changes in the vegetation of the region will play an important role in the calculated value of Manning’s roughness coefficient and ultimately in predicting the flood wave behavior [4345]. The roughness caused by plants’ resistance to flood current depends on the flow and plant conditions. Flow conditions include depth and velocity of the plant, and plant conditions include plant type, hardness or flexibility, dimensions, density, and shape of the plant [46]. In general, the issue discussed in this research is the optimization of flood-induced flow in canals by considering the effect of vegetation-induced roughness. Therefore, the effect of plants on the roughness coefficient and canal transmission coefficient and in consequence the flow depth should be evaluated [4748].

Current resistance is generally known by its roughness coefficient. The equation that is mainly used in this field is Manning equation. The ratio of shear velocity to average current velocity  is another form of current resistance. The reason for using the  ratio is that it is dimensionless and has a strong theoretical basis. The reason for using Manning roughness coefficient is its pervasiveness. According to Freeman et al. [49], the Manning roughness coefficient for plants was calculated according to the Kouwen and Unny [50] method for incremental resistance. This method involves increasing the roughness for various surface and plant irregularities. Manning’s roughness coefficient has all the factors affecting the resistance of the canal. Therefore, the appropriate way to more accurately estimate this coefficient is to know the factors affecting this coefficient [51].

To calculate the flow rate, velocity, and depth of flow in canals as well as flood and sediment estimation, it is important to evaluate the flow resistance. To determine the flow resistance in open ducts, Manning, Chézy, and Darcy–Weisbach relations are used [52]. In these relations, there are parameters such as Manning’s roughness coefficient (n), Chézy roughness coefficient (C), and Darcy–Weisbach coefficient (f). All three of these coefficients are a kind of flow resistance coefficient that is widely used in the equations governing flow in rivers [53].

The three relations that express the relationship between the average flow velocity (V) and the resistance and geometric and hydraulic coefficients of the canal are as follows:where nf, and c are Manning, Darcy–Weisbach, and Chézy coefficients, respectively. V = average flow velocity, R = hydraulic radius, Sf = slope of energy line, which in uniform flow is equal to the slope of the canal bed,  = gravitational acceleration, and Kn is a coefficient whose value is equal to 1 in the SI system and 1.486 in the English system. The coefficients of resistance in equations (1) to (3) are related as follows:

Based on the boundary layer theory, the flow resistance for rough substrates is determined from the following general relation:where f = Darcy–Weisbach coefficient of friction, y = flow depth, Ks = bed roughness size, and A = constant coefficient.

On the other hand, the relationship between the Darcy–Weisbach coefficient of friction and the shear velocity of the flow is as follows:

By using equation (6), equation (5) is converted as follows:

Investigation on the effect of vegetation arrangement on shear velocity of flow in laboratory conditions showed that, with increasing the shear Reynolds number (), the numerical value of the  ratio also increases; in other words the amount of roughness coefficient increases with a slight difference in the cases without vegetation, checkered arrangement, and cross arrangement, respectively [54].

Roughness in river vegetation is simulated in mathematical models with a variable floor slope flume by different densities and discharges. The vegetation considered submerged in the bed of the flume. Results showed that, with increasing vegetation density, canal roughness and flow shear speed increase and with increasing flow rate and depth, Manning’s roughness coefficient decreases. Factors affecting the roughness caused by vegetation include the effect of plant density and arrangement on flow resistance, the effect of flow velocity on flow resistance, and the effect of depth [4555].

One of the works that has been done on the effect of vegetation on the roughness coefficient is Darby [56] study, which investigates a flood wave model that considers all the effects of vegetation on the roughness coefficient. There are currently two methods for estimating vegetation roughness. One method is to add the thrust force effect to Manning’s equation [475758] and the other method is to increase the canal bed roughness (Manning-Strickler coefficient) [455961]. These two methods provide acceptable results in models designed to simulate floodplain flow. Wang et al. [62] simulate the floodplain with submerged vegetation using these two methods and to increase the accuracy of the results, they suggested using the effective height of the plant under running water instead of using the actual height of the plant. Freeman et al. [49] provided equations for determining the coefficient of vegetation roughness under different conditions. Lee et al. [63] proposed a method for calculating the Manning coefficient using the flow velocity ratio at different depths. Much research has been done on the Manning roughness coefficient in rivers, and researchers [496366] sought to obtain a specific number for n to use in river engineering. However, since the depth and geometric conditions of rivers are completely variable in different places, the values of Manning roughness coefficient have changed subsequently, and it has not been possible to choose a fixed number. In river engineering software, the Manning roughness coefficient is determined only for specific and constant conditions or normal flow. Lee et al. [63] stated that seasonal conditions, density, and type of vegetation should also be considered. Hydraulic roughness and Manning roughness coefficient n of the plant were obtained by estimating the total Manning roughness coefficient from the matching of the measured water surface curve and water surface height. The following equation is used for the flow surface curve:where  is the depth of water change, S0 is the slope of the canal floor, Sf is the slope of the energy line, and Fr is the Froude number which is obtained from the following equation:where D is the characteristic length of the canal. Flood flow velocity is one of the important parameters of flood waves, which is very important in calculating the water level profile and energy consumption. In the cases where there are many limitations for researchers due to the wide range of experimental dimensions and the variety of design parameters, the use of numerical methods that are able to estimate the rest of the unknown results with acceptable accuracy is economically justified.

FLOW-3D software uses Finite Difference Method (FDM) for numerical solution of two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow. This software is dedicated to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and is provided by Flow Science [67]. The flow is divided into networks with tubular cells. For each cell there are values of dependent variables and all variables are calculated in the center of the cell, except for the velocity, which is calculated at the center of the cell. In this software, two numerical techniques have been used for geometric simulation, FAVOR™ (Fractional-Area-Volume-Obstacle-Representation) and the VOF (Volume-of-Fluid) method. The equations used at this model for this research include the principle of mass survival and the magnitude of motion as follows. The fluid motion equations in three dimensions, including the Navier–Stokes equations with some additional terms, are as follows:where  are mass accelerations in the directions xyz and  are viscosity accelerations in the directions xyz and are obtained from the following equations:

Shear stresses  in equation (11) are obtained from the following equations:

The standard model is used for high Reynolds currents, but in this model, RNG theory allows the analytical differential formula to be used for the effective viscosity that occurs at low Reynolds numbers. Therefore, the RNG model can be used for low and high Reynolds currents.

Weather changes are high and this affects many factors continuously. The presence of vegetation in any area reduces the velocity of surface flows and prevents soil erosion, so vegetation will have a significant impact on reducing destructive floods. One of the methods of erosion protection in floodplain watersheds is the use of biological methods. The presence of vegetation in watersheds reduces the flow rate during floods and prevents soil erosion. The external organs of plants increase the roughness and decrease the velocity of water flow and thus reduce its shear stress energy. One of the important factors with which the hydraulic resistance of plants is expressed is the roughness coefficient. Measuring the roughness coefficient of plants and investigating their effect on reducing velocity and shear stress of flow is of special importance.

Roughness coefficients in canals are affected by two main factors, namely, flow conditions and vegetation characteristics [68]. So far, much research has been done on the effect of the roughness factor created by vegetation, but the issue of plant density has received less attention. For this purpose, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of vegetation density on flow velocity changes.

In a study conducted using a software model on three density modes in the submerged state effect on flow velocity changes in 48 different modes was investigated (Table 1).

Table 1 

The studied models.

The number of cells used in this simulation is equal to 1955888 cells. The boundary conditions were introduced to the model as a constant speed and depth (Figure 1). At the output boundary, due to the presence of supercritical current, no parameter for the current is considered. Absolute roughness for floors and walls was introduced to the model (Figure 1). In this case, the flow was assumed to be nonviscous and air entry into the flow was not considered. After  seconds, this model reached a convergence accuracy of .

Figure 1 

The simulated model and its boundary conditions.

Due to the fact that it is not possible to model the vegetation in FLOW-3D software, in this research, the vegetation of small soft plants was studied so that Manning’s coefficients can be entered into the canal bed in the form of roughness coefficients obtained from the studies of Chow [69] in similar conditions. In practice, in such modeling, the effect of plant height is eliminated due to the small height of herbaceous plants, and modeling can provide relatively acceptable results in these conditions.

48 models with input velocities proportional to the height of the regular semihexagonal canal were considered to create supercritical conditions. Manning coefficients were applied based on Chow [69] studies in order to control the canal bed. Speed profiles were drawn and discussed.

Any control and simulation system has some inputs that we should determine to test any technology [7077]. Determination and true implementation of such parameters is one of the key steps of any simulation [237881] and computing procedure [8286]. The input current is created by applying the flow rate through the VFR (Volume Flow Rate) option and the output flow is considered Output and for other borders the Symmetry option is considered.

Simulation of the models and checking their action and responses and observing how a process behaves is one of the accepted methods in engineering and science [8788]. For verification of FLOW-3D software, the results of computer simulations are compared with laboratory measurements and according to the values of computational error, convergence error, and the time required for convergence, the most appropriate option for real-time simulation is selected (Figures 2 and 3 ).

Figure 2 

Modeling the plant with cylindrical tubes at the bottom of the canal.

Figure 3 

Velocity profiles in positions 2 and 5.

The canal is 7 meters long, 0.5 meters wide, and 0.8 meters deep. This test was used to validate the application of the software to predict the flow rate parameters. In this experiment, instead of using the plant, cylindrical pipes were used in the bottom of the canal.

The conditions of this modeling are similar to the laboratory conditions and the boundary conditions used in the laboratory were used for numerical modeling. The critical flow enters the simulation model from the upstream boundary, so in the upstream boundary conditions, critical velocity and depth are considered. The flow at the downstream boundary is supercritical, so no parameters are applied to the downstream boundary.

The software well predicts the process of changing the speed profile in the open canal along with the considered obstacles. The error in the calculated speed values can be due to the complexity of the flow and the interaction of the turbulence caused by the roughness of the floor with the turbulence caused by the three-dimensional cycles in the hydraulic jump. As a result, the software is able to predict the speed distribution in open canals.

2. Modeling Results

After analyzing the models, the results were shown in graphs (Figures 414 ). The total number of experiments in this study was 48 due to the limitations of modeling.










  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)
  • (d)

Figure 4 

Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 1 m and flow velocities of 3–3.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 1 meter and a flow velocity of (a) 3 meters per second, (b) 3.1 meters per second, (c) 3.2 meters per second, and (d) 3.3 meters per second.

Figure 5 

Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3 meters per second.

Figure 6 

Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.1 meters per second.

Figure 7 

Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.2 meters per second.

Figure 8 

Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.3 meters per second.










  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)
  • (d)

Figure 9 

Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 2 m and flow velocities of 4–4.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of (a) 4 meters per second, (b) 4.1 meters per second, (c) 4.2 meters per second, and (d) 4.3 meters per second.

Figure 10 

Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4 meters per second.

Figure 11 

Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.1 meters per second.

Figure 12 

Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.2 meters per second.

Figure 13 

Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.3 meters per second.










  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)
  • (d)

Figure 14 

Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 3 m and flow velocities of 5–5.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of (a) 4 meters per second, (b) 4.1 meters per second, (c) 4.2 meters per second, and (d) 4.3 meters per second.

To investigate the effects of roughness with flow velocity, the trend of flow velocity changes at different depths and with supercritical flow to a Froude number proportional to the depth of the section has been obtained.

According to the velocity profiles of Figure 5, it can be seen that, with the increasing of Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

According to Figures 5 to 8, it can be found that, with increasing the Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the models 1 to 12, which can be justified by increasing the speed and of course increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 10, we see that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

According to Figure 11, we see that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of Figures 510, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

With increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases (Figure 12). But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models (Figures 58 and 1011), which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 13, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of Figures 5 to 12, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 15, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

Figure 15 

Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5 meters per second.

According to Figure 16, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher model, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 16 

Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.1 meters per second.

According to Figure 17, it is clear that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 17 

Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.2 meters per second.

According to Figure 18, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 18 

Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.3 meters per second.

According to Figure 19, it can be seen that the vegetation placed in front of the flow input velocity has negligible effect on the reduction of velocity, which of course can be justified due to the flexibility of the vegetation. The only unusual thing is the unexpected decrease in floor speed of 3 m/s compared to higher speeds.








  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)

Figure 19 

Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 1 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 1 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 1 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 1 m.

According to Figure 20, by increasing the speed of vegetation, the effect of vegetation on reducing the flow rate becomes more noticeable. And the role of input current does not have much effect in reducing speed.








  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)

Figure 20 

Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 2 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 2 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 2 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 2 m.

According to Figure 21, it can be seen that, with increasing speed, the effect of vegetation on reducing the bed flow rate becomes more noticeable and the role of the input current does not have much effect. In general, it can be seen that, by increasing the speed of the input current, the slope of the profiles increases from the bed to the water surface and due to the fact that, in software, the roughness coefficient applies to the channel floor only in the boundary conditions, this can be perfectly justified. Of course, it can be noted that, due to the flexible conditions of the vegetation of the bed, this modeling can show acceptable results for such grasses in the canal floor. In the next directions, we may try application of swarm-based optimization methods for modeling and finding the most effective factors in this research [27815188994]. In future, we can also apply the simulation logic and software of this research for other domains such as power engineering [9599].








  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)

Figure 21 

Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 3 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 3 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 3 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 3 m.

3. Conclusion

The effects of vegetation on the flood canal were investigated by numerical modeling with FLOW-3D software. After analyzing the results, the following conclusions were reached:(i)Increasing the density of vegetation reduces the velocity of the canal floor but has no effect on the velocity of the canal surface.(ii)Increasing the Froude number is directly related to increasing the speed of the canal floor.(iii)In the canal with a depth of one meter, a sudden increase in speed can be observed from the lowest speed and higher speed, which is justified by the sudden increase in Froude number.(iv)As the inlet flow rate increases, the slope of the profiles from the bed to the water surface increases.(v)By reducing the Froude number, the effect of vegetation on reducing the flow bed rate becomes more noticeable. And the input velocity in reducing the velocity of the canal floor does not have much effect.(vi)At a flow rate between 3 and 3.3 meters per second due to the shallow depth of the canal and the higher landing number a more critical area is observed in which the flow bed velocity in this area is between 2.86 and 3.1 m/s.(vii)Due to the critical flow velocity and the slight effect of the roughness of the horseshoe vortex floor, it is not visible and is only partially observed in models 1-2-3 and 21.(viii)As the flow rate increases, the effect of vegetation on the rate of bed reduction decreases.(ix)In conditions where less current intensity is passing, vegetation has a greater effect on reducing current intensity and energy consumption increases.(x)In the case of using the flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters per second, the velocity distribution and flow regime show about 20% more energy consumption than in the case of using the flow rate of 1.3 cubic meters per second.


n:Manning’s roughness coefficient
C:Chézy roughness coefficient
f:Darcy–Weisbach coefficient
V:Flow velocity
R:Hydraulic radius
g:Gravitational acceleration
y:Flow depth
Ks:Bed roughness
A:Constant coefficient
:Reynolds number
y/∂x:Depth of water change
S0:Slope of the canal floor
Sf:Slope of energy line
Fr:Froude number
D:Characteristic length of the canal
G:Mass acceleration
:Shear stresses.

Data Availability

All data are included within the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract no. 71761030 and Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia under Contract no. 2019LH07003.


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Figure 4. Field gate discharge experiment.

FLOW-3D Model Development for the Analysis of the Flow Characteristics of Downstream Hydraulic Structures

하류 유압 구조물의 유동 특성 분석을 위한 FLOW-3D 모델 개발

Beom-Jin Kim 1, Jae-Hong Hwang 2 and Byunghyun Kim 3,*
1 Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Daejeon 34057, Korea
2 Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water), Daejeon 34350, Korea
3 Department of Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea

  • Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-53-950-7819


Hydraulic structures installed in rivers inevitably create a water level difference between upstream and downstream regions. The potential energy due to this difference in water level is converted into kinetic energy, causing high-velocity flow and hydraulic jumps in the river. As a result, problems such as scouring and sloping downstream may occur around the hydraulic structures. In this study, a FLOW-3D model was constructed to perform a numerical analysis of the ChangnyeongHaman weir in the Republic of Korea. The constructed model was verified based on surface velocity measurements from a field gate operation experiment. In the simulation results, the flow discharge differed from the measured value by 9–15 m3/s, from which the accuracy was evaluated to be 82–87%. The flow velocity was evaluated with an accuracy of 92% from a difference of 0.01 to 0.16 m/s. Following this verification, a flow analysis of the hydraulic structures was performed according to boundary conditions and operation conditions for numerous scenarios. Since 2018, the ChangnyeongHaman weir gate has been fully opened due to the implementation of Korea’s eco-environmental policy; therefore, in this study, the actual gate operation history data prior to 2018 was applied and evaluated. The evaluation conditions were a 50% open gate condition and the flow discharge of two cases with a large difference in water level. As a result of the analysis, the actual operating conditions showed that the velocity and the Froude number were lower than the optimal conditions, confirming that the selected design was appropriate. It was also found that in the bed protection section, the average flow velocity was high when the water level difference was large, whereas the bottom velocity was high when the gate opening was large. Ultimately, through the reviewed status survey data in this study, the downstream flow characteristics of hydraulic structures along with adequacy verification techniques, optimal design techniques such as procedures for design, and important considerations were derived. Based on the current results, the constructed FLOW-3D-based model can be applied to creating or updating flow analysis guidelines for future repair and reinforcement measures as well as hydraulic structure design.

하천에 설치되는 수력구조물은 필연적으로 상류와 하류의 수위차를 발생시킨다. 이러한 수위차로 인한 위치에너지는 운동에너지로 변환되어 하천의 고속유동과 수압점프를 일으킨다. 그 결과 수력구조물 주변에서 하류의 세굴, 경사 등의 문제가 발생할 수 있다.

본 연구에서는 대한민국 창녕함안보의 수치해석을 위해 FLOW-3D 모델을 구축하였다. 구축된 모델은 현장 게이트 작동 실험에서 표면 속도 측정을 기반으로 검증되었습니다.

시뮬레이션 결과에서 유량은 측정값과 9~15 m3/s 차이가 나고 정확도는 82~87%로 평가되었다. 유속은 0.01~0.16m/s의 차이에서 92%의 정확도로 평가되었습니다.

검증 후 다양한 시나리오에 대한 경계조건 및 운전조건에 따른 수리구조물의 유동해석을 수행하였다. 2018년부터 창녕함안보 문은 한국의 친환경 정책 시행으로 전면 개방되었습니다.

따라서 본 연구에서는 2018년 이전의 실제 게이트 운영 이력 데이터를 적용하여 평가하였다. 평가조건은 50% open gate 조건과 수위차가 큰 2가지 경우의 유수방류로 하였다. 해석 결과 실제 운전조건은 속도와 Froude수가 최적조건보다 낮아 선정된 설계가 적합함을 확인하였다.

또한 베드보호구간에서는 수위차가 크면 평균유속이 높고, 수문개구가 크면 저저유속이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 최종적으로 본 연구에서 검토한 실태조사 자료를 통해 적정성 검증기법과 함께 수력구조물의 하류 유동특성, 설계절차 등 최적 설계기법 및 중요 고려사항을 도출하였다.

현재의 결과를 바탕으로 구축된 FLOW-3D 기반 모델은 수력구조 설계뿐만 아니라 향후 보수 및 보강 조치를 위한 유동해석 가이드라인 생성 또는 업데이트에 적용할 수 있습니다.

Figure 1. Effect of downstream riverbed erosion according to the type of weir foundation.
Figure 1. Effect of downstream riverbed erosion according to the type of weir foundation.
Figure 2. Changnyeong-Haman weir depth survey results (June 2015)
Figure 2. Changnyeong-Haman weir depth survey results (June 2015)
Figure 4. Field gate discharge experiment.
Figure 4. Field gate discharge experiment.
Figure 16. Analysis results for Case 7 and Case 8
Figure 16. Analysis results for Case 7 and Case 8


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Numerical analysis of energy dissipator options using computational fluid dynamics modeling — a case study of Mirani Dam

전산 유체 역학 모델링을 사용한 에너지 소산자 옵션의 수치적 해석 — Mirani 댐의 사례 연구

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 15, Article number: 1614 (2022) Cite this article


이 연구에서 FLOW 3D 전산 유체 역학(CFD) 소프트웨어를 사용하여 파키스탄 Mirani 댐 방수로에 대한 에너지 소산 옵션으로 미국 매립지(USBR) 유형 II 및 USBR 유형 III 유역의 성능을 추정했습니다. 3D Reynolds 평균 Navier-Stokes 방정식이 해결되었으며, 여기에는 여수로 위의 자유 표면 흐름을 캡처하기 위해 공기 유입, 밀도 평가 및 드리프트-플럭스에 대한 하위 그리드 모델이 포함되었습니다. 본 연구에서는 5가지 모델을 고려하였다. 첫 번째 모델에는 길이가 39.5m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 두 번째 모델에는 길이가 44.2m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 3번째와 4 번째모델에는 길이가 각각 48.8m인 USBR 유형 II 정수조와 39.5m의 USBR 유형 III 정수조가 있습니다. 다섯 번째 모델은 네 번째 모델과 동일하지만 마찰 및 슈트 블록 높이가 0.3m 증가했습니다. 최상의 FLOW 3D 모델 조건을 설정하기 위해 메쉬 민감도 분석을 수행했으며 메쉬 크기 0.9m에서 최소 오차를 산출했습니다. 세 가지 경계 조건 세트가 테스트되었으며 최소 오류를 제공하는 세트가 사용되었습니다. 수치적 검증은 USBR 유형 II( L = 48.8m), USBR 유형 III( L = 35.5m) 및 USBR 유형 III 의 물리적 모델 에너지 소산을 0.3m 블록 단위로 비교하여 수행되었습니다( L= 35.5m). 통계 분석 결과 평균 오차는 2.5%, RMSE(제곱 평균 제곱근 오차) 지수는 3% 미만이었습니다. 수리학적 및 경제성 분석을 바탕으로 4 번째 모델이 최적화된 에너지 소산기로 밝혀졌습니다. 흡수된 에너지 백분율 측면에서 물리적 모델과 수치적 모델 간의 최대 차이는 5% 미만인 것으로 나타났습니다.

In this study, the FLOW 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was used to estimate the performance of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) type II and USBR type III stilling basins as energy dissipation options for the Mirani Dam spillway, Pakistan. The 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations were solved, which included sub-grid models for air entrainment, density evaluation, and drift–flux, to capture free-surface flow over the spillway. Five models were considered in this research. The first model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 39.5 m. The second model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 44.2 m. The 3rd and 4th models have a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 48.8 m and a 39.5 m USBR type III stilling basin, respectively. The fifth model is identical to the fourth, but the friction and chute block heights have been increased by 0.3 m. To set up the best FLOW 3D model conditions, mesh sensitivity analysis was performed, which yielded a minimum error at a mesh size of 0.9 m. Three sets of boundary conditions were tested and the set that gave the minimum error was employed. Numerical validation was done by comparing the physical model energy dissipation of USBR type II (L = 48.8 m), USBR type III (L =35.5 m), and USBR type III with 0.3-m increments in blocks (L = 35.5 m). The statistical analysis gave an average error of 2.5% and a RMSE (root mean square error) index of less than 3%. Based on hydraulics and economic analysis, the 4th model was found to be an optimized energy dissipator. The maximum difference between the physical and numerical models in terms of percentage energy absorbed was found to be less than 5%.


  • Numerical modeling
  • Spillway
  • Hydraulic jump
  • Energy dissipation
  • FLOW 3D


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Flow Field in a Sloped Channel with Damaged and Undamaged Piers: Numerical and Experimental Studies

Flow Field in a Sloped Channel with Damaged and Undamaged Piers: Numerical and Experimental Studies

Ehsan OveiciOmid Tayari & Navid Jalalkamali
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering volume 25, pages4240–4251 (2021)Cite this article


본 논문은 경사가 완만한 수로에서 손상되거나 손상되지 않은 교각 주변의 유동 패턴을 분석했습니다. 실험은 길이가 12m이고 기울기가 0.008인 직선 수로에서 수행되었습니다. Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter(ADV)를 이용하여 3차원 유속 데이터를 수집하였고, 그 결과를 PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry) 데이터와 분석하여 비교하였습니다.

다중 블록 옵션이 있는 취수구의 퇴적물 시뮬레이션(SSIIM)은 이 연구에서 흐름의 수치 시뮬레이션을 위해 통합되었습니다. 일반적으로 비교에서 얻은 결과는 수치 데이터와 실험 데이터 간의 적절한 일치를 나타냅니다. 결과는 모든 경우에 수로 입구에서 2m 거리에서 기복적 수압 점프가 발생했음을 보여주었습니다.

경사진 수로의 최대 베드 전단응력은 2개의 손상 및 손상되지 않은 교각을 설치하기 위한 수평 수로의 12배였습니다. 이와 같은 경사수로 교각의 위치에 따라 상류측 수위는 수평수로의 유사한 조건에 비해 72.5% 감소한 반면, 이 감소량은 경사면에서 다른 경우에 비해 8.3% 감소하였다. 채널 또한 두 교각이 있는 경우 최대 Froude 수는 수평 수로의 5.7배였습니다.

This paper analyzed the flow pattern around damaged and undamaged bridge piers in a channel with a mild slope. The experiments were carried out on a straight channel with a length of 12 meters and a slope of 0.008. Acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) was employed to collect three-dimensional flow velocity data, and the results were analyzed and compared with particle image velocimetry (PIV) data. Sediment Simulation in Intakes with Multiblock option (SSIIM) was incorporated for the numerical simulation of the flow in this study. Generally, the results obtained from the comparisons referred to the appropriate agreement between the numerical and the experimental data. The results showed that an undular hydraulic jump occurred at a distance of two meters from the channel entrance in every case; the maximum bed shear stress in the sloped channel was 12 times that in a horizontal channel for installing two damaged and undamaged piers. With this position of the piers in the sloped channel, the upstream water level underwent a 72.5% reduction compared to similar conditions in a horizontal channel, while the amount of this water level decrease was equal to 8.3% compared to the other cases in a sloped channel. In addition, with the presence of both piers, the maximum Froude number was 5.7 times that in a horizontal channel.

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Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.

Hybrid modeling on 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit

Chendi Zhang1
, Yuncheng Xu1,2, Marwan A Hassan3
, Mengzhen Xu1
, Pukang He1
1State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China. 2
College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100081, China.
5 3Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, 1984 West Mall, Vancouver BC, V6T1Z2, Canada.
Correspondence to: Chendi Zhang ( and Mengzhen Xu (


스텝 풀 시스템은 계류의 일반적인 기반이며 전 세계의 하천 복원 프로젝트에 활용되었습니다. 스텝 풀 장치는 스텝 풀 기능의 형태학적 진화 및 안정성과 밀접하게 상호 작용하는 것으로 보고된 매우 균일하지 않은 수력 특성을 나타냅니다.

그러나 스텝 풀 형태에 대한 3차원 수리학의 자세한 정보는 측정의 어려움으로 인해 부족했습니다. 이러한 지식 격차를 메우기 위해 SfM(Structure from Motion) 및 CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 기술을 기반으로 하이브리드 모델을 구축했습니다. 이 모델은 CFD 시뮬레이션을 위한 입력으로 6가지 유속의 자연석으로 만든 인공 스텝 풀 장치가 있는 침대 표면의 3D 재구성을 사용했습니다.

하이브리드 모델은 스텝 풀 장치에 대한 3D 흐름 구조의 고해상도 시각화를 제공하는 데 성공했습니다. 결과는 계단 아래의 흐름 영역의 분할, 즉 수면에서의 통합 점프, 침대 근처의 줄무늬 후류 및 그 사이의 고속 제트를 보여줍니다.

수영장에서 난류 에너지의 매우 불균일한 분포가 밝혀졌으며 비슷한 용량을 가진 두 개의 에너지 소산기가 수영장에 공존하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 흐름 증가에 따른 풀 세굴 개발은 점프 및 후류 와류의 확장으로 이어지지만 이러한 증가는 스텝 풀 실패에 대한 임계 조건에 가까운 높은 흐름에서 점프에 대해 멈춥니다.

음의 경사면에서 발달된 곡물 20 클러스터와 같은 미세 지반은 국부 수력학에 상당한 영향을 주지만 이러한 영향은 수영장 바닥에서 억제됩니다. 스텝 스톤의 항력은 가장 높은 흐름이 사용되기 전에 배출과 함께 증가하는 반면 양력은 더 큰 크기와 더 넓은 범위를 갖습니다. 우리의 결과는 계단 풀 형태의 복잡한 흐름 특성을 조사할 때 물리적 및 수치적 모델링을 결합한 하이브리드 모델 접근 방식의 가능성과 큰 잠재력을 강조합니다.

Step-pool systems are common bedforms in mountain streams and have been utilized in river restoration projects around the world. Step-pool units exhibit highly non-uniform hydraulic characteristics which have been reported to closely 10 interact with the morphological evolution and stability of step-pool features. However, detailed information of the threedimensional hydraulics for step-pool morphology has been scarce due to the difficulty of measurement. To fill in this knowledge gap, we established a hybrid model based on the technologies of Structure from Motion (SfM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The model used 3D reconstructions of bed surfaces with an artificial step-pool unit built by natural stones at six flow rates as inputs for CFD simulations. The hybrid model succeeded in providing high-resolution visualization 15 of 3D flow structures for the step-pool unit. The results illustrate the segmentation of flow regimes below the step, i.e., the integral jump at the water surface, streaky wake vortexes near the bed, and high-speed jets in between. The highly non-uniform distribution of turbulence energy in the pool has been revealed and two energy dissipaters with comparable capacity are found to co-exist in the pool. Pool scour development under flow increase leads to the expansion of the jump and wake vortexes but this increase stops for the jump at high flows close to the critical condition for step-pool failure. The micro-bedforms as grain 20 clusters developed on the negative slope affect the local hydraulics significantly but this influence is suppressed at pool bottom. The drag forces on the step stones increase with discharge before the highest flow is used while the lift force has a larger magnitude and wider varying range. Our results highlight the feasibility and great potential of the hybrid model approach combining physical and numerical modeling in investigating the complex flow characteristics of step-pool morphology.

Figure 1: Workflow of the hybrid modeling. SfM-MVS refers to the technology of Structure from Motion with Multi View Stereo. DSM is short for digital surface model. RNG-VOF is short for Renormalized Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model coupled with Volume of Fluid method.
Figure 1: Workflow of the hybrid modeling. SfM-MVS refers to the technology of Structure from Motion with Multi View Stereo. DSM is short for digital surface model. RNG-VOF is short for Renormalized Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model coupled with Volume of Fluid method.
Figure 2: Flume experiment settings in Zhang et al., (2020): (a) the artificially built-up step-pool model using natural stones, with stone number labelled; (b) the unsteady hydrograph of the run of CIFR (continually-increasing-flow-rate) T2 used in this study.
Figure 2: Flume experiment settings in Zhang et al., (2020): (a) the artificially built-up step-pool model using natural stones, with stone number labelled; (b) the unsteady hydrograph of the run of CIFR (continually-increasing-flow-rate) T2 used in this study.
Figure 3: Setup of the CFD model: (a) three-dimensional digital surface model (DSM) of the step-pool unit by structure from motion with multi view stereo (SfM-MVS) method as the input to the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling; (b) extruded bed 160 surface model connected to the extra downstream component (in purple blue) and rectangular columns to fill leaks (in green), with the boundary conditions shown on mesh planes; (c) recognized geometry with mesh grids of two mesh blocks shown where MS is short for mesh size; (d) sampling volumes to capture the flow forces acting on each step stone at X, Y, and Z directions; and (e) an example for the simulated 3D flow over the step-pool unit colored by velocity magnitude at the discharge of 49.9 L/s. The abbreviations for boundary conditions in (b) are: V for specified velocity; C for continuative; P for specific pressure; and W for wall 165 condition. The contraction section in Figure (e) refers to the edge between the jet and jump at water surface.
Figure 3: Setup of the CFD model: (a) three-dimensional digital surface model (DSM) of the step-pool unit by structure from motion with multi view stereo (SfM-MVS) method as the input to the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling; (b) extruded bed 160 surface model connected to the extra downstream component (in purple blue) and rectangular columns to fill leaks (in green), with the boundary conditions shown on mesh planes; (c) recognized geometry with mesh grids of two mesh blocks shown where MS is short for mesh size; (d) sampling volumes to capture the flow forces acting on each step stone at X, Y, and Z directions; and (e) an example for the simulated 3D flow over the step-pool unit colored by velocity magnitude at the discharge of 49.9 L/s. The abbreviations for boundary conditions in (b) are: V for specified velocity; C for continuative; P for specific pressure; and W for wall 165 condition. The contraction section in Figure (e) refers to the edge between the jet and jump at water surface.
Figure 4: Distribution of time-averaged velocity magnitude (VM_mean) and vectors in three longitudinal sections. The section at Y = 0 cm goes across the keystone while the other two (Y = -18 and 13.5 cm) are located at the step stones beside the keystone with 265 lower top elevations. Q refers to the discharge at the inlet of the computational domain. The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 4: Distribution of time-averaged velocity magnitude (VM_mean) and vectors in three longitudinal sections. The section at Y = 0 cm goes across the keystone while the other two (Y = -18 and 13.5 cm) are located at the step stones beside the keystone with lower top elevations. Q refers to the discharge at the inlet of the computational domain. The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 5: Distribution of time-averaged flow velocity at five cross sections which are set according to the reference section (x0). The reference cross section x0 is located at the downstream end of the keystone (KS). The five sections are located at 18 cm and 6 cm upstream of the reference section (x0-18 and x0-6), and 2 cm, 15 cm and 40 cm downstream of the reference section (x0+2, x0+15, x0+40). The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 5: Distribution of time-averaged flow velocity at five cross sections which are set according to the reference section (x0). The reference cross section x0 is located at the downstream end of the keystone (KS). The five sections are located at 18 cm and 6 cm upstream of the reference section (x0-18 and x0-6), and 2 cm, 15 cm and 40 cm downstream of the reference section (x0+2, x0+15, x0+40). The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 6: Distribution of the time-averaged turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) at the five cross sections same with Figure 3.
Figure 6: Distribution of the time-averaged turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) at the five cross sections same with Figure 3.
Figure 7: Boxplots for the distributions of the mass-averaged flow kinetic energy (KE, panels a-f), turbulence kinetic energy (TKE, panels g-l), and turbulent dissipation (εT, panels m-r) in the pool for all the six tested discharges (the plots at the same discharge are in the same row). The mass-averaged values were calculated every 2 cm in the streamwise direction. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction section for all the flow rates are marked by the dashed lines, except for Q = 5 L/s when the jump is located too close to the step. The longitudinal distance taken up by negative slope in the pool for the inspected range is shown by shaded area in each plot.
Figure 7: Boxplots for the distributions of the mass-averaged flow kinetic energy (KE, panels a-f), turbulence kinetic energy (TKE, panels g-l), and turbulent dissipation (εT, panels m-r) in the pool for all the six tested discharges (the plots at the same discharge are in the same row). The mass-averaged values were calculated every 2 cm in the streamwise direction. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction section for all the flow rates are marked by the dashed lines, except for Q = 5 L/s when the jump is located too close to the step. The longitudinal distance taken up by negative slope in the pool for the inspected range is shown by shaded area in each plot.
Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.
Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.
Figure 9: Time-averaged dynamic pressure (DP_mean) on the bed surface in the step-pool model under the two highest discharges, with the step numbers marked. The negative values in the plots result from the setting of standard atmospheric pressure = 0 Pa, whose absolute value is 1.013×105 Pa.
Figure 9: Time-averaged dynamic pressure (DP_mean) on the bed surface in the step-pool model under the two highest discharges, with the step numbers marked. The negative values in the plots result from the setting of standard atmospheric pressure = 0 Pa, whose absolute value is 1.013×105 Pa.
Figure 10: Time-averaged shear stress (SS_mean) on bed surface in the step-pool model, with the step numbers marked. The standard atmospheric pressure is set as 0 Pa.
Figure 10: Time-averaged shear stress (SS_mean) on bed surface in the step-pool model, with the step numbers marked. The standard atmospheric pressure is set as 0 Pa.
Figure 11: Variation of fluid force components and magnitude of resultant flow force acting on step stones with flow rate. The stone 4 is the keystone. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 9-10. The upper limit of the sampling volumes for flow force calculation is higher than water surface while the lower limit is set at 3 cm lower than the keystone crest.
Figure 11: Variation of fluid force components and magnitude of resultant flow force acting on step stones with flow rate. The stone 4 is the keystone. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 9-10. The upper limit of the sampling volumes for flow force calculation is higher than water surface while the lower limit is set at 3 cm lower than the keystone crest.
Figure 12: Variation of drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficient of the step stones along with flow rate. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 8-9. KS is short for keystone. The negative values of CD correspond to the drag forces towards the upstream while the negative values of CL correspond to lift forces pointing downwards.
Figure 12: Variation of drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficient of the step stones along with flow rate. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 8-9. KS is short for keystone. The negative values of CD correspond to the drag forces towards the upstream while the negative values of CL correspond to lift forces pointing downwards.
Figure 13: Longitudinal distributions of section-averaged and -integral turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) for the jump and wake vortexes at the largest three discharges. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction sections under the three flow rates are marked by dashed lines in figures (d) to (f).
Figure 13: Longitudinal distributions of section-averaged and -integral turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) for the jump and wake vortexes at the largest three discharges. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction sections under the three flow rates are marked by dashed lines in figures (d) to (f).
Figure A1: Water surface profiles of the simulations with different mesh sizes at the discharge of 43.6 L/s at the longitudinal sections at: (a) Y = 24.5 cm (left boundary); (b) Y = 0.3 cm (middle section); (c) Y = -24.5 cm (right boundary). MS is short for mesh size. The flow direction is from left to right in each plot.
Figure A1: Water surface profiles of the simulations with different mesh sizes at the discharge of 43.6 L/s at the longitudinal sections at: (a) Y = 24.5 cm (left boundary); (b) Y = 0.3 cm (middle section); (c) Y = -24.5 cm (right boundary). MS is short for mesh size. The flow direction is from left to right in each plot.
Figure A2: Contours of velocity magnitude in the longitudinal section at Y = 0 cm at different mesh sizes (MSs) under the flow condition with the discharge of 43.6 L/s: (a) 0.50 cm; (b) 0.375 cm; (c) 0.30 cm; (d) 0.27 cm; (e) 0.25 cm; (f) 0.24 cm. The flow direction is from left to right.
Figure A2: Contours of velocity magnitude in the longitudinal section at Y = 0 cm at different mesh sizes (MSs) under the flow condition with the discharge of 43.6 L/s: (a) 0.50 cm; (b) 0.375 cm; (c) 0.30 cm; (d) 0.27 cm; (e) 0.25 cm; (f) 0.24 cm. The flow direction is from left to right.
Figure A3: Measurements of water surfaces (orange lines) used in model verification: (a) water surface profiles from both sides of the flume; (b) upstream edge of the jump regime from top view. KS refers to keystone in figure (b).
Figure A3: Measurements of water surfaces (orange lines) used in model verification: (a) water surface profiles from both sides of the flume; (b) upstream edge of the jump regime from top view. KS refers to keystone in figure (b).
Figure A15. Figure (a) shows the locations of the cross sections and target coarse grains at Q = 49.9 L/s. Figures (b) to (e) show the distribution of velocity magnitude (VM_mean) in the four chosen cross sections: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5. G1 to G6 refer to 6 protruding grains in the micro-bedforms in the pool.
Figure A15. Figure (a) shows the locations of the cross sections and target coarse grains at Q = 49.9 L/s. Figures (b) to (e) show the distribution of velocity magnitude (VM_mean) in the four chosen cross sections: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5. G1 to G6 refer to 6 protruding grains in the micro-bedforms in the pool.
Figure A16. The distribution of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the same cross sections as in figure S15: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5.
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그림 1 하천횡단구조물 하류부 횡단구조물 파괴

유입조건에 따른압력변이로 인한하천횡단구조물 하류물받이공 및 바닥보호공설계인자 도출최종보고서

주관연구기관 / 홍익대학교 산학협력단
공동연구기관 / 한국건설기술연구원
공동연구기관 / 주식회사 지티이

연구의 목적 및 내용

하천횡단구조물이 하천설계기준(2009)대로 설계되었음에도 불구하고, 하류부에서 물받이공 및 바닥보호공의 피해가 발생하여, 구조물 본체에 대한 안전성이 현저하 게 낮아지고 있는 실정이다. 하천설계기준이 상류부의 수리특성을 반영하였다고 하나 하류부의 수리특성인 유속의 변동 성분 또는 압력의 변동성분까지 고려하고 있지는 않다. 현재 많은 선행연구에서 이러한 난류적 특성이 구조물에 미치는 영 향에 대해 제시하고 있는 실정이며, 국내 하천에서의 피해 또한 이와 관련이 있다 고 판단된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 난류성분 특히 압력의 변동성분이 물받이공과 바닥보호공에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 분석하여, 하천 횡단구조물의 치수 안전 성 증대에 기여하고자 한다. 물받이공과 바닥보호공에 미치는 압력의 변동성분 (pressure fluctuation) 영향을 분석하기 위해 크게 3가지로 연구내용을 분류하였 다. 첫 번째는 압력의 변동으로 순간적인 음압구배(adversed pressure gradient) 가 발생할 경우 바닥보호공의 사석 및 블록이 이탈하는 것이다. 이를 확인하기 위 해 정밀한 압력 측정장치를 통해 압력변이를 측정하여, 사석의 이탈 가능성을 검 토할 것이며, 최종적으로 이탈에 대한 한계조건을 도출할 것이다. 두 번째는 압력 의 변동이 물받이공의 진동을 유발시켜 이를 지지하고 있는 지반에 다짐효과를 가 져와 물받이공과 지반사이에 공극이 발생하는 경우이다. 이러한 공극으로 물받이 공은 자중 및 물의 압력을 받게 되어, 결국 휨에 의한 파괴가 발생할 가능성이 있 게 된다. 본 연구에서는 실험을 통하여 압력의 변동과 물받이공의 진동을 동시에 측정하여, 진동이 발생하지 않을 최소 두께를 제시할 것이다. 세 번째는 압력변이 로 인한 물받이공의 진동이 피로파괴로 연결되는 경우이다. 이 현상 또한 수리실 험을 통해 압력변이-피로파괴의 관계를 정량적으로 분석하여, 한계 조건을 제시할 것이다. 본 연구는 국내 보 및 낙차공에서 발생하는 다양한 Jet의 특성을 수리실 험으로 재현해야 하며, 이를 위해 평면 Jet 분사기(plane Jet injector)를 고안/ 제작하여, 효율적인 수리실험을 수행할 것이다. 또한 3차원 수치해석을 통해 실제 스케일에 적용함으로써 연구결과의 활용도 및 적용성을 높이고자 한다.


압력변이, 물받이공, 바닥보호공, 난류, 진동

 그림 1 하천횡단구조물 하류부 횡단구조물 파괴
그림 1 하천횡단구조물 하류부 횡단구조물 파괴
그림 2. 시간에 따른 압력의 변동 양상 및 정의
그림 2. 시간에 따른 압력의 변동 양상 및 정의
 그림 3. 하천횡단구조물 하류부 도수현상시 발생하는 압력변이 분포도, Fr=8.0 상태이며, 바닥(slab)에 양압과 음압이 지속적으로 작용한다. (Fiorotto & Rinaldo, 2010)
그림 3. 하천횡단구조물 하류부 도수현상시 발생하는 압력변이 분포도, Fr=8.0 상태이며, 바닥(slab)에 양압과 음압이 지속적으로 작용한다. (Fiorotto & Rinaldo, 2010)
 그림 4. 파괴 개념
그림 4. 파괴 개념
그림 6. PIV 측정 원리(
그림 6. PIV 측정 원리(
그림 7. LED회로판 및 BIV기법 기본개념
그림 7. LED회로판 및 BIV기법 기본개념
그림 8. BIV측정기법을 적용한 순간이미지 (Lin et al., 2012)
그림 8. BIV측정기법을 적용한 순간이미지 (Lin et al., 2012)
그림 9. 감세공의 분류
그림 9. 감세공의 분류
그림 17 수리실헐 수로시설: (a) 전체수로전경, (b) Weir 보를 포함한 측면도, (c) 도수조건 실험전경
그림 17 수리실헐 수로시설: (a) 전체수로전경, (b) Weir 보를 포함한 측면도, (c) 도수조건 실험전경
그림 18 수리실험 개요도
그림 18 수리실험 개요도
그림 127 난류모형별 압력 Data (측정위치는 그림 125 참조)
그림 127 난류모형별 압력 Data (측정위치는 그림 125 참조)
그림 128 RNG 모형을 이용한 수치모의 결과
그림 128 RNG 모형을 이용한 수치모의 결과
그림 129 LES 모형을 이용한 수치모의 결과
그림 129 LES 모형을 이용한 수치모의 결과
그림 130 압력 Data의 필터링
그림 130 압력 Data의 필터링
그림 134 Case 1의 흐름특성 분포도 및 그래프
그림 134 Case 1의 흐름특성 분포도 및 그래프


국토기술연구센터 (1998) 하상유지공의 구조설계 지침.

감사원 (2013) 감사원 결과보고서- 4대강살리기 사업 주요시설물 품질 밑 수질관리 실태.

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국토해양부 (2012) 국가 및 지방하천 종합정비 마스터플랜.

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한국건설기술연구원 (2017) 보와 하상유지공의 안전성 확보를 위한 물받이와 바닥보호공의 성능평가
기법에 대한 원천기술개발

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Figure 10 | Contour lines of the static pressure (Pa) for the standard form of the stepped spillway with discharge of 60 liters/second.

스키밍 흐름 영역에서 계단형 여수로의 수리 성능에 대한 삼각형 프리즘 요소의 영향: 실험 연구 및 수치 모델링

The effect of triangular prismatic elements on the hydraulic performance of stepped spillways in the skimming flow regime: an experimental study and numerical modeling 

Kiyoumars RoushangarSamira AkhgarSaman Shahnazi

계단식 여수로는 댐의 여수로 위로 흐르는 큰 물의 에너지를 분산시키는 비용 효율적인 유압 구조입니다. 이 연구에서는 삼각주형 요소(TPE)가 계단식 배수로의 수력 성능에 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 9개의 계단식 배수로 모델이 TPE의 다양한 모양과 레이아웃으로 실험 및 수치적으로 조사되었습니다. 적절한 난류 모델을 채택하려면 RNG k – ε 및 표준 k – ε모델을 활용했습니다. 계산 모델 결과는 계단 표면의 속도 분포 및 압력 프로파일을 포함하여 실험 사례의 계단 여수로에 대한 복잡한 흐름을 만족스럽게 시뮬레이션했습니다. 결과는 계단식 여수로에 TPE를 설치하는 것이 캐비테이션 효과를 줄이는 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있음을 나타냅니다. 계단식 여수로에 TPE를 설치하면 에너지 소실률이 최대 54% 증가했습니다. 계단식 배수로의 성능은 TPE가 더 가깝게 배치되었을 때 개선되었습니다. 또한, 실험 데이터를 이용하여 거칠기 계수( f )와 임계 깊이 대 단차 거칠기( yc / k )의 비율 사이의 관계를 높은 정확도로 얻었다.


energy dissipationFlow-3Droughness coefficientstepped spillwaytriangular prismatic elements

에너지 소산 , Flow-3D , 거칠기 계수 , 계단식 배수로 , 삼각형 프리즘 요소

Figure 1 | General schematics of laboratory flume facilities.
Figure 1 | General schematics of laboratory flume facilities.
Figure 2 | Different layouts of the selected TPE in the experimental study (y1 and y2 are initial, and sequent depths of hydraulic jump).
Figure 2 | Different layouts of the selected TPE in the experimental study (y1 and y2 are initial, and sequent depths of hydraulic jump).
Figure 3 | Geometry and alignment of TPE in the numerical study.
Figure 3 | Geometry and alignment of TPE in the numerical study.
Figure 5 | Comparison of turbulence models in Flow-3D.
Figure 5 | Comparison of turbulence models in Flow-3D.
Figure 6 | Sequent water depths versus unit flow rate in standard stepped spillways and stepped spillways with triangular TPEs of types A and B.
Figure 6 | Sequent water depths versus unit flow rate in standard stepped spillways and stepped spillways with triangular TPEs of types A and B.
Figure 7 | Energy dissipation for the standard stepped spillway and the stepped spillway with TPEs.
Figure 7 | Energy dissipation for the standard stepped spillway and the stepped spillway with TPEs.
Figure 8 | Positions of measurement points to investigate the pressure and velocity distributions on the stepped spillway
Figure 8 | Positions of measurement points to investigate the pressure and velocity distributions on the stepped spillway
Figure 9 | Velocity distributions on the vertical surface of step number 4.
Figure 9 | Velocity distributions on the vertical surface of step number 4.
Figure 10 | Contour lines of the static pressure (Pa) for the standard form of the stepped spillway with discharge of 60 liters/second.
Figure 10 | Contour lines of the static pressure (Pa) for the standard form of the stepped spillway with discharge of 60 liters/second.
Figure 11 | Pressure distribution on the vertical surface of the fourth step.
Figure 11 | Pressure distribution on the vertical surface of the fourth step.
Figure 12 | Horizontal profile of the pressure distribution on the floor of step 4.
Figure 12 | Horizontal profile of the pressure distribution on the floor of step 4.
Figure 13 | Roughness coefficient changes with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.
Figure 13 | Roughness coefficient changes with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.
Figure 14 | Variations of sequent depth of downstream with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.
Figure 14 | Variations of sequent depth of downstream with various unit discharges for stepped spillways.
Figure 15 | Energy dissipation rate changes with various unit discharges for different stepped spillways.
Figure 15 | Energy dissipation rate changes with various unit discharges for different stepped spillways.
Figure 16 | Roughness coefficients (f ) versus the critical depth to the step roughness ratio (yc/K).
Figure 16 | Roughness coefficients (f ) versus the critical depth to the step roughness ratio (yc/K).


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Figure 15. Localized deformations on revetment due to run-down and sliding of armor from body laboratory model (left) and numerical modeling (right).

지속 가능한 해안 보호 구조로서 굴절식 콘크리트 블록 매트리스의 손상 메커니즘의 수치적 모델링

Numerical Modeling of Failure Mechanisms in Articulated Concrete Block Mattress as a Sustainable Coastal Protection Structure


Ramin Safari Ghaleh(Department of Civil Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 19967-15433, Iran)

Omid Aminoroayaie Yamini(Department of Civil Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 19967-15433, Iran)

S. Hooman Mousavi(Department of Civil Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 19967-15433, Iran)

Mohammad Reza Kavianpour(Department of Civil Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran 19967-15433, Iran)


해안선 보호는 전 세계적인 우선 순위로 남아 있습니다. 일반적으로 해안 지역은 석회암과 같은 단단하고 비자연적이며 지속 불가능한 재료로 보호됩니다. 시공 속도와 환경 친화성을 높이고 개별 콘크리트 블록 및 보강재의 중량을 줄이기 위해 콘크리트 블록을 ACB 매트(Articulated Concrete Block Mattress)로 설계 및 구현할 수 있습니다. 이 구조물은 필수적인 부분으로 작용하며 방파제 또는 해안선 보호의 둑으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 물리적 모델은 해안 구조물의 현상을 추정하고 조사하는 핵심 도구 중 하나입니다. 그러나 한계와 장애물이 있습니다. 결과적으로, 본 연구에서는 이러한 구조물에 대한 파도의 수치 모델링을 활용하여 방파제에서의 파도 전파를 시뮬레이션하고, VOF가 있는 Flow-3D 소프트웨어를 통해 ACB Mat의 불안정성에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 파괴파동, 옹벽의 흔들림, 파손으로 인한 인양력으로 인한 장갑의 변위 등이 있다. 본 연구의 가장 중요한 목적은 수치 Flow-3D 모델이 연안 호안의 유체역학적 매개변수를 모사하는 능력을 조사하는 것입니다. 콘크리트 블록 장갑에 대한 파동의 상승 값은 파단 매개변수( 0.5 < ξ m – 1 , 0 < 3.3 )가 증가할 때까지(R u 2 % H m 0 = 1.6) ) 최대값에 도달합니다. 따라서 차단파라미터를 증가시키고 파괴파(ξ m − 1 , 0 > 3.3 ) 유형을 붕괴파/해일파로 변경함으로써 콘크리트 블록 호안의 상대파 상승 변화 경향이 점차 증가합니다. 파동(0.5 < ξ m − 1 , 0 < 3.3 )의 경우 차단기 지수(표면 유사성 매개변수)를 높이면 상대파 런다운의 낮은 값이 크게 감소합니다. 또한, 천이영역에서는 파단파동이 쇄도파에서 붕괴/서징으로의 변화( 3.3 < ξ m – 1 , 0 < 5.0 )에서 상대적 런다운 과정이 더 적은 강도로 발생합니다.

Shoreline protection remains a global priority. Typically, coastal areas are protected by armoring them with hard, non-native, and non-sustainable materials such as limestone. To increase the execution speed and environmental friendliness and reduce the weight of individual concrete blocks and reinforcements, concrete blocks can be designed and implemented as Articulated Concrete Block Mattress (ACB Mat). These structures act as an integral part and can be used as a revetment on the breakwater body or shoreline protection. Physical models are one of the key tools for estimating and investigating the phenomena in coastal structures. However, it does have limitations and obstacles; consequently, in this study, numerical modeling of waves on these structures has been utilized to simulate wave propagation on the breakwater, via Flow-3D software with VOF. Among the factors affecting the instability of ACB Mat are breaking waves as well as the shaking of the revetment and the displacement of the armor due to the uplift force resulting from the failure. The most important purpose of the present study is to investigate the ability of numerical Flow-3D model to simulate hydrodynamic parameters in coastal revetment. The run-up values of the waves on the concrete block armoring will multiply with increasing break parameter ( 0.5 < ξ m − 1 , 0 < 3.3 ) due to the existence of plunging waves until it ( R u 2 % H m 0 = 1.6 ) reaches maximum. Hence, by increasing the breaker parameter and changing breaking waves ( ξ m − 1 , 0 > 3.3 ) type to collapsing waves/surging waves, the trend of relative wave run-up changes on concrete block revetment increases gradually. By increasing the breaker index (surf similarity parameter) in the case of plunging waves ( 0.5 < ξ m − 1 , 0 < 3.3 ), the low values on the relative wave run-down are greatly reduced. Additionally, in the transition region, the change of breaking waves from plunging waves to collapsing/surging ( 3.3 < ξ m − 1 , 0 < 5.0 ), the relative run-down process occurs with less intensity.

Figure 1.  Armor  geometric  characteristics  and  drawing  three-dimensional  geometry  of  a  breakwater section  in SolidWorks software.
Figure 1. Armor geometric characteristics and drawing three-dimensional geometry of a breakwater section in SolidWorks software.
Figure  5.  Wave  overtopping on  concrete block  mattress in (a)  laboratory  and (b)  numerical  model.
Figure 5. Wave overtopping on concrete block mattress in (a) laboratory and (b) numerical model.
Figure  7.  Mesh  block  for  calibrated  numerical  model  with  686,625  cells  and  utilization  of  FAVOR  tab to assess figure geometry.
Figure 7. Mesh block for calibrated numerical model with 686,625 cells and utilization of FAVOR tab to assess figure geometry.
Figure  10.  How to place different layers  (core, filter,  and revetment)  of the structure on slope.
Figure 10. How to place different layers (core, filter, and revetment) of the structure on slope.

Suggested Citation

Figure 11. Wave run-up on ACB Mat blocks in (a) laboratory model and (b) numerical modeling.
Figure 11. Wave run-up on ACB Mat blocks in (a) laboratory model and (b) numerical modeling.
Figure  15.  Localized  deformations  on  revetment  due  to  run-down  and  sliding  of  armor  from  body  laboratory  model  (left) and  numerical  modeling (right).
Figure 15. Localized deformations on revetment due to run-down and sliding of armor from body laboratory model (left) and numerical modeling (right).


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Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 3 m and flow velocities of 5–5.3 m/s.

Optimization Algorithms and Engineering: Recent Advances and Applications

Mahdi Feizbahr,1 Navid Tonekaboni,2Guang-Jun Jiang,3,4 and Hong-Xia Chen3,4Show moreAcademic Editor: Mohammad YazdiReceived08 Apr 2021Revised18 Jun 2021Accepted17 Jul 2021Published11 Aug 2021


Vegetation along the river increases the roughness and reduces the average flow velocity, reduces flow energy, and changes the flow velocity profile in the cross section of the river. Many canals and rivers in nature are covered with vegetation during the floods. Canal’s roughness is strongly affected by plants and therefore it has a great effect on flow resistance during flood. Roughness resistance against the flow due to the plants depends on the flow conditions and plant, so the model should simulate the current velocity by considering the effects of velocity, depth of flow, and type of vegetation along the canal. Total of 48 models have been simulated to investigate the effect of roughness in the canal. The results indicated that, by enhancing the velocity, the effect of vegetation in decreasing the bed velocity is negligible, while when the current has lower speed, the effect of vegetation on decreasing the bed velocity is obviously considerable.

강의 식생은 거칠기를 증가시키고 평균 유속을 감소시키며, 유속 에너지를 감소시키고 강의 단면에서 유속 프로파일을 변경합니다. 자연의 많은 운하와 강은 홍수 동안 초목으로 덮여 있습니다. 운하의 조도는 식물의 영향을 많이 받으므로 홍수시 유동저항에 큰 영향을 미칩니다. 식물로 인한 흐름에 대한 거칠기 저항은 흐름 조건 및 식물에 따라 다르므로 모델은 유속, 흐름 깊이 및 운하를 따라 식생 유형의 영향을 고려하여 현재 속도를 시뮬레이션해야 합니다. 근관의 거칠기의 영향을 조사하기 위해 총 48개의 모델이 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 결과는 유속을 높임으로써 유속을 감소시키는 식생의 영향은 무시할 수 있는 반면, 해류가 더 낮은 유속일 때 유속을 감소시키는 식생의 영향은 분명히 상당함을 나타냈다.

1. Introduction

Considering the impact of each variable is a very popular field within the analytical and statistical methods and intelligent systems [114]. This can help research for better modeling considering the relation of variables or interaction of them toward reaching a better condition for the objective function in control and engineering [1527]. Consequently, it is necessary to study the effects of the passive factors on the active domain [2836]. Because of the effect of vegetation on reducing the discharge capacity of rivers [37], pruning plants was necessary to improve the condition of rivers. One of the important effects of vegetation in river protection is the action of roots, which cause soil consolidation and soil structure improvement and, by enhancing the shear strength of soil, increase the resistance of canal walls against the erosive force of water. The outer limbs of the plant increase the roughness of the canal walls and reduce the flow velocity and deplete the flow energy in vicinity of the walls. Vegetation by reducing the shear stress of the canal bed reduces flood discharge and sedimentation in the intervals between vegetation and increases the stability of the walls [3841].

One of the main factors influencing the speed, depth, and extent of flood in this method is Manning’s roughness coefficient. On the other hand, soil cover [42], especially vegetation, is one of the most determining factors in Manning’s roughness coefficient. Therefore, it is expected that those seasonal changes in the vegetation of the region will play an important role in the calculated value of Manning’s roughness coefficient and ultimately in predicting the flood wave behavior [4345]. The roughness caused by plants’ resistance to flood current depends on the flow and plant conditions. Flow conditions include depth and velocity of the plant, and plant conditions include plant type, hardness or flexibility, dimensions, density, and shape of the plant [46]. In general, the issue discussed in this research is the optimization of flood-induced flow in canals by considering the effect of vegetation-induced roughness. Therefore, the effect of plants on the roughness coefficient and canal transmission coefficient and in consequence the flow depth should be evaluated [4748].

Current resistance is generally known by its roughness coefficient. The equation that is mainly used in this field is Manning equation. The ratio of shear velocity to average current velocity  is another form of current resistance. The reason for using the  ratio is that it is dimensionless and has a strong theoretical basis. The reason for using Manning roughness coefficient is its pervasiveness. According to Freeman et al. [49], the Manning roughness coefficient for plants was calculated according to the Kouwen and Unny [50] method for incremental resistance. This method involves increasing the roughness for various surface and plant irregularities. Manning’s roughness coefficient has all the factors affecting the resistance of the canal. Therefore, the appropriate way to more accurately estimate this coefficient is to know the factors affecting this coefficient [51].

To calculate the flow rate, velocity, and depth of flow in canals as well as flood and sediment estimation, it is important to evaluate the flow resistance. To determine the flow resistance in open ducts, Manning, Chézy, and Darcy–Weisbach relations are used [52]. In these relations, there are parameters such as Manning’s roughness coefficient (n), Chézy roughness coefficient (C), and Darcy–Weisbach coefficient (f). All three of these coefficients are a kind of flow resistance coefficient that is widely used in the equations governing flow in rivers [53].

The three relations that express the relationship between the average flow velocity (V) and the resistance and geometric and hydraulic coefficients of the canal are as follows:where nf, and c are Manning, Darcy–Weisbach, and Chézy coefficients, respectively. V = average flow velocity, R = hydraulic radius, Sf = slope of energy line, which in uniform flow is equal to the slope of the canal bed,  = gravitational acceleration, and Kn is a coefficient whose value is equal to 1 in the SI system and 1.486 in the English system. The coefficients of resistance in equations (1) to (3) are related as follows:

Based on the boundary layer theory, the flow resistance for rough substrates is determined from the following general relation:where f = Darcy–Weisbach coefficient of friction, y = flow depth, Ks = bed roughness size, and A = constant coefficient.

On the other hand, the relationship between the Darcy–Weisbach coefficient of friction and the shear velocity of the flow is as follows:

By using equation (6), equation (5) is converted as follows:

Investigation on the effect of vegetation arrangement on shear velocity of flow in laboratory conditions showed that, with increasing the shear Reynolds number (), the numerical value of the  ratio also increases; in other words the amount of roughness coefficient increases with a slight difference in the cases without vegetation, checkered arrangement, and cross arrangement, respectively [54].

Roughness in river vegetation is simulated in mathematical models with a variable floor slope flume by different densities and discharges. The vegetation considered submerged in the bed of the flume. Results showed that, with increasing vegetation density, canal roughness and flow shear speed increase and with increasing flow rate and depth, Manning’s roughness coefficient decreases. Factors affecting the roughness caused by vegetation include the effect of plant density and arrangement on flow resistance, the effect of flow velocity on flow resistance, and the effect of depth [4555].

One of the works that has been done on the effect of vegetation on the roughness coefficient is Darby [56] study, which investigates a flood wave model that considers all the effects of vegetation on the roughness coefficient. There are currently two methods for estimating vegetation roughness. One method is to add the thrust force effect to Manning’s equation [475758] and the other method is to increase the canal bed roughness (Manning-Strickler coefficient) [455961]. These two methods provide acceptable results in models designed to simulate floodplain flow. Wang et al. [62] simulate the floodplain with submerged vegetation using these two methods and to increase the accuracy of the results, they suggested using the effective height of the plant under running water instead of using the actual height of the plant. Freeman et al. [49] provided equations for determining the coefficient of vegetation roughness under different conditions. Lee et al. [63] proposed a method for calculating the Manning coefficient using the flow velocity ratio at different depths. Much research has been done on the Manning roughness coefficient in rivers, and researchers [496366] sought to obtain a specific number for n to use in river engineering. However, since the depth and geometric conditions of rivers are completely variable in different places, the values of Manning roughness coefficient have changed subsequently, and it has not been possible to choose a fixed number. In river engineering software, the Manning roughness coefficient is determined only for specific and constant conditions or normal flow. Lee et al. [63] stated that seasonal conditions, density, and type of vegetation should also be considered. Hydraulic roughness and Manning roughness coefficient n of the plant were obtained by estimating the total Manning roughness coefficient from the matching of the measured water surface curve and water surface height. The following equation is used for the flow surface curve:where  is the depth of water change, S0 is the slope of the canal floor, Sf is the slope of the energy line, and Fr is the Froude number which is obtained from the following equation:where D is the characteristic length of the canal. Flood flow velocity is one of the important parameters of flood waves, which is very important in calculating the water level profile and energy consumption. In the cases where there are many limitations for researchers due to the wide range of experimental dimensions and the variety of design parameters, the use of numerical methods that are able to estimate the rest of the unknown results with acceptable accuracy is economically justified.

FLOW-3D software uses Finite Difference Method (FDM) for numerical solution of two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow. This software is dedicated to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and is provided by Flow Science [67]. The flow is divided into networks with tubular cells. For each cell there are values of dependent variables and all variables are calculated in the center of the cell, except for the velocity, which is calculated at the center of the cell. In this software, two numerical techniques have been used for geometric simulation, FAVOR™ (Fractional-Area-Volume-Obstacle-Representation) and the VOF (Volume-of-Fluid) method. The equations used at this model for this research include the principle of mass survival and the magnitude of motion as follows. The fluid motion equations in three dimensions, including the Navier–Stokes equations with some additional terms, are as follows:where  are mass accelerations in the directions xyz and  are viscosity accelerations in the directions xyz and are obtained from the following equations:

Shear stresses  in equation (11) are obtained from the following equations:

The standard model is used for high Reynolds currents, but in this model, RNG theory allows the analytical differential formula to be used for the effective viscosity that occurs at low Reynolds numbers. Therefore, the RNG model can be used for low and high Reynolds currents.

Weather changes are high and this affects many factors continuously. The presence of vegetation in any area reduces the velocity of surface flows and prevents soil erosion, so vegetation will have a significant impact on reducing destructive floods. One of the methods of erosion protection in floodplain watersheds is the use of biological methods. The presence of vegetation in watersheds reduces the flow rate during floods and prevents soil erosion. The external organs of plants increase the roughness and decrease the velocity of water flow and thus reduce its shear stress energy. One of the important factors with which the hydraulic resistance of plants is expressed is the roughness coefficient. Measuring the roughness coefficient of plants and investigating their effect on reducing velocity and shear stress of flow is of special importance.

Roughness coefficients in canals are affected by two main factors, namely, flow conditions and vegetation characteristics [68]. So far, much research has been done on the effect of the roughness factor created by vegetation, but the issue of plant density has received less attention. For this purpose, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of vegetation density on flow velocity changes.

In a study conducted using a software model on three density modes in the submerged state effect on flow velocity changes in 48 different modes was investigated (Table 1).Table 1 The studied models.

The number of cells used in this simulation is equal to 1955888 cells. The boundary conditions were introduced to the model as a constant speed and depth (Figure 1). At the output boundary, due to the presence of supercritical current, no parameter for the current is considered. Absolute roughness for floors and walls was introduced to the model (Figure 1). In this case, the flow was assumed to be nonviscous and air entry into the flow was not considered. After  seconds, this model reached a convergence accuracy of .

Figure 1 The simulated model and its boundary conditions.

Due to the fact that it is not possible to model the vegetation in FLOW-3D software, in this research, the vegetation of small soft plants was studied so that Manning’s coefficients can be entered into the canal bed in the form of roughness coefficients obtained from the studies of Chow [69] in similar conditions. In practice, in such modeling, the effect of plant height is eliminated due to the small height of herbaceous plants, and modeling can provide relatively acceptable results in these conditions.

48 models with input velocities proportional to the height of the regular semihexagonal canal were considered to create supercritical conditions. Manning coefficients were applied based on Chow [69] studies in order to control the canal bed. Speed profiles were drawn and discussed.

Any control and simulation system has some inputs that we should determine to test any technology [7077]. Determination and true implementation of such parameters is one of the key steps of any simulation [237881] and computing procedure [8286]. The input current is created by applying the flow rate through the VFR (Volume Flow Rate) option and the output flow is considered Output and for other borders the Symmetry option is considered.

Simulation of the models and checking their action and responses and observing how a process behaves is one of the accepted methods in engineering and science [8788]. For verification of FLOW-3D software, the results of computer simulations are compared with laboratory measurements and according to the values of computational error, convergence error, and the time required for convergence, the most appropriate option for real-time simulation is selected (Figures 2 and 3 ).

Figure 2 Modeling the plant with cylindrical tubes at the bottom of the canal.

Figure 3 Velocity profiles in positions 2 and 5.

The canal is 7 meters long, 0.5 meters wide, and 0.8 meters deep. This test was used to validate the application of the software to predict the flow rate parameters. In this experiment, instead of using the plant, cylindrical pipes were used in the bottom of the canal.

The conditions of this modeling are similar to the laboratory conditions and the boundary conditions used in the laboratory were used for numerical modeling. The critical flow enters the simulation model from the upstream boundary, so in the upstream boundary conditions, critical velocity and depth are considered. The flow at the downstream boundary is supercritical, so no parameters are applied to the downstream boundary.

The software well predicts the process of changing the speed profile in the open canal along with the considered obstacles. The error in the calculated speed values can be due to the complexity of the flow and the interaction of the turbulence caused by the roughness of the floor with the turbulence caused by the three-dimensional cycles in the hydraulic jump. As a result, the software is able to predict the speed distribution in open canals.

2. Modeling Results

After analyzing the models, the results were shown in graphs (Figures 414 ). The total number of experiments in this study was 48 due to the limitations of modeling.(a)
(d)Figure 4 Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 1 m and flow velocities of 3–3.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 1 meter and a flow velocity of (a) 3 meters per second, (b) 3.1 meters per second, (c) 3.2 meters per second, and (d) 3.3 meters per second.

Figure 5 Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3 meters per second.

Figure 6 Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.1 meters per second.

Figure 7 Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.2 meters per second.

Figure 8 Canal diagram with a depth of 1 meter and a flow rate of 3.3 meters per second.(a)
(d)Figure 9 Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 2 m and flow velocities of 4–4.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of (a) 4 meters per second, (b) 4.1 meters per second, (c) 4.2 meters per second, and (d) 4.3 meters per second.

Figure 10 Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4 meters per second.

Figure 11 Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.1 meters per second.

Figure 12 Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.2 meters per second.

Figure 13 Canal diagram with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of 4.3 meters per second.(a)
(d)Figure 14 Flow velocity profiles for canals with a depth of 3 m and flow velocities of 5–5.3 m/s. Canal with a depth of 2 meters and a flow rate of (a) 4 meters per second, (b) 4.1 meters per second, (c) 4.2 meters per second, and (d) 4.3 meters per second.

To investigate the effects of roughness with flow velocity, the trend of flow velocity changes at different depths and with supercritical flow to a Froude number proportional to the depth of the section has been obtained.

According to the velocity profiles of Figure 5, it can be seen that, with the increasing of Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

According to Figures 5 to 8, it can be found that, with increasing the Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the models 1 to 12, which can be justified by increasing the speed and of course increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 10, we see that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

According to Figure 11, we see that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of Figures 510, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

With increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases (Figure 12). But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models (Figures 58 and 1011), which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 13, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of Figures 5 to 12, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

According to Figure 15, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases.

Figure 15 Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5 meters per second.

According to Figure 16, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher model, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 16 Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.1 meters per second.

According to Figure 17, it is clear that, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 17 Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.2 meters per second.

According to Figure 18, with increasing Manning’s coefficient, the canal bed speed decreases. But this deceleration is more noticeable than the deceleration of the higher models, which can be justified by increasing the speed and, of course, increasing the Froude number.

Figure 18 Canal diagram with a depth of 3 meters and a flow rate of 5.3 meters per second.

According to Figure 19, it can be seen that the vegetation placed in front of the flow input velocity has negligible effect on the reduction of velocity, which of course can be justified due to the flexibility of the vegetation. The only unusual thing is the unexpected decrease in floor speed of 3 m/s compared to higher speeds.(a)
(c)Figure 19 Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 1 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 1 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 1 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 1 m.

According to Figure 20, by increasing the speed of vegetation, the effect of vegetation on reducing the flow rate becomes more noticeable. And the role of input current does not have much effect in reducing speed.(a)
(c)Figure 20 Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 2 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 2 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 2 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 2 m.

According to Figure 21, it can be seen that, with increasing speed, the effect of vegetation on reducing the bed flow rate becomes more noticeable and the role of the input current does not have much effect. In general, it can be seen that, by increasing the speed of the input current, the slope of the profiles increases from the bed to the water surface and due to the fact that, in software, the roughness coefficient applies to the channel floor only in the boundary conditions, this can be perfectly justified. Of course, it can be noted that, due to the flexible conditions of the vegetation of the bed, this modeling can show acceptable results for such grasses in the canal floor. In the next directions, we may try application of swarm-based optimization methods for modeling and finding the most effective factors in this research [27815188994]. In future, we can also apply the simulation logic and software of this research for other domains such as power engineering [9599].(a)
(c)Figure 21 Comparison of velocity profiles with the same plant densities (depth 3 m). Comparison of velocity profiles with (a) plant densities of 25%, depth 3 m; (b) plant densities of 50%, depth 3 m; and (c) plant densities of 75%, depth 3 m.

3. Conclusion

The effects of vegetation on the flood canal were investigated by numerical modeling with FLOW-3D software. After analyzing the results, the following conclusions were reached:(i)Increasing the density of vegetation reduces the velocity of the canal floor but has no effect on the velocity of the canal surface.(ii)Increasing the Froude number is directly related to increasing the speed of the canal floor.(iii)In the canal with a depth of one meter, a sudden increase in speed can be observed from the lowest speed and higher speed, which is justified by the sudden increase in Froude number.(iv)As the inlet flow rate increases, the slope of the profiles from the bed to the water surface increases.(v)By reducing the Froude number, the effect of vegetation on reducing the flow bed rate becomes more noticeable. And the input velocity in reducing the velocity of the canal floor does not have much effect.(vi)At a flow rate between 3 and 3.3 meters per second due to the shallow depth of the canal and the higher landing number a more critical area is observed in which the flow bed velocity in this area is between 2.86 and 3.1 m/s.(vii)Due to the critical flow velocity and the slight effect of the roughness of the horseshoe vortex floor, it is not visible and is only partially observed in models 1-2-3 and 21.(viii)As the flow rate increases, the effect of vegetation on the rate of bed reduction decreases.(ix)In conditions where less current intensity is passing, vegetation has a greater effect on reducing current intensity and energy consumption increases.(x)In the case of using the flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters per second, the velocity distribution and flow regime show about 20% more energy consumption than in the case of using the flow rate of 1.3 cubic meters per second.


n:Manning’s roughness coefficient
C:Chézy roughness coefficient
f:Darcy–Weisbach coefficient
V:Flow velocity
R:Hydraulic radius
g:Gravitational acceleration
y:Flow depth
Ks:Bed roughness
A:Constant coefficient
:Reynolds number
y/∂x:Depth of water change
S0:Slope of the canal floor
Sf:Slope of energy line
Fr:Froude number
D:Characteristic length of the canal
G:Mass acceleration
:Shear stresses.

Data Availability

All data are included within the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract no. 71761030 and Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia under Contract no. 2019LH07003.


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Fig. 1. Hydraulic jump flow structure.

Performance assessment of OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D in the numerical modeling of a low Reynolds number hydraulic jump

낮은 레이놀즈 수 유압 점프의 수치 모델링에서 OpenFOAM 및 FLOW-3D의 성능 평가

ArnauBayona DanielValerob RafaelGarcía-Bartuala Francisco ​JoséVallés-Morána P. AmparoLópez-Jiméneza


A comparative performance analysis of the CFD platforms OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D is presented, focusing on a 3D swirling turbulent flow: a steady hydraulic jump at low Reynolds number. Turbulence is treated using RANS approach RNG k-ε. A Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method is used to track the air–water interface, consequently aeration is modeled using an Eulerian–Eulerian approach. Structured meshes of cubic elements are used to discretize the channel geometry. The numerical model accuracy is assessed comparing representative hydraulic jump variables (sequent depth ratio, roller length, mean velocity profiles, velocity decay or free surface profile) to experimental data. The model results are also compared to previous studies to broaden the result validation. Both codes reproduced the phenomenon under study concurring with experimental data, although special care must be taken when swirling flows occur. Both models can be used to reproduce the hydraulic performance of energy dissipation structures at low Reynolds numbers.

CFD 플랫폼 OpenFOAM 및 FLOW-3D의 비교 성능 분석이 3D 소용돌이치는 난류인 낮은 레이놀즈 수에서 안정적인 유압 점프에 초점을 맞춰 제시됩니다. 난류는 RANS 접근법 RNG k-ε을 사용하여 처리됩니다.

VOF(Volume Of Fluid) 방법은 공기-물 계면을 추적하는 데 사용되며 결과적으로 Eulerian-Eulerian 접근 방식을 사용하여 폭기가 모델링됩니다. 입방체 요소의 구조화된 메쉬는 채널 형상을 이산화하는 데 사용됩니다. 수치 모델 정확도는 대표적인 유압 점프 변수(연속 깊이 비율, 롤러 길이, 평균 속도 프로파일, 속도 감쇠 또는 자유 표면 프로파일)를 실험 데이터와 비교하여 평가됩니다.

모델 결과는 또한 결과 검증을 확장하기 위해 이전 연구와 비교됩니다. 소용돌이 흐름이 발생할 때 특별한 주의가 필요하지만 두 코드 모두 실험 데이터와 일치하는 연구 중인 현상을 재현했습니다. 두 모델 모두 낮은 레이놀즈 수에서 에너지 소산 구조의 수리 성능을 재현하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.


CFDRANS, OpenFOAM, FLOW-3D ,Hydraulic jump, Air–water flow, Low Reynolds number


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Figure 17. Longitudinal turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the smooth and triangular macroroughnesses: (A) Y/2; (B) Y/6.

Numerical Simulations of the Flow Field of a Submerged Hydraulic Jump over Triangular Macroroughnesses

Triangular Macroroughnesses 대한 잠긴 수압 점프의 유동장 수치 시뮬레이션

by Amir Ghaderi 1,2,Mehdi Dasineh 3,Francesco Aristodemo 2 andCostanza Aricò 4,*1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan 537138791, Iran2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036 Rende, Italy3Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Maragheh 8311155181, Iran4Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, Italy*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.Academic Editor: Anis YounesWater202113(5), 674;


The submerged hydraulic jump is a sudden change from the supercritical to subcritical flow, specified by strong turbulence, air entrainment and energy loss. Despite recent studies, hydraulic jump characteristics in smooth and rough beds, the turbulence, the mean velocity and the flow patterns in the cavity region of a submerged hydraulic jump in the rough beds, especially in the case of triangular macroroughnesses, are not completely understood. The objective of this paper was to numerically investigate via the FLOW-3D model the effects of triangular macroroughnesses on the characteristics of submerged jump, including the longitudinal profile of streamlines, flow patterns in the cavity region, horizontal velocity profiles, streamwise velocity distribution, thickness of the inner layer, bed shear stress coefficient, Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) and energy loss, in different macroroughness arrangements and various inlet Froude numbers (1.7 < Fr1 < 9.3). To verify the accuracy and reliability of the present numerical simulations, literature experimental data were considered.

Keywords: submerged hydraulic jumptriangular macroroughnessesTKEbed shear stress coefficientvelocityFLOW-3D model

수중 유압 점프는 강한 난류, 공기 동반 및 에너지 손실로 지정된 초임계에서 아임계 흐름으로의 급격한 변화입니다. 최근 연구에도 불구하고, 특히 삼각형 거시적 거칠기의 경우, 평활 및 거친 베드에서의 수압 점프 특성, 거친 베드에서 잠긴 수압 점프의 공동 영역에서 난류, 평균 속도 및 유동 패턴이 완전히 이해되지 않았습니다.

이 논문의 목적은 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 스트림 방향 속도 분포, 두께를 포함하여 서브머지드 점프의 특성에 대한 삼각형 거시 거칠기의 영향을 FLOW-3D 모델을 통해 수치적으로 조사하는 것이었습니다.

내부 층의 층 전단 응력 계수, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 에너지 손실, 다양한 거시 거칠기 배열 및 다양한 입구 Froude 수(1.7 < Fr1 < 9.3). 현재 수치 시뮬레이션의 정확성과 신뢰성을 검증하기 위해 문헌 실험 데이터를 고려했습니다.


격렬한 난류 혼합과 기포 동반이 있는 수압 점프는 초임계에서 아임계 흐름으로의 변화 과정으로 간주됩니다[1]. 자유 및 수중 유압 점프는 일반적으로 게이트, 배수로 및 둑과 같은 수력 구조 아래의 에너지 손실에 적합합니다. 매끄러운 베드에서 유압 점프의 특성은 널리 연구되었습니다[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].

베드의 거칠기 요소가 매끄러운 베드와 비교하여 수압 점프의 특성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 예측하기 위해 거시적 거칠기에 대한 자유 및 수중 수력 점프에 대해 여러 실험 및 수치 연구가 수행되었습니다. Ead와 Rajaratnam[10]은 사인파 거대 거칠기에 대한 수리학적 점프의 특성을 조사하고 무차원 분석을 통해 수면 프로파일과 배출을 정규화했습니다.

Tokyayet al. [11]은 두 사인 곡선 거대 거칠기에 대한 점프 길이 비율과 에너지 손실이 매끄러운 베드보다 각각 35% 더 작고 6% 더 높다는 것을 관찰했습니다. Abbaspur et al. [12]는 6개의 사인파형 거대 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 연구했습니다. 그 결과, 꼬리수심과 점프길이는 평상보다 낮았고 Froude 수는 점프길이에 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.

Shafai-Bejestan과 Neisi[13]는 수압 점프에 대한 마름모꼴 거대 거칠기의 영향을 조사했습니다. 결과는 마름모꼴 거시 거칠기를 사용하면 매끄러운 침대와 비교하여 꼬리 수심과 점프 길이를 감소시키는 것으로 나타났습니다. Izadjoo와 Shafai-Bejestan[14]은 다양한 사다리꼴 거시 거칠기에 대한 수압 점프를 연구했습니다.

그들은 전단응력계수가 평활층보다 10배 이상 크고 점프길이가 50% 감소하는 것을 관찰하였습니다. Nikmehr과 Aminpour[15]는 Flow-3D 모델 버전 11.2[16]를 사용하여 사다리꼴 블록이 있는 거시적 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 조사했습니다. 결과는 거시 거칠기의 높이와 거리가 증가할수록 전단 응력 계수뿐만 아니라 베드 근처에서 속도가 감소하는 것으로 나타났습니다.

Ghaderi et al. [17]은 다양한 형태의 거시 거칠기(삼각형, 정사각형 및 반 타원형)에 대한 자유 및 수중 수력 점프 특성을 연구했습니다. 결과는 Froude 수의 증가에 따라 자유 및 수중 점프에서 전단 응력 계수, 에너지 손실, 수중 깊이, 미수 깊이 및 상대 점프 길이가 증가함을 나타냅니다.

자유 및 수중 점프에서 가장 높은 전단 응력과 에너지 손실은 삼각형의 거시 거칠기가 존재할 때 발생했습니다. Elsebaie와 Shabayek[18]은 5가지 형태의 거시적 거칠기(삼각형, 사다리꼴, 2개의 측면 경사 및 직사각형이 있는 정현파)에 대한 수력학적 점프의 특성을 연구했습니다. 결과는 모든 거시적 거칠기에 대한 에너지 손실이 매끄러운 베드에서보다 15배 이상이라는 것을 보여주었습니다.

Samadi-Boroujeni et al. [19]는 다양한 각도의 6개의 삼각형 거시 거칠기에 대한 수력 점프를 조사한 결과 삼각형 거시 거칠기가 평활 베드에 비해 점프 길이를 줄이고 에너지 손실과 베드 전단 응력 계수를 증가시키는 것으로 나타났습니다.

Ahmed et al. [20]은 매끄러운 베드와 삼각형 거시 거칠기에서 수중 수력 점프 특성을 조사했습니다. 결과는 부드러운 침대와 비교할 때 잠긴 깊이와 점프 길이가 감소했다고 밝혔습니다. 표 1은 다른 연구자들이 제시한 과거의 유압 점프에 대한 실험 및 수치 연구의 세부 사항을 나열합니다.

Table 1. Main characteristics of some past experimental and numerical studies on hydraulic jumps.

ReferenceShape Bed-Channel Type-
Jump Type
Channel Dimension (m)Roughness (mm)Fr1Investigated Flow
Ead and Rajaratnam [10]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Free jumpCL1 = 7.60
CW2 = 0.44
CH3 = 0.60
-Corrugated sheets (RH4 = 13 and 22)4–10-Upstream and tailwater depths-Jump length-Roller length-Velocity-Water surface profile
Tokyay et al. [11]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Free jumpCL = 10.50
CW = 0.253
CH = 0.432
-Two sinusoidal corrugated (RH = 10 and 13)5–12-Depth ratio-Jump length-Energy loss
Izadjoo and Shafai-Bejestan [14]-Smooth and rough beds-Two rectangular-channel-Free jumpCL = 1.2, 9
CW = 0.25, 0.50
CH = 0.40
Baffle with trapezoidal cross section
(RH: 13 and 26)
6–12-Upstream and tailwater depths-Jump length-Velocity-Bed shear stress coefficient
Abbaspour et al. [12]-Horizontal bed with slope 0.002-Rectangular channel—smooth and rough beds-Free jumpCL = 10
CW = 0.25
CH = 0.50
-Sinusoidal bed (RH = 15,20, 25 and 35)3.80–8.60-Water surface profile-Depth ratio-Jump length-Energy loss-Velocity profiles-Bed shear stress coefficient
Shafai-Bejestan and Neisi [13]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Free jumpCL = 7.50
CW = 0.35
CH = 0.50
Lozenge bed4.50–12-Sequent depth-Jump length
Elsebaie and Shabayek [18]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-With side slopes of 45 degrees for two trapezoidal and triangular macroroughnesses and of 60 degrees for other trapezoidal macroroughnesses-Free jumpCL = 9
CW = 0.295
CH = 0.32
-Sinusoidal-Triangular-Trapezoidal with two side-Rectangular-(RH = 18 and corrugation wavelength = 65)50-Water surface profile-Sequent depth-Jump length-Bed shear stress coefficient
Samadi-Boroujeni et al. [19]-Rectangular channel-Smooth and rough beds-Free jumpCL = 12
CW = 0.40
CH = 0.40
-Six triangular corrugated (RH = 2.5)6.10–13.10-Water surface profile-Sequent depth-Jump length-Energy loss-Velocity profiles-Bed shear stress coefficient
Ahmed et al. [20]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Submerged jumpCL = 24.50
CW = 0.75
CH = 0.70
-Triangular corrugated sheet (RH = 40)1.68–9.29-Conjugated and tailwater depths-Submerged ratio-Deficit depth-Relative jump length-Jump length-Relative roller jump length-Jump efficiency-Bed shear stress coefficient
Nikmehr and Aminpour [15]-Horizontal bed with slope 0.002-Rectangular channel-Rough bed-Free jumpCL = 12
CW = 0.25
CH = 0.50
-Trapezoidal blocks (RH = 2, 3 and 4)5.01–13.70-Water surface profile-Sequent depth-Jump length-Roller length-Velocity
Ghaderi et al. [17]-Smooth and rough beds-Rectangular channel-Free and submerged jumpCL = 4.50
CW = 0.75
CH = 0.70
-Triangular, square and semi-oval macroroughnesses (RH = 40 and distance of roughness of I = 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200)1.70–9.30-Horizontal velocity distributions-Bed shear stress coefficient-Sequent depth ratio and submerged depth ratio-Jump length-Energy loss
Present studyRectangular channel
Smooth and rough beds
Submerged jump
CL = 4.50
CW = 0.75
CH = 0.70
-Triangular macroroughnesses (RH = 40 and distance of roughness of I = 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200)1.70–9.30-Longitudinal profile of streamlines-Flow patterns in the cavity region-Horizontal velocity profiles-Streamwise velocity distribution-Bed shear stress coefficient-TKE-Thickness of the inner layer-Energy loss

CL1: channel length, CW2: channel width, CH3: channel height, RH4: roughness height.

이전에 논의된 조사의 주요 부분은 실험실 접근 방식을 기반으로 하며 사인파, 마름모꼴, 사다리꼴, 정사각형, 직사각형 및 삼각형 매크로 거칠기가 공액 깊이, 잠긴 깊이, 점프 길이, 에너지 손실과 같은 일부 자유 및 수중 유압 점프 특성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 조사합니다.

베드 및 전단 응력 계수. 더욱이, 저자[17]에 의해 다양한 형태의 거시적 거칠기에 대한 수력학적 점프에 대한 이전 발표된 논문을 참조하면, 삼각형의 거대조도는 가장 높은 층 전단 응력 계수 및 에너지 손실을 가지며 또한 가장 낮은 잠긴 깊이, tailwater를 갖는 것으로 관찰되었습니다.

다른 거친 모양, 즉 정사각형 및 반 타원형과 부드러운 침대에 비해 깊이와 점프 길이. 따라서 본 논문에서는 삼각형 매크로 거칠기를 사용하여(일정한 거칠기 높이가 T = 4cm이고 삼각형 거칠기의 거리가 I = 4, 8, 12, 16 및 20cm인 다른 T/I 비율에 대해), 특정 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 흐름 방향 속도 분포와 같은 연구가 필요합니다.

CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 방법은 자유 및 수중 유압 점프[21]와 같은 복잡한 흐름의 모델링 프로세스를 수행하는 중요한 도구로 등장하며 수중 유압 점프의 특성은 CFD 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 정확하게 예측할 수 있습니다 [22,23 ].

본 논문은 초기에 수중 유압 점프의 주요 특성, 수치 모델에 대한 입력 매개변수 및 Ahmed et al.의 참조 실험 조사를 제시합니다. [20], 검증 목적으로 보고되었습니다. 또한, 본 연구에서는 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 캐비티 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 내부 층의 두께, 베드 전단 응력 계수, TKE 및 에너지 손실과 같은 특성을 조사할 것입니다.

Figure 1. Definition sketch of a submerged hydraulic jump at triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 1. Definition sketch of a submerged hydraulic jump at triangular macroroughnesses.

Table 2. Effective parameters in the numerical model.

Bed TypeQ
T (cm)d (cm)y1
Fr1= u1/(gy1)0.5SRe1= (u1y1)/υ
Smooth30, 4551.62–3.839.64–32.101.7–9.30.26–0.5039,884–59,825
Triangular macroroughnesses30, 454, 8, 12, 16, 20451.62–3.846.82–30.081.7–9.30.21–0.4439,884–59,825
Figure 2. Longitudinal profile of the experimental flume (Ahmed et al. [20]).
Figure 2. Longitudinal profile of the experimental flume (Ahmed et al. [20]).

Table 3. Main flow variables for the numerical and physical models (Ahmed et al. [20]).

ModelsBed TypeQ (l/s)d (cm)y1 (cm)u1 (m/s)Fr1
Numerical and PhysicalSmooth4551.62–3.831.04–3.701.7–9.3
T/I = 0.54551.61–3.831.05–3.711.7–9.3
T/I = 0.254551.60–3.841.04–3.711.7–9.3
Figure 3. The boundary conditions governing the simulations.
Figure 3. The boundary conditions governing the simulations.
Figure 4. Sketch of mesh setup.
Figure 4. Sketch of mesh setup.

Table 4. Characteristics of the computational grids.

MeshNested Block Cell Size (cm)Containing Block Cell Size (cm)

Table 5. The numerical results of mesh convergence analysis.

fs1 (-)7.15
fs2 (-)6.88
fs3 (-)6.19
K (-)5.61
E32 (%)10.02
E21 (%)3.77
GCI21 (%)3.03
GCI32 (%)3.57
GCI32/rp GCI210.98
Figure 5. Time changes of the flow discharge in the inlet and outlet boundaries conditions (A): Q = 0.03 m3/s (B): Q = 0.045 m3/s.
Figure 5. Time changes of the flow discharge in the inlet and outlet boundaries conditions (A): Q = 0.03 m3/s (B): Q = 0.045 m3/s.
Figure 6. The evolutionary process of a submerged hydraulic jump on the smooth bed—Q = 0.03 m3/s.
Figure 6. The evolutionary process of a submerged hydraulic jump on the smooth bed—Q = 0.03 m3/s.
Figure 7. Numerical versus experimental basic parameters of the submerged hydraulic jump. (A): y3/y1; and (B): y4/y1.
Figure 7. Numerical versus experimental basic parameters of the submerged hydraulic jump. (A): y3/y1; and (B): y4/y1.
Figure 8. Velocity vector field and flow pattern through the gate in a submerged hydraulic jump condition: (A) smooth bed; (B) triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 8. Velocity vector field and flow pattern through the gate in a submerged hydraulic jump condition: (A) smooth bed; (B) triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 9. Velocity vector distributions in the x–z plane (y = 0) within the cavity region.
Figure 9. Velocity vector distributions in the x–z plane (y = 0) within the cavity region.
Figure 10. Typical vertical distribution of the mean horizontal velocity in a submerged hydraulic jump [46].
Figure 10. Typical vertical distribution of the mean horizontal velocity in a submerged hydraulic jump [46].
Figure 11. Typical horizontal velocity profiles in a submerged hydraulic jump on smooth bed and triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 11. Typical horizontal velocity profiles in a submerged hydraulic jump on smooth bed and triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 12. Horizontal velocity distribution at different distances from the sluice gate for the different T/I for Fr1 = 6.1
Figure 12. Horizontal velocity distribution at different distances from the sluice gate for the different T/I for Fr1 = 6.1
Figure 13. Stream-wise velocity distribution for the triangular macroroughnesses with T/I = 0.5 and 0.25.
Figure 13. Stream-wise velocity distribution for the triangular macroroughnesses with T/I = 0.5 and 0.25.
Figure 14. Dimensionless horizontal velocity distribution in the submerged hydraulic jump for different Froude numbers in triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 14. Dimensionless horizontal velocity distribution in the submerged hydraulic jump for different Froude numbers in triangular macroroughnesses.
Figure 15. Spatial variations of (umax/u1) and (δ⁄y1).
Figure 15. Spatial variations of (umax/u1) and (δ⁄y1).
Figure 16. The shear stress coefficient (ε) versus the inlet Froude number (Fr1).
Figure 16. The shear stress coefficient (ε) versus the inlet Froude number (Fr1).
Figure 17. Longitudinal turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the smooth and triangular macroroughnesses: (A) Y/2; (B) Y/6.
Figure 17. Longitudinal turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the smooth and triangular macroroughnesses: (A) Y/2; (B) Y/6.
Figure 18. The energy loss (EL/E3) of the submerged jump versus inlet Froude number (Fr1).
Figure 18. The energy loss (EL/E3) of the submerged jump versus inlet Froude number (Fr1).


  • 본 논문에서는 유선의 종방향 프로파일, 공동 영역의 유동 패턴, 수평 속도 프로파일, 스트림 방향 속도 분포, 내부 층의 두께, 베드 전단 응력 계수, 난류 운동 에너지(TKE)를 포함하는 수중 유압 점프의 특성을 제시하고 논의했습니다. ) 및 삼각형 거시적 거칠기에 대한 에너지 손실. 이러한 특성은 FLOW-3D® 모델을 사용하여 수치적으로 조사되었습니다. 자유 표면을 시뮬레이션하기 위한 VOF(Volume of Fluid) 방법과 난류 RNG k-ε 모델이 구현됩니다. 본 모델을 검증하기 위해 평활층과 삼각형 거시 거칠기에 대해 수치 시뮬레이션과 실험 결과를 비교했습니다. 본 연구의 다음과 같은 결과를 도출할 수 있다.
  • 개발 및 개발 지역의 삼각형 거시 거칠기의 흐름 패턴은 수중 유압 점프 조건의 매끄러운 바닥과 비교하여 더 작은 영역에서 동일합니다. 삼각형의 거대 거칠기는 거대 거칠기 사이의 공동 영역에서 또 다른 시계 방향 와류의 형성으로 이어집니다.
  • T/I = 1, 0.5 및 0.33과 같은 거리에 대해 속도 벡터 분포는 캐비티 영역에서 시계 방향 소용돌이를 표시하며, 여기서 속도의 크기는 평균 유속보다 훨씬 작습니다. 삼각형 거대 거칠기(T/I = 0.25 및 0.2) 사이의 거리를 늘리면 캐비티 영역에 크기가 다른 두 개의 소용돌이가 형성됩니다.
  • 삼각형 거시조도 사이의 거리가 충분히 길면 흐름이 다음 조도에 도달할 때까지 속도 분포가 회복됩니다. 그러나 짧은 거리에서 흐름은 속도 분포의 적절한 회복 없이 다음 거칠기에 도달합니다. 따라서 거시 거칠기 사이의 거리가 감소함에 따라 마찰 계수의 증가율이 감소합니다.
  • 삼각형의 거시적 거칠기에서, 잠수 점프의 지정된 섹션에서 최대 속도는 자유 점프보다 높은 값으로 이어집니다. 또한, 수중 점프에서 두 가지 유형의 베드(부드러움 및 거친 베드)에 대해 깊이 및 와류 증가로 인해 베드로부터의 최대 속도 거리는 감소합니다. 잠수 점프에서 경계층 두께는 자유 점프보다 얇습니다.
  • 매끄러운 베드의 난류 영역은 게이트로부터의 거리에 따라 생성되고 자유 표면 롤러 영역 근처에서 발생하는 반면, 거시적 거칠기에서는 난류가 게이트 근처에서 시작되어 더 큰 강도와 제한된 스위프 영역으로 시작됩니다. 이는 반시계 방향 순환의 결과입니다. 거시 거칠기 사이의 공간에서 자유 표면 롤러 및 시계 방향 와류.
  • 삼각 거시 거칠기에서 침지 점프의 베드 전단 응력 계수와 에너지 손실은 유입구 Froude 수의 증가에 따라 증가하는 매끄러운 베드에서 발견된 것보다 더 큽니다. T/I = 0.50 및 0.20에서 최고 및 최저 베드 전단 응력 계수 및 에너지 손실이 평활 베드에 비해 거칠기 요소의 거리가 증가함에 따라 발생합니다.
  • 거의 거칠기 요소가 있는 삼각형 매크로 거칠기의 존재에 의해 주어지는 점프 길이와 잠긴 수심 및 꼬리 수심의 감소는 결과적으로 크기, 즉 길이 및 높이가 감소하는 정수조 설계에 사용될 수 있습니다.
  • 일반적으로 CFD 모델은 다양한 수력 조건 및 기하학적 배열을 고려하여 잠수 점프의 특성 예측을 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 캐비티 영역의 흐름 패턴, 흐름 방향 및 수평 속도 분포, 베드 전단 응력 계수, TKE 및 유압 점프의 에너지 손실은 수치적 방법으로 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 그러나 거시적 차원과 유동장 및 공동 유동의 변화에 ​​대한 다양한 배열에 대한 연구는 향후 과제로 남아 있다.


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Flow on the inclined drop with bat-shaped elements: (a) Non-submerged flow

Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering

Rasoul Daneshfaraz*, Ehsan Aminvash**, Silvia Di Francesco***, Amir Najibi**, John Abraham****

토목공학의 수치해석법


The main purpose of this study is to provide a method to increase energy dissipation on an inclined drop. Therefore, three types of rough elements with cylindrical, triangular and batshaped geometries are used on the inclined slope in the relative critical depth range of 0.128 to 0.36 and the effect of the geometry of these elements is examined using Flow 3D software. The results showed demonstrate that the downstream relative depth obtained from the numerical analysis is in good agreement with the laboratory results. The application of rough elements on the inclined drop increased the downstream relative depth and also the relative energy dissipation. The application of rough elements on the sloping surface of the drop significantly reduced the downstream Froude number, so that the Froude number in all models ranging from 4.7~7.5 to 1.45~3.36 also decreased compared to the plain drop. Bat-shaped elements are structurally smaller in size, so the use of these elements, in addition to dissipating more energy, is also economically viable.

이 연구의 주요 목적은 경사진 낙하에서 에너지 소산을 증가시키는 방법을 제공하는 것입니다. 따라서 0.128 ~ 0.36의 상대 임계 깊이 범위에서 경사면에 원통형, 삼각형 및 박쥐 모양의 형상을 가진 세 가지 유형의 거친 요소가 사용되며 이러한 요소의 형상의 영향은 Flow 3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 조사됩니다. 결과는 수치 분석에서 얻은 하류 상대 깊이가 실험실 결과와 잘 일치함을 보여줍니다. 경 사진 낙하에 거친 요소를 적용하면 하류 상대 깊이와 상대 에너지 소산이 증가했습니다. 낙차 경사면에 거친 요소를 적용하면 하류의 Froude 수를 크게 감소시켜 4.7~7.5에서 1.45~3.36 범위의 모든 모델에서 Froude 수도 일반 낙차에 비해 감소했습니다. 박쥐 모양의 요소는 구조적으로 크기가 더 작기 때문에 더 많은 에너지를 분산시키는 것 외에도 이러한 요소를 사용하는 것이 경제적으로도 가능합니다.

Keywords: Downstream depth, Energy dissipation, Froude number, Inclined drop, Roughness elements


급수 네트워크 시스템, 침식 수로, 수처리 시스템 및 경사가 큰 경우 흐름 에너지를 더 잘 제어하기 위해 경사 방울을 사용할 수 있습니다. 낙하 구조는 지반의 자연 경사를 설계 경사로 변환하여 에너지 소산, 유속 감소 및 수심 증가를 유발합니다. 따라서 흐름의 하류 에너지를 분산 시키기 위해 에너지 분산 구조를 사용할 수 있습니다. 난기류와 혼합된 물과 공기의 형성은 에너지 소비를 증가 시키는 효과적인 방법입니다. 흐름 경로에서 거칠기 요소를 사용하는 것은 에너지 소산을 위한 알려진 방법입니다. 이러한 요소는 흐름 경로에 배치됩니다. 그들은 종종 에너지 소산을 증가시키기 위해 다른 기하학적 구조와 배열을 가지고 있습니다. 이 연구의 목적은 직사각형 경사 방울에 대한 거칠기 요소의 영향을 조사하는 것입니다.

Fig. 1: Model made in Ardabil, Iran
Fig. 1: Model made in Ardabil, Iran
Fig. 2: Geometric and hydraulic parameters of an inclined drop equipped with roughness elements
Fig. 2: Geometric and hydraulic parameters of an inclined drop equipped with roughness elements
Fig. 3: Views of the incline with (a) Bat-shaped, (b) Cylindrical, (c) Triangular roughness elements
Fig. 3: Views of the incline with (a) Bat-shaped, (b) Cylindrical, (c) Triangular roughness elements
Fig. 4: Geometric profile of inclined drop and boundary conditions with the bat-shape roughness element
Fig. 4: Geometric profile of inclined drop and boundary conditions with the bat-shape roughness element
Fig. 5: Variation of the RMSE varying cell size
Fig. 5: Variation of the RMSE varying cell size
Fig. 6: Numerical and laboratory comparison of the downstream relative depth
Fig. 6: Numerical and laboratory comparison of the downstream relative depth
Fig. 7: Flow profile on inclined drop in discharge of 5 L/s: (a) Without roughness elements; (b) Bat-shaped roughness element; (c) Cylindrical roughness element; (d) Triangular roughness element
Fig. 7: Flow profile on inclined drop in discharge of 5 L/s: (a) Without roughness elements; (b) Bat-shaped roughness element; (c) Cylindrical roughness element; (d) Triangular roughness element
Fig. 8: Relative edge depth versus the relative critical depth
Fig. 8: Relative edge depth versus the relative critical depth
Flow on the inclined drop with bat-shaped elements: (a) Non-submerged flow
Flow on the inclined drop with bat-shaped elements: (a) Non-submerged flow
Fig. 9: Flow on the inclined drop with bat-shaped elements: (b) Submerged flow
Fig. 9: Flow on the inclined drop with bat-shaped elements: (b) Submerged flow
Fig. 10: Relative downstream depth versus the relative critical depth
Fig. 10: Relative downstream depth versus the relative critical depth
Fig. 11: Relative downstream depth versus the relative critical depth
Fig. 11: Relative downstream depth versus the relative critical depth


현재 연구에서 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 한 높이, 한 각도, 밀도 15% 및 지그재그 배열에서 삼각형, 원통형 및 박쥐 모양의 형상을 가진 세 가지 유형의 거칠기 요소를 사용하여 경사 낙하 수리학적 매개변수에 대한 거칠기 요소 형상의 영향 평가되었다. VOF 방법을 사용하여 자유 표면 흐름을 시뮬레이션하고 초기에 3개의 난류 모델 RNG, k-ɛ 및 kω를 검증에 사용하고 이를 검토한 후 RNG 방법을 사용하여 다른 모델을 시뮬레이션했습니다. 1- 수치 결과에서 얻은 부드러운 경사 방울의 하류 상대 깊이는 실험실 데이터와 매우 좋은 상관 관계가 있으며 원통형 요소가 장착 된 경사 방울의 상대 에지 깊이 값이 가장 높았습니다. 2- 하류 상대깊이는 임계상대깊이가 증가함에 따라 상승하는 경향을 나타내어 박쥐형 요소를 구비한 경사낙하와 완만한 경사낙하가 각각 하류상대깊이가 가장 높고 가장 낮았다. 3- 하류 깊이의 증가로 인해 상대적 임계 깊이가 증가함에 따라 상대적 에너지 소산이 감소합니다. 한편, 가장 높은 에너지 소산은 박쥐 모양의 요소가 장착된 경사 낙하와 관련이 있으며 가장 낮은 에너지 소산은 부드러운 낙하와 관련이 있습니다. 삼각형, 원통형 및 박쥐 모양의 거친 요소가 장착된 드롭은 부드러운 드롭보다 각각 65%, 76% 및 85% 더 많은 흐름 에너지를 소산합니다. 4- 낙차의 경사면에 거친 요소를 적용하여 다운 스트림 Froude 수를 크게 줄여 4.7 ~ 7.5에서 1.45 ~ 3.36까지의 모든 모델에서 Froude 수가 부드러운 낙하에 비해 감소했습니다. 또한, 다른 원소보다 부피가 작은 박쥐 모양의 거칠기의 부피로 인해 이러한 유형의 거칠기를 사용하는 것이 경제적입니다.


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Numerical simulation of energy dissipation in crescent-shaped contraction of the flow path

Numerical simulation of energy dissipation in crescent-shaped contraction of the flow path


1 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Iran.
2 student, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Iran.
3 student, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maragheh, Iran


One of the methods of controlling and reducing flow energy is the use of energy dissipating structures and the formation of hydraulic jumps. One of these types of structures is the constriction elements in the flow path, which leads to a decrease in the energy of the passing flow. In the present study, the effect of crescent-shaped contraction as an energy dissipating structure in the supercritical flow path has been investigated using FLOW-3D software. Examining the simulation results, the RNG turbulence model due to its higher accuracy and lower relative error and absolute error percentage than other models, among the RNG turbulence models, k-ε, k-ω and LES was selected. In this study, the amplitude of the Froude number after the gate as the most effective dimensionless parameter in energy dissipation varied from 2.8 to 7.5 and the values of stenosis on both sides are 5 and 7.5 cm. The results show that in all cases of using the crescent-shaped contractions, the energy consumption due to the contraction is 5 and 7.5 cm, respectively, based on the energy drop relative to the upstream of 24.62% and 29.84% and compared to the downstream 46.14% and 48.42% more than the classic free jump. Also, by examining the obtained results, it was observed that the crescent-shaped contractions have a better performance in terms of energy loss compared to the sudden contraction, obtained from the studies of previous researchers. Based on the simulation results, with increasing the upstream Froude number, the relative energy dissipation to the upstream and downstream crescent-shaped contraction increased so that the use of contraction elements reduces the downstream Froude number of the contracted section in the range of 1.6 to 3/2.

흐름 에너지를 제어하고 줄이는 방법 중 하나는 에너지 소산 구조를 사용하고 유압 점프를 형성하는 것입니다. 이러한 유형의 구조 중 하나는 흐름 경로의 수축 요소로, 통과하는 흐름의 에너지를 감소시킵니다. 현재 연구에서는 초 임계 유동 경로에서 에너지 소산 구조로서 초승달 모양의 수축 효과가 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 조사되었습니다. 시뮬레이션 결과를 살펴보면 RNG 난류 모델 중 k-ε, k-ω, LES 중에서 다른 모델보다 정확도가 높고 상대 오차와 절대 오차 비율이 낮은 RNG 난류 모델을 선택했습니다. 이 연구에서 에너지 소산에서 가장 효과적인 무 차원 매개 변수 인 게이트 뒤의 Froude 수의 진폭은 2.8에서 7.5까지 다양했으며 양쪽의 협착 값은 5cm와 7.5cm입니다. 결과는 초승달 모양의 수축을 사용하는 모든 경우에서 수축으로 인한 에너지 소비는 각각 5cm와 7.5cm로 상류에 비해 에너지 강하가 24.62 % 및 29.84 %이고 하류와 비교됩니다. 고전적인 자유 점프보다 46.14 % 및 48.42 % 더 많습니다. 또한 얻어진 결과를 살펴보면 초승달 모양의 수축이 이전 연구자들의 연구에서 얻은 갑작스런 수축에 비해 에너지 손실 측면에서 더 나은 성능을 보이는 것으로 나타났습니다. 시뮬레이션 결과에 따르면 상류 Froude 수를 증가 시키면 상류 및 하류 초승달 모양의 수축에 대한 상대적 에너지 소산이 증가하여 수축 요소를 사용하면 수축 된 부분의 하류 Froude 수가 1.6 ~ 3/2 범위에서 감소합니다. .


The 3D computational domain model (50–18.6) slope change, and boundary condition for (50–30 slope change) model.

Numerical investigation of flow characteristics over stepped spillways

Güven, Aytaç
Mahmood, Ahmed Hussein
Water Supply (2021) 21 (3): 1344–1355. history


Spillways are constructed to evacuate flood discharge safely so that a flood wave does not overtop the dam body. There are different types of spillways, with the ogee type being the conventional one. A stepped spillway is an example of a nonconventional spillway. The turbulent flow over a stepped spillway was studied numerically by using the Flow-3D package. Different fluid flow characteristics such as longitudinal flow velocity, temperature distribution, density and chemical concentration can be well simulated by Flow-3D. In this study, the influence of slope changes on flow characteristics such as air entrainment, velocity distribution and dynamic pressures distribution over a stepped spillway was modelled by Flow-3D. The results from the numerical model were compared with an experimental study done by others in the literature. Two models of a stepped spillway with different discharge for each model were simulated. The turbulent flow in the experimental model was simulated by the Renormalized Group (RNG) turbulence scheme in the numerical model. A good agreement was achieved between the numerical results and the observed ones, which are exhibited in terms of graphics and statistical tables.

배수로는 홍수가 댐 몸체 위로 넘치지 않도록 안전하게 홍수를 피할 수 있도록 건설되었습니다. 다른 유형의 배수로가 있으며, ogee 유형이 기존 유형입니다. 계단식 배수로는 비 전통적인 배수로의 예입니다. 계단식 배수로 위의 난류는 Flow-3D 패키지를 사용하여 수치적으로 연구되었습니다.

세로 유속, 온도 분포, 밀도 및 화학 농도와 같은 다양한 유체 흐름 특성은 Flow-3D로 잘 시뮬레이션 할 수 있습니다. 이 연구에서는 계단식 배수로에 대한 공기 혼입, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력 분포와 같은 유동 특성에 대한 경사 변화의 영향을 Flow-3D로 모델링 했습니다.

수치 모델의 결과는 문헌에서 다른 사람들이 수행한 실험 연구와 비교되었습니다. 각 모델에 대해 서로 다른 배출이 있는 계단식 배수로의 두 모델이 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 실험 모델의 난류 흐름은 수치 모델의 Renormalized Group (RNG) 난류 계획에 의해 시뮬레이션되었습니다. 수치 결과와 관찰 된 결과 사이에 좋은 일치가 이루어졌으며, 이는 그래픽 및 통계 테이블로 표시됩니다.


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  • A numerical model was developed for stepped spillways.
  • The turbulent flow was simulated by the Renormalized Group (RNG) model.
  • Both numerical and experimental results showed that flow characteristics are greatly affected by abrupt slope change on the steps.


CFDnumerical modellingslope changestepped spillwayturbulent flow


댐 구조는 물 보호가 생활의 핵심이기 때문에 물을 저장하거나 물을 운반하는 전 세계에서 가장 중요한 프로젝트입니다. 그리고 여수로는 댐의 가장 중요한 부분 중 하나로 분류됩니다. 홍수로 인한 파괴 나 피해로부터 댐을 보호하기 위해 여수로가 건설됩니다.

수력 발전, 항해, 레크리에이션 및 어업의 중요성을 감안할 때 댐 건설 및 홍수 통제는 전 세계적으로 매우 중요한 문제로 간주 될 수 있습니다. 많은 유형의 배수로가 있지만 가장 일반적인 유형은 다음과 같습니다 : ogee 배수로, 자유 낙하 배수로, 사이펀 배수로, 슈트 배수로, 측면 채널 배수로, 터널 배수로, 샤프트 배수로 및 계단식 배수로.

그리고 모든 여수로는 입구 채널, 제어 구조, 배출 캐리어 및 출구 채널의 네 가지 필수 구성 요소로 구성됩니다. 특히 롤러 압축 콘크리트 (RCC) 댐 건설 기술과 더 쉽고 빠르며 저렴한 건설 기술로 분류 된 계단식 배수로 건설과 관련하여 최근 수십 년 동안 많은 계단식 배수로가 건설되었습니다 (Chanson 2002; Felder & Chanson 2011).

계단식 배수로 구조는 캐비테이션 위험을 감소시키는 에너지 소산 속도를 증가시킵니다 (Boes & Hager 2003b). 계단식 배수로는 다양한 조건에서 더 매력적으로 만드는 장점이 있습니다.

계단식 배수로의 흐름 거동은 일반적으로 낮잠, 천이 및 스키밍 흐름 체제의 세 가지 다른 영역으로 분류됩니다 (Chanson 2002). 유속이 낮을 때 nappe 흐름 체제가 발생하고 자유 낙하하는 낮잠의 시퀀스로 특징 지워지는 반면, 스키밍 흐름 체제에서는 물이 외부 계단 가장자리 위의 유사 바닥에서 일관된 흐름으로 계단 위로 흐릅니다.

또한 주요 흐름에서 3 차원 재순환 소용돌이가 발생한다는 것도 분명합니다 (예 : Chanson 2002; Gonzalez & Chanson 2008). 계단 가장자리 근처의 의사 바닥에서 흐름의 방향은 가상 바닥과 가상으로 정렬됩니다. Takahashi & Ohtsu (2012)에 따르면, 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 주어진 유속에 대해 흐름은 계단 가장자리 근처의 수평 계단면에 영향을 미치고 슈트 경사가 감소하면 충돌 영역의 면적이 증가합니다. 전이 흐름 체제는 나페 흐름과 스키밍 흐름 체제 사이에서 발생합니다. 계단식 배수로를 설계 할 때 스키밍 흐름 체계를 고려해야합니다 (예 : Chanson 1994, Matos 2000, Chanson 2002, Boes & Hager 2003a).

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), 즉 수력 공학의 수치 모델은 일반적으로 물리적 모델에 소요되는 총 비용과 시간을 줄여줍니다. 따라서 수치 모델은 실험 모델보다 빠르고 저렴한 것으로 분류되며 동시에 하나 이상의 목적으로 사용될 수도 있습니다. 사용 가능한 많은 CFD 소프트웨어 패키지가 있지만 가장 널리 사용되는 것은 FLOW-3D입니다. 이 연구에서는 Flow 3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 유량이 서로 다른 두 모델에 대해 계단식 배수로에서 공기 농도, 속도 분포 및 동적 압력 분포를 시뮬레이션합니다.

Roshan et al. (2010)은 서로 다른 수의 계단 및 배출을 가진 계단식 배수로의 두 가지 물리적 모델에 대한 흐름 체제 및 에너지 소산 조사를 연구했습니다. 실험 모델의 기울기는 각각 19.2 %, 12 단계와 23 단계의 수입니다. 결과는 23 단계 물리적 모델에서 관찰 된 흐름 영역이 12 단계 모델보다 더 수용 가능한 것으로 간주되었음을 보여줍니다. 그러나 12 단계 모델의 에너지 손실은 23 단계 모델보다 더 많았습니다. 그리고 실험은 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 23 단계 모델의 에너지 소산이 12 단계 모델보다 약 12 ​​% 더 적다는 것을 관찰했습니다.

Ghaderi et al. (2020a)는 계단 크기와 유속이 다른 정련 매개 변수의 영향을 조사하기 위해 계단식 배수로에 대한 실험 연구를 수행했습니다. 그 결과, 흐름 체계가 냅페 흐름 체계에서 발생하는 최소 scouring 깊이와 같은 scouring 구멍 치수에 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여주었습니다. 또한 테일 워터 깊이와 계단 크기는 최대 scouring깊이에 대한 실제 매개 변수입니다. 테일 워터의 깊이를 6.31cm에서 8.54 및 11.82cm로 늘림으로써 수세 깊이가 각각 18.56 % 및 11.42 % 증가했습니다. 또한 이 증가하는 테일 워터 깊이는 scouring 길이를 각각 31.43 % 및 16.55 % 감소 시킵니다. 또한 유속을 높이면 Froude 수가 증가하고 흐름의 운동량이 증가하면 scouring이 촉진됩니다. 또한 결과는 중간의 scouring이 횡단면의 측벽보다 적다는 것을 나타냅니다. 계단식 배수로 하류의 최대 scouring 깊이를 예측 한 후 실험 결과와 비교하기 위한 실험식이 제안 되었습니다. 그리고 비교 결과 제안 된 공식은 각각 3.86 %와 9.31 %의 상대 오차와 최대 오차 내에서 scouring 깊이를 예측할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다.

Ghaderi et al. (2020b)는 사다리꼴 미로 모양 (TLS) 단계의 수치 조사를 했습니다. 결과는 이러한 유형의 배수로가 확대 비율 LT / Wt (LT는 총 가장자리 길이, Wt는 배수로의 폭)를 증가시키기 때문에 더 나은 성능을 갖는 것으로 관찰되었습니다. 또한 사다리꼴 미로 모양의 계단식 배수로는 더 큰 마찰 계수와 더 낮은 잔류 수두를 가지고 있습니다. 마찰 계수는 다양한 배율에 대해 0.79에서 1.33까지 다르며 평평한 계단식 배수로의 경우 대략 0.66과 같습니다. 또한 TLS 계단식 배수로에서 잔류 수두의 비율 (Hres / dc)은 약 2.89이고 평평한 계단식 배수로의 경우 약 4.32와 같습니다.

Shahheydari et al. (2015)는 Flow-3D 소프트웨어, RNG k-ε 모델 및 VOF (Volume of Fluid) 방법을 사용하여 배출 계수 및 에너지 소산과 같은 자유 표면 흐름의 프로파일을 연구하여 스키밍 흐름 체제에서 계단식 배수로에 대한 흐름을 조사했습니다. 실험 결과와 비교했습니다. 결과는 에너지 소산 율과 방전 계수율의 관계가 역으로 실험 모델의 결과와 잘 일치 함을 보여 주었다.

Mohammad Rezapour Tabari & Tavakoli (2016)는 계단 높이 (h), 계단 길이 (L), 계단 수 (Ns) 및 단위 폭의 방전 (q)과 같은 다양한 매개 변수가 계단식 에너지 ​​소산에 미치는 영향을 조사했습니다. 방수로. 그들은 해석에 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 계단식 배수로에서 에너지 손실과 임계 흐름 깊이 사이의 관계를 평가했습니다. 또한 유동 난류에 사용되는 방정식과 표준 k-ɛ 모델을 풀기 위해 유한 체적 방법을 적용했습니다. 결과에 따르면 스텝 수가 증가하고 유량 배출량이 증가하면 에너지 손실이 감소합니다. 얻은 결과를 다른 연구와 비교하고 경험적, 수학적 조사를 수행하여 결국 합격 가능한 결과를 얻었습니다.


ListenReadSpeaker webReader: ListenFor all numerical models the basic principle is very similar: a set of partial differential equations (PDE) present the physical problems. The flow of fluids (gas and liquid) are governed by the conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy. For Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the PDE system is substituted by a set of algebraic equations which can be worked out by using numerical methods (Versteeg & Malalasekera 2007). Flow-3D uses the finite volume approach to solve the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation, by applying the technique of Fractional Area/Volume Obstacle Representation (FAVOR) to define an obstacle (Flow Science Inc. 2012). Equations (1) and (2) are RANS and continuity equations with FAVOR variables that are applied for incompressible flows.




(2)where  is the velocity in xi direction, t is the time,  is the fractional area open to flow in the subscript directions,  is the volume fraction of fluid in each cell, p is the hydrostatic pressure,  is the density, is the gravitational force in subscript directions and  is the Reynolds stresses.

Turbulence modelling is one of three key elements in CFD (Gunal 1996). There are many types of turbulence models, but the most common are Zero-equation models, One-equation models, Two-equation models, Reynolds Stress/Flux models and Algebraic Stress/Flux models. In FLOW-3D software, five turbulence models are available. The formulation used in the FLOW-3D software differs slightly from other formulations that includes the influence of the fractional areas/volumes of the FAVORTM method and generalizes the turbulence production (or decay) associated with buoyancy forces. The latter generalization, for example, includes buoyancy effects associated with non-inertial accelerations.

The available turbulence models in Flow-3D software are the Prandtl Mixing Length Model, the One-Equation Turbulent Energy Model, the Two-Equation Standard  Model, the Two-Equation Renormalization-Group (RNG) Model and large Eddy Simulation Model (Flow Science Inc. 2012).In this research the RNG model was selected because this model is more commonly used than other models in dealing with particles; moreover, it is more accurate to work with air entrainment and other particles. In general, the RNG model is classified as a more widely-used application than the standard k-ɛ model. And in particular, the RNG model is more accurate in flows that have strong shear regions than the standard k-ɛ model and it is defined to describe low intensity turbulent flows. For the turbulent dissipation  it solves an additional transport equation:


(3)where CDIS1, CDIS2, and CDIS3 are dimensionless parameters and the user can modify them. The diffusion of dissipation, Diff ɛ, is


(4)where uv and w are the x, y and z coordinates of the fluid velocity; ⁠, ⁠,  and ⁠, are FLOW-3D’s FAVORTM defined terms;  and  are turbulence due to shearing and buoyancy effects, respectively. R and  are related to the cylindrical coordinate system. The default values of RMTKE, CDIS1 and CNU differ, being 1.39, 1.42 and 0.085 respectively. And CDIS2 is calculated from turbulent production (⁠⁠) and turbulent kinetic energy (⁠⁠).The kinematic turbulent viscosity is the same in all turbulence transport models and is calculated from


(5)where ⁠: is the turbulent kinematic viscosity.  is defined as the numerical challenge between the RNG and the two-equation k-ɛ models, found in the equation below. To avoid an unphysically large result for  in Equation (3), since this equation could produce a value for  very close to zero and also because the physical value of  may approach to zero in such cases, the value of  is calculated from the following equation:


(6)where ⁠: the turbulent length scale.

VOF and FAVOR are classifications of volume-fraction methods. In these two methods, firstly the area should be subdivided into a control volume grid or a small element. Each flow parameter like velocity, temperature and pressure values within the element are computed for each element containing liquids. Generally, these values represent the volumetric average of values in the elements.Numerous methods have been used recently to solve free infinite boundaries in the various numerical simulations. VOF is an easy and powerful method created based on the concept of a fractional intensity of fluid. A significant number of studies have confirmed that this method is more flexible and efficient than others dealing with the configurations of a complex free boundary. By using VOF technology the Flow-3D free surface was modelled and first declared in Hirt & Nichols (1981). In the VOF method there are three ingredients: a planner to define the surface, an algorithm for tracking the surface as a net mediator moving over a computational grid, and application of the boundary conditions to the surface. Configurations of the fluids are defined in terms of VOF function, F (x, y, z, t) (Hirt & Nichols 1981). And this VOF function shows the volume of flow per unit volume






(9)where  is the density of the fluid, is a turbulent diffusion term,