Fig. 1 Oscillation of a free surface due to the step reduction of gravity acceleration from kzi ≈ 9.81 to kz ≈ 0

단계적 중력 감소 시 극저온 유체의 방향 전환

Malte Stief∗, Jens Gerstmann∗∗, and Michael E. Dreyer∗∗∗
ZARM, Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, University of Bremen, Am Fallturm, D-28359 Bremen
Experiments to observe the surface oscillation of cryogenic liquids have been performed with liquid nitrogen inside a 50 mm
diameter right circular cylinder. The surface oscillation is driven by the capillary force that becomes dominant after a sudden
reduction of the gravity acceleration acting on the liquid. The experiments show differences from the speculated behavior and
enables one to observe new features.

Introduction and motivation

최근 몇 년 동안 Bremen의 낙하탑에서 중력의 단계적 감소 시 방향 재지향 거동과 표면 진동을 조사하기 위해 수많은 실험이 수행되었습니다[1]. 이 실험의 원리는 그림 1에 나와 있습니다.

그림 1의 왼쪽에 표시된 것처럼 오른쪽 원형 원통형 용기에 테스트 액체를 레벨 h0까지 채웁니다. 처음에 액체는 정지 상태이며 중앙에서 평평한 인터페이스를 형성합니다.

초기 중력 가속도 kzi ≈ 9.81 [m/s2]와 결과적으로 높은 BOND 수(Bo = ρkziR2/σ)로 인해 실린더의 대칭축에서. 낙하탑에서 실험 캡슐의 방출에 의해 확립된 μ-중력 환경 kz ≈ 0 [m/s2]로의 갑작스러운 전환과 함께 자유 표면은 진동 운동으로 새로운 평형 구성을 찾기 시작합니다(그림의 오른쪽) 1). 이러한 움직임은 그림 1의 중앙에 스케치되어 있습니다.

표면 진동의 구동력은 접착력과 결합된 표면 장력이며, 댐핑은 액체의 점도에 의해 제어됩니다. 위치가 zw인 벽에서 접촉선의 이동은 접촉각 γ에 의해 제어됩니다. 접촉각이 작은 액체용 γ ≈ 0◦

In recent years numerous experiments have been carried out to investigate the reorientation behavior and surface oscillations upon step reduction of gravity at the drop tower in Bremen [1]. The principals of these experiments are shown in figure 1. A right circular cylindrical container is filled up to the level h0 with the test liquid, as shown on the left of figure 1. Initially the liquid is quiescent and forms a flat interface at the center, in the symmetry axis of the cylinder, due to the initial gravity acceleration kzi ≈ 9.81 [m/s2] and the resulting high BOND number (Bo = ρkziR2/σ). With the sudden transition to the µ-gravity environment kz ≈ 0 [m/s2], which is established by the release of the experiment capsular in the drop tower, the free surface is initiated to search its new equilibrium configuration (right side of figure 1) with an oscillatory motion. These movements are sketched in the center of figure 1. The driving force for the surface oscillation is the surface tension in combination with the adhesion force where the damping is controlled by the viscosity of the liquid. The movement of the contact line at the wall, with its position zw, is governed by the contact angle γ. For liquids with small contact angle γ ≈ 0◦

Fig. 1 Oscillation of a free surface due to the step reduction of gravity acceleration from kzi ≈ 9.81 to kz ≈ 0
Fig. 1 Oscillation of a free surface due to the step reduction of gravity acceleration from kzi ≈ 9.81 to kz ≈ 0
Fig. 2 Experiment picture-series showing the oscillation of the free surface at different times for a 50 mm diameter cylinder.
Fig. 2 Experiment picture-series showing the oscillation of the free surface at different times for a 50 mm diameter cylinder.


[1] M. Michaelis, Kapillarinduzierte Schwingungen freier Fl¨ussigkeitsoberfl¨achen, Dissertation Universit¨at Bremen, Fortschritt-Berichte
Nr. 454 (VDI Verlag, D¨usseldorf, 2003).